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Topic: List of Indie Superhero RPGs?
Started by: hermes
Started on: 2/5/2004
Board: RPG Theory

On 2/5/2004 at 1:51am, hermes wrote:
List of Indie Superhero RPGs?

It's been a while since I posted anything (though rest assured that I have been lurking in the background) so I feel compelled to contribute something. Sadly, I have nothing of substance to contribute at this time. However, I do have a question to put to everyone. I think that I have a pretty good idea of what superhero rpgs have been published over the years (I probably own 7 or 8 myself), but I am curious to know just how many indie superhero rpgs are currently in existence. Anyone care to attempt to list all of them? I would be inclined to include not only those that have seen "publication" in one form or another (ie. purchasable pdf) but also those that exist solely in web pages format or those that are still considered incomplete or forthcoming. I can try to dig up all of the ones that I have sitting on my hard drive or bookmarked, but that will take some time so I thought perhaps a group effort might speed things up. Any takers?


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On 2/5/2004 at 2:04am, Zak Arntson wrote:
RE: List of Indie Superhero RPGs?

I'm not sure what your criteria are, but I can give you mine (all accessible at my website):

I am a Sports Hero
The Jon Morris Sketchbuk Roleplaying Game (many of the sketches are super heroes)
Metal Opera (if you're including KISS comics as superhero comics)

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On 2/5/2004 at 4:34am, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: List of Indie Superhero RPGs?

My personal favorite indie super-hero RPG is Four Colors al Fresco. Good stuff there.

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On 2/5/2004 at 5:10am, Anthony I wrote:
RE: List of Indie Superhero RPGs?

The Godsend Agenda by Jerry Grayson of Khepera Publishing has a different take on supers (at least to me, but I'm not a big supers genre player). The system is ok, but I really like the setting material.

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On 2/5/2004 at 6:12am, hermes wrote:
RE: List of Indie Superhero RPGs?

I'm not sure what your criteria are, but I can give you mine (all accessible at my website):

I know them well, Zak. Or, more accurately, I know of them well. No, that doesn't work. Anyway, the point is that I have seen and enjoyed your work before (I have a special fondness for the Jon Morris Sketchbuk Roleplaying Game because I think Jon is a fantastic artist with a truly warped and wonderful imagination). I didn't really have any set criteria so I think all of the ones that you mentioned could apply. I suppose that the list can include both "mainstream" superhero rpgs (ie. those that mimic the sort of superheroes found in Marvel or DC comics) and "inspired" superhero rpgs (ie. those that contain material that has been heavily inspired by the superhero genre). Fair enough?

My personal favorite indie super-hero RPG is Four Colors al Fresco. Good stuff there.

That's another interesting one, Clinton. An unusual take on the genre but it certainly fits on a list of this sort. Nice suggestion.


Message 9646#100662

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On 2/5/2004 at 6:19am, hermes wrote:
RE: List of Indie Superhero RPGs?

The Godsend Agenda by Jerry Grayson of Khepera Publishing has a different take on supers (at least to me, but I'm not a big supers genre player). The system is ok, but I really like the setting material.


You must have posted just as I was replying to the others. I have to admit, I had never heard of The Godsend Agenda before now. I'll have to read up on it. I have a feeling that there are a whole bunch of superhero rpgs hiding in the woodwork (so to speak) and I'm curious to learn what is really out there (both published and unpublished).


Message 9646#100665

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On 2/5/2004 at 1:01pm, Jeph wrote:
RE: List of Indie Superhero RPGs?

Jay Turner was working on something called Bullpen a while back. And I was going to say Capes and Cowls, but then I noticed that you probably knew about it. ;^)


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On 2/5/2004 at 3:05pm, Michael S. Miller wrote:
RE: List of Indie Superhero RPGs?

I recall a rumor that Scott Knipe (hardcoremoose) was working on something.

I'm busy butchiering sacred cows for my own game Excelsior! but it is slow going...

Of course, Clinton's game Panels is no longer in existence, but I've heard good things about what it formerly was...

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On 2/5/2004 at 6:47pm, hermes wrote:
RE: List of Indie Superhero RPGs?

Jay Turner was working on something called Bullpen a while back. And I was going to say Capes and Cowls, but then I noticed that you probably knew about it. ;^)

LOL I might know a little bit about Capes & Cowls. Bullpen is a great example. He's got a lot of interesting "stuff" is his game (ie. appeal and fans).

I recall a rumor that Scott Knipe (hardcoremoose) was working on something.

I'm busy butchiering sacred cows for my own game Excelsior! but it is slow going...

Of course, Clinton's game Panels is no longer in existence, but I've heard good things about what it formerly was...

