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Topic: "Beyond Role & Play" Book
Started by: Jonathan Walton
Started on: 2/19/2004
Board: RPG Theory

On 2/19/2004 at 3:35pm, Jonathan Walton wrote:
"Beyond Role & Play" Book

Hey all,

So the huge Nordic roleplaying convention, called "Nodal Point" in various Scandinavian languages, decided to publish a book on RPG theory for this year's convention in Helsinki, Finland. I don't know about any of you, but I'm dying to get a copy of this book, which was printed in English. The description from their website is included below:

Solmukohta's webpage wrote: Ropecon will publish a book for Solmukohta 2004 in order to to create and preserve intellectual discussion on role-playing. The book, Beyond Role and Play, is edited by Markus Montola and Jaakko Stenros, and it features authors from Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, USA, Singapore and Japan. The foreword of the book has been written by professor Frans Mäyrä from the University of Tampere.

The book contains 28 articles and essays on role-playing, studying the interactive arts from various angles. The 320 pages have been divided into four sections. Theory holds academic papers, Practice contains methodological guides, Games reviews three recent influential Nordic larps and Openings provides visions, opinions and new avenues of role-playing studies. In addition there are three contextualising texts in the book delving into the social and historical roots of role-playing. The emphasis of the book is on larping, but the articles and ideas are applicable to tabletop role-playing as well.

I emailed the people in charge of the book and they said it would be about $12 plus shipping, but that it would be cheaper if we could order a bunch of copies and split the shipping. So here I am to ask if anyone else wants a copy, so we can do just that.

For those who don't know, the Nordic roleplaying scene is WAY different from that in the US and UK. Very LARP-centered and pretty far removed from the Microsoft-like reach of d20. Also, pretty strongly grounded in theory, from what I can tell, and what we might consider experimental and avante garde roleplaying.

In any case, you can find out more about the book and the convention at their website:

The book was pointed out to me by several people responding to my theory column over at RPGnet.

Message 9878#103420

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On 2/19/2004 at 4:00pm, John Kim wrote:
Re: "Beyond Role & Play" Book

Jonathan Walton wrote: So the huge Nordic roleplaying convention, called "Nodal Point" in various Scandinavian languages, decided to publish a book on RPG theory for this year's convention in Helsinki, Finland. I don't know about any of you, but I'm dying to get a copy of this book, which was printed in English.

Just as an added note -- you can get a similar book which was produced for Knudepunkt 2003 in PDF format over the web. (16MB download)

The Solmukohta 2004 book should definitely be better, or so I hear, and build on the ideas presented in Knudepunkt.

EDIT: I belatedly realized from the first URL that "Knudepunkt" and "Solmukohta" are the same thing -- presumably in different languages.

Message 9878#103424

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On 2/19/2004 at 6:57pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: "Beyond Role & Play" Book

I'll jump in on that for two copies. Let me know how to arrange payment and whatnot, Jonathan.

Message 9878#103445

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On 2/19/2004 at 7:33pm, Rob Donoghue wrote:
RE: "Beyond Role & Play" Book

Sounds like a worthy investment. Count me in for one, and let me know what you need.

Message 9878#103451

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On 2/19/2004 at 7:46pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: "Beyond Role & Play" Book



Message 9878#103456

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On 2/19/2004 at 8:17pm, Lxndr wrote:
RE: "Beyond Role & Play" Book

I'm in. $12 + shipping sounds reasonable to me.

Random thought: Would selling these from the Forge booth at GenCon make any sense at all, and if so, would the Nodal Point people be interested in opening a dialogue about it?

Message 9878#103466

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On 2/20/2004 at 9:44pm, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: "Beyond Role & Play" Book

Lxndr wrote: Random thought: Would selling these from the Forge booth at GenCon make any sense at all, and if so, would the Nodal Point people be interested in opening a dialogue about it?

No idea. I can ask them when they get back to me, though. Still, it might be better to actually read the book first, before we offer to promote it.

Here's the order list I've got:
- Me (1)
- Chris (1) - from a PM
- Clinton (2)
- Rob (1)
- Ron (1)
- Lxndr (1)

That looks like 7 so far. John, I can't tell from your post whether you want one or not. Thanks for the link to last year's book, though. Once I get ready to place the order, I'll email/PM you guys with info on how to get money to me, and to get your mailing addresses.

Message 9878#103670

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On 2/20/2004 at 10:45pm, Christopher Weeks wrote:
RE: "Beyond Role & Play" Book

If I'm not too late, count me in and let me know how to pay.


Message 9878#103694

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On 2/21/2004 at 5:03pm, Itse wrote:
Beoynd Role and Play

Since I'm trying to come up with some sort of a review for the book before the deadline next wednesday, and having actually read it, I might as well comment on this. Might help me get my thoughts together. Putting it all together in a very short time (it was published last tuesday, were I got my press copy) is not that easy. Btw, yes, Knutpunkt, Knudepunkt, Knutepunkt and Solmukohta are the same thing (they all mean Nodal Point in english). The event tours the nordic countries and is always named in the language of the hosting country.

What's the book about?

The book is about 300 pages in a smallish font and it has 28 articles by 26 different people from eight different countries, so it's safe to say it has "all kinds of stuff". There's theory, history, articles on some interesting larps (which unfortunately pretty much prove that you'd have to had been there to understand), some attempts to create tools and some quite interesting propaganda. Basicly I found the subjects to fall into two categories.

What is roleplaying: where is it coming from, how's it done, what is it, what can be done with it, where is it going, how does it relate to the older art forms. Many parts of this relates to "is it or should it be about narration".

