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Topic: Eclipse RPG
Started by: Ravien
Started on: 2/21/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 2/21/2004 at 4:53am, Ravien wrote:
Eclipse RPG


Now that i have been here a while, and gotten a bit of a feel for "how things are done", i've decided to present my system mechanics in a more practical and accessible way.

Ok, so Eclipse is loosely based on the d20 system (immediately 90% of audience leaves), in that it uses a d20 as the main die, and has skills and attributes and abilities (feats). practically every roll will come down to either a skill roll, a direct attribute roll, or a combat roll (see the combat sections below). no base attack or base saves. your character improves by distributing a number of attribute points determined by their class and learning skills (see "learning skills"). logistically, its possible for a level 20 character to have an attribute modifier as high as +40 (raw score of 100), but in reality its likely most level 20 characters will have two or three attributes with modifers around +22 and the rest of their attributes as low as when they were level 1. most level one characters will have a few attributes with negative modifiers, and a few with positive modifiers (averages between -3 and +3)

8 Attributes:
Power=Raw physical strength
Constitution=fortitude and life force
Speed=small quick movements (single limb)
Agility=large movements (whole body)
Crystal=memory, learning capacity
Fluid=logic and analysis, quick thinking
Beauty=physical beauty and inner beauty, overall attractiveness
Influence=force of will and character, luck (see "luck" below)

Melee Combat
there are only three things really important for melee combat: AC, Power and Speed.
AC is the hardness of your body+your armor. not "how hard you are to hit", more like "how hard it is to push a sword through you". a medium sized character's base AC is 10, and this increases/decreases according to size. in combat, a character is likely to have an AC that is equal to their Base AC plus the AC of their armor. this is opposed against any power checks. an total AC of 30 means an opponent needs to roll a Power of at least 30 to deal any damage at all.
Power is rolled as d20 +your characters Power mod +the Power mod of your weapon.
Speed is rolled as d20 +your characters Speed mod +the Speed mod of your weapon.
all melee weapons are given with this convention WeaponName(+/-X, +/-Y), where X=the Speed bonus and Y=the Power bonus. for example, a long sword is written as LongSword(-3, +5), meaning it is slower to swing a longsword than it is to throw a punch, and your hits are more powerful with a longsword than they are with a punch. a Quarterstaff(+4, +2) means you are much faster at reacting with a quarterstaff than unarmed (especially due to its duel ends) and you can hit someone harder with a quarterstaff than unarmed, but not as hard as a longsword (plus a longsword has an edge). a Rapier(+4, -2) is even faster to move than a quarterstaff, but it has only one end, so they even out, but its harder to put your weight behind a rapier than it is with a punch so it has a negative bonus to Power, but a rapier deals piercing damage, a quarterstaff deals bludgeoning.

combat might typically resolve thus: both opponents roll Speed. whoever rolls higher subtracts the opponents roll from their own and this gives the difference in Speed. a difference of 0 means both players have locked weapons and they roll power to win the weapon lock. a difference between 1 and 7 means the defending character managed to get their weapon up to block (more on this later). a difference between 8 and 11 means the defending character was too slow, and the offensive character can simply strike at them by rolling power. any difference greater than 12 allows the offensive opponent to choose to disarm the defending opponent (no damage dealt though).

this is all laid out on a small table, so it takes like one roll each (both rolled at the same time) a simple subtraction and a glance at a table.

ok, so if you are faster than your opponent, fast enough to strike them before they can block, you roll power, subtract their AC, and compare the result to a second table, which tells you how much you need to beat their AC by to deal different types of damage. damage is dealt to wherever the player chooses to attack initially.

if they manage to block, then their AC increases by their Power mod and the Power mod of their weapon. the logic behind this is that stronger characters are better at deflecting weapons and bigger and tougher weapons are better at defending too.

two rolls, two possible ACs depending on the Speed outcomes.

there are tons more options, such as dodging (with degrees of failure and success laid out in a simple table) and various other manoeuvres gained through class based abilities or general abilities.

Ranged Combat
ranged combat is more simple. it requires an Accuracy roll and the targets AC. Accuracy is d20 +Power mod +Agility mod +weapon mod. ranged weapons have an accuracy modifier that either increases or decreases your basic accuracy (throwing axes are less accurate than longbows). player rolls accuracy, GM looks at table to determine the difficulty of the shot within range increments and movement of target, adds the targets AC, and if the Accuracy check is higher, checks the damage table to see what damage is dealt.

Magic/Psionic Combat
magic/Psionic combat is a little more interesting. if a spellcaster/Psionic is facing normal opponents, they must either choose to engage them in melee or cast spells/use abilities from range, and there is really no chance for the spells/abilities to fail. but when oppossing another spellcaster/psionic, they duel. each opponent declares if they are going to cast or counter. if both cast, then both simply cast. if both counter, then they both do nothing that action. but if one casts and the other counters, they both roll spellcraft checks (Psi checks for Psionics) to try to get their spell off/counter the opponents spell. whoever wins the roll gets what they want.

also, all spells and abilities have a cost. this cost is used from the characters pool (be it spell points or Psi capacity), and also carries with it an additional cost of subdual damage. this subdual damage ignores AC and any other resistances against subdual damage, and can only be reduced/prevented with a constitution check, by subtracting this check from the subdual damage dealt. any left-over subdual damage is taken by the character. thus spellcasters and psionics must use their power wisely and ensure they can deal with the cost of using their abiltiies or risk falling unconscious.

magic and psionics are a bit more complex than this but i'm trying to be brief.

Learning Skills
skills are rolled as d20 +skill ranks +relevant attribute modifier, and are usually rolled against an opposing roll, though many skills roll against a static DC. the default threshold for learning skills is 3. this means that if you roll either 3 higher or 3 lower than the target number (DC or opposed roll), you learn one rank in that skill. this allows for characters to learn from mistakes and successes, and prevents them from learning from tasks too difficult for them to understand or too easy to be of use. certain classes (such as thieves) may have higher thresholds, like 4 or 5, and so learning skills is easier for them. characters can also pay for professional training to help them learn, by raising the threshold by 1 for every 10gp paid per try (or whatever).

characters with high influence scores not only find it easier to persuade other people, but also find that the world in general seems to react differently to them. i picture a characters' influence as kind of like a ripple in a pond, the more influence they have the more of a difference they can make. this breaks down mechanic-wise into 4 levels of luck, reached by raising influence progressively higher. level 1 luck can be used 4 times per day, and allows the player to re-roll any roll they make, and use the better of the two OR take a simple 50/50 chance of total success or total failure at using a skill check regardless of their skill or the difficulty of the task. level 2 luck can be used 3 times per day, and allows the player to alter any unknown value to their desire by a factor of 2 or 0.5. for example, if you fight an opponent with a longsword and a pouch, you can't make his longsword a rapier (it's already a known value) but you can make his pouch have either half the gold it would have had, or twice the gold (factors of 0.5 and 2 respectively). this could also work for the number of enemies on the other side of a door, or anything else they think of. level 3 luck can be used twice per day, and lets the player take total success regardless of the difficulty of the task (doesn't work for combat), or player can make another target creature or player fail/succeed at any task regardless of difficulty or skill. level 4 luck can be used once per day, and allows the player to totally fluke out and succeed at any one thing they try, no limitations, or they can choose to avoid any one lot of damage from any one source, and they can make these decisions retroactively up to one minute in the past per character level.

the setting for Eclipse is a world of my own creation, with many different cultures, with varying technological prowess. the main culture is The Kingdom, where magicians all belong to a highly organised and powerful organisation called The Academy, who are somewhat seperate from the Kingdom, but are also favourable towards them. there are 4 thieves guilds, each with their own claimed towns and cities, who do not look kindly on rogue thieves moving in on their territory. there are officially 7 religious orders, who spend a good deal of effort trying to manipulate and control events for their own design by using clerics as spies. there is one unofficial order who follow the nameless god of chaos, and they are the "big baddies" who attempt to bring destruction from the shadows. the era would be around the middle ages, though some cultures have developed gunpowder and others are yet to figure out how to work steel. in some cultures magic users are less-than-human and are slaves to be bought and used like tools, and in other cultures they are no more than loosely associated practitioners. orcs and serpent-people are the dominant species on the planet, with the serpent-people using the orcs as their armies. there's obviously tons more to the setting, but i think that's a passable overview.

Is there anything wrong with my skill learning mechanic? is 3 too large or too small as a base threshold? should characters learn more ranks for succeeding? or failing? or the same for both?

Is it fair to make Psionics and Spellcasters have to deal with subdual damage as a system of fatigue? should the risk for subdual damage be high? or low? i currently have spellcasters with a lower risk of subdual damage because their effort is in simply controlling and manipulating the weave of magic that is already there, whereas Psionics are generating a kind of magic weave with the power of their mind and their influence in the world. this leaves spellcasters as more powerful than psionics, but far rarer (everyone can become a psionic if they want). should i change this at all? is it ok to have an "imbalance" if it works with the world and ideals of the system?

right now there is a tradeoff between speed and power in melee combat, and stronger characters not only deal more damage, but are also harder to damage, while faster characters are harder to hit and more likely to hold the upper hand in a duel. i like this balance, and it achieves the sort of gritty "realistic" model of combat i wanted to achieve. but does anyone here think it needs more? or less? if so, how?

is there any more information that i should give to make objective appraisal of my mechanics easier to understand or give them a frame of reference?

any other comments/criticisms/questions?

Message 9910#103729

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On 2/21/2004 at 6:48pm, Darksmith wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

There seems to be alot of dice rolling in your combat system. Each player has to toll once for Speed and then once for Power. Have you thought about rolling once and applying both modifiers to the same die Roll? This way everything happens at once and if you happen to equal Speed for a weapon lock then you already know how it will turn out with the Power rating.

The skill learning mechanic seem okay, but I wouldn't modify it per class. I would make it consistant for everyone and the only time it would be modified is if there was a trainer/teacher availible.

I'm not sure about the Luck mechanic. It has the potential of reshaping the reality of the game world a little too much for my taste. I've always seen luck as a way to effect the Character himself, not people around him. It's like giving anyone the PC comes up against Bad Luck twice a day. If I was playing in the system I would max out my influence first thing, becuase the way it's set up now it's definatly better to be lucky than good. That's just my opinion though.

Message 9910#103791

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On 2/22/2004 at 4:08am, Ravien wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

Thanks for your post!

There seems to be alot of dice rolling in your combat system. Each player has to toll once for Speed and then once for Power. Have you thought about rolling once and applying both modifiers to the same die Roll? This way everything happens at once and if you happen to equal Speed for a weapon lock then you already know how it will turn out with the Power rating.

Alot of rolling? one speed roll, then the winner rolls power. that's no more than a basic 'attack roll, damage roll'.

i had considered using the one roll and then just using either your speed or power mod, but i dunno. perhaps this could be an optional rule. i've never been much of a swordsman, so do you think maybe the speed of an attack is directly related to the power of that attack? if so, one roll would be perfect. but if you can realistically swing fast and weak, or slow and strong, then i think two rolls would capture that reality more. if anyone knows anything about this just let me know and i'll happily change it to more accurately capture the reality of attacking.

The skill learning mechanic seem okay, but I wouldn't modify it per class

hmmm. i see the logic behind making skills just as easy to learn for all classes, but then how would i differentiate thieves as a skill based class? without that advantage, they only have poisons and explosives, which are all well and good, but their skills are more handy more often. i dunno though, i'll have to think about this. maybe if i made it an ability(feat) that can be taken?

I'm not sure about the Luck mechanic. It has the potential of reshaping the reality of the game world a little too much for my taste. I've always seen luck as a way to effect the Character himself, not people around him. It's like giving anyone the PC comes up against Bad Luck twice a day. If I was playing in the system I would max out my influence first thing, becuase the way it's set up now it's definatly better to be lucky than good. That's just my opinion though.

well, maxing out your influence would require you to be at least level 18, considering you can only reach level 4 luck by having an influence of 100, and you start with around 10, and you can only gain a maximum of 5 attribute points per level. so while you were levelling up, you'd prolly die real quick because you abandoned all your other attributes. in the game, there are magic items and various other ways to increase your attribute points, so it is possible, but rather hard, to reach level 4 luck. to reach level 3 you need an influence of 73, to reach level 2 you need 43, and to reach level 1 you need 20. so after all the effort required to reach those levels of luck, i think the player deserves some real power!

i designed the system with the goal to have incentive to keep playing even after you've reached level 20, by having things such as luck, incredibly powerful monsters (like angels), and magic items which allow you to improve your character without relying on levels. otherwise, realistically the only classes that have influence as an attribute useful to the class (and thus worth increasing) are psionics and clerics. an unless they neglect all the other important attributes for their class, they will realistically only reach level 2 luck, maybe level 3 if they push it.

but i really like the idea of players being able to influence and change more than just their character. if anyone has read the wheel of time, i'm thinking along the lines of ta'veren, but with more focus.

Message 9910#103826

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On 2/22/2004 at 5:11pm, greyorm wrote:
Re: Eclipse RPG

I like the Luck mechanic, very interesting, and the idea certainly fits with a number of other games developed here on the Forge which provide varying degrees of player empowerment. For example, Donjon (by our very own Clinton R. Nixon) uses a system that allows the player to turn successful rolls into facts about the world.

I can't really comment on the rest of the system, because it isn't my thing...or doesn't seem to be, since I'm looking at what appears to be D&D with mods. So, with that in mind, Ravien, could you tell me why I would want to play your game rather than just going with straight d20 / D&D? That is, what's your purpose in designing this game, and how do the mechanics support that?

Ravien wrote: Is there anything wrong with my skill learning mechanic? is 3 too large or too small as a base threshold? should characters learn more ranks for succeeding? or failing? or the same for both?

Without playing, I can't say. 3 seems a little low to me, but that all depends on how quickly you view advancement occuring. That brings up the question of how skill advancement integrates with the whole level system -- does level have any reflection on skill levels?

Is it fair to make Psionics and Spellcasters have to deal with subdual damage as a system of fatigue? should the risk for subdual damage be high? or low?

The answer to both question all depends on your design goals, and what you mean by "fair"?

is it ok to have an "imbalance" if it works with the world and ideals of the system?

Sure...but that depends on the focus of the game and the way it is played. Is it more gamist? More sim-focused? Is mechanical effectiveness a concern regarding rewards? Given that it is modified D&D, I'd say that imbalance does not work, because of the way D&D is set up and functions.

i like this balance, and it achieves the sort of gritty "realistic" model of combat i wanted to achieve. but does anyone here think it needs more? or less? if so, how?

To tell you the truth, I'm a little unclear on how, exactly, combat works itself out. Can you give a more comprehensive example (or two)? Thanks!

Message 9910#103870

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On 2/23/2004 at 4:55am, Ravien wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

So, with that in mind, Ravien, could you tell me why I would want to play your game rather than just going with straight d20 / D&D?

without knowing everything about you? probably not. but i can tell you why i prefer my system over D&D, and why my friends do too. because for starters, D&D is too abstract and restrictive. you have basically only two or three choices about how the stats of your character develop, in feats, skills, and maybe spells. other than that, your character really is predefined by your class and level. secondly, you have very little power over combat besides choosing what action to do and praying it hits. for example, you can't say "i kick this guy in the nuts" and have things work like you'd expect (unless the DM overules the core system, which seems to happen alot). also, when you reach higher levels, you can pretty much do whatever you want with almost no fear of dying. essentially, D&D is too "gamey" for me, and i often find my plans and tactics end up being no more effective than if i'd just ran in there and swung my weapon about like a toon. so i developed my own system, ignorant of the fact that many other people also do the same thing. then i came here at the suggestion of a friend, and was pointed to TROS. i read the quickstart, and to be honest, the goals of TROS are basically the exact same goals that i had, but his system is far too complex for my liking, and doesn't allow for a bunch of things i wanted to implement. so i don't feel like my efforts were a waste of time. if you look at the details of my system, the similarities with D&D almost dissapear. this might become clearer when i give an example of how combat might play out.

