The Forge Reference Project


Topic: GTS Survey - Input?
Started by: HinterWelt
Started on: 2/6/2004
Board: Publishing

On 2/6/2004 at 5:44am, HinterWelt wrote:
GTS Survey - Input?

Hey everyone,
I am putting together an electronic/paper survey(targeted at retailers) that will be on our laptop at the booth at GTS. At the end of GTS we will be putting the results up on our site for all to use. I expect publishers to answer but welcome insight from anyone.

What I need from you
I would really like this to be a useful survey. That means having a concise group of questions. Here is my first go at the questions but I am open to editing, addition or subtraction.

1. Your store is located:
South – USA
Midwest –USA
Europe - UK
Europe – North
Europe- South

2. You operate:
1 store
2 stores
3 stores
4 stores
5 or more stores

3. CCG sales makes up approximately:
0-25% of annual totals
26-50% of annual totals
51-75% of annual totals
76-100% of annual totals

4. Non-collectible card game sales makes up approximately:
0-25% of annual totals
26-50% of annual totals
51-75% of annual totals
76-100% of annual totals

5. RPG sales makes up approximately:
0-25% of annual totals
26-50% of annual totals
51-75% of annual totals
76-100% of annual totals

6. Boardgame sales makes up approximately:
0-25% of annual totals
26-50% of annual totals
51-75% of annual totals
76-100% of annual totals

7. Miniatures and Miniature rules sales makes up approximately:
0-25% of annual totals
26-50% of annual totals
51-75% of annual totals
76-100% of annual totals

8. How many independent or small press titles (any game genre) do you carry approximately:
0 – I only carry the big mainline proven titles
1-10 A minimal selection
11-20 A limited selection
21-30 A wide selection
31 or more Strongly support small press

9. How do you hear about new titles (check all that apply):
From my distributor
From Game Trade
From Games Quarterly
From Game Buyer
From consumer ads (KODT, Dork Tower, Dragon, etc)
From web forums
From manufacturers web sites
From direct mailings/phone solicitation
From newsletters
From customer requests
From attending conventions

10. How do you choose new products to carry (check all that apply)?
From trade magazine articles/reviews (Game trade, Game buyer, KODT)
From online articles/reviews (Gaming Report, RPG.Net)
From distributor agent recommendations
From free samples
From customer requests
From manufacturer support/website
11. How often do you run RPG demos in your store?
1 time a week
2-4 times a week
5 or more per week
I guess you could apply that to stand alone card games too.

12. How important is organized play to your store sales?
Not at all

That is all I can think of right now. I would not want to exceed 15 questions.


Message 9660#100858

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