Writing LARPS: how it should be done, what can be done, some ways to do it, some examples on what has been done. A lot of the more manifesto-style and practice-oriented text relates to this subject.

What's the book like?

As Ron Edwards might put it, a lot of it is "theory heartbreakers", IMO. Almost every article has some worthwhile notions or ideas, but many of them cover it well. The need to create science has in many cases only blurred the actual issue, and sadly most of the "facts" would not hold up to a critical review. Also in many cases the writers need to bring out his or her own opinion is just damaging, and most of the writers fail to recognize their own biases, which are mostly pretty obvious. (Propably in some cases this is a conscious decision.) In other words, credibility is often lost. It's also obvious that many of the writers have a very limited understanding of table-top gaming, which limits their ability to understand roleplaying in general.

There's also the "manifesto heartbreakers"; articles about something which the writer declares to be good or bad, mostly presented in overly complicated ways. The book is a very good showcase about how you should either try to prove something, or try to state your opinion. Trying to do both things at the same time rarely ends well.

Now, on the other hand, the above could propably be said about every "serious" article ever written about roleplaying. This book is by no means worse, and the many attempts to apply science to roleplaying discussion are in my opinion highly welcome and should be much appreciated. These people have not had much to work with except their own personal experiences, and with that in mind, they have managed to come up with some very good stuff. In the publication event one of the editors stated that the book tries to create something to build on for future studies. The first steps are always the most difficult. This book is very possibly the best book about roleplaying yet.

There's a lot of good stuff. There are many interesting points in the book, some of which do have good presentation to back them up. Some of the techniques and terminology seem potentially useful, even if most of it is larp-oriented. It's obvious the book has a lot of thought and a lot of roleplaying experience behind it, and some of the views presented are in any case very interesting and thought-provoking. Reading this book has certainly added to and cleared up a lot of what I personally think about roleplaying. It's not perfect, and not even as good as such a book could be, but it's still good. At least now we have something to build on.

Should I by this book?

Well, that depends. Do you have a serious interest in roleplaying? If you do, you should definitely own it, for future reference if nothing else. Even if you are just a hobbyist, this book will propably give you something interesting to think about. If you aim to take part in theoretical roleplaying discussion in the next few years, this book will certainly do you good. If you are interested in the Nordic LARP-scene, this book is a must.

For those who don't know, the Nordic roleplaying scene is WAY different from that in the US and UK. Very LARP-centered and pretty far removed from the Microsoft-like reach of d20. Also, pretty strongly grounded in theory, from what I can tell, and what we might consider experimental and avante garde roleplaying.

That's very much a half-truth, even an illusion. First of all, d20 rules here too (at least in Finland). The most popular games afaik are the sorts of D&D, Rolemaster and GURPS, and of course the White Wolf lines. On the other hand, larping has had a lot effect on table-top here, especially by making deep character immersion to be pretty much a definition for "good roleplaying". The most notable thing about the "Nordic style" is that here, immersion is the king... actually, it's the emperor. It's The Thing about roleplaying. Not everyone is into it, but those people are mostly being humble about it, and readily state that "they have not done a lot of serious roleplaying". Here, it's very common to take larping seriously as an art form. Larping has already made it to the culture pages of the biggest newspapers on some occasions, and my guess is it will become more commonplace in the future.

As to the "grounded in theory" -part, that's to some extent just an illusion. There is a lot of theory, but most of it has never been really tried in practise, afaik not always even by the theorists themselves and in any case not in a significant scale. There have been a few notable (well, noted by the theorists anyway) theory-oriented larps, but it's really just a small part of the big picture. The theory-oriented part of the Nordic Larp-scene is the most vocal and media-visible part of the whole roleplaying scene, but it's still a minority. It does seem like the theorists are getting more attention and that applying the theories might be getting more interest in the future. And yes, they rule a lot of the discussion, so in that sense, what you said about the Nordic scene is true.

Message 9878#103776

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On 2/21/2004 at 6:13pm, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: "Beyond Role & Play" Book

Thanks for the clarifications, Risto. I think any kind of book that freely accepts submissions (even if they get selected and edited afterwards) is bound to be a mixed bag. Still, I'm approaching this from several angels:

1. I don't know enough about LARPing and LARP theory. There's not a lot of it discussed on the Forge, unfortunately, and I don't have enough experience to seek out good places to discuss LARP.

2. I don't know enough about the "Nordic scene," as you say, but it interests me greatly. Working with Eero Tuovinen on brainstorming for "Humble Mythologies," working with Antti Karjalainen on illustrating "Argonauts," reading Juhana Pettersson and Mike Pohjola's columns at RPGnet... it's clear that you guys have some great stuff going on.

3. Sometimes, it's interesting to know not just what the considered opinion of the "expert" is, but what the average player or GM or game designer on the street feels about roleplaying. For instance, I think the Turku Manifesto represents a style of play that I would never encourage or support, but it's really cool that someone had that opinion and wrote it up, all the same.

4. In the American and UK scenes, there aren't yet publications that deal completely with roleplaying theory, though they may not be too far off. There are online communities like the Forge, there are the articles that occasionally get published in books like Grey Ghost's "Gamemastering Secrets" and Robin's Laws "Laws of Gamemastering," there are things like "Daedalus" which do games and theory together, but mostly those type of articles don't get widespread attention (or really, any attention).

In any case, that's why I'm excited about the book.