Without playing, I can't say. 3 seems a little low to me, but that all depends on how quickly you view advancement occuring. That brings up the question of how skill advancement integrates with the whole level system -- does level have any reflection on skill levels?

does level reflect skills? no. you decide how good you are with skills by using them and training them. level is only used as a way to measure your experience in the world (like for the purposes of comparison to other people), and to moderate when your character gets attribute points to distribute and some other class-based benefits. and the threshold is 3, which means 3 above and 3 below, so all in all, if you roll within 6 of the target you gain a rank. advancement can occur as fast as players want. if they want to spend all their gold and train a skill every day for a month, then they can raise their skill as high as they want.

Sure...but that depends on the focus of the game and the way it is played. Is it more gamist? More sim-focused? Is mechanical effectiveness a concern regarding rewards? Given that it is modified D&D, I'd say that imbalance does not work, because of the way D&D is set up and functions

no, it doesn't work as D&D, but it isn't D&D. it's far more sim-focused than D&D, yet not quite so sim-focused as TROS. the focus of the game and the way it is played reflects novels. balance between characters isn't really an issue because they are all part of their world, not lone adventurers in it. spellcasters belong to the academy, and they don't look kindly on their members running around setting fire to everything or razing cities with undead armies. clerics belong to their orders and their orders decide what they do (not how they do it or if they do anything else as well). thieves belong to guilds with strict codes. fighters will be hunted by bigger and better fighters if they muck up, or patrols of guards. the adventures are focused more on the characters interacting with the world, and finding their place in it, than on collecting treasure from ancient ruins or commiting genocide. it's actually remarkably easy to keep characters in line when they realise they can be killed with one wrong step, and negotiation skills and tactics play a big part in staying alive. rewards are about 50/50 mechanical effectiveness and roleplaying.

my design goals? a system with deadly duels, that are played out action by action, where every attack meets a defence or counter-attack, for melee and arcane combat (i can't imagine how a duel might work with ranged combat...). a system that forces players to think carefully not only about what they are going to do, but how they are going to do it. a system that accomodates things like magnetic fields, realistic lightning, and undead that just won't die (they regenerate and can move severed limbs). and a system where taking a rapier to the stomach didn't just reduce hit points, but carried penalties for your attributes, by making you slower and weaker, and an arrow to the head will kill anyone. this all sounds like a pile of marketing (as in, "watch out! don't step in that marketing!"), but this is what i was thinking when i designed it. but most of all, i wanted it to be easily accessible, understandable, and simple and fast to play.

To tell you the truth, I'm a little unclear on how, exactly, combat works itself out. Can you give a more comprehensive
example (or two)? Thanks!

sure! first i'll give an example of a melee duel between two average level fighters, and i'm actually using dice to generate the combat. i'll only give the important stats for each of them, and both have longswords (-3Spe, +5Pow) and leather armor (AC=4, no dex penalty):

Fighter A (bob) Stats:
Pow: 24 (+12)
Con: 18 (+8)
Spd: 26 (+13)
Agi: 16 (+6)

Total AC: 15 (Base AC=11, +4 for leather armor)
number of actions per round: 5 (1 per 8Pow, 1 per 10Spe)

Total weapon Pow: +17 (+12 from Pow score, +5 from weapon)
Total weapon Spe: +10 (+13 from Spe score, -3 from weapon)

Figher B (dave) Stats:
Pow: 30 (+15)
Con: 25 (+12)
Spd: 20 (+10)
Agi: 9 (-1)

Total AC: 17 (Base AC=13, +4 for leather armor)
actions per round: 5 (1 per 8Pow, 1 per 10Spe)

Total weapon Pow: +20 (+15 from Pow score, +5 from weapon)
Total weapon Spe: +7 (+10 from Spe score, -3 from weapon)


Round 1: Action 1 both fighters engage each other at the same time, bob is a bit more cautious though, and decides to attempt to defend himself first, rather than risk both killing each other. so dave rolls and gets 8, adds his weapons speed (+7) for a total of 15. at the same time, bob rolls and gets 13, adds his weapons speed (+10) for a total of 23. 23 is only 8 higher than 15, so if bob and dave both attacked (instead of bob choosing to defend), then both would have killed each other (explained in a degrees of success table for 'hammering' where both opponents attempt to attack without defending). but as it stands, bobs 23 is 8 higher than daves 15, so bob gains the upper hand, forcing dave to defend next action.

Round 1: Action 2 bob rolls an 11, for a total of 21, and dave rolls a 10, for a total of 17. bobs 21 is only 4 higher than daves 17, so dave manages to block with his sword. dave adds his total weapon power (including his personal power mod) to his AC of 17, giving him a total AC of 37. bobs roll was only 11, so his total power is only 28. not enough to make a dent, but he still has the upper hand.

Round 1: Action 3 again bob rolls and gets 19, for a total speed of 29, and dave rolls a 6, for a total speed of 15. this time bobs speed was over 12 higher than daves, so he can either choose to disarm dave, or attempt to damage him. dave wasn't fast enough to block, so his AC is only 17. bobs roll was 19, so adding his weapons power gives a total of 36, more than enough to deal an instantly fatal wound to dave. so bobs sword punctures right through daves heart up to the hilt, and he watches as the life fades from daves eyes and the blood drains from his face.

all this has happened in the space of about 4 seconds, and bob still has 2 actions left that round (one round = 6 seconds), which he could use to move to another opponent if there are any left and engage them. if dave had less actions than bob, then he would run out and bob would gain 'free' actions against him with dave unable to defend, simply because bob was too fast for him. but as it turned out, not even having the same number of actions helped him stay alive for even one round. both fighters were around level 7.

also, you might notice that i only used one roll for each fighter, and simply used either speed or power to modifer that one roll. this was inspired by darksmith's post, and the more i think about it the more i like it. so one roll per action it is!

ok, so that was melee combat. i hope it made sense and wasn't too confusing, as it's actually much easier to understand and explain with a demonstration.

but here is an example of a duel between two spellcasters, again, both are level 7 and both have a similar selection of spells. but for the sake of simplicity, i will only deal with two spells; magic missile (invisible balls of force that smash targets sending them flying and dealing subdual damage, costs 1 per ball to cast), and shockwave (a ring of electricity that burns through creatures, costs 6 per 10ft radius). neither of these spells are the most powerful the casters have, but they are the simplest to describe concisely. both mages have masterwork katanas (+0Spe, +8Pow) and no armor.

Mage A (mary) Stats:
Pow: 14 (+4)
Con: 22 (+11)
Spe: 15 (+5)
Cry: 24 (+12)
Flu: 26 (+13)

Total Spell Pool: 13 (half Cry mod + half Flu mod, rounded up)
Total AC: 12 (Base AC=12)
actions per round: 2 (1 per 10Pow, 1 per 10Spe)

Total weapon Pow: +12 (+4 from Pow score, +8 from weapon)
Total weapon Spe: +5 (+5 from Spe score, +0 from weapon)
Spellcraft skill: 31 (18 ranks, +13 from Flu score)

Mage B (jane) Stats:
Pow: 10 (+0)
Con: 30 (+15)
Spe: 11 (+1)
Cry: 20 (+10)
Flu: 28 (+14)

Total Spell Pool: 12 (half Cry mod + half Flu mod, rounded up)
Total AC: 14 (Base AC=14)
actions per round: 2 (1 per 10Pow, 1 per 10Spe)

Total weapon Pow: +8 (+0 from Pow score, +8 from weapon)
Total weapon Spe: +1 (+1 from Spe score, +0 from weapon)
Spellcraft skill: 34 (20 ranks, +14 from Flu score)


Round 1: Action 1 both casters stand about 60ft apart with swords drawn, each able to 'feel' the power of the other, and they both know that this could be a deadly duel. mary decides to attack, by casting magic missile, in the hope of knocking jane out or at least putting some real distance between them. she tries to cast, and jane senses this and decides to counter. both make a spellcraft check. mary rolls 7 for a total of 38, jane rolls 18 for a total of 52. as mary tries to weave the spell, she feels jane tear apart her weaves and the spell fails.

Round 1: Action 2 mary runs towards jane, hoping to best her in melee, but as she runs, she feels jane begin to cast, so she stops and tries to counter. both roll spellcraft again, and mary rolls 6, for a total of 37, and jane rolls 3, for a total of 37 (yes i actually rolled those legitimately). both casters stand there, staring intently at each other while they each struggle for control over the weave.

Round 2: Action 1 the distance between the two mages has closed to 30ft thanks to mary's running. again both roll spellcraft, and this time mary rolls 14, for a total of 45, and jane rolls 6, for a total of 34. mary bests jane, and jane feels her spell weave torn apart, and the spell fails. she stands with sword ready, watching to see what mary will do next.

Round 2: Action 2 mary begins walking towards jane, trying to close the distance so she can cast shockwave. jane too, decides to walk towards mary, in order to cast shockwave.

Round 3: Action 1 they are now standing but 10ft apart, and both wait to see if the other will cast. suddenly, jane feels mary begin to weave, and she tries to counter. mary rolls 3, for a total of 34, and jane rolls 16, for a total of 50. mary's weave is shredded and the spell fails. she raises her katana and prepares herself for whatever jane might do next.

Round 3: Action 2 jane is becoming tense, and wants to end this now. she begins casting shockwave. mary counters, knowing that if she doesn't she will die. she rolls 6, for a total of 37, and jane rolls 16, for a total of 50. jane decides to make the shockwave have a radius of 20ft to ensure that mary cannot avoid it, and so must use up 12 points from her spell pool. this threatens to deal 48 points of subdual damage to her (four times the cost), so she makes a constitution check to reduce or avoid that subdual damage. she rolls 7, adds her constitution modifier for a total of 22, which reduces the subdual damage to 26 points. she can only sustain an amount of subdual damage equal to her constitution score, which is 30, and if she comes within 5 of that, she becomes dazed. so jane is now dazed, and suffers a penalty of -4 to all rolls. but this doesn't matter, because the shockwave dealt 3 (result of a 1d4) moderate burn wounds to mary, which was one more than she could handle and remain alive, so jane drearily looks down at mary's burnt and mangled twitching body.

well that was alot more exciting than i was imagining possible with only two spells, and lasted longer than i thought too, a full 3 rounds. but there you go, a fine example of arcane duelling. if jane were to encounter another opponent right about now, she'd have serious problems with her -4 penalty and all.

at any time during the duel either mage could have resorted to melee combat, but doing so would leave them defenseless against the spell of the opponent, which is obviously not a good position to be in. also, only spellcasters can counter spells, which means that a spellcaster is a veritable war machine against non-spellcasters. of course, this also means that any of her friends that are standing too close can also become the victim of her spells.

sorry all that took so long, but i hope that gives a good idea about how combat is resolved and plays out. i also hope that might show how different my system is from D&D. if it doesn't, then maybe i just think it's different because i know the whole thing inside out, and maybe i'm only highlighting the differences, of which there are many, but ignoring the similarities, of which i don't know how many there could be because of my biased view.

Message 9910#103902

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On 2/23/2004 at 8:26pm, greyorm wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

Thanks for posting that, Ravien! I'm going to mull that over a bit, along with your initial post, and see if I can get a grasp of the way it works (my quick read-through is just not clarifying it for me).

Message 9910#104007

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On 2/29/2004 at 3:35am, Ravien wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

well, hopefully the combat examples i gave weren't too confusing... they seem simple enough to me. but then again, i made the system!

so anyways i am making progress on my pdf. i'm up to about 50 pages now, and i have to say that typing up spell lists is a real huge job. i've done all the character creation part, all the psionic powers, weapons, armor (not general equipment yet though), and all that stuff. big job. more typing in this one pdf than i've done in all my years at uni.

one of the things i may need help with though, is my playable species. of the many creatures that live in my setting, only five are playable. i was wondering if this is enough, or are people likely to want more than five. to help put some context to that question, here is a very simplified rundown of the five species i have so far:

human. duh! always a human. many cultures, kingdoms, blah blah blah

humans gain experience at 110% the normal rate, get more skill points at char creation, and get more abilities as they level. exciting huh.

elyrial (el-EYE-ree-AHL): elyrials are descendants of teh ancient druids, who are magical creatures that are the guardians of nature (very powerful). when humans first began spreading, a small group of druids (typical teenagers!) were inspired to question devoting their life to the cause of nature, when these humans were doing so well by using nature. so they left the druids and tried to emulate the humans, and compete with them. being the druids that they were though, when they abandoned nature they began losing the powers that nature granted them. they lost their abilities to shapeshift, control the weather and other animals, meld with the elements, and many other powers, and they lost their immortality. but proud and stubborn, they continued to try to forge their own path. unfortunately, their breeding cycle was too long, and the humans grew too fast. so in the end, they tried to compromise, by living at one with nature, but still being their own speciies with their own destinies. humans and elyrials live seperately, but each reveres the other for their accomplishments so it is a mutually beneficial relationship. the humans often call the elyrials "elves" because it is easier to say.

they have retained some aspects of their druidic heritage, namely their cat-like ears and tails, ability to camouflage their skin and hair and fur (like a cameleon), they never take falling damage (unless they are unconscious), and have bonuses their sneak and hide and listen skills. because of their longevity and the nature of their beings, they gain experience at 90% the normal rate.

keresai (keh-reh-SEYE): keresin are even more ancient than the elyrials, though their ancestor species is not as ancient as the druids. both the keresin and the sargni are descendant from the same ancestor, who is now all but forgotten. they were the first species to exhibit the ability to weave magic, and very quickly began selective breeding to create their ideal "pure" species. this fact, and the fact that the keresin have incredibly stunted emotional capacity led the the sargni to war with them, and both species have hated each other for as long as they can remember. the keresin have very little creativity or emotional drives beyond some base emotions like hate, fear, and curiosity. their minds are alien to the other species, because they do not know the meaning of pleasure or humor, and they are always curious and trying to learn things, but without much restraint on how they go about things (like guilt or empathy). they use the ka'tarrh as slaves because they can and they see themselves as superior to them, and live in densely populated centres, where no keresai goes without because of the fact that they have so many slaves to do everything for them. they breed according to seasonal cycles, without lust nor passion, and the females lay their eggs in huge community nests, where they are left to fend for themselves. their hate is usually reserved for the sargn, and their curiosity fuels their interactions with the humans and elyrials, though neither of them are too keen on forming any sort of relationship with the keresin. attempting to comunicate with a keresin through anything other than logical reasoning is most often futile. they do not chat about the weather.

their skin is smooth and shiny scales of any colour or pattern, and their physiques are slender and graceful. they are often described as "snake-like" in appearance and movement. they have infravision (ability to see heat), are far more likely to be born able to weave magic than any other species, and have other things i can't remember.

sargn (SAR-ehn): sargni are also descendants from the same lineage as the keresin, but the two species coulnd't be more different. where the keresin are cold and emotionally void, the sargn are a very emotionally focused people. they form small communities and deep relationships with each other. where the keresin treat breeding as an informal formality, the sargni are very selective and breed out of love. where the keresin are driven by curiosity, the sargni are content with what they have. they do not form many relationships with other species, simply for wariness of being abused (as they have seen from humans many times). they focus their lives on the pursuit of creativity and expression, and their music is often commented on as being the best in the world.

the sargni are much larger than the other species (though only slightly larger than the ka'tarrh), being around 11, to 12 feet tall. they are very muscular and strong, being forged as warriors from their aeons of war with the keresin. their skin is thick, hard and scaly, and can be any colour or pattern. as with the keresin, both male and females of the sargni are virtually indistinguishable to the human eye. they have many strength and AC bonuses, and gain experience at 80% the normal rate.

ka'tarrh (kah-TARH): the ka'tarrh are a chaotic species. they are fueled by a need to satisfy base desires. in terms of numbers they are by far the dominant species in the world, but fortunately for the other species, they are far from the brightest or most organised. they are usually slaves and military for the keresin, and this not only benefits the keresin directly, but also benefits the humans and elyrials indirectly in that the keresin have little interest in attacking them, thus they effectively pre-occupy the ka'tarrh by mkaing them slaves. among other ka'tarrh, individuals are constantly vyeing for power or possessions, and their sexual selection consists of "only the strong survive", in that breeding for any ka'tarrh, male or female, is a matter of finding an ideally strong mate, considering whether they are capable of overpowering this mate, and then forceably mating with them. humans would consider this rape, but ka'tarrh have neither the emotional capacity to feel bothered by this nor the need to, as this is their way of life. their leaders (when they are not keresin) are always the strongest or otherwise most powerful (magic, comparitive tactical genius) but never remain for long before another one takes over. thus, instead of having the brains to use their numbers to their advantage, most of their energy is spent on in-fighting.

their physical appearance varies as much as a humans' does, in terms of height, weight, skin color and all that, but their skin is coloured differently to humans, taking shades of blues and greys, greens and deep oranges, and a huge range of other colours. they usually have horns or spikes on their heads, shoulders or backs, and even elbows knees and forearms, and the arrangement, size, and colour of these varies as much as everything else about them. they usually stand around 10 foot tall, and gain one extra ability point per level.

is this not a wide enough variety of species?

right now humans are kind of under the keresin and the ka'tarrh in terms of dominance over the world, does this present a problem for a players' suspension of disbelief?

there are other humanoid species in the world, namely the malenym (mah-leh-NIM), but they are largely elementally focused and might be too powerful as playable characters... should i try to make them playable anyway?

any comments or suggestions or criticisms?

