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Topic: Rinliddi Campaign in Edasus (Opening Notes)
Started by: MarkAdri
Started on: 2/5/2004
Board: HeroQuest

On 2/5/2004 at 5:06pm, MarkAdri wrote:
Rinliddi Campaign in Edasus (Opening Notes)


I've been wittering on about doing a campaign set in the Lunar Empire specifically in the town of Edasus in the Satrapy of First Blessed.

Well I've managed to cobble together some ideas for this and am posting them here so that people can comment, point and laugh if they feel the need.

It has been a very very long time since I've run anything and I've never really written stuff I usually ran pre written stuff so this may be absolute rubbish. If it is let me know.

Open background to campaign.

Evidor Rasca ails, the rival houses circle waiting for the right time to make their move and claim rights they have coveted for generations. Vesekor his son seeks to rule the house in his name but is more concerned with matters spiritual over matters material, seeking ever closer communion with the Highest God and questing for spiritual perfection.

Already House Kaurka, our greatest rivals have filed suit against us, to the very court of The Satrap himself. They claim our rights to the priesthood are false as is our ancestry. They refute the oldest ways, accepting all things Lunar. We understand the need to balance new with the old, though some push for a return to all things from before and a purging of the new from Rasca.

Tensions between the Houses are high because of this; already there have been some minor skirmishes between hotter heads on both sides. There are some voices that call for a Dart War with Kaurka, right now these are few but their number grows and some are held among the high in Rasca. Others say that to act, as such now would be too dangerous and their voices hold sway with Evidor and Vesekor right now.

Times are changing, the Kralori born seek a voice on the Council of the City, their wealth from trade with the Dragon Empire grows and soon they cannot be ignored.

Immigrants arrive daily seeking wealth and power from the growth of Edasus.

The temple to Vrimak grows ever higher funded by the Emperor himself. Rasca must cement its position as the priestly house.

The Avian Return movement seeks for lost powers and knowledge and the return of the mighty birds of pre history. Already Augnars are being hatched what new species are coming? The movement is growing in Edasus with many supporters in Rasca, but what will this bring new strength for Rasca or a new source of division from within?

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On 2/5/2004 at 5:45pm, doubtofbuddha wrote:
RE: Rinliddi Campaign in Edasus (Opening Notes)

It looks good to me.

I am assuming you are going to require all of the players have a Rinliddi homeland and have occupations appropriate for the noble house?


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On 2/6/2004 at 9:29am, MarkAdri wrote:
RE: Rinliddi Campaign in Edasus (Opening Notes)

Thanks for the initial positive comment.

All the characters will be connected in someway to House Rasca either as members of a junior branch of the family (grandchildren of the younger sister of the current Patriarch) or else as minor functionaries for the house itself. We are currently in character negotiations right now.

I am hoping to run the first session in about 3 weeks or so and will try to post what happened here


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On 2/6/2004 at 3:54pm, joshua neff wrote:
RE: Rinliddi Campaign in Edasus (Opening Notes)

I'll be interested in reading about the game. I love the Lunar Empire.

Message 9650#100914

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On 2/20/2004 at 11:10am, MarkAdri wrote:
RE: Rinliddi Campaign in Edasus (Opening Notes)


Here are some more notes for the campaign. I have so far written up some background notes for players and a list of major characters for the noble house that they belong to.

Player Background Notes

Satrapy of First Blessed
First Blessed has been ruled by the Taran-il clan for the last
century. About a fifth of the population is Rinliddi, and about half
are Dara Happan and Lodrilli folk.


Once a proud city, home to the Host of Hosts of the Velthil Cossacks
during the Zenith of their power, Edasus was depopulated by the Great
Army of Sheng Seleris for daring to resist his commands. Retribution
came in the infamous Ninth Gate Butchery where nine of ten citizens
were slaughtered by the Selerians and their heads stacked and
petrified into the Moaning Pyramid. The city was repopulated by
forced migrations of various people from all over the Selerian
Empire. The heterogeneous population gladly accepted freedom from
the Selerians when Hon-eel came and opened their gates to all who
would come to the city, regardless of origin or reason for
migration. Since that time, Edasus has been the city of the free,
their oath on becoming citizens of the city is "to never again be
bound or broken" and the fierce Goddess Denegoria guards that oath.
So it was that during the campaigns that led to the Nights of Horror,
the citizens of Edasus were assailed by the nomad horde and prayed to
the goddess Denegoria, who so inflamed their hearts that the well
armed nomads were thrown back by defenders armed with mud bricks and
broken furniture."