Message 9878#103786

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On 2/22/2004 at 5:20am, John Kim wrote:
RE: "Beyond Role & Play" Book

Jonathan Walton wrote: In the American and UK scenes, there aren't yet publications that deal completely with roleplaying theory, though they may not be too far off. There are online communities like the Forge, there are the articles that occasionally get published in books like Grey Ghost's "Gamemastering Secrets" and Robin's Laws "Laws of Gamemastering," there are things like "Daedalus" which do games and theory together, but mostly those type of articles don't get widespread attention (or really, any attention).

Well, they are very few, but I wouldn't say none. I would count Robin's Laws of Gamemastering as a theory book -- under "applied theory", at least. On the more academic side, there is Daniel Mackay's "The Fantasy Role-Playing Game: A New Performing Art". Before that there was Gary Alan Fine's book. However, Mackay is pretty dry and not very well-informed, in my opinion. I have a (very) short bibliography at

But such books are definitely few and far between.

I should mention that I have my own contribution to the Solmukohta 2004 book. I submitted in an essay entitled "Immersive Story: A View of Role-played Drama", which was accepted. I heard about it because Petter Bøckman wrote an adaptation of my Threefold Model FAQ (with permission, of course) which was included in the 2003 book. I haven't seen the rest of the 2004 book, though, and I eagerly await my copy. (I'm being sent a copy for contributing, so I won't need to order. I may well want more copies, but I want to read it first.)

Message 9878#103838

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On 2/22/2004 at 8:36am, matthijs wrote:
RE: "Beyond Role & Play" Book

Slightly off topic, but since it's being discussed here...:

There's no such thing as a "Nordic scene". There's a great difference between Finnish immersionist-theory LARPers, the Danish scenario-writing culture (R'Lyeh Project and Fastaval), the new developments in the tiny Norwegian game designer subculture (three new games cover the themes of Norwegian folklore, romance, and 1920's dreamy surrealism), and highly commercial Swedish RPG design based on the GW business model.

There's also a certain split between the vocal minority and the gaming majority (at least in Norway). While Vampire, D20 and GURPS are the biggest sellers, game designers and theorists are going towards rules-light systems, focusing on "method" rather than "mechanism". Many gamers, meanwhile, strongly defend their right to play the "traditional" way, and see new developments as threatening their style of play.

While I understand it's impossible to know everything about the most obscure gaming subcultures, I think it's wise not to assume that a few million people (who can't even understand each others languages) all follow the ideas of four or five vocal and profiled gaming theorists.

Message 9878#103850

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On 2/22/2004 at 10:06am, Ole wrote:
Re: Beoynd Role and Play

Itse wrote:

For those who don't know, the Nordic roleplaying scene is WAY different from that in the US and UK. Very LARP-centered and pretty far removed from the Microsoft-like reach of d20. Also, pretty strongly grounded in theory, from what I can tell, and what we might consider experimental and avante garde roleplaying.

That's very much a half-truth, even an illusion. First of all, d20 rules here too (at least in Finland). The most popular games afaik are the sorts of D&D, Rolemaster and GURPS, and of course the White Wolf lines. On the other hand, larping has had a lot effect on table-top here, especially by making deep character immersion to be pretty much a definition for "good roleplaying". The most notable thing about the "Nordic style" is that here, immersion is the king... actually, it's the emperor. It's The Thing about roleplaying.

I cant speak for the rest of the nordic countries, but for Norway atleast speaking about a single RP scene, encompassing both tabletop RPG and live action RPg, is misleading. There is crossover, and many will have tried both types of play, but most identifies with one of the two. Traditionally there have been some animosity between the two scenes, but thats not really relevant.
In the (tabletop) RPG community incoherent sim/gam D&D and WoD is the King. Many classify their style as storytelling simply because they play Vampire, and describe blood-drinking in detail. Of course there are more avant-garde bent individuals, and surprisingly they tend to be more vocal. This sounds pretty much like the Anglo-American scene to me.

Regarding the book, its probably a very good book if your into LARP. If the 2003 book is anything to go by you`ll probably be disappointed if your looking for something thats applicable to traditional roleplaying. The theories, advice and opinions already presented on the Forge and elsewhere are better in that respect, and more refined. For non-larp roleplayers the book might be an interesting reference as it provides an outlook on a related activity.

Message 9878#103853

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On 2/23/2004 at 11:03am, Itse wrote:
RE: "Beyond Role & Play" Book

Ole wrote:

I cant speak for the rest of the nordic countries, but for Norway atleast speaking about a single RP scene, encompassing both tabletop RPG and live action RPg, is misleading. There is crossover, and many will have tried both types of play, but most identifies with one of the two. Traditionally there have been some animosity between the two scenes, but thats not really relevant.

In the (tabletop) RPG community incoherent sim/gam D&D and WoD is the King. Many classify their style as storytelling simply because they play Vampire, and describe blood-drinking in detail. Of course there are more avant-garde bent individuals, and surprisingly they tend to be more vocal. This sounds pretty much like the Anglo-American scene to me.

Admitted, I pretty much talked on a "or so I've heard" basis. The table-top "scene" seems to be pretty similar to that in Finland, which I would guess is pretty much the same everywhere. The thing is, at least here in Finland there has been the definite feeling that "true roleplaying" is more and more used to mean "character immersion", even by those people who don't really do it themselves. They may joke about it, but they still admit that that's what it means. "We just play for fun, we don't take it that seriously" to me is a pretty clear hint that they admit that view as the dominating one. I see that pretty much as a larping influence.

But yes, talking about "one scene" can be said to be overly simplified. Even in Finland there are obvious differences in style.

Message 9878#103922

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On 2/23/2004 at 1:18pm, Tomas HVM wrote:
RE: "Beyond Role & Play" Book

Itse wrote: But yes, talking about "one scene" can be said to be overly simplified. Even in Finland there are obvious differences in style.