Message 9910#104848

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On 3/12/2004 at 8:00pm, greyorm wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG


Sorry about the wait in getting back to you, I've been offline for a bit with PC problems.

Unfortunately, I'm still confused. The system looks like it works, but I'm just not getting where some of the results you're declaring in the battles are coming from. I've read the examples over a couple times and am still left scratching my head at certain points saying, "Alright, if you say so."

I'm assuming there's tables and charts that you have access to which I don't that makes it all make more sense?

(Gah...sorry my feedback isn't more specific.)

Message 9910#107180

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On 3/12/2004 at 9:14pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

I'm curious about how chargen works. One thing that strikes me right off (and forgive me if I've missed something) but what's the difference between two characters one with a 24 stat, and one with a 25. From the above, they both provide a +12 mod. So what do the raw stats do?

A lot of games coming from the d20 tradition keep this odd artifact from D&D - having a primary stat with a derived mod that has meaning while the primary does not. IOW, is there something that's preventing you from just using the mod as the stat itself? That is, why can't my character just have a +12 stat instead of a 24? And +0 is the average ability?

There may well be a reason, but if so, I can't see it yet.

To address your question about magic and "subdual" damage (that's pretty archaic, couldn't you call it pain or something?), the first question is to ask if you are concerned with power balance or not, and why. The answer to your question depends heavily on how you answer this question.


Message 9910#107194

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On 3/13/2004 at 3:17am, Ravien wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

greyorm: yes, there are 5 tables that i have access to that you don't, because i can't post tables. they all fit on one page: the "GM page". it has conflict resolution tables for melee duelling (attack and defend as the tides of the battle turn), melee heedless (both parties attack praying that they are fast enough to avoid the opponents blow at the same time), the damage table, the accuracy DC table (target distance by target movement to subtract from the accuracy roll, making the shot harder/easier), and finally the dodge resolution table (are you fast enough to get inside their defense and stab them in the armpit? or were you too slow and got the sharp end of their sword?).

as for what is actually happening during combat, like whether one character is swinging high, if you choose to defend, if you want to cleave them in two with an overhead strike, or whatever, that is all pure narration. players say "i'm gonna stab this guy in the eye" and i say "roll your attack". at the same time i roll the defense for the opponent, and if hte player succeeds, the description of their action has all the info i need: aiming for the head, so i know where to look on the damage table, and bingo, i say "your dagger punches through this guys eye with a sickening squelch, quickly cut off by his screams as he claws away at your dagger".

i'm slowly getting closer to having the play-test pdf ready (78 pages so far, with plenty more to go!, 54,500 words!. not much i know, but i've certainly never typed anything so big before), and hopefully the section explaining combat in that is clearer than what i've been able to give here, especially because it has the tables and full descriptions of everything used.

mike: sure, i should have explained that. the reason i have used attributes with a derived mod, is to acheive the "law of diminishing returns". attributes from 10 to 20 increase on a 1:1 ratio. at 10 your mod is 0, and at 20 your mod is 10. from 21 to 30, your attributes increase at a 2:1 ratio, so at 21 your mod is 11, and at 30 your mod is 15. from 31 onwards (there really is no upper limit, but i'm treating 100 like a score VERY few will ever reach), attributes increase at a 3:1 ratio. at 31 your mod is 15, but at 50 your mod is 22. plus i do use the actual attribute of constitution for the purposes of determining a character's base AC.

i wanted to use the diminishing returns for a few reasons, but mostly i like it cos it means that players of lower levels can accelerate quickly, and then they are faced with a choice: do i spend an attribute point on this important attribute, even though i won't see any immediate result until next level? or do i spend it on this other attribute which comes in handy now and then, but in doing so potentially putting myself at a disadvantage against others of my class? plus as i've been creating characters with it and making them different levels, i've noticed that it just feels right.

and sure i could call subdual damage 'pain'. i could call it nausea, or fatigue, or sleepiness, or 'ouchies'. i could call it anything you want. find and replace is an awesome feature in MSWord! but its just a name. and i think if i were to rename it (i've considered it a few times myself), i'd probably call it fatigue, because that's what it most closely represents. spellcasters don't feel pain when they cast, they get worn out.

now to your question: is the threat of subdual damage there for balance? no, not really. spellcasters are fantastically powerful so i'm not really concerned about balance. what i am concerned about though, are two things: one, making my system parallel my own concepts of magic, and in my mind, magic should allow freedom and power, but the use of it is tiring. this also opens up a whole load of tactics to use as a spellcaster, and personally, i feel that without the threat of subdual damage (remembering that you roll to avoid it, and so have the potential to not take any at all), magic would be kinda bland and taken for granted. there really is no chance of a spell failing unless it is countered, so if magic didn't have the repurcussion of tiring the caster, one spellcaster would barely yawn after destroying an entire army and city fortress.

the second reason is closely tied into the first, and i even partially explained it, and that is a reason that has been addressed by many in a topic on "unlimited magic" here at the forge. ie: without a limit, magic is not special. it loses its wonder factor, and all possible tactical use is really destroyed.

but i guess now is as good a time as any to clarify a few things which have been brought to my attention as "unquestioned assumptions". for starters, let me just say that there is not one aspect that i have included in eclipse that has not undergone rigourous testing and questioning in my mind.

a d20 dice: why? why not 3d6? or any number of other die? sure, multiple die give a normal distribution, but thats about it as far as i can see for their advantages. the advantages of using a d20? DANGER! every roll you make there is a 1 in 20 chance of rolling any given number, and thus the outcome is not at all predictable. with 3d6, you know that more often than not, you'll roll 11 or 12. also, a d20 is much faster to read the result. i like these things, and i feel that using any other method of rolling die would make combat more predictable and make mistakes more common when adding up die for the 50th time that night.

classes: why? why not classless? sure, classless offers total freedom. but that's not what i want. in "real life", no-one has total freedom to do whatever they want, whenever they want. they have to really work for it, and doing so nearly always involves neglecting some aspect of your life. i want spellcasters to be special and unique, classless does not allow this easily. and whislt everyone in my world has the potential to become a psionic, not everyone devotes their lives to the difficult training and hardships required to harness that power. classes add something to a game, and even more importantly, they avoid homogeneity, which is something i try to steer clear of.

skills: why? because they make sense and give players options. some systems think skills are so important that everything becomes a skill. i've yet to see a skill-less system that isn't bland.

abilities (feats if you will): i like them. they are one more step to customising your character and making them really stand out, and i can't get enough of ways to make my characters unique. if i can make something where players think "damn, i don't know which one to choose because they are all so good". then i have done my job.

levels: something to work towards. a way to easily distinguish between a good character and an old character. something to give players a sense of achievement, in terms of incremental goals. sure, sense of achievement comes from many areas in my system, but another one sure doesn't hurt. plus they are useful for making character progression predictable so i can better accomodate for their potentials, and know what they can handle without extensive reading of their character sheets.

non-human playable species (races, whatever): it's a fantasy world. nuff said.

really i can't think of anything else that is similar to other systems i've seen, and even these things which i have used, i have modified strongly to my liking.

but i'll think some more on the naming of "subdual damage", perhaps i will call it fatigue. but pain really doesn't fit with how it is used.

if anyone has any more questions or comments, i'd be more than happy to accomodate them.

Message 9910#107252

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On 3/13/2004 at 10:04pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

Ravien wrote: mike: sure, i should have explained that. the reason i have used attributes with a derived mod, is to acheive the "law of diminishing returns". attributes from 10 to 20 increase on a 1:1 ratio. at 10 your mod is 0, and at 20 your mod is 10. from 21 to 30, your attributes increase at a 2:1 ratio, so at 21 your mod is 11, and at 30 your mod is 15. from 31 onwards (there really is no upper limit, but i'm treating 100 like a score VERY few will ever reach), attributes increase at a 3:1 ratio. at 31 your mod is 15, but at 50 your mod is 22.
OK, diminishing returns are a standard concept. My question is how are the stats determined? Do you roll them, or select them with points, or what? And how to they increase? My point is that you can put the diminishing return into the chargen of the character and/or the rewards portion, and eliminate a bunch of unneccessary recordkeeping.

plus i do use the actual attribute of constitution for the purposes of determining a character's base AC.AC? Is that armor class?

One exception isn't usually a good idea. So why not just base the AC mod on the mod for con (or what I think the stat should be)? Much simpler, and you get the diminishing returns again, which is probably beneficial.

and sure i could call subdual damage 'pain'. i could call it nausea, or fatigue, or sleepiness, or 'ouchies'. i could call it anything you want. find and replace is an awesome feature in MSWord! but its just a name. and i think if i were to rename it (i've considered it a few times myself), i'd probably call it fatigue, because that's what it most closely represents. spellcasters don't feel pain when they cast, they get worn out. My point wasn't that I thought pain was better, just that "subdual" damage is a really old skool term. Fatigue has been used a jillion times too, but I think it would be a vast improvement on subdual damage.

I think that you're pretty open minded, so I'm going to take the risk of insulting you by pointing you to two essays. The first is in the articles link at the top of this page, called "Fantasy Hearbreakers." The second is [url-]Mike's Standard Rant #1: Designers Know Your Hobby!

Essentially, the game you're creating here has been done dozens, maybe hundreds of times, and if you don't do something to make it unique, it's going to suffer from "Heartbreaker Syndrome" at best.

now to your question: is the threat of subdual damage there for balance? no, not really.
That's all you had to say. If it's not for balance, then it should be what you think it should be - very likely just how you have it. OTOH...

the second reason is closely tied into the first, and i even partially explained it, and that is a reason that has been addressed by many in a topic on "unlimited magic" here at the forge. ie: without a limit, magic is not special. it loses its wonder factor, and all possible tactical use is really destroyed.
Yeah, that was me who wrote that. The thing is, fatigue, while better than nothing IMO, only serves to explain the limited use of magic. It doesn't really convey the "wonder" aspect of magic much. In fact, it makes it a lot like ditch digging in that it's just hard work. The costs that make magic more thematically interesting go beyond just paying with sweat. So, depending on what you want out of magic, keep that in mind. There are an infinite number of other costs that you can use. Start with a philosophy of where magic comes from, and that sort of thing, and you may find whole new areas to make your magic special.

Fatigue is probably the most common cost for spellcasting in all RPG play (well, maybe second behind D&D fire and forget, but in terms of systems...).

for starters, let me just say that there is not one aspect that i have included in eclipse that has not undergone rigourous testing and questioning in my mind.
That's an excellent attitude. Do you have a good background for comparisons, however?

a d20 dice: why? why not 3d6? or any number of other die? sure, multiple die give a normal distribution, but thats about it as far as i can see for their advantages. the advantages of using a d20? DANGER!
You might be surprised to note that a lot of people herabouts agree with your notion on this one.

OTOH, the real advantage of more dice is not the bell, neccessarily, but the fact that you have many more potential outcomes to play with (216, in the case of 3d6, in fact). So, depending on useage, a d20 can be comparatively limiting. But so far I think you're on the right track.

classes: why? why not classless? sure, classless offers total freedom. but that's not what i want. in "real life", no-one has total freedom to do whatever they want, whenever they want.
Again, I think that most people here would agree with you. Constraint is often better than freedom. That said, there are a ton of other ways to have constraint that are potentially better than classes. Right now, it's hard to say what's better for your game - we'd need to see more. But just so you know, classes are only one way to accomplish the goal you've set for your game.

skills: why? because they make sense and give players options. some systems think skills are so important that everything becomes a skill. i've yet to see a skill-less system that isn't bland.
Try thinking in terms of the types of effectiveness that your characters will have overall. Skills are fine, so are attributes, Feats, abilities, whatever. The question, however, is do they support your other goals? We've yet to really see a vision for your game, so it's hard to say, really.

But in terms of making characters interesting, what really matters is what play is going to be about. What will the characters in this game be doing?

levels: something to work towards. a way to easily distinguish between a good character and an old character. something to give players a sense of achievement, in terms of incremental goals. sure, sense of achievement comes from many areas in my system, but another one sure doesn't hurt. plus they are useful for making character progression predictable so i can better accomodate for their potentials, and know what they can handle without extensive reading of their character sheets.
The problem with levels as a reward are the fact that you only get the reward relatively infrequently. OTOH, as you point out you have other goals, so they can probably step in for short term reinforcement. Still, doesn't that sorta dilute the point of levels in the first place?

As far as power indicators, Levels have proven to be very bad - there are much better ways to rate character competence. So I don't buy that argument at all. D&D and challenge levels are classic this way - after 10th level or so, level becomes completely irrellevant. Much more important is how much gear the character has picked up, etc.

non-human playable species (races, whatever): it's a fantasy world. nuff said.
Cool. Do you think that your races have enough memetic power to be atttractive to play? When players play them, how concerned are you that they play them "correctly"? That is, if a player had an elyrial burn down a forest, would there be an acceptable reason to do that?

The overall question I'd have for you is "who is your target audience?" And how do will your game appeal to them?


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Message 9910#107340

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On 3/14/2004 at 5:18pm, Ravien wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

mike: thanks for your reply, i enjoyed reading your comments.

character creation looks a little like this: roll 4d4+2 per attribute (range of 6-18, average=12), then swap any two with any other two. conceptually, this works to loosely parallel being born without any control over what you will be like, but then as the years go by and you grow up you can devote your time to improving some areas and perhaps neglecting others. in my many trials i've found that there is a certain agreeable amount of min/maxing and it's rather hard to roll a crappy character. i understand i could have just given X number of points to be distributed, but i personally don't like that idea, not least because it can create conceptually "unrealistic" characters.

you get X skill points to spend on skills, where X=double your crystal score (crystal is the attribute for learning, among other things).

of course there are plenty of other aspects to character creation but thats really the mechanical side, which i think is what you were after.

progression goes a little like this: whenever you roll a natural 20, you gain 1 attribute point on the attribute that the roll used (every roll made uses at least one attribute's modifier). this, along with skills being learnt through use, gives non-level based progression. as for levelling up, different classes get different things, but all get either 4 or 5 attribute points per level (helpful if you never roll a natural 20 :D ). i'd be interested in how one might factor diminishing returns into attributes with a simpler method than a table that tells you what attribute gives what modifier. i don't doubt it could be done, but i can't see how it could be simpler.

AC is armor class yes. technically, it might be better served by calling it 'hardness', or 'TS' (tensile strength), because what it measures is the physical resistance that things (like armor and bodies) have to being cut, bent, dented, or otherwise maltreated, as opposed to some (more) abstract concept of how hard it is to hit somewhere soft amidst armor, moving etc. but i personally feel that the benefit of sticking with a familiar term outweighs the benefit of simply making up a new acronym for the sake of making up a new acronym.

