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Topic: Eldritch Ass Kicking (renamed)
Started by: Nathan
Started on: 12/3/2001
Board: Indie Game Design

On 12/3/2001 at 9:24pm, Nathan wrote:
Eldritch Ass Kicking (renamed)

Alright, I've typed this up and thrown it up for giggles.. It is not at all related to Dragonball Z, but it reminds me of that tone. Basically, the point is to fight and summon ungodly amounts of magickal power to lay waste to your opponent. Fun stuff...

Download it here:


Very simple system -- but I want to insure that it is complete. Very little background info -- but more will come later. I am sort of torn -- thinking about adding DERIVED STATS which encompass smoke/steam, lava, mud, or whatever -- sort of the in between areas on the AIR, EARTH, FIRE, & WATER graph. Anyone have any comments, ideas, or whatever?

Oh, and I need to throw in some examples -- but this is my rough draft.


[ This Message was edited by: Nathan on 2001-12-05 17:12 ]

Message 952#8867

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...started by Nathan which Nathan participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 12/3/2001

On 12/3/2001 at 9:36pm, mahoux wrote:
RE: Eldritch Ass Kicking (renamed)

Grandwizard is at best an iffy kind of term to be giving someone who heads up a fighting kind of game. Kinda conjures up ideas of the Klan but I'm just being picky.

It looks like a good basis for a game. I am trying to develop one around the tarot deck - right now I think it works best as an overlay for an existing game - using the suits and their corresponding qualities.

I don't know that I'd definitely play this, at least not as an extended kind of game. But it probably would be fun as a one-shot night thing, just to get the cheesey Japanimation vibes going.

So to sum up, good system, simple. Fun imagery with Dragonball Z. Thousand points of light. Stay the course.


Message 952#8870

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On 12/4/2001 at 2:01am, Bret wrote:
RE: Eldritch Ass Kicking (renamed)

Looks like a good start with the rules system. I'm really interested in seeing what you come up with as far as setting and details on the different types of wizards. Keep us updated.


Message 952#8880

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On 12/5/2001 at 10:14pm, Nathan wrote:
RE: Eldritch Ass Kicking (renamed)

Okay, so I've renamed the RPG and like its progress.

You can download the new version here:

You will find within: more land info, a bad (but luckily short) piece of game fiction, streamlined rules, and more info... I am playtesting it tonight with my group and plan to see how the ass whupping goes. I like this game a lot, so if you guys know any artists out there who enjoy drawing black & white 'larger than life' 'ass kicking' battle scenes, let me know. I am going to need a few.


P.S. I need more info as well....

Message 952#8999

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...started by Nathan which Nathan participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 12/5/2001

On 12/7/2001 at 6:17pm, Nathan wrote:
RE: Eldritch Ass Kicking (renamed)

Well, another day -- another update...

ELDRITCH ASS KICKING is becoming more and more complete. In this new and latest updated, I've expanded tidbits here and there, added two steps to character creation, added EXPERIENCE rules, and a fledgling GAME MASTER RULES section. Overall, the game is coming along nicely. Due to schedules and busie-ness, I haven't been able to do much more than a basic playtest battle with myself, though it was quite fun. I've even begun whipping up some fun-looking Hero Machine portraits of some characters in the game. Yee-haw!

You can download the latest EAK here:
EAK v2

I've even got an artist lined up to do Dragonball Z like art.

Number 1 thing I am concerned about is of course providing enough information to get started with the game. I am considering including about TEN intro scenarious to whet the appetite.

Number 2, I am concerned about how the rules are going to playout with several wizards in battle at once -- we'll see as soon as I get some more playtesting time.

If you folks have any comments or rule ideas or what have you, spit 'em out.. Thanks!


Message 952#9139

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Nathan which Nathan participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 12/7/2001