The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Web Page Content (revisited)
Started by: Demonspahn
Started on: 12/2/2001
Board: Publishing

On 12/2/2001 at 9:36am, Demonspahn wrote:
Web Page Content (revisited)

Hi. I was wondering what the rules were for listing game conversions on a commercial web site. Specifically, what I mean is that if you have your own system, could you list ways it could be converted to d20, DD3, White Wolf, Shadowrun, Star Wars WEG, etc. by name or are you only allowed to post general game mechanics---rolling d20 to get x result, rolling x # of d10's for multiple successes, etc.

Also, is there a forum on this site that is dedicated to help with designing RPG web pages and if not, would this be something worthwhile to include (given all the time Ron already dedicates to its maintenance)?


Message 949#8830

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On 12/2/2001 at 4:51pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Web Page Content (revisited)


Credit where it's due: Clinton R. Nixon is the actual webmaster and maintenance dude for the Forge, as well as final authority regarding its mechanics.

As for your general question, I think that D20 material on-line would probably be handled in terms of the OGL. You need to read those terms VERY carefully, as they have recently been revised by WotC. You should realize that you are technically selling or presenting D20 by posting conversions.

Other game companies would probably be OK with it if you sent them an email or letter of notification, and perhaps added a link to their site. If they say "Cease and desist," then do so.

All of the above is merely my initial reaction to your question and should NOT be taken as legal advice or even as thoroughly-educated advice.

A final question: why post conversions at all? I have never found the usual arguments convincing.


Message 949#8831

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On 12/2/2001 at 4:58pm, Marco wrote:
RE: Web Page Content (revisited)

On 2001-12-02 11:51, Ron Edwards wrote:

A final question: why post conversions at all? I have never found the usual arguments convincing.

So people will look at your game. We do GURPS conversions (and pretty good ones) so that people in our target market will take a look at it. It's another form of advertising.


Note: this presumes you feel that your game is in *some way* better than the conversion.

Message 949#8832

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On 12/2/2001 at 9:21pm, Demonspahn wrote:
RE: Web Page Content (revisited)


My apologies to Mr. Nixon for the mistake.


in re: to the Note---Doesn't everyone? :smile:


Message 949#8835

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On 12/2/2001 at 10:03pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Web Page Content (revisited)

Marco, that people in our target market will take a look at it. It's another form of advertising.

That's the best answer I've ever heard to that question.


Message 949#8837

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On 12/3/2001 at 2:29am, greyorm wrote:
RE: Web Page Content (revisited)

A final question: why post conversions at all? I have never found the usual arguments convincing.

What are the "usual arguments" to which you refer?

(Me, being Mr. Conversion-boy -- converting everything into SAGA -- I'm curious)

Rev. Ravenscrye Grey Daegmorgan

[ This Message was edited by: greyorm on 2001-12-02 21:31 ]

Message 949#8841

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