One exception isn't usually a good idea. So why not just base the AC mod on the mod for con (or what I think the stat should be)? Much simpler, and you get the diminishing returns again, which is probably beneficial.

because if i used the Con mod to increase base AC, then very quickly it would become almost impossible to damage anyone. i agree that one exception is not the best idea, and originally i had it so that base AC could not be improved through increasing Con. and now that i think about it, i probably don't need it anymore (it was a concept adapted to fit with an early magic mechanic which no longer exists). so thanks for bringing it up! cos now i can remove it.

also, i have used the trusty "find + replace" feature that is so handy in large documents to turn 'subdual damage' into 'fatigue'. it fits better i think, and i agree that it is a vast improvement. personally, i don't really care how many times a name has been used, so long as the meaning fits and is intuitive.

you have not insulted me at all by pointing to those two essays, i have read them both. i understand full well that i am not exactly 'breaking new ground' here, nor am i likely to ever do so, thus i am not insulted that others agree! as for something to make it unique, in terms of raw mechanics, i doubt there is much. i can't say my particular take on combat resolution is revolutionary, but i honestly have never seen anything so simple that deals with the same concepts before. no, TROS is not even in the same ballpark of simplicity (honestly, no offence to those who love TROS, i think it's quite a stand-out system, with many great ideas, but it just isn't my thing). as for the heartbreaker label... well, it's already been said, and thus it will never leave. eclipse is a heartbreaker because that is how it is seen. there's nothing i can do to remove that label, but honestly, i don't believe it deserves it until at least one other person has gone through the completed thing with at least a half-arsed attempt at an open mind :D

oh, and i really don't have the money to buy bookcases of systems to ensure mine is unique/problem free. to do so would be great, but it's beyond my abilities.

as for magic and fatigue, unfortunately, given the philosophical concepts and 'how the universe works' of Eclipse, fatigue is really the only thing that makes sense as a cost. this is probably because i drew my inspiration from both Magician and The Wheel of Time. as a side note, whilst a mechanic can do a great job of conveying the 'wonder' of magic, i think that 'image' or 'social status' can do so at least as well. ie: Great Ones in Magician, who are outside the law, and who reside in The Academy, working for the good of the empire, and Aes Sedai, who are similarly isolated and held in wonderment and fear for their social status.

Let it be known that this is my first system ever! I am not a professional. i do not claim to be. i am only 22. when people pontificate about the ramifications for D&D after 2E, i nod and walk away. when people mention 16 systems with full references including historical 'special editions', i stay out of the conversation. does this all mean that i can't make a decent system? IMHO not at all. i am an artist, and just because i haven't painted with acryilics, or sculpted with stone, this does not mean that i cannot draw a picture. it is in my nature to look at a thing, and set my creativity whirling. when i draw, if my picture would benefit from an extra light source, but my subject does not have it, i stick it in there anyway. if my picture would look better if i took a few pounds off the legs, i take them off. i feel that this works as an analogy to how i approached eclipse, and just like many of my drawings are based solely off my own imagination, so too eclipse is based off my ideals.

what will characters in my game be doing? who are my target audience? well, i'll answer the second question first: my target audience are people who feel that what characters do in my game is the sort of thing they themselves would like to do. so to answer both questions, characters in Eclipse live in a world where magic is rare, but at it's peak. not really 'high magic', because it is rare, but it is certainly powerful. this has an inevitable impact on society and cultures. characters can really do an aweful lot of things, but i guess one thing that won't really be happening too often is 'dungeon crawling'. that's a good way to get dead fast. plus dungeons don't exist. they aren't at all necessary. why would any sane person build a dungeon? anyways, i envision characters integrating with their world. juggling responsibilities to their social groups (temple orders, guilds, nobility, other organisations) with their own desires and responsibilities to friends and party members. it's really hard to explain, not because i don't know, but because of the concepts and possibilities involved. perhaps it would be best explained by an example (!!!LENGTHINESS WARNING!!!).

far to the south of the kingdom, a keresin sorcerer discovers a way to not only become undead (something that can be done in eclipse, having to do with transfering the flows of positive energy that flow from the god Araboth that sustain life, to flows of negative energy that flow from The Nameless), but to be re-born with negative energy. the result? he becomes an incredibly powerful vampire. very quickly, he begins making more vampires, and learns of their weaknesses, particularly how sunlight disintegrates their flesh instantly. so, annoyed with such a strong limitation, he spends a few decades developing an artifact that can create perpetual night locally. the area of perpetual night grows slowly though, so after a few decades, his ex-brethren keresin are now facing a rather powerful menace. after many attempts to destroy this menace, they eventually decide to flee. unfortunately, the only direction they can safely flee to, is The Kingdom. after many failed diplomatic attempts to inhabit kingdom land en-masse, they are forced to invade with their massive ka'tarrh slave army. 3 years later, and the Kingdom is almost entirely overun, but the war comes to a stalemate as the Kingdom finds favourable choke-points. the Kingdom also is the location of The Academy, a society of mages and sorcerers who, in negotiations with the keresin, have brough about a magic truce, agreeing that neither army will wield magic against the other for fear of the total and utter destruction such a war would bring. but conventional war is still a viable option. the Kingdom, long ago, developed 3 artifacts that are each possessed by the king, his queen, and their prince. these three artifacts can activate a portal to the realm of Araboth, under agreement with that god that this portal would only be activated under direst need, and, when activated, would allow the Kingdom to enlist the service of Araboth's Engels. a seperate agreement, made between the kingdom and all the orders of all the gods ensured that all their permission would be needed to activate the portal, as each order loaths for anything to happen that is not in their control. unknownst to most people, the orders use their clerics as spies, and sometimes even place them in high authority, just to ensure they know whats going on, and can influence it in some way. the thieves guild that governs the 4 northern towns is, like many thieves guilds, very knowledgeable about the world. it has learnt of the kingdoms plans to use this portal if the invading keresin and their ka'tarrh army breach the last held lines. being the guild that they are, they are currently profiting immensely from the floods of refuges and overcrowding, and do not want this to be taken away without their consent, and also see quite a pretty penny in ransom for one of these artifacts, and as they see it, it's a win-win situation to steal the easiest to obtain artifact, the ring in possession of the prince.

here is where my players come in (though they know nothing of the previous paragraph except about the war). one of my players was a thief, so he was one of 3 enlisted to 'obtain' the prince. one of my players was a cleric, and she was ordered to serve as a mercenary guard of a travelling caravan (the caravan of the prince, but she did not know this because it is safer that the prince travel 'undercover', and she is not high enough in her order to be told who she was guarding and why). the third player in my group is a mage, who was simply going where her master told her to go, and her master was also travelling with this caravan, as he was one of the princes boyhood teachers.

so far my thief has failed to complete his task, and is marked for death by the thieves guild, the mage's master died in an accident involving a dragon and a horse, and my mage never thought to bury her master's body, so now he lingers as a ghost, haunted by the fact that he died such an anti-climactic death and his body was eaten by the local goblin tribe (players don't know this last bit yet), and so he is beginning to haunt my mage, and the cleric has been instructed by her order to uncover the failed plot to kidnap the prince. they have discovered a pirate slave smuggling operation (many refugees+overcrowding=easy pickings), and have earnt the emnity of the pirates by burning down one of their ships, and after uncovering vital tactical knowledge about what the Sakrumar (evil order who worship The Nameless) are up to, they have decided to purchase war-wings (giant falcon/owl mounts) to help them hunt the pirate slavers and get to the core of the operation. they are also traditionally D&D players, and so hunting pirates from the air is also a good way to make treasure in their eyes.

obviously i couldn't possibly hope to abbreviate the entire complexity of my campaign in any single post, but i hope that gives some sort of idea. basically, i want characters who become heroes of their world, by simply doing what they feel is the right thing to do, and somehow managing to stay alive. i love the idea of characters who don't feel like heroes while they play, but do feel like heroes in retrospect. i plan on campaigns being as intricate and involving as a good novel. i don't see eclipse being used for one-session adventures, or parties who fulfill isolated quests. it's more for plots overlayed with other plots and interwoven with still more plots, where they might stumble across something only to realise its significance later.

i didn't design eclipse to make games that run this way, i designed it to allow them to. i feel there is a distinct difference. perhaps some other system could achieve this simple goal, perhaps even better. but just because there are other ways to travel from A to B, some even faster or safer, i'd still choose to travel in a Lamborghini Murcielago. not because of the wheels, or the leather interior, or the engine, or even the chassis, but because of the whole package that is the car. with luck, maybe that metaphor might explain how i feel about eclipse, and who might be my target audience.

finally, if an elyrial burnt down a forest, then there may very well be an acceptable reason for that, but whilst i can't (don't want to) make it a mechanic, there would definately be repurcussions for that elyrial, both in the immediate future (where will that fire spread, what will its total effects be?) and in the longer term (reputation, vengeance against him/her, family honour/shame etc.). whilst my "races" have cultures and junk, they all still have free will and individuality. and in my opinion, sometimes it's the oddballs that make for the best characters. an intelligent, charming, and sophisticated ka'tarrh would be a laugh!

P.S. my deepest apologies for the lengthiness of my posts. i'm used to posting in debates and discussion forums and writing essays on psychology and philosophy, so i fear "concise" is usually a boundary that i must struggle to fit into. you should hear my mum!

Message 9910#107412

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Ravien which Ravien participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 3/14/2004

On 3/15/2004 at 4:03pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

Ravien wrote: mike: thanks for your reply, i enjoyed reading your comments.
I'm glad that you've maintained your positive attitude.

of course there are plenty of other aspects to character creation but thats really the mechanical side, which i think is what you were after.
Yep, that covers it pretty well, thanks.

progression goes a little like this: whenever you roll a natural 20, you gain 1 attribute point on the attribute that the roll used (every roll made uses at least one attribute's modifier). this, along with skills being learnt through use, gives non-level based progression. as for levelling up, different classes get different things, but all get either 4 or 5 attribute points per level (helpful if you never roll a natural 20 :D ). i'd be interested in how one might factor diminishing returns into attributes with a simpler method than a table that tells you what attribute gives what modifier. i don't doubt it could be done, but i can't see how it could be simpler.
I can think of other ways to do this, but none of them are much simpler than what you have. Essentially, your ability levels are sorta like EXP - you keep track of them as they accumulate and then they convert to mods. You could just keep track of "points" accumulated, and then turn them in for an increase in mod. But that would still require book-keeping on each stat, so you don't gain much. And with your method, players can compare scores, so you might as well keep it.

It's the "directed" bonuses for the natural 20 that are requiring ths, however. That is, if you didn't have that, then you could just check the chart for cost to increase a mod when leveling up (going from +12 to +13 costs two, for instance). And while we're at it, this is really going to benefit lucky players. I mean, some player will roll a bunch of 20's before another rolls one - given the range on your abilities, won't this tend to throw off your balance for levels? I mean, lets say I typically make 100 rolls between levels. That averages 5 attribute increases between levels. Some player is going to get 8, however, and another only 2. The difference is more than a level's worth of ability points.

AC is armor class yes. technically, it might be better served by calling it 'hardness', or 'TS' (tensile strength), because what it measures is the physical resistance that things (like armor and bodies) have to being cut, bent, dented, or otherwise maltreated, as opposed to some (more) abstract concept of how hard it is to hit somewhere soft amidst armor, moving etc. but i personally feel that the benefit of sticking with a familiar term outweighs the benefit of simply making up a new acronym for the sake of making up a new acronym.
It's only more familiar to players who haven't played anything but D&D. And that's a substantial group, no doubt, but represents probably less than a quarter of all RPG gamers. Even though the plurality of RPG players play D&D, most have played other games at least once. In any case, if you name it well, the name will convey what it means, and will better set the feel for what the stat does. I mean, if you called it Toughness or something, people would get the idea.

and now that i think about it, i probably don't need it anymore (it was a concept adapted to fit with an early magic mechanic which no longer exists). so thanks for bringing it up! cos now i can remove it.
Cool. You've just avoided what's termed in another game as "Naked Dwarf Syndrome," where you have the case where the naked dwarf is less susceptible to damage than a normal man in plate armor. :-)

also, i have used the trusty "find + replace" feature that is so handy in large documents to turn 'subdual damage' into 'fatigue'. it fits better i think, and i agree that it is a vast improvement. personally, i don't really care how many times a name has been used, so long as the meaning fits and is intuitive.
Excellent. The game, including terminology, should fit your vision.

you have not insulted me at all by pointing to those two essays, i have read them both. i understand full well that i am not exactly 'breaking new ground' here, nor am i likely to ever do so, thus i am not insulted that others agree! as for something to make it unique, in terms of raw mechanics, i doubt there is much.
Again, I'm glad you have such a good attitude, but I think that you sorta miss the point. I think you do have some innovative ideas. This is what makes this a heartbreaker. The fact that you are trying to plug your interesting ideas into a format that's going to kill them. Your assumption seems to be that if you make them similar to D20 that you'll end up making a game familiar enough that players will want to give it a try. But players play very unfamiliar games all the time, so you really don't have to worry about being similar. More importantly, if you make a similar game, none of the target audience will play. That is, D&D players play D&D because they like it. So who amongst them is going to switch? If the player is really dissatisfied with D&D, then they're going to want something substantively different, not a D&D rehash.

But there's even a worse problem...

i can't say my particular take on combat resolution is revolutionary, but i honestly have never seen anything so simple that deals with the same concepts before. no, TROS is not even in the same ballpark of simplicity (honestly, no offence to those who love TROS, i think it's quite a stand-out system, with many great ideas, but it just isn't my thing).
TROS is a poor example, because it definitively tries to be different in complexity level than D&D. It's argument is not that it's a simple game, not at all, but rather that the complexity is enjoyable. So if simplicity is your goal, then you have to compare to something more similar. And there are soooo many games like yours...

Again, not to be insulting, but your response above is what every heartbreaker designer posts. "No d20-like game is as simple as mine". Well, I haven't seen the totality of your game, but let me assure you that there are literally dozens of games with mechanics so similar to yours that it's frightening.

Here's a list of a couple hundred (no, I'm not exaggerating) free rpgs that focus on fantasy, many of them in precisely the way that you do.

Add these to the list in the Heartbreaker essay, many of which sound very much like what you're proposing. If you just peruse a few, I think that you'll see that there are some which are just as simple as your system, if not simpler. Again, I've yet to see your system in it's entirity, but if it bears any resemblance to the D20 system (d20 + attribute + skill vs TN), then it's already been done by someone. Lots of someones.

as for the heartbreaker label... well, it's already been said, and thus it will never leave. eclipse is a heartbreaker because that is how it is seen. there's nothing i can do to remove that label, but honestly, i don't believe it deserves it until at least one other person has gone through the completed thing with at least a half-arsed attempt at an open mind :D
Well, that's the thing, I don't think it needs to be a heartbreaker, you can alter the design enough at this point to avoid that monicker. More importantly, I think you can better achieve your design goals by looking beyond d20 for inspiration.

OTOH, it's been said that sometimes the best way to get into design is to make a heartbreaker. The reason there are so many is because it's the way that half of designers start designing - myself for example. All I'm trying to do here is give you the option to skip that step if you like. If you feel the design is too far complete, or that you just want to finish it as is, I understand.

oh, and i really don't have the money to buy bookcases of systems to ensure mine is unique/problem free. to do so would be great, but it's beyond my abilities.
This is the second thing that people always say. Check out John's site above for more free RPGs. Not all of them are worthwhile, but some very much are. Can you afford free? ;-)

Usually the next objection is that nobody has time to look through all this stuff. The effort to learn your hobby is the difference between being able to make games that people will play, and games that will be forgotten as derivative. So that's up to you. In any case, I think that looking at about six key games would really help you out. Check out:

Active Exploits
Story Bones
The Pool

All free, all short (you could read them all in an afternoon), and all with something about them that may expand your horizons in important ways. After reading these you may have some ideas about directions that you may want to explore, which would lead to other RPGs to explore.

