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Topic: My E-Fed', some stuff.
Started by: mf_v1
Started on: 1/26/2004
Board: Errant Knight Games

On 1/26/2004 at 6:04am, mf_v1 wrote:
My E-Fed', some stuff.

Hi, hi.

Originally, I decided that doing kayfabe over the Net would solve some problems with game time and travel. Then we decided to invite some Raw Deal guys we know to join, so we figured why not make it a real E-fed for other folks to join.

If you wanna join, or might want to, here's a few bits and pieces of info about it.

1, We run a weekly show, only one, not two. A season is 2 months.
2, We do not use any livechat for matches. The players will use a forum or email to tell us about wrestler activity, we will post booking sheets and weekly reports. So playing won't need you to be glued to your computer for obscure hours every week. (Players can still influence matches, dont worry, I just cant detail it all here.)
3, Players can input stroyline ideas, use clout and so on like a wrestler normally could in Kayfabe.
4, We will have an in character forum and an ooc one, so players can use it freely.
5, We are gonna be a little picky about who we let join, since running this site will eat a lot of time. (We might let Matt Gwinn in if he asks nicely, chuckle.)

That'll do for now. We expect it to be up and running before march, but if you are dying to apply, I can be contacted at mf_v1@hotmail, we can talk about reserving places and creating wrestlers. Or just to bug me and waste my time...

Anyway, if you are at all interested, please email me, the worst I can do is refuse you, and I probably wont! And as I say, it wont eat much time for any one player, so you needn't be bothered about dedicated daily posting or anything like that.

'Kay, speak to some people soon, I hope.

Message 9483#98959

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...from around 1/26/2004

On 1/28/2004 at 5:08am, mf_v1 wrote:
Further Details.

Hey folks.

In response to a couple of emails (and instead of telling all this many times over) I'll just post some additional stuff about the fed'.

The E-fed will (hopefully) be up and running between mid-febuary and mid-march. Colud be sooner, could be later, but that's a realistic date.

It runs more or less entirely on the Kayfabe system, with myself as booker and administrator for the site, each player takes up one wrestler (to begin with, we may let cool people play more) and runs him through the weekly shows, PPVs and any interviews or skits that may come up.

We'll have a range of in-character forums, where you may play your wrestler as you try to make friends, screw over enemies, pitch for cool matches or storylines and better spots on the show. Players can use their wrestler's Clout Trait much like in the normal game.

While matches are not done through live chat, certain interviews, skits and the like will be, depending on time and availability of the players.

The site will have it's own newsboard, with posted booking sheets and important details. A Roster, Hall of Legends and Staff Profile Gallery.

It will also have its own 'dirt-sheet', where rumours and reviews go up.

Players are invited to use a Commentary and Column page, voicing their opinions on all things wrestling related.

There is no minimum posts rule. If you don't find the time to post during a week, the show will go on and your wrestler will likely still get matches or whatever, though he might end up jobbing if you're not their to fight for him backstage.

Some of the forum rooms include the Writing Team's Office, where wrestlers can suggest storylines and angles. Booker's Office, where you use Clout to promote your wrestler. A Sports Bar, which is Out Of Character, and a few others too.

So, if anyone's interested, leave me a message here or email me at mf_v1@hotmail and pre-empt yourself a spot in the B.C.W.A!

Any further questions should just be posted here! It's easier in case I have to go over old ground with answers.

Message 9483#99281

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...from around 1/28/2004

On 2/8/2004 at 2:33am, mf_v1 wrote:
RE: My E-Fed', some stuff.

Hey folks.

Figured I'd post a wee update on this whole thing. Its been a while and I fancy a progress report! That or I'm bored... Whichever.

Since we're trying to create a simple but easily usable site/forum, all the work has so far been on paper, since we have a smart-arse geek who reckons the site itself'll be easy. With the layout planned and all the in-game descisions made, it will hopefully start coming together online shortly. Hopefully! Heh!

We've decided that some pre-made wrestlers, mostly those that made up our previous pen-and-paper game will make the transition online, and be useable by players who dont want to make their own. This seems a good idea for people who want to give it a try before committing to it, or people who simply don't want to go through creation themselves.

I'm in the process of writing them up presently, and anyone who wants to see them can email me for a peek.

Otherwise, the background has come together and the promotion has its 'character' now. With its promotion sheet filled out (And again viewable for the interested) and ready to go.

I'll probably post some stuff about the promotion a little later on, if I find the time. We've got the main characters, Belts and titles (Which turned out to be a bit odd...) and a few other basics.

That's it, just an update, and to say that its still happening.

Cheers, and bye.

May Great Cthulhu devour your babies.

Message 9483#101197

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...from around 2/8/2004

On 2/18/2004 at 12:21pm, mf_v1 wrote:

Well, our erstwhile webmaster has yet to make a start on the site, blames it on the fact that someone stole his computer, but I think he's just a slacker. Heh, maybe not. But it is a little late in appearing, so I guess it just gives me more time to work on wrestlers and staff.

That's all folks.

Message 9483#103116

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...from around 2/18/2004

On 3/10/2004 at 5:20am, mf_v1 wrote:

Okay, okay, okay.

After all the considerable hohah. Webmaster Bob is about back in business, and assures me the site will be active soon enough.

I'll believe it when I see it. (Sit-com' laughter.)

Otherwise. All is pretty much done. So I hope the site will come together soon, since everything is written.

All staff, promotion details, play times and avenues of player interaction have been sorted (Except the forum, which I foolishly leave to Bob.) and stuff is being written for the shows now.

Okay, while we've chosen to continue with some of our old table-top game's roster, we've still got about half the initial roster pool available at present. What that means is we're now taking applicants! Woooo!

So, if you want to join up, email me, I've got all the relevent stuff I can send you, and that means you'll be active from the moment the site goes up! This obviously will help with getting into plotlines early and stuff too.

And that's it. If interested, email my good self. Speak to you all later.

May Great Cthulhu devour your babies.

Message 9483#106655

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...started by mf_v1 which mf_v1 participated Errant Knight Games
...including keyword:

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...from around 3/10/2004

On 3/23/2004 at 7:44pm, mf_v1 wrote:
Less slowness, more 'activeness'

So finally, we're getting someplace. God it's taken plenty long enough!

Still, what can you do? I have no idea how to put a site together, so we all await the ponderous work of Webmaster Bob...


Beyond fighting the urge to create a hundred strong roster of jobbers, I've been tidying up the first pages, and setting up some of the elements I hope to use in the game. Not everything is going to be active initially, but most of it will be.

I've got an email for the promotion now, which is '' so all mail should be directed thataway now!

If I can be arsed, I'll post some 'fluff' information about the site in the next few days, and cattle-prod Bob into making the site useable within the next two weeks. As it stands, we're looking to fill our prospective roster of about thirty wrestlers. And still have room for 15 or so more for the forst series.

And that's it, for now anyways, until I can get off Smackdown:HCTP and do some more work on it.

May Great Cthulhu devour your children.

Message 9483#109037

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...from around 3/23/2004