It is possible that other places on this earth also has some kind of "scene" applied to them (or another general term), in the sense; this is how roleplaying fares in this region.

We have to be very careful when applying such collective terms to the fragmented state of roleplaying. The roleplaying-forms of tabletop, larp, webRPG and erpg (and their subforms) often fares in widely different ways within the same region.

The "Nordic scene" as I see it, is as fragmented (or more) as any other national or regional "scene". I'll try to explain this with a very rough sketch of what I perseive to be some elements of the so called "Nordic scene":

It consist of Norway, Finland, Sweden and Denmark (The Republic of Island is arrogantly overlooked in this post).
---> For one; they do not share the same language (the Finns talk jibberish, the danes got a throath-condition, and the swedes got selective understanding).
---> Secondly: those of them understanding eachother (the swedes, danes and norsemen presumably do so), still do not want to roleplay in eachothers languages.
---> Thirdly: they have different history relating to roleplaying games, and history is a fundament for their gaming-habits (important point this is, especially in the context of what is and what is not possible within the "hobby").

Thats one level of fragmentation of the "Nordic scene". But even if our language was the same, we would be badly placed in any "scene" including us all, due to the different RPG-forms and their differing development.

On the various forms within each of the countries in the "Nordic scene", I will restrict my commentaries to tabletop and larp, the two forms of RPG i know best in this region.

In Finland larp has a strong standing, being both well thought of and well developed, but most roleplayers play tabletop, based solely on imported games.

In Sweden tabletop has a strong standing, and are very nicely organiced, with a nice mix of swedish games, and one of their own as the most played RPG ("Drakar och Demonar"; 6th edition published this winter). A nice host of players are into larp also, but the larp scene is mostly focussed on traditional fantasy, even though the development in Norway and Finland has had some influence.

In Denmark freeform tabletop is very popular, but larp is practised as stroungly bound as anywhere.

In Norway the larp-community is small, but has developed much throughout the last decade, so it is a farly strong community. The Norwegian tabletop community is much larger, more traditional and much weaker, mostly based on imported games.

If you fit the situation of various computer-based RPGs into the picture of these countries, you will have not one scene, but a multitude of "Nordic" scenes (most of them only applying to parts of one country). You may talk of the "Nordic larp scene" in some respects, but in other respects it will be quite absurd to do so.

In my view, there is no such thing as a general "Nordic scene" applying to roleplaying games. I seriously doubt the existence of anything like it in any region of the world. Roleplaying games are roleplaying games in a lot of ways, and so are roleplayers.

Message 9878#103931

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On 2/23/2004 at 6:18pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: "Beyond Role & Play" Book

As far as differences between the Nordic countries go, I feel that they are commonly overstated. There is more difference between the immersionist/dramatist players and entertainment hobbyists than there is between Danish and Finnish roleplayers overall. Certainly, there is differences, but compared to the differences towards f.ex. American roleplaying culture they are slight indeed.

The fact is, larpers hold an annual Nordic convention, Solmukohta. Fact is that my Swedish peers understand it when I start to talk about the relationship of immersion to social agitation. The fact is that Tomas and Risto speak essentially the same language, radically different from Forge-speak in several respects. The fact is that there is more connections between the roleplayers of Norway and Finland than there is between those of Delaware and of California.

Surely the passive hobbyist play is similar in all these countries, as it is everywhere. The differences (which Tomas summed up nicely) are largely in emphasis of application - much freeform here, dramatist methodism there, some more larping than tabletop over there. These are not differences in culture, they are differences in social dynamics. That's natural, as the common hobbyist takes his cue from his play group and American roleplaying books, so it's natural that regional differences reign. Much more important, as far as scene goes, is that the serious theorists and artistic players (which are more common among larpers in each of these countries) do care what is happening on the other side of the gulf.

This is the point - when talking about similarity of the scene in these countries, it's not play we are talking about, it's theory. After the execution of Mellan himmel och hav every Nordic theorist knows about it, takes stock and considers it for himself. That's as much of a common scene as there can be. Any stronger claim transcends the line of stereotype.

Anyway, about the book: I'd say that it's a must for a realistic picture of what is happening in the Nordic area, as far as larp theory goes. Being that larping is the only area of gaming where there is state-of-the-art innovation going on hereabouts, the book is an important period piece. It is true that the theories themselves are largely narrowminded and childish (IMO, no use to argue that), but they have despite that produced some great play - when reading these it's imporant to remember that these very same writers are really good larpsmiths. If the theories fall short of the mark as a description of the activity, they seem to work very well as prescription - read the individual texts as manifests, claims about what works, and they make much more sense.

Anyway, I hope Risto gets the review done for wednesday. I for one expect it fervently (well, me being the editor it's not so surprising ;).

Message 9878#103992

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On 2/24/2004 at 12:31pm, matthijs wrote:
RE: "Beyond Role & Play" Book

Eero Tuovinen wrote: The fact is, larpers hold an annual Nordic convention, Solmukohta. Fact is that my Swedish peers understand it when I start to talk about the relationship of immersion to social agitation. The fact is that Tomas and Risto speak essentially the same language, radically different from Forge-speak in several respects. The fact is that there is more connections between the roleplayers of Norway and Finland than there is between those of Delaware and of California.

I'd really appreciate it if you could use consistently different terms for LARPers and tabletop gamers. From my viewpoint, it seems like the LARP scene has lots of connections between the countries, and theories are being exchanged all the time. However, the situation in tabletop gaming isn't the same. It seems to me that we play differently, and have different outlooks on why and how we play.