You don't have to know every RPG, you just need to have an idea of what exists in general terms.

as for magic and fatigue, unfortunately, given the philosophical concepts and 'how the universe works' of Eclipse, fatigue is really the only thing that makes sense as a cost. this is probably because i drew my inspiration from both Magician and The Wheel of Time. as a side note, whilst a mechanic can do a great job of conveying the 'wonder' of magic, i think that 'image' or 'social status' can do so at least as well. ie: Great Ones in Magician, who are outside the law, and who reside in The Academy, working for the good of the empire, and Aes Sedai, who are similarly isolated and held in wonderment and fear for their social status.
I completely agree. So in that case, I'd put in mechanics to represent this effect. If you want a game to make a statement of some sort regarding these sorts of themes, then you have to make it part of the rules somehow. See the essay in the articles section called "System Does Matter."

Let it be known that this is my first system ever! I am not a professional. i do not claim to be. i am only 22. when people pontificate about the ramifications for D&D after 2E, i nod and walk away. when people mention 16 systems with full references including historical 'special editions', i stay out of the conversation. does this all mean that i can't make a decent system? IMHO not at all.
Depends what "decent" means. "Functional?" Sure, I'm positive you can achieve that. A game that people will play over the hundreds of other heartbreakers? Well, why would they? If you don't make it stand out, then who's going to notice it?

my target audience are people who feel that what characters do in my game is the sort of thing they themselves would like to do. so to answer both questions, characters in Eclipse live in a world where magic is rare, but at it's peak. not really 'high magic', because it is rare, but it is certainly powerful. this has an inevitable impact on society and cultures.
Standard response number three. They "live" in the setting. OK, I make a character who's a human warrior. Now what does he do? Who's ass do I get to kick? Do I get to kick ass?

characters can really do an aweful lot of things, but i guess one thing that won't really be happening too often is 'dungeon crawling'. that's a good way to get dead fast. plus dungeons don't exist. they aren't at all necessary. why would any sane person build a dungeon?
But dungeon crawling is fun. All you've done here is take away one fun thing to do in the name of "realism". That still doesn't tell me what the character does that's interesting.

anyways, i envision characters integrating with their world. juggling responsibilities to their social groups (temple orders, guilds, nobility, other organisations) with their own desires and responsibilities to friends and party members. it's really hard to explain, not because i don't know, but because of the concepts and possibilities involved.
OK, now we're getting somewhere, as a potential player, I'm starting to see some light at the end of the "what do I do?" tunnel.

here is where my players come in (though they know nothing of the previous paragraph except about the war).
Neat set up. I'm dissapointed that I can't play the sorcerer, his enemies, the royalty, etc. Why aren't they available as characters? They seem to be what the plot is all about.

one of my players was a thief, so he was one of 3 enlisted to 'obtain' the prince. one of my players was a cleric, and she was ordered to serve as a mercenary guard of a travelling caravan (the caravan of the prince, but she did not know this because it is safer that the prince travel 'undercover', and she is not high enough in her order to be told who she was guarding and why). the third player in my group is a mage, who was simply going where her master told her to go, and her master was also travelling with this caravan, as he was one of the princes boyhood teachers.
Hmmm. OK, I get it, the PCs do whatever they're told to do by somebody that the GM creates in order to have the plot move along smoothly. Is that it?

OK, I'm being snarky here. But you aren't presenting a vision of what the game is about.

(evil order who worship The Nameless)
A cult of Hastur is in this game? It's Cthuloid in nature? Well why didn't you say so?

Sorry, couldn't help myself.

basically, i want characters who become heroes of their world, by simply doing what they feel is the right thing to do, and somehow managing to stay alive. i love the idea of characters who don't feel like heroes while they play, but do feel like heroes in retrospect. i plan on campaigns being as intricate and involving as a good novel. i don't see eclipse being used for one-session adventures, or parties who fulfill isolated quests. it's more for plots overlayed with other plots and interwoven with still more plots, where they might stumble across something only to realise its significance later.
All sounds pretty interesting, but there are two problems. First, where does all this setting and plot come from? That is, are you going to provide your setting that you've enumerated in your post to the GM, or does he have to make his own?

If you don't provide this setting, then you haven't really provided a "what to do". I mean, you can tell the GM to make a setting that allows the charcters to shine the way you want them to, but if the GM does it himself, then why does he need your game? System? What does your system do to cause the players to behave like heroes that D20 does not do?

Because, secondly, your setting sounds a lot like every other setting ever made for a fantasy game. You've got a Dark Lord (TM), you have the powers who want to see him destroyed, you have the desperate monarchs who will do whatever desperate act it takes to prevent the dark lord or the war around him from destroying their kingdoms. You have the mages bargaining from their vantage, you have secret orders of priests in service to their own orders and to secular powers, you have a section of Thieve's World in the game... Have you seen Midnight? The D20 game that intentionally emulates LOTR?

This alone isn't a problem, really. That is, with the right system, you could have people playing your setting against your dark lord...but there's another problem which is making this sort of play fun. You've heard the term "railroading?" What are your feelings on it?

And still, I'm not sure what the characters do. What do their character sheets tell me they do? I take it that combat is important? You mention it a lot (beware, I'm setting a trap for you here).

i didn't design eclipse to make games that run this way, i designed it to allow them to. i feel there is a distinct difference.
Standard thing number four that all heartbreaker designers say. Yes, there's a difference, see System Does Matter. I can name at least 20 other systems off the top of my head that I think would "allow" players to do what you desire. But you admit that, so...

perhaps some other system could achieve this simple goal, perhaps even better. but just because there are other ways to travel from A to B, some even faster or safer, i'd still choose to travel in a Lamborghini Murcielago. not because of the wheels, or the leather interior, or the engine, or even the chassis, but because of the whole package that is the car. with luck, maybe that metaphor might explain how i feel about eclipse, and who might be my target audience.
Yes, but, see, you're model for designing your game was the descendant of the 1976 Ford Pinto, the 2000 Ford Taurus. So what you're actually designing is the Saturn. Which is a fine car, it's just no Lamborghini. Moreover, why should they pick the Saturn instead of the Mercury?

I should actually be more specific - you're game will have some players after you finish it. Every heartbreaker has the three fans of the system who "see" what the designer was after, and swear by the system. Predictably, these three have never seen any other system than D&D. The same three guys still driving Edsels.

It's funny, but I use the car metaphor all the time for design. Many of the "innovations" that you're putting into your game come off to us like saying, "look, I've invented the seat belt!" The ideas have been around for decades, literally. Like, for instance, the idea of advancement based off of die rolls was instituted in RuneQuest in 1978, I think (CoC 1980 for sure). "Fatigue" was first used in TFT, IIRC, 1980. I could go on. It's funy that you compare to TROS (which is like the M1 Abrams of gaming), because you haven't gotten past ideas which are 25 years old, much less modern designs.

I'm justy trying to give you some perspective. If you want to continue on your current path, then that's fine. The problem is that we really can't tell you much about how to improve your game - because most of the suggestions would involve changing things that you seem to be adamant about including. Like the safety belt thing, we'd be saying, "How about an air bag?" and you're response is, "No thanks, saftey belts are more familiar."

What is it that you'd like to see from us?

finally, if an elyrial burnt down a forest, then there may very well be an acceptable reason for that, but whilst i can't (don't want to) make it a mechanic, there would definately be repurcussions for that elyrial, both in the immediate future (where will that fire spread, what will its total effects be?) and in the longer term (reputation, vengeance against him/her, family honour/shame etc.). whilst my "races" have cultures and junk, they all still have free will and individuality. and in my opinion, sometimes it's the oddballs that make for the best characters. an intelligent, charming, and sophisticated ka'tarrh would be a laugh!
I think this is a very good attitude. The question is, what of your system promotes the repercussions that you talk about? More to the point, why won't players just take an elyrial for their Kewlness factor, and just ignore the culture? What about the system promotes the idea of race as somthing more than just a different set of effectiveness modifiers?

Again, System Does Matter. If the system doesn't promote the setting, then what will? Why play your system when another system will do as well?

P.S. my deepest apologies for the lengthiness of my posts. i'm used to posting in debates and discussion forums and writing essays on psychology and philosophy, so i fear "concise" is usually a boundary that i must struggle to fit into.
Not at all. This post isn't that unusual for around here, really. Your debate skills, etc, will suit you well around here.


Message 9910#107546

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Mike Holmes which Mike Holmes participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 3/15/2004

On 3/16/2004 at 4:51am, montag wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

I'm gonna spare you the "you should be doing X instead" talk, but in substance, if not necessarily in style I'd agree with previous recommendations in that direction.

Anyway, concerning your "attribute progression problem". For one, another common approach is having players roll on increases (where a roll costs a certain number of EXP) and give them an increase when they roll over their current stat. That gives you the diminishing returns through probabilities (and through the fact, that players don't want to waste resources). Unfortunately this creates another problem: more uniform characters as the risk gets unattractive for players fast beyond the 50 percent chance at 10). (Offering a choice between fixed costs and a dice throw won't help, as it will be pretty obvious which option is more attractive.)
However, the real danger behind "learning by rolling" (I can't remember the technical term right now) is that it rewards rolling lots of dice. Despite its intuitive appeal, both in terms of "realism" and ease of use, in practice it has been found, that the reward mechanism tends to dominate player's behaviour (yes, we're all just rats, pressing buttons for food ;). At least that's the common experience reported from all system which use such a method. If – as you seem to be planning – the "learning by rolling" mechanism has the potential to outweigh normal levelling that effect is going to be even more pronounced.
(Apart from that, certain activities which are either (a) rarely performed or (b) rarely rolled on (e.g. social stuff) and consequently the PCs skilled in them tend to get screwed by the system.)
The extreme of this "perversion-of-play-through-system" is the magic user, who wastes enough spells in the evening to learn something (or, in your case, at least have a chance to roll a natural 20) and still be at his full power in the morning. *shudder*

Message 9910#107682

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...started by montag which montag participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 3/16/2004

On 3/16/2004 at 11:31am, Robert K Beckett wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

montag wrote: However, the real danger behind "learning by rolling" (I can't remember the technical term right now) is that it rewards rolling lots of dice.

Ravien, how do you plan to prevent this kind of abuse (other than just requiring the GM to constantly decide whether a roll is legit or not)? I'm curious because I really like the "learn by rolling" mechanism in theory but I agree with montag that it often encourages rolling for rolling's sake. Any ideas?

Message 9910#107729

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Robert K Beckett which Robert K Beckett participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 3/16/2004

On 3/16/2004 at 1:07pm, Ravien wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

It's the "directed" bonuses for the natural 20 that are requiring ths, however. That is, if you didn't have that, then you could just check the chart for cost to increase a mod when leveling up (going from +12 to +13 costs two, for instance). And while we're at it, this is really going to benefit lucky players. I mean, some player will roll a bunch of 20's before another rolls one - given the range on your abilities, won't this tend to throw off your balance for levels? I mean, lets say I typically make 100 rolls between levels. That averages 5 attribute increases between levels. Some player is going to get 8, however, and another only 2. The difference is more than a level's worth of ability points.

However, the real danger behind "learning by rolling" (I can't remember the technical term right now) is that it rewards rolling lots of dice. Despite its intuitive appeal, both in terms of "realism" and ease of use, in practice it has been found, that the reward mechanism tends to dominate player's behaviour (yes, we're all just rats, pressing buttons for food ;). At least that's the common experience reported from all system which use such a method. If – as you seem to be planning – the "learning by rolling" mechanism has the potential to outweigh normal levelling that effect is going to be even more pronounced.
(Apart from that, certain activities which are either (a) rarely performed or (b) rarely rolled on (e.g. social stuff) and consequently the PCs skilled in them tend to get screwed by the system.)

hmmmm, both good points. i'm not particularly concerned about 'level balance', because i'm not particularly concerned about 'class balance' either. but... i definately see how this might be 'abused' by 'powergamers'. like players deciding to bash everything with their swords just so they can roll enough 20's to increase their power. this in itself is problematic in terms of destroying the immersion in the game, but worse, i think that such activity detracts from the enjoyment of other non-powergamer players.

originally, i intended to use both 'learning by rolling' and level-based attribute gain, to gain the benefits of both and offset the negatives. it seems though that 'learning by rolling' is more problematic than i thought... but i really don't want to rely on level based gain alone. ok, here's an idea... what if i limited how much an attribute could be raised by rolling to 1 per week (in-game time of course). not only would that help to replicate the limits of human growth (if i exercise for a day, i don't turn into arnold schawarzeneggar), but it might also help to encourage players to use all of their attributes in some way to increase the overall number of attribute points they gain.

also, with regards to social stats not be used alot, i'm not sure that really applies to Eclipse. Influence not only helps with skills like Persuasion and Insult and whatever, but also builds Luck, which is quite powerful as i've mentioned earlier. and Beauty (my other social stat) can be used for so-called "social combat", and allows characters to make other characters infatuated or even to fall in love. it uses a skill called Charm, which can be opposed by Discipline or Skepticism. if you win, you take the amount you won by and add it to their Ego (10 +Crystal mod +Influence mod). when a characters Ego score is double its initial value, they are in love with you (conversely, when it is 0 they loath you). my only problem with what i have for this so far is the fact that it requires a fair amount of book-keeping, either for the players or the GM, in keeping track of how some particular NPC feels towards a particular party. i'm hesitant to add one more detail simply because of this fact, and that is that if an NPC loaths you, they probably hate your friends as well, and if an NPC loves you, they probably won't hate your friends. this last part i am content to leave out simply because of the hassle of keeping track of it.

so yeah, social attributes get used a bit too. the trick is deciding how to develop your character, and the trick for me is not putting too many barriers in place to prevent you from doing what you want, yet still making any rewards "worth it".

It's [AC] only more familiar to players who haven't played anything but D&D. And that's a substantial group, no doubt, but represents probably less than a quarter of all RPG gamers. Even though the plurality of RPG players play D&D, most have played other games at least once. In any case, if you name it well, the name will convey what it means, and will better set the feel for what the stat does. I mean, if you called it Toughness or something, people would get the idea.

sure, that's a good point. i couldn't think of any other name that really conveys what it measures well, so sticking with a familiar term seemed a good idea. toughness is ok, but i feel that it conveys too much "human" aspect. a quick look at gave me the following terms that might be acceptable: tensile strength (too technical i think), resistance (ok i guess, but too general. perhaps Physical Resistance?), impenetrability (too absolute, too hard to say), and solidity (implies liquidity is possible). i dunno, i guess that you have a point, that the names i choose will reflect on the view of my system whether i like it or not, so i can see how simply using the acronym "AC" will be seen as a downfall.

ok, so i want all terms that i use to be intuitive and easy to use. so how about instead of "AC", i use one of the following: Tensile Strength (TS), Physical Resistance (PR), Toughness (T), or Armor Toughness/Bodily Toughness (AT/BT)? i'm open to any opinions about which to use, or any other suggestions i haven't thought of.

Again, not to be insulting, but your response above is what every heartbreaker designer posts. "No d20-like game is as simple as mine". Well, I haven't seen the totality of your game, but let me assure you that there are literally dozens of games with mechanics so similar to yours that it's frightening.

Here's a list of a couple hundred (no, I'm not exaggerating) free rpgs that focus on fantasy, many of them in precisely the way that you do.


