The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Last Post Here
Started by: Jason L Blair
Started on: 2/5/2004
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 2/5/2004 at 8:23pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
Last Post Here

As Key 20 Publishing moves further and further away from being "indie" and more into being, well, "not indie" I realize that we don't really have a place here at the Forge. With respect to the vision of the Forge, I and Key 20 bid you all adieu.

We will start up our own forum, probably housed on and you all can feel free to start up discussion there.

And with that, the first company forum hosted at the Forge (I even beat Adept Press!) closes its door.

So long, all. Check for the news.


Message 9652#100766

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