Society & Culture
As a repopulated city, the Emperor sought to establish a New Rinliddi
style of culture and economy in Edasus. The ancient Rinliddi bird
customs were made law by the Tyrant and the Emperor himself funded
the building of a temple to Vrimak and his family. This building

When Seleris repopulated the city he settled over a thousand Kralori
prisoners of war in the city. They soon settled, married locals and
others from other slave groups and founded what has become known as
the Kralori Quarter. It is an unusual area, with many strange signs,
stalls, shops and customs. Many pilgrims to Torang detour to see the
Quarter and experience its peculiar ambiance and outlandish
delicacies. Visiting Kralori merchants sniff in distaste at the
mixes of race and culture that they see in the quarter, but the
contend that it is better than staying in a normal Imperial city.

Legal System
Rinliddi Law holds in Edasus. The application of the Solemn Code is
nominally applied to all in the city.

In the centre of the city is the Tower of Final Flight. Standing over
three hundred feet high, this is where criminals are punished. With
their wings ceremonially torn off, the condemned are hurled from the
tower. The height from which they are thrown indicates the
heinousness of their crime.

The open areas around the city were turned into Quail and Augner
farms and the city has grown somewhat wealthy on the new trade to the
Imperial sponsored military units and Bird Heroes that Rinliddi has
become so proud of. The city is also unusual in that it is
considered one of the official Imperial Trade centers for Kralori and
Pentan trade that comes in off the steppe.

The Imperial sponsorship of the Vrimak temple is big business, with
serious amounts of money being spent. Who will get to be High Priest?
Which Nest will he come from? Or will an outsider be appointed?
Unknown rituals are needed to consecrate the temple, and those that
know them may be unwilling to share, especially given tension between
Ancient & New Rinliddi.

By building this temple at Edasus the Emperor is throwing his weight
behind a new centre to Rinliddi culture. What are the differences
between Ancient & New Rinliddi? Why is the Emperor doing this? What
threat is Ancient Rinliddi culture to him?

Originally the city was of medium size, before the Seleris
depopulation, and had over 8000 souls; as such its double twenty and
forty-foot walls are built to contain a city with twice as many
buildings and people. This has allowed the population to increase
hugely since its resettlement by Hon-eel, and the growth is certainly
not at an end.

Total 4500
Kralori (full-blood, conservative) 700
Pentan 500
Dara Happan (mostly transient) 100
Lunar functionaries 100
Others 300 – 500
Rinliddi – about 2800

The native city folk are a strange mix of races and bloodlines. Many
have some Kralori blood, or Velthil. Natives are viewed with distaste
by both the conservative Kralori and the Dara Happans who meet here
to trade.

City Layout, Look & Feel
Architecturally the city has gathered much scorn from the Dara Happan
purists who despise its loose style and flat buildings that waste so
much space. A further civic problem is the inevitable formation of
ghettoes by the diverse people of the city, a trend exacerbated by
the ease of finding a place to build. This has led to severe gang
related crime in parts of the city, causing the popular local proverb
to be uttered knowingly to strangers – "seven cities, one wall!"

Outsiders therefore expect seven distinct districts to the city, but
this is not quite accurate. The officially the seven cities explained
1 Kralori Town
2 Pentan ghettoes
3 nest 1 Korulu (Rasca family nest)
4 nest 2 Vlorthir (Threshill family nest)
5 nest 3 Praex (Kaura family nest)
6 imperial city (bureaucratic centre & market).
7 the City of the Dead (includes the area around the moaning pyramid)
& Old Town (Ruins)

But locals have different explanations. One of the most common is
1, Rinliddi
2, Foreign
3, Criminal
4, Horrific (the Moaning Pyramid)
5, Below
6, Above
7, Hidden

Another is that there are no seven cities; the saying merely makes a
joke at the expense of the Seven Mothers. Where-as else where in the
empire the number seven invokes ideas of co-operation, in Edasus even
seven cannot reconcile enemies.