Add these to the list in the Heartbreaker essay, many of which sound very much like what you're proposing. If you just peruse a few, I think that you'll see that there are some which are just as simple as your system, if not simpler. Again, I've yet to see your system in it's entirity, but if it bears any resemblance to the D20 system (d20 + attribute + skill vs TN), then it's already been done by someone. Lots of someones.

of course, but i wasn't implying that my system is in any way the simplest around. that really wasn't my goal. to achieve that sort of simplicity, i would have to settle for more abstraction than i am willing to use. instead, i meant that *to my knowledge* (i make no claims that my knowledge is in any way vast), i've not seen "realistic" (i understand the problems with that term) damage based duelling systems as intuitive (to me at least) as mine.

i also understand that TROS is on another plane entirely to Eclipse, but at the very least, i can see similarities in the underlying goals. both TROS and Eclipse use "simultaneous" combat, where every action is met with an opposing action, which are both played at the same time. however, i have done away with initiative, as i don't believe it to be necessary. also, both TROS and Eclipse impose penalties to rolls for being wounded. finally, combat in both systems is very deadly and very fast. i might mention right now that when i came up with my system, i had never known it to be done before. in fact (i'm not kidding), i thought that independantly designed systems were incredibly rare (you can laugh if you want, even i think it's funny now).

Well, that's the thing, I don't think it needs to be a heartbreaker, you can alter the design enough at this point to avoid that monicker. More importantly, I think you can better achieve your design goals by looking beyond d20 for inspiration.

OTOH, it's been said that sometimes the best way to get into design is to make a heartbreaker. The reason there are so many is because it's the way that half of designers start designing - myself for example. All I'm trying to do here is give you the option to skip that step if you like. If you feel the design is too far complete, or that you just want to finish it as is, I understand.

well, obviously i would love for Eclipse to avoid being a heartbreaker, but at the same time, i'm not creating the world's greatest rpg before breakfast. i'm not a fan of multiple die systems, mainly because counting up 15 die for powerful characters slows things down and increases the chances for mistakes. some dice +attribute mod +skill seems to be the only way i can avoid multiple die, and still factor for weak but skilled characters and strong but clumsy characters. that dice might as well be a d20 (as opposed to a d10 or d%).

but i promise i will look over those systems you listed (thanks!).

I completely agree. So in that case, I'd put in mechanics to represent this effect. If you want a game to make a statement of some sort regarding these sorts of themes, then you have to make it part of the rules somehow. See the essay in the articles section called "System Does Matter."

ok, this is an interesting idea. at first i thought "how the hell could you implement non-exponentially complex mechanics that factor for qualitative social themes on a large scale? what kind of mechanic would control "being outside the law", or "fear and respect"". i certainly am already including such themes as part of the cultural rules of the setting, but you clearly mentioned "mechanic". i guess i could certainly implement some mechanic similar to the "social combat" Ego, that represents either your reputation in your organisation, or your personal commitment to them (or an interaction between both), but i think it is a lot of book-keeping for the players. also, i feel that such a thing is more comprehensively and easily controlled with qualitative setting-based rules. ie: "you are above the law, but this power comes from the fact you work for the betterment of our nation". or "you are feared and respected, but only because you are mysterious and powerful, and use your power to help society. lose your mystery, lose fear, attack society, lose respect".

however, i am not closed to ideas on this. just because i can't think up a neat mechanic for imposing such awe-inspiration, doesn't mean no-one else can. if you have any ideas on how such a thing might be implemented concisely, i would be happy to consider it.

Neat set up. I'm dissapointed that I can't play the sorcerer, his enemies, the royalty, etc. Why aren't they available as characters? They seem to be what the plot is all about.

glad you like it :D technically, you COULD play the sorcerer or whoever, but then you have the whole "i know what i'm going to do thing" because it's already explained in the setting. also, even if you were to play such a powerful protagonist, there would always be someone/thing that came before you and did something else important. these characters are just some of those people.

but this isn't to say that my characters won't become powerful protagonists. far from it. whilst they don't know it yet, eventually (somehow) they will discover a "tomb" (totally unique in the world) full of inert "strange steel mechanical humanoids" (terminator-esque robots) and a device that let's them travel back in time 50,000 years each jump. whilst they don't yet know it (they aren't even close to this yet), they will be largely responsible for the destruction of all humanity 200,000 years ago. their jumps back in time will paint the picture of how the current civilisation and all the current life and gods came to be, and how the previous humanity's destruction was the catalyst. in effect, my party will be responsible for the current world's existence. but before that, they will (depending on how they play and where they go) most likely put a large dent in the pirate "organisation" (i use the term loosely) and play a large role in helping the kingdom activate its portal to enlist the help of the Engels (unfortunately for them, by that time the eternal night will have engulfed the area where this portal is, not only making access incredibly difficult, but also corrupting the portal, making it a gateway to chaos demons: the minions of The Nameless, thus sparking a quest to elist the Engels via some other means, made more urgent by the chaos demons). so yeah, certainly not short on protagonistic potential, and in the end, the party definately takes centre stage as to "what the plot is all about" (even if they don't go anywhere near where i hope they'll go).

Hmmm. OK, I get it, the PCs do whatever they're told to do by somebody that the GM creates in order to have the plot move along smoothly. Is that it?

not really, that's just how i started the first session. from then on the thief is on his own, and the cleric really has free range to pursue her goal (discover the ones behind the attempt at the princes life), whilst the mage is really only confined to by the same thing all mages in The Academy are confined by: working for the good of the nation. if she stops doing that, she becomes a threat to the status of the Academy and the people. but there's no reason any character MUST do what their organisations tell them to, just like in real life there's no reason i MUST submit my essays in on time, or stick to the word limit, or write about what i'm supposed to. but one day, i'll be telling people to write things for me, and one day the players will be the ones giving the orders.

All sounds pretty interesting, but there are two problems. First, where does all this setting and plot come from? That is, are you going to provide your setting that you've enumerated in your post to the GM, or does he have to make his own?

yeah, i'm including the setting with the game. most concepts within the game (other than how to swing a sword) depend on the setting, like gods and clerical orders, how magic and psionic powers work, the organisations that help to define characters, and all that junk. the particular campaign i am running though, with the time travel and stuff, will only be included as far as a brief mention of the existence of the device and where it might be. i don't want to write the story for the GM, just give them what's needed to streamline plots.
What does your system do to cause the players to behave like heroes that D20 does not do?

if, by d20, you refer to the entire range of d20 systems and settings, then i can't really be qualified to answer that question because i haven't read even half of them. but i guess i could ask how does d20 cause players to behave like heroes? IMHO, the only thing it does is offer options, and give a setting that is conducive to exploring those options. Eclipse does this. so does every system to my knowledge. but perhaps i am misunderstanding your question.
Because, secondly, your setting sounds a lot like every other setting ever made for a fantasy game. You've got a Dark Lord (TM), you have the powers who want to see him destroyed, you have the desperate monarchs who will do whatever desperate act it takes to prevent the dark lord or the war around him from destroying their kingdoms. You have the mages bargaining from their vantage, you have secret orders of priests in service to their own orders and to secular powers, you have a section of Thieve's World in the game... Have you seen Midnight? The D20 game that intentionally emulates LOTR?

This alone isn't a problem, really. That is, with the right system, you could have people playing your setting against your dark lord...but there's another problem which is making this sort of play fun. You've heard the term "railroading?" What are your feelings on it?

hahahaha @ Dark Lord (TM). no i haven't seen Midnight, and whilst i enjoyed the movies for what they are (forms of entertainment), i can't say i'm a fan of Tolkeins world or his stories. but now that you've mentioned it, i do think it's interesting that all fantasy i have ever read really boils down to those same premises, even though they do have different takes on each of the premises. it probably fits in with religious concepts and basic human nature. but i still enjoy them for what they are.

as for railroading, i believe you are referring to in some way forcing players to follow a given story, either by limiting options or making it clear what they are meant to do? i'll assume that is the meaning you intended. my feelings on it are mixed. on one hand i think a great GM can plan a rich story, and make the players believe that not only are they a part of this story, but that they are truly driving it, almost like some uber-author (or God...). on the other hand, what tends to happen with my sessions is that i plan for about the first hour or so of play, and then wing it as the players do what they want, and i develop the story ad lib, drawing on my broad concepts of what's going on in the world. i actually find it more interesting to simply "follow along" as the players burn down ships or bargain with powerful mages for rewards or purchase flying mounts and use them to decimate a local goblin tribe. at the end of a session, i go away and have a think about how the world would have reacted to their actions, and this usually sparks what will happen in the next session. if that is not what you meant by "railroading", feel free to let me know what you meant so i can better answer your question.

The question is, what of your system promotes the repercussions that you talk about? More to the point, why won't players just take an elyrial for their Kewlness factor, and just ignore the culture? What about the system promotes the idea of race as somthing more than just a different set of effectiveness modifiers?

do you mean: "what about my system limits the options open to players to ensure that they don't ignore culture?" or do you mean "what mechanics are in place that keep track of 'bad' things characters do to help bring about repurcussions?". besides culture, history, physical characteristics, social norms, generalized personalities, and effectiveness values: what else CAN define a race? and perhaps more importantly, why would i need it?

The extreme of this "perversion-of-play-through-system" is the magic user, who wastes enough spells in the evening to learn something (or, in your case, at least have a chance to roll a natural 20) and still be at his full power in the morning. *shudder*

to do that in eclipse would require casting of weak spells, or the mage would knock themselves unconscious real quick. but spellcasters are at their full power most of the time. the only limits are fatigue and their flow pool, which regenerates at 2 points per round. they use flow to cast, and fatigue comes from how much flow they use. more powerful spell=more flow=more fatigue. there is no "wasting" of spells, more just gratuitous use. in Eclipse, some cultures frown on this, others encourage this.

What is it that you'd like to see from us?

exactly the sorts of things i've seen so far! questions, comments, suggestions... they all help me get a better understanding of what is expected, what i am "up against", and how i might make my system better.

but in summary from this post alone, i would very much appreciate ideas on the following things:
what i should call "AC" instead?
if limiting attribute growth to 1 point per attribute per week would perhaps help the situation?
any suggestions for solid non-level based progression that also doesn't rely on rolling? (i will read through those 6 games, so i may find an answer in one of them...)
any concepts for how a mechanic might capture the social status of a mage in an effective and satisfying way?

Message 9910#107737

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...from around 3/16/2004

On 3/16/2004 at 4:58pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

Ravien wrote: hmmmm, both good points. i'm not particularly concerned about 'level balance', because i'm not particularly concerned about 'class balance' either. but... i definately see how this might be 'abused' by 'powergamers'. like players deciding to bash everything with their swords just so they can roll enough 20's to increase their power. this in itself is problematic in terms of destroying the immersion in the game, but worse, i think that such activity detracts from the enjoyment of other non-powergamer players.
To address this generally, have you read that essay yet (System Does Matter)? Because there's a general principle that's important here. Basically, there are no "powergamers" just players who are playing games that promote powergaming. That is, sans incentive to play this way, there are no powergamers. Designing your game to eliminate abuse is going at things backwards. If you're game is subject to "abuse", that means it promotes a sort of play that you don't want it to promote - the system causes the behavior. So, don't worry about combating "abuse" just make a game that will promote what you want in the first place.

Now, that said, this leaves two general issues. First what is it that you want to support? What are your design goals. This is a part of design that some people miss. They have an idea in their head about what they want to accomplish, but it's mostly thought of in terms of "I don't like X, I'll replace it with Y, because that's better." Well, why is Y better? What is it that you're trying to do? If you take a step back and look at what you're trying to produce, if you write these things down explicitly, then you'll better be able to apply these goals across all of the game, instead of to one small facet of the game.

Second, once you know what you want to support, once you have your goals listed, then you may find that the assumptions of previous games upon which you're basing your designs, don't work well for what you're trying to promote.

For instance, you say that you're not concerned with balance. And, assuming that means what I think it does, that may be a step in the right direction. On the other hand, it's hard to know, because we really don't know what you're trying to do with this game. Moreover, there are some things that you've done that seem at odds with the typical sorts of goals that discarding balance might achieve.

So, if you can backtrack on some of these things and tell us why you're not concerned with balance, rather, what you're trying to support that balance would get in the way of, then we can more cogently respond to your questions.

ok, here's an idea... what if i limited how much an attribute could be raised by rolling to 1 per week (in-game time of course). not only would that help to replicate the limits of human growth (if i exercise for a day, i don't turn into arnold schawarzeneggar), but it might also help to encourage players to use all of their attributes in some way to increase the overall number of attribute points they gain.
That seems just as stilted, doesn't it? "I'm going to do some research today, to ensure that I get my intelligence roll." Worse, it means that to get the best output, that I need to do as many tasks as it takes to get that 20. So I'll read, and read, and read, etc, until I get the 20, and then I'll work on the next thing.

System creates behavior. If you tell players, via the system, that it's about improving by making die rolls, then that's what the action will be. See what I mean about goals? What do you want the players to do? Once you know that, and state the goal, it's very easy to fix the system you have to produce that behavior. All we know right now is that the proposed design will cause some unwanted behavior - what we need to know is what the wanted behavior is.

also, with regards to social stats not be used alot, i'm not sure that really applies to Eclipse.
As a side note, why do you not capitalize the start of sentences, but then capitalize things like ability names? It's hard to read. Who are you, ee cumings? ;-)

It's not so much that there won't be social play, but the number of rolls made for each sort. You're game improves on some models, but still has a combat system - meaning that there will tend to be more combat in play unless something in the system prevents this. Time for Mike's Standard Rant #3: Combat Systems.

I'm not saying you shouldn't have a combat system - just to realize that if you do have a combat system that you'll have lots of combat. And depending on how complex it is, it may require more rolls to accomplish. For example, if social rolls are all resolved in one roll, and combats take many "rounds" each with a roll, then one combat represents many times more rolls than social situations.

when a characters Ego score is double its initial value, they are in love with you (conversely, when it is 0 they loath you). my only problem with what i have for this so far is the fact that it requires a fair amount of book-keeping, either for the players or the GM, in keeping track of how some particular NPC feels towards a particular party. i'm hesitant to add one more detail simply because of this fact, and that is that if an NPC loaths you, they probably hate your friends as well, and if an NPC loves you, they probably won't hate your friends. this last part i am content to leave out simply because of the hassle of keeping track of it.
I like the system in general. How does it require any more record keeping than combat? I mean, do you have modifiers in combat? If the character is on ice, would you subtract something from their roll? If so, then why can't this just be applied to social conflicts? The GM notes that NPC A is an enemy of PC B, who is friend of PC C such that when C tries to get A to do somthing, he has a negative modifier.

BTW, rolling social contests like this is a fairly new thing, and puts you pretty damn close to innovative. Not quite, but, like I said, it's hard to be innovative when you don't know what's out there. My point is that, in combination with other good techniques, your game in total can be innovative, even if no particular single element is. The combination just needs to be new. So it's things like adding social conflict that make your game a heartbreaker, and potentially innovative if you just get past certain traditional methods.

so yeah, social attributes get used a bit too. the trick is deciding how to develop your character, and the trick for me is not putting too many barriers in place to prevent you from doing what you want, yet still making any rewards "worth it".
I'm not getting what you're saying here, but I sense that it's important. Can you clarify?

toughness is ok, but i feel that it conveys too much "human" aspect. a quick look at gave me the following terms that might be acceptable: tensile strength (too technical i think), resistance (ok i guess, but too general. perhaps Physical Resistance?), impenetrability (too absolute, too hard to say), and solidity (implies liquidity is possible). i dunno, i guess that you have a point, that the names i choose will reflect on the view of my system whether i like it or not, so i can see how simply using the acronym "AC" will be seen as a downfall.

ok, so i want all terms that i use to be intuitive and easy to use. so how about instead of "AC", i use one of the following: Tensile Strength (TS), Physical Resistance (PR), Toughness (T), or Armor Toughness/Bodily Toughness (AT/BT)? i'm open to any opinions about which to use, or any other suggestions i haven't thought of.
It's been called many, many things. In Hero System, it's Physical Defense (as opposed to Energy Defense). In WOD games, the totality of all the elements added together - armor, toughness, etc - results in what's called a Soak Roll. That is, once you're hit, you roll to see how much damage these things "soak up." Quite often that's the solution, adding the elements se. In TROS, you subtract both "Toughness" and "Armor Value" from damage. You can't just add the two together, because lots of blows will avoid the armor entirely and just be affected by toughness. I take it that you want to abstract armor more?