You'll be hard pressed to find many Danish, Swedish or Finnish or Icelandic gamers at Norway's largest (tabletop RPG and board) game festival, ARCON. Presumably the same goes for Danish, Finnish, Swedish and Icelandic cons. Knutepunkt, however, has brought together LARPers from all these countries for years now.

Certainly, a handful of individuals keep in touch with tabletop gamers not from their own country of origin. But they're way too few to be talking about a "scene". There's more Norwegians posting on the Forge than on any non-Norwegian nordic forum; haven't seen any non-Norwegians on either.

Surely the passive hobbyist play is similar in all these countries, as it is everywhere. The differences (which Tomas summed up nicely) are largely in emphasis of application - much freeform here, dramatist methodism there, some more larping than tabletop over there. These are not differences in culture, they are differences in social dynamics. That's natural, as the common hobbyist takes his cue from his play group and American roleplaying books, so it's natural that regional differences reign. Much more important, as far as scene goes, is that the serious theorists and artistic players (which are more common among larpers in each of these countries) do care what is happening on the other side of the gulf.

Not sure what you mean here. It seems like you're saying that we all play the same way, except that we play differently?

This is the point - when talking about similarity of the scene in these countries, it's not play we are talking about, it's theory.

Well - how much do you know of Norwegian tabletop gaming theory? I mean, do you know whether it exists or not, what kind of things we're focussing on, who the major participants are etc? (Again, tabletop; not LARP).

After the execution of Mellan himmel och hav every Nordic theorist knows about it, takes stock and considers it for himself. That's as much of a common scene as there can be. Any stronger claim transcends the line of stereotype.

Never heard of it - but then, I'm not very well informed about LARP; I focus mostly on tabletop RPG's. I still consider myself a "Nordic theorist".

Anyway, about the book: I'd say that it's a must for a realistic picture of what is happening in the Nordic area, as far as larp theory goes. (...) It is true that the theories themselves are largely narrowminded and childish (...) If the theories fall short of the mark as a description of the activity, they seem to work very well as prescription - read the individual texts as manifests, claims about what works, and they make much more sense.

I'm not sure whether I would call them "theories", then. Perhaps "techniques", "suggestions", "recipes" would be better? (I don't mean to be a nitpicker here; I think such prescriptions are very often much more useful than theoretical descriptions).

Message 9878#104112

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On 2/24/2004 at 2:24pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: "Beyond Role & Play" Book

We'll, dissecting Nordic roleplaying community isn't exactly on-topic, but at least it might give some insight towards the context of the book...

matthijs wrote:
I'd really appreciate it if you could use consistently different terms for LARPers and tabletop gamers. From my viewpoint, it seems like the LARP scene has lots of connections between the countries, and theories are being exchanged all the time. However, the situation in tabletop gaming isn't the same. It seems to me that we play differently, and have different outlooks on why and how we play.

Funny, larpers bash me all the time when I do differentiate between the forms ;)

My argument about the tabletop games rests largely on the fact that there is no tabletop culture of play per se. As I intimated, I see a nordic "scene" in the high end of things, with the theorists and activists. And how could there be a scene in anything, anywhere, by any other measure? Most hobbyists in any hobby do their own thing, and the scene is what the active ones create. You don't see me in GenCon sitting in the Forge booth, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a Forge scene all the same.

You'll be hard pressed to find many Danish, Swedish or Finnish or Icelandic gamers at Norway's largest (tabletop RPG and board) game festival, ARCON. Presumably the same goes for Danish, Finnish, Swedish and Icelandic cons. Knutepunkt, however, has brought together LARPers from all these countries for years now.

I felt in the last RopeCon that other nordic countries were relatively well established. Of course the run-of-the-mill players were few and far between, but what did you expect? It's not very sensible to journey to Helsinki for just one convention, as most see it. The theorists are the ones who are interested, as it is with Solmukohta.

Certainly, a handful of individuals keep in touch with tabletop gamers not from their own country of origin. But they're way too few to be talking about a "scene". There's more Norwegians posting on the Forge than on any non-Norwegian nordic forum; haven't seen any non-Norwegians on either.

Well, I don't post in rollespill, but that should be excusable due to my bad swedish, which becomes abysmally bad norwegian ;) A more important point is that I've never found anything too interesting on the forum - the discussions are essentially the same ones we rehash in sfnet.pelit.rooli in finnish. And again, this is the point - when the tabletop roleplaying rests on common american games, it is self-evident that we'll have exactly this situation: no need to communicate, as the forms and methods are essentially the same.

Not sure what you mean here. It seems like you're saying that we all play the same way, except that we play differently?

We play in the same way, because the tabletop games are the same as they are all over the world and because the larpers and high-end tabletoppers emulate each other. What I was talking in that paragraph was how the apparent differences in playing style are largely self-styled illusions and not really relevant. I, for one, don't believe one second that f.ex. commonly known Danish freeform tabletop is actually significantly more common than it is in Finland. It's one part urban legend and one part historical coincidence.

Well - how much do you know of Norwegian tabletop gaming theory? I mean, do you know whether it exists or not, what kind of things we're focussing on, who the major participants are etc? (Again, tabletop; not LARP).

There is no norwegian tabletop theory, as far as I know (talking about published, acknowledged work here). As far as I've familiarized myself with the norwegian situation, it seems exactly like the finnish one. Tabletop theory, where it exists, is a direct offshoot of either international contacts or larp theory. Actual play ranges from the fantasy (Ars Magica, D&D) mainstream to isolated examples of everything else you'd think of - the mainstream hobbyists play as they play anywhere, and active people find their preference either in the innovative larp scene or international options, like Forge.