The greatest landmark of the city is also its most infamous. The
Moaning Pyramid still stands by the Ninth gate today and howls with
terrible sadness on the anniversary of the Butchery. The Pyramid has
resisted all efforts to break it and swarms of angry spirits, like
tornados of fury will tear any interlopers apart and drag their bones
into the structure of the Pyramid, along with their souls. This has
been happening since it was created and some Irripi Ontor sages who
study the object (from a distance, outside the wards and the guards,
or with massively protected magical armour and enhancements) have
measured an appreciable growth since its first creation. Rumours of
a cult in the city who feed the Pyramid with victims or some
controlling entity in the Pyramid that can grant powers and allies
have been brutally quashed by the Tyrant.

The Tyrant of Edasus is Vordineros the Watchman, literally an ex-
member of the city watch who rose to power through will, ability and
a fearless courage that endeared him to the hardy city folk of
Edasus. Still a man of the people, Vordineros frequently walks the
streets with the watch, club in hand, wearing a common uniform and
breaks up fights, crime rings or trouble brewing with an even handed

Vordineros is relatively powerless, commanding only 50 full-time and
200 part-time garrison soldiers. Each of the major houses can field
more than that. Under-funded and weak, the tyrant is a `good' man who
wants to stamp out crime and the fragmented conflicts that
destabilise the city. Unfortunately he is not trusted by any of the
major houses, who only elected him because they distrust each other
even more.

The Tyrant is advised by a representative of the Satrap, and is
responsible for implementing Imperial edicts, orders of the Satrap,
and the maintenance of Rinliddi justice in Edasus. He is also
responsible for civil defence, the collection of taxes, and
protection of the Imperial Market. He consults the major houses,
guilds and cults in carrying out his duties.

The city watch and fire service, is a quarter of the All-Seers
regiment of the Garrison Army. The unit is a medium infantry that
specialises in reconnaissance, patrols and commando operations.

The All Seers. 50 FT, 200PT medium infantry.
The Bird Heroes. Unknown.
Free Augners. Perhaps 50 PT volunteers.

Each Nest will also have its own forces.

Denegoria and DuTokkus are strong here, in addition to the Vrimak
religion. The construction of the temple of Vrimak is bound to make
Edasus an important religious center for the entire Rinliddi culture.

The Vrimak religion is strongest amongst the noble families. Although
the religion has been supported by the empire, and Rinliddi law is
now enforced in the city, most folk still consider themselves to be
Lunars. The New Rinliddi movement is most prominent in youth
subculture, and increasingly young Rinliddi are initiating to the
Vrimak religion rather than Sedenya.

Major Groups

The Kralori.
Originally descended from Sheng's slaves, with new blood arriving via
the trade-route, these are the conservative Kralori who have not
integrated over the years. Keeping themselves to themselves, still
speaking their own language and maintaining their own customs, even
the native born are outsiders to most of the rest of the city. The
Kralori do not appear to have formal leadership, but instead are
controlled by shadowy organisations that exert power through
customary practise, religion, violence and coercion. Although there
are tensions between these folk and the Rinliddi, there is a grudging
peace as most Rinliddi depend on services the Kralori provide.
Recently a `lord' appears to have risen in the ranks of their
society, capable of welding it together and exerting influence in
legitimate politics. Certainly the Kralori guilds suddenly seem to be
speaking with one voice. The Edascene Kralori are the middle men
between the Kralori Merchants and Lunar / Rinliddi trade associations
with regards to the various trade connections between the Empires.

The Pentans.
Scum of the scum, they are bottom of the pecking order. The main
Pentan ghetto is named Peckham. Despised and feared by the Rinliddi,
the secret shame of the bird-folk is that the major houses rely on
muscle provided by these settled nomads. The Pentans also use their
connections in the Red Lands to maintain a protection racket on
outward-bound caravans.