How is this used in play? What elements can add to the number? What stylistic feel do you want it to represent?

of course, but i wasn't implying that my system is in any way the simplest around. that really wasn't my goal. to achieve that sort of simplicity, i would have to settle for more abstraction than i am willing to use. instead, i meant that *to my knowledge* (i make no claims that my knowledge is in any way vast), i've not seen "realistic" (i understand the problems with that term) damage based duelling systems as intuitive (to me at least) as mine.
Simple, intuitive, fast, dramatic, fun, inspiring, realistic, gritty, adventurous...these are all adjectives that these designers use, and many more. I'm sure your system is the most intuitive system that you've seen. That's probably mostly because you haven't seen many systems. Again, you're claiming that your Taurus is the fastest car out there without having even seen the Ferrari.

both TROS and Eclipse use "simultaneous" combat, where every action is met with an opposing action, which are both played at the same time.
This is fairly new to RPGs. Less seatbelts, more like airbags. Still there are a lot of other games that have "simultaneous" combat. I often point to the free game Zenobia as a good example. In fact, I point to it because I'm a big fan of simultaneous combat. Other games that do "simultaneous" are Story Engine, The Window, and HeroQuest to name a few.

however, i have done away with initiative, as i don't believe it to be necessary.
Seatbelts. Games have "done away" with initiative since about the third published RPG.

also, both TROS and Eclipse impose penalties to rolls for being wounded.

finally, combat in both systems is very deadly and very fast.
Bucket seats. Runequest had a system in 1978 that made it possible, and indeed often likely that a character would be killed in one blow.

i might mention right now that when i came up with my system, i had never known it to be done before. in fact (i'm not kidding), i thought that independantly designed systems were incredibly rare (you can laugh if you want, even i think it's funny now).
The point is that most of your "innovations" here are things that were incorporated into the very first RPGs that came out after D&D. So, none of this compares your game specifically so much to TROS, as about fifty or so games out there that are "like" yours and TROS, but cling to D20 mechanics.

well, obviously i would love for Eclipse to avoid being a heartbreaker, but at the same time, i'm not creating the world's greatest rpg before breakfast.
That's good, because doing so on the first try would be extremely unlikely. But what you can do is make a game that will attract some players, and learn something in the making of it that will help with your next design.

i'm not a fan of multiple die systems, mainly because counting up 15 die for powerful characters slows things down and increases the chances for mistakes. some dice +attribute mod +skill seems to be the only way i can avoid multiple die, and still factor for weak but skilled characters and strong but clumsy characters. that dice might as well be a d20 (as opposed to a d10 or d%).
Again, this is what I'd call a "specification." It implies a goal - play should be fast. If that's a goal, then say so. Further, say what it should be faster than, because all things are relative.

Want to see the world's "fastest" combat system? Here it is: The GM just decides what happens and states the result in one word.

Now that's pretty extreme, and probably not much fun. We employ more rules than this in the games we play around here because most of us feel that the above system has too little structure. But a whole community of players who we sometimes refer to as "freeformers" play just that way.

So, given that RPG play comes in a bewildering variety of forms it's always best to state goals in relative terms. Faster than TROS, or faster than D&D would be something that we could get a hold on.

But, given that it could be faster, what does the part of the system that's slowing you down do for the player. What are the rules intended to do in your game?

i guess i could certainly implement some mechanic similar to the "social combat" Ego, that represents either your reputation in your organisation, or your personal commitment to them (or an interaction between both), but i think it is a lot of book-keeping for the players. also, i feel that such a thing is more comprehensively and easily controlled with qualitative setting-based rules. ie: "you are above the law, but this power comes from the fact you work for the betterment of our nation". or "you are feared and respected, but only because you are mysterious and powerful, and use your power to help society. lose your mystery, lose fear, attack society, lose respect".
This is exactly what happens in the game Heroquest. You have an ability rating that represents the character being, perhaps, "Member of Tribe" and he might have a "Good Reputation" at some level.

Too much book-keeping, means that you're keeping track of something that you don't use. In practice, it means that play becomes about somthing that you don't want it to be about. What this means is that, if you want play to be about social themes, then recording things about it can't be "too much book-keeping."

Other games have done this as well. In the newest edition of Gamma World, each community has stats to represent it in conflicts, and PCs can react to communities as entities, for instance.

glad you like it :D technically, you COULD play the sorcerer or whoever, but then you have the whole "i know what i'm going to do thing" because it's already explained in the setting.
So, what the sorcerer is going to do is set in stone? And play revolves largely around that agenda? This is what's refered to as "metaplot" hereabouts. You may want to do a search on the term. It should suffice to say that there are many people here who have grave doubts as to the effectiveness of a metaplot, and some even think that they're detrimental to play. I personally would suggest the "steady state" start. That is, you present history up to a certain date where the game begins, and then just have the NPCs do what makes sense given their motives after that point.

What this means is that if a player wants to be a "player" (a big fish), he doesn't have to worry about his ideas being over-run by the fact that the GM is determined to force a pre-planned plot through. For example, if I'm the King, and the Sorcerer is coming to get me, I'd like it if my strategic planning could prevail potentially. If the metaplot says that the sorcerer takes over at thus and such a point, then I can't really have an effect.

This general principle applies somewhat to characters at all levels.

also, even if you were to play such a powerful protagonist, there would always be someone/thing that came before you and did something else important. these characters are just some of those people.
That's my point - power is moot, really. These are all characters, and characters are characters. The players should be allowed to play the characters for whom the setting is going to have a lot of meaning.

but this isn't to say that my characters won't become powerful protagonists. far from it. whilst they don't know it yet, eventually (somehow) they will discover a "tomb"
See, this is all metaplot that forces the characters to have a certain destiny.

so yeah, certainly not short on protagonistic potential, and in the end, the party definately takes centre stage as to "what the plot is all about" (even if they don't go anywhere near where i hope they'll go).
How is that? I mean, it sounds like the party is free to go off of the metaplot. If that's so, then what are the chances that they'll stay on it? At which point, what's the use of it?

Basically, theory here says that you basically have two choices. Either the plot can be decided by the GM, and enforced, or the players all (including the GM) work together to create the plot. Meaning that it'll tend to go in a lot of unpredictable directions. To say that the GM can control the plot to make certain things happen, and that the players can also control the plot at the same time is a contradiction, and a problem that many RPGs have. We even have a name for this, it's "The Impossible Thing To Believe Before Breakfast" or TITBBB. There's some debate about this, but what seems pretty clear is that some players playing some games, don't get a clear view of who's in control of what, and this leads to all sorts of problems in play (especially if different participants are expecting different things).

The point is that this needs some thought on your part, and some well written direction in the text. Or better a system that makes this all obvious.

but there's no reason any character MUST do what their organisations tell them to, just like in real life there's no reason i MUST submit my essays in on time, or stick to the word limit, or write about what i'm supposed to. but one day, i'll be telling people to write things for me, and one day the players will be the ones giving the orders.
While there's no reason you MUST, there are reasons that you do. Are these encoded in the system? Such that when the character breaks the rules, it makes a statment? Or is breaking the rules without consequence?

yeah, i'm including the setting with the game. most concepts within the game (other than how to swing a sword) depend on the setting, like gods and clerical orders, how magic and psionic powers work, the organisations that help to define characters, and all that junk. the particular campaign i am running though, with the time travel and stuff, will only be included as far as a brief mention of the existence of the device and where it might be. i don't want to write the story for the GM, just give them what's needed to streamline plots.
So, the GM is supposed to write up his own metaplot? Again, it's not clear here where the story comes from.

What does your system do to cause the players to behave like heroes that D20 does not do?

if, by d20, you refer to the entire range of d20 systems and settings, then i can't really be qualified to answer that question because i haven't read even half of them. but i guess i could ask how does d20 cause players to behave like heroes? IMHO, the only thing it does is offer options, and give a setting that is conducive to exploring those options. Eclipse does this. so does every system to my knowledge. but perhaps i am misunderstanding your question.
I hope it's clearer now, but in case it isn't, D20 doesn't particularly promote players doing adventurous things. In fact, quite the opposite. What I'm saying is that your system is no better than D20 here, and given that D20 fails to meet this goal of heroic play, that's a problem (to the extent that you're game is actually like D&D).

Here's an eye opener. The biggest problem with D&D and getting players to act heroically is that the characters can die. Since characters can die, players always have an incentive to play it safe. Have you considered having a rule system that only allows for death when dramatically appropriate, instead of as a result of poor tactical play? Because that's what promote heroic play.

The next objection is that this eliminates the challenge from play, but believe me, it doesn't.

but now that you've mentioned it, i do think it's interesting that all fantasy i have ever read really boils down to those same premises, even though they do have different takes on each of the premises. it probably fits in with religious concepts and basic human nature. but i still enjoy them for what they are.
And I too enjoy them. But they're not universal, there are other fantasy games to play. Still, I'm not even advocating that you change your setting. What I'm advocating is that you find a way in your system to bring out the parts of your setting that you think are fun to experience. Another problem with D20 is that it's somewhat "generic" and as such doesn't really enhance any setting. Your game links up in terms of magic, and such, but, as we noted, your magic system doesn't really say much about the universe (magic makes me tired is not much of a theme).

So, how can you make the most of your social conflict, and other system techniques to link into the setting that you have? What sort of statements do you want to see from play?

on one hand i think a great GM can plan a rich story, and make the players believe that not only are they a part of this story, but that they are truly driving it, almost like some uber-author (or God...).
This is what we refer to around here as "illusionism". You might want to read up - it's pretty controversial in some ways, and almost certainly a very hard way to GM. Hence why....

on the other hand, what tends to happen with my sessions is that i plan for about the first hour or so of play, and then wing it as the players do what they want, and i develop the story ad lib, drawing on my broad concepts of what's going on in the world.
Many people have that experience. Is this the style that you want to promote? If so, there are things that you can put into your system that do this well, and things to avoid.

This isn't railroading at all. The problem is that metaplot makes the style that you're talking about difficult. How can I just "go with the flow" and still have the sorcerer do what he's going to do? There are ways to do this, actually, but there are other potentially serious problems.

do you mean: "what about my system limits the options open to players to ensure that they don't ignore culture?" or do you mean "what mechanics are in place that keep track of 'bad' things characters do to help bring about repurcussions?". besides culture, history, physical characteristics, social norms, generalized personalities, and effectiveness values: what else CAN define a race? and perhaps more importantly, why would i need it?
The question is how the social norms and such are represented. A really bad way, I'll bet you agree, is the "Alignment" method. That methods penalizes the player for not playing to the stereotype. But what if you make the personality traits of the race potentially empowering? Then the player can choose to be typical, or atypical, still has the same mechanical effect, but a statement is made about the character. I'm thinking about the game Heroquest again, in which, for instance, your belief system (which often provides magic) is often related to your culture. So you can play a character who is typical in having that belief system, or atypical in having one from another culture or subculture. In any case, the player is incentivized to make that issue important through the use of the effectiveness that it provides.

Maybe more importantly, those "relationship" abilities tell you just how the character's culture feels about the character.

What is it that you'd like to see from us?

exactly the sorts of things i've seen so far! questions, comments, suggestions... they all help me get a better understanding of what is expected, what i am "up against", and how i might make my system better.

any suggestions for solid non-level based progression that also doesn't rely on rolling? (i will read through those 6 games, so i may find an answer in one of them...)
You will. The one that you'll see commonly, is the "point-based" progression. The player gets points at intervals like every session, and these are spent in specific ways to produce specific advancements. Again, this is the FM Car radio of designs, having appeared in most every game as a "solution" to the level problem.

Right now, the current theory is that too much freedom is a bad thing, as we'd discussed (there's a thread on the subject in "theory", right now). In that way things like "classes" are positive. OTOH, there are about a jillion other ways to do this, and some of them are demonstrably better. For example, everyone knows that people pick up more than one job over a lifetime, so long ago (ADD1E), the "mulit-classed" character was introduced. The problem with this is that it's too blocky. You want constraint, but not in such huge blocks of effectiveness that the character seems stilted. In ADD3E, you get the ability to pick up new classes every level. This is almost worse because nobody learns that way, going back and forth between large blocks of instruction.

A current trend is towards having character enumeration be very simple. But what I like to see are large scale selections at character generation that are simple to make, like classes, but which represent actual background options. These are like "classes" in a way, but tend to provide nothing but "skills" or other effectivenesses. And then after chargen, the player typically then buys things by the point system to represent whatever the specific in-game action is all about.

This makes chargen as simple or simpler than class systems, but leaves actual development to be as specific as it needs to be in play.

Oh, another quick note. What do you see as the Reward Systems for the game. How are players rewarded - what behaviors? What can the rewards be used for?

I want to make a quick statment about my agenda here - I'm not being completely altrusistic. About once a year, I find a game like this, and provide the same critiques. My hope is that other potential designers like yourself can be helped by the messages here. They might recognize that they're in the same place as you are, and get almost as much from the threads as you do. In that way, we prevent the forum from being flooded with people like yourself.

I just wanted to be clear on that, and get my agenda in the open. I'm having fun working with you (and you've been a superlative model - maybe the best I've ever had), and want to continue. And I do like some of your ideas. But my participation here is mostly educational, and not intended to constitute some big endorsement. We've yet to really see what you can produce, I believe.


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Topic 2024

Message 9910#107762

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Mike Holmes which Mike Holmes participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 3/16/2004

On 3/17/2004 at 7:29am, Ravien wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

To address this generally, have you read that essay yet (System Does Matter)? Because there's a general principle that's important here. Basically, there are no "powergamers" just players who are playing games that promote powergaming. That is, sans incentive to play this way, there are no powergamers. Designing your game to eliminate abuse is going at things backwards. If you're game is subject to "abuse", that means it promotes a sort of play that you don't want it to promote - the system causes the behavior. So, don't worry about combating "abuse" just make a game that will promote what you want in the first place.

Yeah i read that essay. I found it hard to determine whether Eclipse had a GNS focus, whether it needed one, or whether I wanted one (I'm trying really hard to use proper punctuation, I'm used to typing in MSWord :). I think it would probably closely approximate being a simulationist design, but I know I have included Gamist and Narrativist elements as well. I think time will tell how that works. But I see your point about "powergamers". Unfortunately, I really did like the idea of progressing attributes through use. No matter how hard I try, I can't concoct a mechanic that increases attributes through use and doesn't incentivise behvaiour that I don't want. So I've scrapped that idea. I'll get to my ideas for a reward mechanic later on...

For instance, you say that you're not concerned with balance. And, assuming that means what I think it does, that may be a step in the right direction. On the other hand, it's hard to know, because we really don't know what you're trying to do with this game. Moreover, there are some things that you've done that seem at odds with the typical sorts of goals that discarding balance might achieve.

So, if you can backtrack on some of these things and tell us why you're not concerned with balance, rather, what you're trying to support that balance would get in the way of, then we can more cogently respond to your questions.

Sure! I know it sounds cliche, but I am not concerned with balance because I believe that a mighty sorcerer who can command the elements can have just as much impact on the world as a simple thief or heroic fighter. My opinion on this matter stems from epic novels. I think balance should not be enforced on players, but instead should stem from their place in the world and their protagonistic potential. "Balance" would shatter the social status of a sorcerer if they were equally powerful as a fighter. I hate coming back to these examples all the time but I do think they are apt: in The Wheel Of Time, Rand is the world's most powerful channeler, so he obviously has protagonistic potential and appeal, but so does Mat, who is a mere trickster and war general, and Perrin too, who simply has a big heart and is willing to do anything for the one he loves. In Magician, Pug (Milamber) is also the most powerful sorcerer ever, but Tomas becomes almost as powerful in a different way, whilst Jimmy the hand plays a large role, and really there are too many characters to mention that all make for great characters and protagonsists, regardless of the fact that in terms of raw power to influence any given outcome, they are all dwarfed by Pug. This is the sort of variety and freedom that I want. Perhaps in essence, players make their own balance, by choosing to take risks and doing their best to succeed. No risk = no gain. I'll get back to this with my reward mechanic ideas. I hope this helps some, if not, then either I've misunderstood your question or I'm not sure how to answer it.