After the execution of Mellan himmel och hav every Nordic theorist knows about it, takes stock and considers it for himself. That's as much of a common scene as there can be. Any stronger claim transcends the line of stereotype.

Never heard of it - but then, I'm not very well informed about LARP; I focus mostly on tabletop RPG's. I still consider myself a "Nordic theorist".

Then the question becomes, why you haven't heard of it? Go read about the game, it's chock full of nice ideas. Might be we have the point here - you clearly aren't orientated towards the other Nordic countries, but towards the larger American community?

Anyway, about the book: I'd say that it's a must for a realistic picture of what is happening in the Nordic area, as far as larp theory goes. (...) It is true that the theories themselves are largely narrowminded and childish (...) If the theories fall short of the mark as a description of the activity, they seem to work very well as prescription - read the individual texts as manifests, claims about what works, and they make much more sense.

I'm not sure whether I would call them "theories", then. Perhaps "techniques", "suggestions", "recipes" would be better? (I don't mean to be a nitpicker here; I think such prescriptions are very often much more useful than theoretical descriptions).

There is precedent for using "theory" for a prescriptive work, if that's what you're talking about. However, the book is in theory differentiated in two halves, one of which is "theory" and one "application". The writers think that their theories are objective to the degree that they deserve the name, and what are we to say nay?

Message 9878#104126

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On 2/24/2004 at 6:24pm, matthijs wrote:
RE: "Beyond Role & Play" Book

Eero Tuovinen wrote: Funny, larpers bash me all the time when I do differentiate between the forms ;)

Can't please everyone, I guess ;) Well, as you've gathered by now, I think there's a huge difference between the LARP and tabletop "scenes".

Most hobbyists in any hobby do their own thing, and the scene is what the active ones create.

So "scene" is, by your definition, created by those who 1) want to theorize, and 2) are vocal about it...? To me, the term "scene" is broader - when I talk of the Norwegian tabletop "scene", I think of all Norwegian tabletop gamers, not just the very small percentage of us who insist on shouting our opinions from the rooftops while the rest just play on, wondering what the fuss is all about.

What I was talking in that paragraph was how the apparent differences in playing style are largely self-styled illusions and not really relevant. I, for one, don't believe one second that f.ex. commonly known Danish freeform tabletop is actually significantly more common than it is in Finland. It's one part urban legend and one part historical coincidence.

At this point, I strongly wish that we had some facts to base an opinion on. This is, as I see it, a major problem with this whole discussion: We're talking about our views of the activities of tens of thousands of people, of several nationalities, based only on our own experiences. And our experiences clearly differ.

There is no norwegian tabletop theory, as far as I know (talking about published, acknowledged work here). As far as I've familiarized myself with the norwegian situation, it seems exactly like the finnish one. Tabletop theory, where it exists, is a direct offshoot of either international contacts or larp theory. Actual play ranges from the fantasy (Ars Magica, D&D) mainstream to isolated examples of everything else you'd think of - the mainstream hobbyists play as they play anywhere, and active people find their preference either in the innovative larp scene or international options, like Forge.

Not too far off. However, there are some attempts at theory. "Publication" is mostly in Imagonem (the Norwegian gaming fanzine), on usenet, or on discussion groups... acknowledged, I guess, by those few who care.

LARP/international options: I've never been a LARPer, and I'm kind of avoiding the theory-heavy discussions on The Forge because I find that if I want to participate, it means adapting a gigantic load of theory and concepts that I don't wholeheartedly agree with.

Then the question becomes, why you haven't heard of it? Go read about the game, it's chock full of nice ideas. Might be we have the point here - you clearly aren't orientated towards the other Nordic countries, but towards the larger American community?

You're talking to the wrong person, Eero ;) As I've made clear before, I'm not a LARPer, and don't read much LARP theory. I am, however, oriented towards the other Nordic countries - I know more about the history of Danish RPGs than most Danish gamers do (having played obscurities like Skæbner & Skatte, owning weird old VP), am following the progress of Finnish Myrskyn Aika, and have a collection of obscure Swedish RPG's (as in "stuff not related to Mutant Chronicles, the "new" Drakar & Demoner etc"), including the Christian educational "Vägen". I'm in touch with the people behind the Danish "efterskolen for rolleforløb", in relation with a project I'm involved with, trying to get tabletop RPGs into Norwegian schools. Etc.

So, well, I could go read about "Mellan himmel och hav", but right now - tabletop, and getting RPGs accepted by Norwegian schools & media.

Message 9878#104168

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On 2/24/2004 at 7:57pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: "Beyond Role & Play" Book

matthijs wrote:
Most hobbyists in any hobby do their own thing, and the scene is what the active ones create.

So "scene" is, by your definition, created by those who 1) want to theorize, and 2) are vocal about it...? To me, the term "scene" is broader - when I talk of the Norwegian tabletop "scene", I think of all Norwegian tabletop gamers, not just the very small percentage of us who insist on shouting our opinions from the rooftops while the rest just play on, wondering what the fuss is all about.

We'll, by that definition your scene is very disjointed. Remember that most roleplayers almost never look outside their own play group, some can play five or ten years with the same people, or even the same game. We'd have to talk about my scene, consisting roughly of the people I actually play with, the net forums I frequent, and other sources, largely larp theorists here in Finland. I have many friends for whom the "scene" would be me, three other roleplayers and my homebrew d20 version. You could interpret scene like this, but it's more sensible to me to group the solitary hobbyists who don't communicate with the activist base outside the scene. Of course this is largely a terminology issue, and if we go by your terminology, it's selfevident that the roleplaying scenes are very small indeed. In that case I agree with your statements.