I think Scott was working under the title "Golden Age Guardians" and he was using some pretty nifty and unique mechanics (ie. comic value and pocket change). Excelsior! is certainly an inspirational title for a superhero (or superheroic) rpg--I look forward to seeing it when you've got something down on paper (electronic paper, of course). I am familiar with the "Panels" game done by Rp Bowman, but Clinton's version has never passed before my eyes. Too bad. :(


Message 9646#100739

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On 2/5/2004 at 6:59pm, hermes wrote:
RE: List of Indie Superhero RPGs?

Alright, it's not fair that I put the question to everyone else without doing a bit of leg work (or eye work in this case) myself. So here is a list of the ones that I can think of off-hand.

Above Average (diceless)
In The Name Of Justice
Living Legends (2nd ed V & V, sort of)
JAGS Supers
The Code/The Code II
Hero 8
Men & Supermen (also known under another title that I can't recall)
Bif Bam Pow
Modern Knights
Brains & Brawn
Super Human High School
Stuporpowers (hilarious)
FUDGE: Supers
Panels (Bowman version)
Panels (Clinton's version)
Golden Age Guardians
Four Colors al Fresco
The Godsend Agenda
I Am A Sports Hero
The Jon Morris Sketchbuk Roleplaying Game
Metal Opera

I am sure that I am missing some, but that's a pretty good start. Anyone else care to throw their cape into the ring, so to speak?


Message 9646#100744

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On 2/6/2004 at 3:51am, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: List of Indie Superhero RPGs?

Sidhain was in playtest mode for Hearts and Souls a year ago or so.
A Supers game that ties into motivations for the characters.

I've also used Pool, Otherkind, Paladin, and Powergame for a Supers playtest session.

I've intended to try a Supers genre 'campaign' using Trollbabe as the system for some time... but haven't yet.

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On 2/6/2004 at 4:09am, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: List of Indie Superhero RPGs?


It's not free, but it is obscure:

Nemesis: A Perfect World

And yeah, Golden Age Guardians was mine. It's available as a curiosity from my website, if anyone's interested. Pretty underdeveloped, but what the hey.

- Scott

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On 2/6/2004 at 5:37am, gobi wrote:
RE: List of Indie Superhero RPGs?

Freak High is on my list of RPGs I ought to re-visit sometime in the future. It's Teen Titans meets Clone High meets Breakfast Club. It was an attempt to make superpowers a social disadvantage, contained within the microverse of high school.

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On 2/6/2004 at 1:49pm, HMT wrote:
RE: List of Indie Superhero RPGs?

See John Kim's list of free superhero RPGs.

Message 9646#100896

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On 2/7/2004 at 5:27am, M. J. Young wrote:
RE: List of Indie Superhero RPGs?

Bob McNamee wrote: I've also used Pool, Otherkind, Paladin, and Powergame for a Supers playtest session.
For that, I'm currently a player in a Multiverser game which is about supers. The referee has been running a brilliantly crafted campaign in which I've been able to develop my character into a respected superhero through some things I picked up in other worlds, and it's been a lot of fun. I've done the superhero thing before in Multiverser, but never as the hero (e.g., I did it once in which another player character was the hero and I part of his support team, and once in which I was the referee).

If you're counting games that can do supers, there are those who swear by GURPS Supers, but I've never as much as seen a copy, as far as I recall.

--M. J. Young

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On 2/7/2004 at 12:41pm, Ian Charvill wrote:
RE: List of Indie Superhero RPGs?

Legends Walk, which is a PDF only product. All the superpowers derive from figures of myth and legend - hence the title.

Message 9646#101124

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On 2/8/2004 at 2:47am, xiombarg wrote:
RE: List of Indie Superhero RPGs?

There was a little talk of how my Pretender ruleset would actually work quite well for superheroics. I'm seriously thinking about releasing a supers verson of it called "Defender"...

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On 2/8/2004 at 11:31pm, Grex wrote:
RE: List of Indie Superhero RPGs?

Borderline superhero RPGs, l know, but..: Cartoon Action Hour and RISUS.

Message 9646#101273

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On 2/9/2004 at 10:33pm, hermes wrote:
RE: List of Indie Superhero RPGs?

Wow, you guys came up with a whole bunch of ones that I might never have considered. Let's see. . .

Freak High
Nemesis: A Perfect World
Legends Walk
Cartoon Action Hour

All told, that's a lot of games. There seems to be quite a few people with homebrew variants or complete games in the works too. It's nice to see that such a great genre has so many different options available.


Message 9646#101422

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On 2/10/2004 at 1:02am, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: List of Indie Superhero RPGs?

Here's some links to my playtest threads here ...




Pool/ The Questing Beast


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