The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Freeform play in #indierpgs
Started by: Jack Spencer Jr
Started on: 2/17/2004
Board: Actual Play

On 2/17/2004 at 3:21am, Jack Spencer Jr wrote:
Freeform play in #indierpgs

I offer this unfortunately brief actual play session from the IRC channel #indierpgs without comment except that I did edit it a bit so the reader won't need to pull the play out of the rest of the discussion in the room.

<JackSpencerJr> OK. From what I learned in history class, most people in the South thought slavery was right and good.
<machmoth> Yeah.
<JackSpencerJr> So our slave owner does, too. It isn't a moral issue for him. It's just how things are. He cares for his slaves. They are well-clothed and well-fed. He treats them well. and they wouldn't be in as good a position if they were left in the African jungles.
<machmoth> At very least, it was acceptable practice.
<machmoth> 'k
<JackSpencerJr> He visits a neighbor, another plantation owner with slaves. Typical afternnon tea sort of thing.
<JackSpencerJr> But, he happens to see that his neighbor does not treat his slaves as well as he treats his own.
<JackSpencerJr> Prehaps witnesses the treatment of a specific slave.
<machmoth> *nods, hoping it doesn't bump JSJ*
<JackSpencerJr> So he starts to have doubts about certain people being worthy of owning slaves.
<machmoth> Gotcha.
<JackSpencerJr> Perhaps, over time, he decides that it may not be right for a man to own another man.
<JackSpencerJr> So what does he do?
<JackSpencerJr> Well, he could leave in his will that his own slaves are freed. Ah, how good, to make his political statement when he isn't alive to deal with the consequences.
<machmoth> You know what I'm starting to notice?
<JackSpencerJr> But instead, let's put him under pressure. He hears a noise in his barn. When he investigates, he find the same slave that was mistreated.
<machmoth> Nar play style is a pain in the arse to drag out over a whole session.
<JackSpencerJr> Heck, say the slave stole a gun and is nervously pointing it at him.
<JackSpencerJr> Our slaveowner says "Don't shoot. They'll hear and know where you are."
<JackSpencerJr> Howso, MM?
<machmoth> Just the creation of multiple choices or events, setup to compliment a single theme like this. I mean, so far your doing a bomb job with it with the slave thing, so go on.
<JackSpencerJr> Well, I see it like this: can you sit someone who's never played a piano in from of one and expect them to play right away?
<machmoth> 'course not.
<JackSpencerJr> Same deal with Narrativist play. You have to learn how to do it. Start with the scales, then simple tunes like Chopsticks, then with pracctice, you can play more complex pieces.
<machmoth> 'splains why I'm having such a rough time wrapping my head around it.
<JackSpencerJr> Yeah.
<machmoth> Like you asked earlier. What happens next.
<JackSpencerJr> I don't know. This took us to where the slaveowner character has to make a decision, one that shows his true character and as the story unfolds will develop a meaning-- the premise
<machmoth> So, railroading is not an option here?

<JackSpencerJr> Hrm. railroading is one guy telling the story to the rest more or less w/o their input.
<JackSpencerJr> Let's explore a bit. SHe, make the slave female, has a gun. He's just spoken. What happens?

<Lx-away> BANG
<JackSpencerJr> Cheap way out.
<suffusion> thats Lx for you

<machmoth> He bangs her, and we get a "no-no" mixed breed baby. ;p
<JackSpencerJr> You should write porn.
<Sonjaaa> mmm banging

<willows> Someone shows up.
<JackSpencerJr> Ah. There we go. WHo shows up?

<machmoth> Oh, we see the slaves owner outside, but he doesn't see us yet.
<JackSpencerJr> Groovy. What does our slaveowner do?
<machmoth> Well, he probably doesn't want the slave to go back.
<JackSpencerJr> Ok. The guy's outside. You can here his hunting dogs barking. What happens?
<machmoth> Well, the slave may be more cooperative. We try and hide her in the loft.
<JackSpencerJr> So the owner whispers for her to hide in the loft and she goes to hide herself?
<JackSpencerJr> Then what?
<machmoth> Then, the other owner comes across our owner, dogs sniffing, otherwise tense conversation ensues.
<JackSpencerJr> Who else is with him?
<machmoth> Ah, the woman's child.
<JackSpencerJr> The slave's child?
<machmoth> Sure. Thinking he can use the child to lure out the mother.
<JackSpencerJr> Nasty. I like it.
<machmoth> Mean while, our owner is struck with the fact that not returning the slave seperates the two.
<machmoth> But, that could be distracting from the overall dilemma. Not sure.
<JackSpencerJr> WIth the dogs, the other owner is positive she came to the barn. Now what?
<JackSpencerJr> Could be, could not be.
<machmoth> So, tell me this, would it be wrong to distract form our original dilemma, by intoducing the child dilemma?
<JackSpencerJr> No. That was actually pretty good. That's an impro techinique known as "raising the stakes"
<machmoth> So, it's cool since it is slightly related to our original dilemma? Or, can we get more distracted than that?
<JackSpencerJr> Hmm. That, I think, will vary with milage
<machmoth> So, now our slave owner pulls out his Cow Brand +2, and beats down the dogs.
<JackSpencerJr> What, do you think would be even further distraction?
<machmoth> Hmm... I guess, for now, I can't think of anything that taps the boundries. The child was there, but it seems related enough to our original line of thinking.
<JackSpencerJr> Ok, it works, though. Now he's got and even bigger problem on his hands, does he turn her in so she can stay with her child (until he's sold downriver0 or do something to free both or try to get rid of the other owner, not saving the child and saving the woman.
<machmoth> 'k. Let's say he's feeling cornered. Perhaps he's willing to buy the woman and child. Though, now he's temporarily going against his beliefs.
<JackSpencerJr> Not really. He's just addressing the situation the best way he can.
<machmoth> Right, though it may feel like a comprimise.
<JackSpencerJr> So he offers to buy both the woman and the child.
<machmoth> Yup.
<JackSpencerJr> Let's say he's very well-do do and can offer quite a bit.
<machmoth> Sounds good.
<machmoth> Perhaps the other slave owner sees an oppertunity here, though. Hmm...
<JackSpencerJr> I don't think it's a comprimise. He's just doing what would remedy the situation as quickly as possible.
<machmoth> Plantations are a business, no? Are the two competition?
<JackSpencerJr> How about the other owner refuses. Let's say he laughs at our guy. No, he gets angry.
<machmoth> Okay.
<machmoth> I suppose it's rather insulting to offer him a purchase of a woman and child.
<machmoth> However, this does take place on our owner's property.
<machmoth> If it comes to words, he can ask him to leave the premise.
<machmoth> Though, then they are hardly on tea drinking terms anymore.
<JackSpencerJr> Yeah.
<JackSpencerJr> He asks the other guy to leave. Sternly.
<JackSpencerJr> Now what?
<machmoth> Well, he's lost the child, but has the mother.
<JackSpencerJr> SO the guy leaves?
<machmoth> Well, if he doesn't, what is our owner to do. Legal enforcement wasn't the most timely of resources back then.
<machmoth> And we're in a barn.
<JackSpencerJr> Ok. So the guy leaves, dragging the boy with him and seething.
<machmoth> (snipped) Jack: sure.
<JackSpencerJr> MM> I have to go now, but this was fun.
<JackSpencerJr> Later.
<machmoth> Drats.
<machmoth> Alright, night.
<machmoth> Take care.
*** JackSpencerJr is now known as jack-away

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