At this point, I strongly wish that we had some facts to base an opinion on. This is, as I see it, a major problem with this whole discussion: We're talking about our views of the activities of tens of thousands of people, of several nationalities, based only on our own experiences. And our experiences clearly differ.

Yes, that's true. However, what kind of hard data would resolve the issue? Being the continental philosopher I am, I'm inclined to claim that analysis of terminology will reveal that our individual experiences are actually relatively similar.

Not too far off. However, there are some attempts at theory. "Publication" is mostly in Imagonem (the Norwegian gaming fanzine), on usenet, or on discussion groups... acknowledged, I guess, by those few who care.

Ah, we should probably get a handle on that, too. Would you mind writing a little essay to Forge about Norwegian roleplaying theory? Other people would probably be interested too, and there might be some new insights.

So, well, I could go read about "Mellan himmel och hav", but right now - tabletop, and getting RPGs accepted by Norwegian schools & media.

There's something wrong with the world when I have to tell people to consider larping ;) The forms are in many things quite near each other, so it's only sensible to keep more or less current about that scene (if there is a scene there, that is). I myself don't larp at all, but find the achievements (not in theory, but in practice) interesting indeed.

Message 9878#104181

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On 2/24/2004 at 8:37pm, matthijs wrote:
RE: "Beyond Role & Play" Book

Eero Tuovinen wrote: Would you mind writing a little essay to Forge about Norwegian roleplaying theory? Other people would probably be interested too, and there might be some new insights.

Well, as I said, there are "some attempts", not many. However, it'd be fun to write a little essay on it. (Of course, that would instantly get me into hot debate with whoever I'm paraphrasing or referring to :))

There's something wrong with the world when I have to tell people to consider larping ;) The forms are in many things quite near each other, so it's only sensible to keep more or less current about that scene (if there is a scene there, that is). I myself don't larp at all, but find the achievements (not in theory, but in practice) interesting indeed.

Well, I agree that it'd be good to keep up to date on LARP theory & practice - but mostly because the forms are dissimilar, and I/we might learn something applicable to tabletop. However, I'd like to get into a LARP or two just for the sheer fun of it. (I'm strongly immersionist, and would probably enjoy a good LARP very much.)

Anyway, signing off for tonight...

Message 9878#104186

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On 2/25/2004 at 12:42am, Tomas HVM wrote:
RE: "Beyond Role & Play" Book

Eero writes on differences in the Nordic RPG-culture, and claim they are differences in social dynamics. Yes, they are, and under these "social dynamics" you will find more fundamental differences.

As for what is, and what is not a "scene"; I consider the term "the Nordic RPG-scene" to be a term coined to include the whole of RPG-culture in this region. In my view this region is, like any other region, a mishmash of RPG-creators, theorists, subcultures and players of different persuasions. So a scene in general is not appliable.

As stated; a scene in respect to larp-theory may be postulated, but I think you should confine it to that, Eero.

Eero Tuovinen wrote: Being that larping is the only area of gaming where there is state-of-the-art innovation going on hereabouts,
I like to describe the larp-community in Norway as full of innovation and interesting gameplay. On the other hand; my observations on their narrowmindedness and arrogance is as valid, when it comes to their understanding of RPGs in general as an artform. They tend to ignore the potential of tabletop RPGs, and treat it as some sort of primitive ancestor. And most of them are quite unable to discuss computer-RPGs in any meaningful way.

The narrow arrogance of a larp-theorist certainly applies to messages like the one quoted above. It is an arrogant assumption, nothing more.

Tabletop RPGs is in development, also in Scandinavia. It happens in both Norway and Sweden; experiments, theories, debates, and innovation that breaks the juvenile ramifications of a traditional roleplaying game. For my part this has been going on since the late eighties, before larp existed in Norway. My colleagues in discussions then, were as sharp in thoughts and arguments as anyone I debate with today. When I joined in on the theoretical debates on (central forum for debate in Norwegain larp) in the late nineties, I had a decade of discussions and practical theory in my rugsack.

I am skeptical to the use of this Knutepunkt-book for tabletop people, not only because it is focussed on larping, but also because the arrogance of the Nordic larp-theorists need to be curbed a bit, before they may communicate anything really useful. As it is now; they are bathing in their own excellence, and producing this book partly as a manifestation of cultural supremacy.

However; I must maintain that many of the larps that have been, and are, created in Norway; is of exceptional quality. I have great respect for many of the larp-creators here. They are impressing in their work. This is also true for many tabletop RPGs, created for conventions throughout the Nordic countries. Some of these are really outstanding!

But I do not see it all as one scene. The book is, for one, a manifest of only one part of a Nordic RPG-culture with a multitude of changing faces.

Message 9878#104234

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On 2/25/2004 at 6:11pm, Itse wrote:
RE: "Beyond Role & Play" Book

Tomas HVM wrote:

I am skeptical to the use of this Knutepunkt-book for tabletop people, not only because it is focussed on larping, but also because the arrogance of the Nordic larp-theorists need to be curbed a bit, before they may communicate anything really useful. As it is now; they are bathing in their own excellence, and producing this book partly as a manifestation of cultural supremacy.

Well, I'd say they are culturally supreme. Really. I'm in the "table-top camp" myself, and I'll admit readily that the larp-theorists are at the moment much more active, innovative, communicative and generally just more interesting (as a whole). This book is a good example of the fact that they do more than just "bathe in their own excellence"; they at least communicate with the outside world, even those who are not larpers. The more table-top oriented developers seem to have a hard time talking to anyone except their gamegroup.

