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Topic: Regrowth Spell Question
Started by: Amy1419
Started on: 1/27/2004
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 1/27/2004 at 8:09pm, Amy1419 wrote:
Regrowth Spell Question

Okay on page 118 (2nd copy) in the sorcery section there is a sample ritual spell called Regrowth. It requires Scultpture 3, growth 3, conquer 2, and vision 3.
Targets-3, Range-2, Volume-2, Duration-0, and then Level 4.
It says that the spell regenerates severed limbs and that conquer is used to control pain and the sorcerer has to make a surgery roll.

Can this be done on yourself? Or is there a variation for personal use?
I just realized that I don't think you can use the surgery skill on yourself, it doesn't say that but I just assumed.

I have a character who is a sorcerer and her hand was cut off in battle.
So any expert opinions?


Message 9500#99176

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On 1/27/2004 at 9:14pm, Salamander wrote:
RE: Regrowth Spell Question

Why not embed the spell and then focus on the Surgery skill and let the inanimate object take the aging heat and cast the spell for you? I am more focused on the fighting aspect and don't have my book handy, but you can use surgery on yourself as long as it is not something that requires you to be unconcious at the time. Sadly I believe that it has a penalty of 1/2 or 2/3 the number of dice in penalties.

Message 9500#99199

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On 1/28/2004 at 5:03am, Ingenious wrote:
RE: Regrowth Spell Question

Well if my modem would let me stay connected for more than 30 seconds, maybe I could post something here.. or at LEAST check my email so here it goes.
Affects caster exclusively.. range is a part of the caster etc.
Anyways, I write the PER/surgery test off as perceiving the anatomy of the limb being rebuilt.. and vision 3 makes the sorceror see the molecules as he orders them to change into certain parts such as muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, etc.
So this makes your character capable of doing this on themselves.. is easier to do than the normal spell... but still mimics the original in function.
I can't imagine a sorceror doing this on themselves without using conquer to side-line the pain since attempting a WP vs a raw Pain TN would be highly unfeasible.(It hurts like hell I presume, and that would drastically take away from the sorcery pool....)

Anyways I want to keep this short for fear that the 'curse of the modem' will strike again...


Message 9500#99278

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On 1/28/2004 at 7:26pm, [MKF]Kapten wrote:
RE: Regrowth Spell Question

You could also modify the spell so that it takes effect over longer time but doesnt need to catabolize the rest of the body (ie lose 1 HT) to create the new limb. Just say that the spell takes a month or longer and that you have to eat twice as much or something like that to provide proteins and energy for the new cells and tissue.

Message 9500#99371

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On 2/1/2004 at 9:45am, Amy1419 wrote:
RE: Regrowth Spell Question

Thanks for all the good ideas/insight. There is hope for the character yet!


Message 9500#99973

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On 2/1/2004 at 9:04pm, Anthony I wrote:
RE: Regrowth Spell Question

I still don't get this Vision 3 to see at the molecular level. Clairvoyance 3 gives unlimited range, not magnification. I see the leap that people are making as levels 1 & 2 both have magnification involved in the description- but 3 doesn't. It's your games, so obviuously you can do what you want, I just don't see how people are getting to this.

Message 9500#100037

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On 2/1/2004 at 10:45pm, Shadeling wrote:
RE: Regrowth Spell Question

Anthony I wrote: I still don't get this Vision 3 to see at the molecular level. Clairvoyance 3 gives unlimited range, not magnification. I see the leap that people are making as levels 1 & 2 both have magnification involved in the description- but 3 doesn't. It's your games, so obviuously you can do what you want, I just don't see how people are getting to this.

Look at page 105, in the header for the Sculpture vagary. For cellular manipulation of Sculpture you need Vision 3.

Message 9500#100050

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On 2/2/2004 at 12:02am, Anthony I wrote:
RE: Regrowth Spell Question

Well, you're right- it's right there. I'm retracting my disbelief. I wish they would have put that into the description of Vison....where it belongs.

Thanks Shadeling

Message 9500#100064

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