The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Where I've Been...
Started by: Jason L Blair
Started on: 12/1/2001
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 12/1/2001 at 2:47am, Jason L Blair wrote:
Where I've Been...


Okay... just kidding. My day job swallowed my life and only just today shat it back out. Many thanks to those who have kept the forum active. It's especially coolicious to see so many new people. I'll be more active both in the forum and on the site now that the headache has passed. I'll be putting up the (long-awaited?) True Horror scenario "Smother" and a new monster to bring the "bi-weekly" update closer to speed.

Well, back to the site revamp (not sure when the new look will be up but, why not, let's say New Year's!).

Message 947#8821

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Jason L Blair which Jason L Blair participated Key 20 Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 12/1/2001

On 12/1/2001 at 3:51am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Where I've Been...


What are your plans specifically as a publisher? Do you plan to release another game, or is it more a matter of developing and sustaining Little Fears? Are you planning on staying creator-owned and operated, or is publishing the works of others something you might do?

I'm interested in the "mission statement" of Key20, in very concrete terms.


Message 947#8823

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Ron Edwards which Ron Edwards participated Key 20 Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 12/1/2001

On 12/1/2001 at 4:15am, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Where I've Been...

The plan is to support Little Fears and eventually release other games (my own and those by Key 20 partner Greg Oliver). The support will include works-for-hire by other folk (such as outsourced scenarios in "Bedtime Stories") but publishing lines originating outside of Key 20 is not something we currently plan on doing. Those lines we do originate will remain either my or my partner's property (check that crazy copyright) under license to the LLC.

The mission statement, as it is, of Key 20 is to create and support the design work of the Key 20 members and give those wanting to break into the industry a starting point (be they illustrators or writers) by contracting them to support our lines and hopefully use what credit that comes with to procure further industry work, if they so choose.*

*While many companies end up doing this, it is more of a side-effect than actual intent. Too many companies thrive off the "impenetrable exclusivity" of the industry... as frail as that might be, especially post-OGL.

The artsy mission statement is, like so many others, to broaden people's perception of what RPGs are and what they can be visually, what subjects they can deal with, and how they can play. Something only scratched at with Little Fears. I hope to continue this with further uber-nichey releases. But I digress.

Jason L Blair
Key 20 Publishing

[ This Message was edited by: Key20Jason on 2001-11-30 23:21 ]

Message 947#8824

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Jason L Blair which Jason L Blair participated Key 20 Publishing
...including keyword:

 (leave blank for none)
...from around 12/1/2001