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Topic: Armor and the test character on page 25
Started by: bergh
Started on: 2/20/2004
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 2/20/2004 at 12:55pm, bergh wrote:
Armor and the test character on page 25

Armor and the test character on page 25

This guy haves full suit chain, ok this gives AV4 and -2CPM
this is fine, not this guy have a Cheat Plate with 6/-2.

In the rules there says that full plates can't be added more armour, how can he wear a chest plate over his full chain?

Piecemeal plate....I also don't understand this one to, ok, this is extra plating for chain armour or is it just plate armour in loose pieces?
try these two questions:
I have full chain, and i want to have plate on my lower legs, how does this effect me?
Im wearing no armour, but again the only armour i wanna wear is plate on my lower legs, how is this effecting me?

Sorry for me maybe being stupid, and asking all kinda questions on the forum!

Message 9894#103586

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On 2/20/2004 at 4:49pm, [MKF]Kapten wrote:
RE: Armor and the test character on page 25

My instinctive response to this is to not complicate double armour. For the example character, I would just count chain for arms and legs and breast plate for the torso. The double armour I would just let pass.

Same thing for the last two questions; just take the best armour for the body part in question.

No need to apologize for being stupid, you are not alone ~~ (j/k)

Message 9894#103622

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On 2/20/2004 at 4:53pm, bergh wrote:
RE: Armor and the test character on page 25

hehe, good to know im not alone being stupid :D

But what about the penalities. generaly i don't understand this line:

page 86
"When wearing piecemeal armor, all negative modifers are based on the highest modifers, +/- 1 for each additional piece. the maximum negative modifier is -4"

Someone explain me this.

Message 9894#103623

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On 2/20/2004 at 5:30pm, Malechi wrote:
RE: Armor and the test character on page 25

Essentially what this means is that in the case of piecemeal armour, you take CP penalty thats the worse out of all of them , then make it worse by 1 for each additional piece of armour you're wearing, up until you reach a penalty of -4.

Not sure how to make that any simpler. frex if you're wearing a steel pauldron, (shoulder piece CP Penalty -1), a couple of knee cops (knee guardsCP Penalty -1 each), a couple of vambrace (Forearm guards CP Penalty -1 each) and a greave (shin guard CP Penalty probably -1), you take the highest CP penalty (in this case -1 for any one piece according to page 85, then add an additional -1 penalty for each other item

total CP Penalty = -1(pauldron)-1 (knee cop)-1(knee cop)-1(vambrace)-1(vambrace) = -4 CP penalty total. any other items don't really matter considering a full suit of articulated armour is only -3.. taking into account that its unlikely the piecemeal is made specifically for you thats not a bad deal..


Message 9894#103631

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On 2/20/2004 at 6:52pm, bergh wrote:
RE: Armor and the test character on page 25

ok actually that helped alot.

not my next question is:
FULL plate and FULL Chain, they must then cover ALL locations, i look at the picture of the armour on page 86, it seems to cover everything right?
but without Helmet the neck will be exposed.
but when you have a FULL plate armour, there are no need to get anything else right?

ie piecemeal plating is only for buffing up lesser armours/(or no armour), on locations who you think need extra protection?...lets take an example: A FULL Chain(AV4,CP-2) armoured knight on horse, experince has learned him that he need to protect his legs with aditional armour. solution is to get piecemeal plating for them.
Piecemeal leg plating is AV5 and CP-1.
Then his total CP is -3 right?
if this knight had the money he should get a Full Plate armour instead, if you look at it rules-techanical right? then he also would get -3CP and get AV6 all over.

Dod i have understood it right?

Message 9894#103654

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On 2/20/2004 at 10:08pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Armor and the test character on page 25

I believe for the purposes of the book, FULL chain does not include a coif (as you may not want to wear a coif) and FULL plate does not include a helm (as you may not want to wear a helm, or you may want to pick between available helms). If you are wearing a coif with your full plate or chain, then only your face is exposed. A pot helm worn with full plate or full chain will leave the neck and face exposed. A full helm worn with full plate or full chain leaves nothing exposed.

As for your examples.. I might fudge it a bit, but it seems to me that you've got it about right, by the rules as written.

I would fudge it in such a way that piecemeal leg plating doesn't penalize CP when added to other armor, but penalizes movement instead.

My personal favorite kit of "light" armor is the following, FYI..

-chain shirt, without sleeves (-0 CP, 4 AV on torso)
-leather sleeves (-0 CP, 2 AV on arms) (for costs, take the difference in cost between a leather jack with sleeves, and a leather jack without sleeves)
-steel-enforced leather bracers (-0 CP, 4 AV on forearms)(I extrapolated the cost of these from what Jake once told me for a set of gauntlets, but I don't remember. They're easy enough to make though, and as such should be fairly cheap)

You can add whatever additional armor to this that you wish, if a helm or coif is in order, or leg protection, or what have you. This gives decent protection to the upper body without any penalties, and that's what I'm aiming for.

Message 9894#103680

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