The Dara Happans
Aloof, these folk represent the interests of their Trade Alliances at
the Imperial Market. They resent being posted to such a provincial

The Lunars
The Imperial sponsorship of Edasus has brought a disproportionate
number of Lunar functionaries to town. Mostly bureaucrats and
priests, there are also a few interesting sub-groups. One is the
branch of the Imperial University that has established a small,
secretive research base at Edasus. What do they research? New drug
cocktails for export to Kralorela? The Moaning Pyramid?

The Rinliddi
The Rinliddi of Edasus are dominated by three Great Houses; the
Threshill, the Kaurka, the Rasca. Each of the 3 nests of Edasus is
based around one of the great houses.

The Threshill are old money, holding large swathes of fertile
agricultural land on which they raise quail and make wine. They also
own much of the property in the city. They have the monopoly on quail
farming in Edasus. Comfortable in their position in Edasus, they
seek only to ensure that nothing disrupts commerce.

The Kaurka have grown wealthy on the Kralorelan trade, controlling a
major proportion of imperial trade monopolies for their
association. They dispute the Rasca claim to religious superiority
and have filed suit against them with the Satrap. They are well
supported by their League / Association in this and seek to oust
Rasca from control of the building of the Vrimak Temple. There is
also a dispute between the lesser houses of Kaurka and Rasca over the
rights to control trade on the Arcos river.

The Rasca are an old priestly house. Although they have lost as much
knowledge as any other Rinliddi, they still gain much authority
through their ancient religious connections. Recently they have begun
to regain even more prestige with the renewal of Rinliddi pride. They
are fervent supports of the Rinliddi Renaissance, as it is known. The
cult of the head family is Tholm, and it is their ambition to place
the first High Priest of Vrimak on the Celestial Throne at Edasus.


Evidor Rasca

Evidor “Old Man” Rasca is Patriarch of House Rasca. Respected by all in Edasus. He oversaw the restoration of house fortunes with the reestablishment of Rinliddi traditions, now wants to definitively establish that Rasca are direct line descendants of Kestinmodos once Bright Eagle Lord.
A moderate Rinliddi Traditionalist, he struggles to keep a balance within Rasca between the more moderate Lunar supporting families and the more extreme Avian Return supporters.

Livia Rasca
She is wife of old man Rasca, Aunt to the Satrap of First Blessed. She is an unmatched political animal, (the real steel behind Vesekor).
Devoted to protecting / advancing house Rasca’s position in First Blessed.
Evidor is her second husband, her first husband was Uncle to the current Satrap, her first son by that marriage serves the Satrap.

Vesekor Rasca
The eldest surviving son is a scholar and aesthete. He is not a politician and does not have the instincts of his father or the ruthlessness of his mother. He is, devout in his worship of Tholm taking all the responsibilities seriously and seeking ever to fulfil them completely. He is beloved by all in House Rasca, though there are some voices that doubt his ability to lead them.

Hurolor Rasca
The eldest son of Vesekor Rasca, a rash impulsive man, he is the opposite of his father. Taking after his late mother. He does not show the scholarly bent of his father and dreams of power and glory. Many young men of the nest follow him as he leads the prime Vexilla the Cobalt Wing (Blue Boys). He is a loud voice calling for dart war against the Kaura and has encouraged some of his wilder followers to attack certain Kaura interests. So far Evidor has managed to temper him, but he chafes at the bit.

Koralor Rasca
The second son of Vesekor Rasca, is seen as a wastrel and dilettetant. He is more interested in pleasure and uses his position to fund a life of pleasure. It is rumoured he seeks to be summoned to Glamour to join the debauchery of the Emperor.

Veneria Rasca
Only daughter of Vesekor Rasca She is also the cleverest of the children of Vesekor Rasca. It is said that if she were a man she would be the real heir to House Rasca.

Ravarina Rasca
Youngest daughter of Evidor Rasca. A great beauty, called the most beautiful woman in Edasus. She is famous for her affairs and it is rumoured that the Satrap himself has dallied with her. She is currently away living in Torang.