As for the usefulness of this book for a non-larper, I'd say it's useful in expanding and clarifying the way one looks at things, which is not bad.

Message 9878#104379

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On 2/26/2004 at 12:58pm, MikesLeftHand wrote:
RE: "Beyond Role & Play" Book


As a contributor to the book, I feel qualified to speak. The book is, despite what it says on the cover, related to LARP and LARP only. The theories applies to LARPing, the rewievs are from LARPs etc. Im not saying that roleplayers cant use it, but a basic understanding of LARP might be required.

BTW; this could change. Im sorta on the comittee for next years "Knutepunkt" in Olso, and we would love to see both americans and texts by americans.


ps: sorry for the lack of certain sign. My girlfriends computer is evil.

Message 9878#104491

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On 2/27/2004 at 8:10am, Tomas HVM wrote:
RE: "Beyond Role & Play" Book

Itse wrote: Well, I'd say they are culturally supreme. Really. I'm in the "table-top camp" myself, and I'll admit readily that the larp-theorists are at the moment much more active, innovative, communicative and generally just more interesting (as a whole). This book is a good example of the fact that they do more than just "bathe in their own excellence"; they at least communicate with the outside world, even those who are not larpers. The more table-top oriented developers seem to have a hard time talking to anyone except their gamegroup.
You are right, and then; you are wrong. Your statement of "cultural supremacy" is bull. It is very easy to describe the larp-culture as more active, more innovative and more communicative, but mostly this is a cultural feature, shaped by the premises presented by the form itself. It makes the picture a bit skewed when comparing the forms, in relation to theoretical advances.

Larp is much more of an joint effort in making, while a verbal rpg more often is made by one man. In this aspect these forms relates like a movie relates to a novel. From this it follows that larp-smiths are more vocal, and more socially focussed, as they are more dependant on the help of others to make their larps come through. It makes for a culture that is "more active, innovative, communicative and generally just more interesting" (your phrase).

I have played both larps and RPGs for years, and have had discussions on both forms for as long, and I have come to another conclusion.

However dear my experiences in larps are to me; and however ingenious the many larp-theorists of Norway are; I have also seen social mechanisms in this culture that I do not like, and experienced an arrogant attitude towards the broad spectre of roleplaying-forms, exactly like the one I described in my last post. I know it is a harsh description, but seriously; this culture is permeated by attitudes of supremacy (larp being supreme to other roleplaying-forms), and those attitudes are not sound. They do not further roleplaying as a whole.

I am not blind though, for the fact that larp-theorists need to distance themselves from tabletop RPGs, in order to focus exclusively on their own form. As such their "cultural arrogance" (not all of them are arrogant, of course) will bring larp forward in all it's glory. I think this is what's happening, so I can live with the arrogance, and expect larp to develop much in the years to come.

Verbal RPGs
The introvert nature of creating verbal RPGs, sitting in our separate chambers and playing the keyboard, is a process which makes for another culture, or at least other cultural expressions. The making of verbal RPGs is slower, and tend to create a more loyal following, so the developments are slower.

It is easy to misinterpret this "slowness" as a lack of innovation, but this is not true. If you look at the Forge, and the manyfaceted qualities of the discussions here, that is evident. And the Forge is but one of many great forums for discussions on verbal RPGs. The members of these forums are energetic, innovative, focused and broadminded.

This is true for the gamesmiths of Norway too, both in respct to their participation in international forums, their local discussions, and their work within the form. This is a description that fits well with Swedish gamesmiths too. I do not know about this specific culture in Finland, but however vocal and dominating the Finnish larpsmiths may be, there is almost certainly unique qualities within the culture of other Finnish gamesmiths too, due to the qualities inherent in their chosen form.

So; I hold up a red flag; arrogance! Mostly this has to do with the tendency to gape in wonder over the achievements of larp-theorists. They love this tendency, and it is strong in Scandinavia (and I've been partly instrumental in building it). Still; their insights are mostly limited to their own special form of roleplaying, mostly ignorant on the relationship between larp and other forms, and is of very limited use for gamesmiths in other forms of roleplaying.

I must correct myself though; on being skeptical to the use of reading this book for verbal gamesmiths. It is indeed useful to read literature on related forms. I do wish for gamesmiths of all persuasions to familiarize themselves with all kinds of roleplaying, to better understand the special possibilities and limitations within their own chosen form.

Message 9878#104648

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On 3/14/2004 at 8:28pm, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: "Beyond Role & Play" Book

So here's the info I just got, now that they've set up a PayPal account:

Markus Montola wrote: 8 books = 96 Euros
Estimated (economy) postage for 4 kg = 27,2 Euros
Extra costs for Paypal = 1 Euro

Total: 124,2 Euros = $150

$150 divided 8 ways gets us to $18.75 + US Shipping (to get the books to you, individually). If I ship things standard book rate (which means they should get there in less than a week), that's probably $2-3 a piece.

So... how does $22 sound? Does that work for people?

If so, you can go ahead and PayPal the money to <>. If I don't hear anything in the next few days, I'll try to PM people who said they were interested. If people decide to back out and that ups the total cost (because the shipping won't change much), I'll try to float that cost as much as I can, since the US Shipping might be cheaper than I'm anticipating.

Message 9878#107429

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On 3/15/2004 at 5:25am, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: "Beyond Role & Play" Book

As a second option, I suppose you could mail me a check or money order, if you like. PM or email me for my mailing address.

Message 9878#107476

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