Rascaliun Rasca
Nephew of Evidor Rasca. He is the son of Evidor’s younger brother. Neither a leader or priest, he lives in the family’s country estates managing the farms and leading a quiet industrious life.

Edasul Rasca
The son of Rascaliun Rasca, recently returned from the University in Glamour. He is thoroughly lunarised and now a connected Lunar priest. He leads the small lunarised faction of the house.

Andelsakur Sauraka
Originally from Elz Ast, he married the youngest sister of Evidor Rasca. *(Possible Grandfather to any PC family members). He is the youngest son of a minor noble house in Elz Ast. His family is part of an associated League based in Elz Ast. The marriage was originally a political one but he and Evidor's sister Reva did fall in love and were devoted to each other. He was devastated by her death, but remained to support Evidor Rasca who is his greatest friend. His loyalty to House Rasca is unquestioned.

Kirakor Sauraka
Son of Andelsakur, *(Possible Father to any younger PC family members). A born warrior, he has served as an officer in the Imperial Army and fought in the conquest of Sartar. He is now second in command of the Cobalt Wing under Huralor Rasca. He is married to Liara Tillili daughter of the head of the Tillilli family one of Rasca’s client families.

Message 9650#103568

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On 2/21/2004 at 8:04am, RaconteurX wrote:
RE: Rinliddi Campaign in Edasus (Opening Notes)

Splendid background, Mark. You should consider submitting your original material to Issaries or at least posting it to some of the other Glorantha-related mailing lists, such as HeroQuest-RPG. The Rinliddi really came into their own in the "Birth of the Goddess" LARP from GloranthaCon 8, held in Toronto last year.

Message 9650#103755

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On 2/21/2004 at 4:42pm, MarkAdri wrote:
RE: Rinliddi Campaign in Edasus (Opening Notes)

I can't take credit for the background, I was very lucky Martin Laurie and Mark Galleotti gave me a lot of their notes regarding this, and I have just added to them a bit. (A very small bit).

Message 9650#103775

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On 2/23/2004 at 10:35pm, RaconteurX wrote:
RE: Rinliddi Campaign in Edasus (Opening Notes)

I have always found other members of the Gloranthan Tribe to be quite helpful and forthcoming with their often hard-won knowledge (dragging anything definitive from Greg is itself a heroquest challenge). :)

Message 9650#104028

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On 3/3/2004 at 3:25pm, MarkAdri wrote:
First Session on Thursday


The first session is due to go this Thursday (tomorrow) I am busy doing the last bits of preparation and hoping I won't make a complete arse of myself.

I have suddenly realised that I haven't run anything for coming up to 10 years. Feeling a bit nervous.

Message 9650#105393

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On 3/4/2004 at 12:07am, RaconteurX wrote:
RE: Rinliddi Campaign in Edasus (Opening Notes)

Relax, enjoy, and let the players drive the session. All you need to do is facilitate their play. You have enough interesting material to keep them busy for a while, just based on your relationship map.

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On 3/4/2004 at 4:12pm, MarkAdri wrote:
RE: Rinliddi Campaign in Edasus (Opening Notes)


I needed that affirmation.


Message 9650#105638

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On 3/4/2004 at 4:13pm, MarkAdri wrote:
RE: Rinliddi Campaign in Edasus (Opening Notes)

I will let you know how things went after tonights session.


Message 9650#105641

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On 3/7/2004 at 5:18pm, MarkAdri wrote:
Session 1 report.

Well the first session of our Rinliddi Campaign went very well I think.

The feedback was generally positive and everyone (including myself enjoyed themselves).

I'll write a more detailed session description when I get enough time.

But I do have to say that I feel very lucky in that I have a great group of players who are very willing to take ideas and run and run with them.

Makes my life a lot easier.

Message 9650#106162

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On 3/8/2004 at 2:27am, doubtofbuddha wrote:
RE: Rinliddi Campaign in Edasus (Opening Notes)


What happened. :)

Jesse D.

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