I like the system in general. How does it require any more record keeping than combat? I mean, do you have modifiers in combat? If the character is on ice, would you subtract something from their roll? If so, then why can't this just be applied to social conflicts? The GM notes that NPC A is an enemy of PC B, who is friend of PC C such that when C tries to get A to do somthing, he has a negative modifier.

BTW, rolling social contests like this is a fairly new thing, and puts you pretty damn close to innovative. Not quite, but, like I said, it's hard to be innovative when you don't know what's out there. My point is that, in combination with other good techniques, your game in total can be innovative, even if no particular single element is. The combination just needs to be new. So it's things like adding social conflict that make your game a heartbreaker, and potentially innovative if you just get past certain traditional methods.

Actually, I was envisioning social combat to usually require more than one roll. For instance, I roll to insult someone; I succeed and damage their Ego, but in doing so, I increase my own Ego. In retaliation, they can roll to insult me, and if they succeed, then they gain back Ego points equal to how much Ego damage they do to me. This repartee could go on for hours I guess, but you get the idea. Similarly, if someone tries to charm another person, that person can in turn attempt to charm back, and in doing so, both people modify their rolls according to how high the other person has raised their Ego, thus allowing two people to "flirt", feeding off each others' flirtations, and drastically accelerating the process of infatuation to love. Conversely, one could counter charms with insults, and if successful, the insult does double Ego damage to the charmer, and negates the charmer's effect on the insulters Ego. I hope that made some semblance of sense, but I'm sure you can see how it will often come down to many rolls. But now that I've scrapped improvement via rolling, the number of rolls becomes moot. And your point about book-keeping is well taken, I'll try to implement it as simply and intuitively as I can.

In regards to the heartbreaker factor, I must admit that your posts have given me incentive to avoid that monicker if I can. That said, I am certainly interested in any suggestions of changes I should think about. Clearly you can't just tell me what I want and what to do, but I'm sure that you can identify "heartbreaker symptoms" easier than I can.

I'm not getting what you're saying here, but I sense that it's important. Can you clarify?

Yeah, I guess it does sound important. If only I knew what it meant!

I think I meant that in Eclipse, your character may have to fight for their life, respond with witticisms to protect your Ego and reputation, and perform tasks within your organizations to advance in power and reputation, and it's up to players to choose how to divide their efforts and advancement. In terms of my job, I think I meant that I need to do everything I can to make that choice a hard one, not by making it difficult to achieve what you want, but by making it difficult to choose what you want most, and making the rewards for any choice satisfactory. Perhaps your character devotes all their efforts into developing a scathing wit, but really can't handle themself in a fight: not to worry! you can just use your wit to damage your opponents Ego, thus imposing penalties on their rolls, and perhaps even enlisting the help of others to defend you as you are clearly superior to the goat-loving nancy-boy thug you just outwitted.

Maybe that's what I meant, but who can know such things?

How is this used in play? What elements can add to the number? What stylistic feel do you want it to represent?

"AC" is used to directly resist physical attacks. AC is the number that is subtracted from an opponents AP (Attack Power) to determine the difference, which in turn determines damage. Beat armor by a large margin, and you deal more deadly damage; beat it by a small margin, and you barely manage to scratch them. Every creature has a base AC, because it isn't terribly easy to just push a blade through someone, and armor adds to this. Certain creatures are naturally "tougher", and so have higher base AC's, despite the fact that they don't wear armor. Pushing a sword through someone wearing full-plate is noticeably harder than pushing it through an unarmored person, regardless of if they are moving or not. The stylistic feel I want it to represent is exactly what I think it already does represent: making you harder to push a sword through, and thus harder to damage. I just need a name to match the style.

That's good, because doing so on the first try would be extremely unlikely. But what you can do is make a game that will attract some players, and learn something in the making of it that will help with your next design.

This is exactly what I hope to achieve. And if I can make a game that is half decent and that other people find fun to play, all the better.

So, given that RPG play comes in a bewildering variety of forms it's always best to state goals in relative terms. Faster than TROS, or faster than D&D would be something that we could get a hold on.

But, given that it could be faster, what does the part of the system that's slowing you down do for the player. What are the rules intended to do in your game?

Faster than TROS by a large margin. Faster than D&D by a smaller margin. Not as fast as freeform. Eclipse sits somewhere in there, and if I had more experience with more games, I could be more specific with regards to speed.

What are the rules intended to do? Give the players something to do. I'm not a fan of free-form concepts. They are too free-form! Clearly my perceptions on this matter are biased, but I include the rules that I do because I feel they 'add' to the game, rather than subtract from it. To me, free-form may have more potential, but it feels like less of a game. But that's just my opinion. As for specific rules, they are intended to help conceptualise what is actually happening in the shared imaginative space, and then embelished on with specific details from the GM. They are also their to take control away from the players, to the effect that they now have something to work towards in the form of advancement, and also to create verisimilitude in that the characters are not gods (only the GM can be God ;)

I personally would suggest the "steady state" start. That is, you present history up to a certain date where the game begins, and then just have the NPCs do what makes sense given their motives after that point.

Sorry for not making it clearer, but that is pretty much exactly how I have created it. The campaign begins after the first 3 years of war, and all that sorcerer/vampire stuff was simply what sparked the war, by driving the invaders to invade. Eventually the ramifications will reach the Kingdom, but by that stage nothing is set in stone, and if they surprise me, the party may even be able to discover and prevent the vampire army from ever coming close, and in doing so remove the motivations for the invaders to invade. But whilst I won't prevent this in any way, I won't encourage it, because I am a firm believer that things happen in the world which the players cannot be aware of but which may still affect them. Similarly, they may affect the world in ways that they are not aware of too (this happens alot). But this is reaching more into GMing styles and less concerned with my setting or system. I certainly won't be doing anything to encourage or discourage such plot machinations if I can help it, mainly because I know that there is no "One Right Way" to GM, and if I try to encourage a particalr way, I will inevitably discourage certain GMs from my system.

Here's an eye opener. The biggest problem with D&D and getting players to act heroically is that the characters can die. Since characters can die, players always have an incentive to play it safe. Have you considered having a rule system that only allows for death when dramatically appropriate, instead of as a result of poor tactical play? Because that's what promote heroic play.

Hmmmm. Personally, I think that such a thing simply promotes one kind of heroic play. I think I can still maintain a system where death is always a danger, but still have characters do heroic deeds. In fact, I feel that the risk of death plays a large role in determining whether or not an action is heroic. The other part being whether it is done for the good of other people, and not for the good of oneself. Perhaps there are other aspects to heroism, but I feel these are the major ones. I mean, all you need to do is look at real life: we have heroes, and no-one is immortal or protected by divine writ that they will not die unless it is "dramatic enough" for them to do so, but we still have heroes (NOT sport-stars!).

Now is as good a time as any to talk about my ideas for my rewards mechanic...
So, how can you make the most of your social conflict, and other system techniques to link into the setting that you have? What sort of statements do you want to see from play?

...which I think, also might answer this question.

Ok, my idea is both a way to eliminate levels and advancement by rolling, and provide a focus for heroic play. Unfortunately I still can't decide how to implement the "progression through use" concept (which already is working in skills) without incentivising play that I don't want.

Anyway, my idea is basically that characters are awarded attribute points and reputation points, not via level, experience, or rolling, but through being heroic. In other words, doing things which the general population might see as being heroic, such as saving someone's life (or many peoples'), risking your life for a just cause, or doing something that few people would willingly do in order to help someone.

As well as being a hero, characters can also progress through completing tasks for organisations they are a member of, or organisations such as a monarchy or whatever. These sorts of tasks would award more reputation points, and also have the advantage of allowing the character to progress through the organisation.

Attribute points are awarded according to the risks involved, as judged on-the-fly by the entire gaming group (players and GM). Concensus must be reached or no points are awarded at all. The risks are categorised as follows:

Slight = 2 Attribute points
Fair = 4 Attribute points
Considerable = 6 Attribute points
Heavy = 10 Attribute points
Severe = 14 Attribute points
Deadly = 20 Attribute points

In the text I will of course provide examples of how these might be evaluated, according to the objective risks and the capabilities of the heroes involved.

Reputation points will be awarded according to how many people witness the event, and the risk involved. In the case of completing tasks set for you by your organisation, you receive an extra flat rate of reputation points for each task (after all, you are simply doing what they ask you to do), being equal to your Influence modifier. Reputation points are given as the number of attribute points awarded plus:

0 witnesses = 0 reputation points
1 witness = 2 reputation points
2-6 witnesses = 4 reputation points
7-10 witnesses = 6 reputation points
11+ = 10 reputation points

alternatively, if character wishes to be a bit less benevolent and a bit more malevolent, then the risk/reputation thing still applies, but reputation points are doubled, and "heroic deeds" become "evil deeds", such as killing the innocent, rape and pillage, etc.

I just came up with this today while I was walking home from the bus stop, so I'm sure it needs work. Again, comments/questions/suggestions are very helpful.

And to pre-empt the question: "what does reputation do?", the answer is: "enables progression through the ranks of organisations, brings monetary bonuses such as cheaper purchases, makes it easier to win in social combat through bonuses to rolls and Ego, makes it easier to obtain information (not really a mechanic for this, but certainly something a GM can consider), and probably other stuff I haven't yet thought of."

But what I like to see are large scale selections at character generation that are simple to make, like classes, but which represent actual background options. These are like "classes" in a way, but tend to provide nothing but "skills" or other effectivenesses. And then after chargen, the player typically then buys things by the point system to represent whatever the specific in-game action is all about.

In Eclipse, class opens up two things: a derived attribute or path of progression, and class-based abilities, which are usually devoted to making the most of your derived attribute.

Examples: Spellcasters get a Flow Pool, which is their capacity to handle the Flows of magic, or in other words, how much Flow they can handle at any given time. Using this Flow to cast spells threatens fatigue (depending on your roll, you may take no fatigue or alot more than you can handle).
Fighters get a path of progression in the forms of 3 combat schools, each focusing on enhancing a certain aspect of combat (defense, offense, or general enhancement of effectiveness).
Clerics get Faith and a spell-stone, which is essentially their tools to channel the will of the gods, shaping it with their own will.
Thieves get access to poisons and exposives and learning skills is easier.
and Psionics get a Psi capacity, which is their potential to influence the world around them. Like spellcasters, psionics must deal with threatened fatigue for the use of their powers.

Changing class simply opens up a new derived attribute. everything important (like all the base attributes) can be improved however a player desires. But now that I've done away with levels, I can't think of any coherent and plausible way to implement "multi-classing", without either letting players be every class at once or imposing arbitrary penalties.

I want to make a quick statment about my agenda here - I'm not being completely altrusistic. About once a year, I find a game like this, and provide the same critiques. My hope is that other potential designers like yourself can be helped by the messages here. They might recognize that they're in the same place as you are, and get almost as much from the threads as you do. In that way, we prevent the forum from being flooded with people like yourself.

I would expect no more. Really, your help thus far has been terrific, and you've certainly given me plenty of things to think about, which is a good thing. Though I'm not sure how to take that last part, about preventing the forum from having people like me in it... ;)
I just wanted to be clear on that, and get my agenda in the open. I'm having fun working with you (and you've been a superlative model - maybe the best I've ever had), and want to continue. And I do like some of your ideas. But my participation here is mostly educational, and not intended to constitute some big endorsement. We've yet to really see what you can produce, I believe.

Trust me, your educational input is, I think, far more valuable than any sort of endorsement might be.

Who knows, maybe one day Eclipse (or some other system of mine) may be worthy of your endorsement, but I'm sure that by then, it wouldn't need it.

But I'm having fun trying to answer the (sometimes damn hard) questions that you raise, and in the end I feel that it will benefit me greatly, regardless of how "altruistic" you feel you're not being. ;)

Message 9910#107889

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Ravien which Ravien participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 3/17/2004

On 3/18/2004 at 3:17am, greyorm wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG


Just a couple comments about statements you've made about the combat system. Basically, you keep saying it is very intutive and very fast.

Regarding the former, intuitiveness of the system...well, perhaps it is for you. My experience with it so far, given your examples, is that it is not all that intutive -- I certainly don't quite get how it works, even with the help via examples you've provided.

On the other hand, I do get TROS combat, just by reading through the examples in the free basic rules (also note that I have not played either your game or TROS, so I'm not defending one or attacking the other).

My point isn't that you're wrong, but that you might be. I don't know how many other groups have played your game, but my experience regarding this aspect differs from "what's expressed on the package."

Now, the reason I mention other groups -- specifically other groups who have had no coaching from you or someone you trained in, who did it "cold" from the rules -- is because you can declare the rules are intuitive all you want, and they will be to you or your group...because you designed the system. Your experience, however, is not a good indicator of how clear or graspable the rules are.

The problem with your group grasping them is that you are there to explain it to them, so they benefit from your knowledge of the system. Intuitiveness can just be from the fact that you know the rules well, they make sense to you, so they seem intuitive to you.

Now, I will wait for the full rules to be available before I make any sort of permanent judgement about how intuitive the combat mechanics are.

Faster than TROS by a large margin. Faster than D&D by a smaller margin.

My problem with this statement is that TROS resolves notably faster than D&D (based on the comments of numerous posters).

And since you keep using it as a benchmark against which you are measuring your game, I'm wondering how much experience you've had playing TROS, or if you're simply going by what you feel it would play like given your reading of it?

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 8825

Message 9910#108030

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by greyorm which greyorm participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 3/18/2004

On 3/19/2004 at 5:42am, Ravien wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

Regarding the former, intuitiveness of the system...well, perhaps it is for you. My experience with it so far, given your examples, is that it is not all that intutive -- I certainly don't quite get how it works, even with the help via examples you've provided.

Hmmm, I'm not sure if this comes down to, as you've stated, the simple fact that I designed it, thus I understand it, or if it's a matter of my inability to explain things properly, or if it's simply the fact that the concepts involved are too different to what is normally used. I'd say it was a combination of all three.'

One the bright side, however, if it's non-intuitive for you, then that means it is significantly different to d20! Or at least different to what you are used to, which is just as good.

Ok, I'll try to explain in as simple terms as I can, for both combat and magic (magic is naturally more complex):

In combat, opponents must try to hit each other without being hit. To do so, they roll opposed Attack Speed rolls. The faster of the combatants wins, because he is faster. If he wins by just a little bit, then his opponent was not fast enough to win outright, but still fast enough to block the incoming attack. Does this make sense so far? So the first resolution of the Attack roll determines the action, to the extent of who was faster in their attack and by how much, and whether or not this allowed the opponent to defend themselves.

The second resolution does not require a new roll, it simply uses the same roll and adds a different number: Attack Power (instead of Attack Speed). This new number (Attack Power) is compared directly to the AC of the opponent. The opponents AC is a combination of their armor and their own inherent bodily AC. But just like how there are two attack numbers (Attack Speed and Attack Power), there are also two AC's: Total AC and Block AC. Total AC is what I just mentioned, but Block AC is Total AC PLUS Attack Power. The logic behind the Block AC is that the opponent is adding their strength and the weight of their sword to their defence.

Damage is determined by how much an attacker's Attack Power beats the defenders AC (Total AC or Block AC depending on if they were at least fast enough to block or too slow to do that much).

I feel that this is intuitive because it is less abstract than "did I hit?" and more reflective of the nature of swinging a sword in a duel. i.e: the important things to consider when fighting are how fast you can swing and how much oomph you can put into that swing. You can really only "miss" if the opponent dodges, and that resolves in a similar fashion.

If this still is difficult to understand, then I apologise. But I still maintain that this mechanic is intuitive, because it is to me. I can't speak on behalf of everyone, but I'm sure that at least someone out there might find this concept as intuitive as I do.

As for magic, it may be helpful if you understood the concepts behind how magic works. In Eclipse, "magic" is the stuff of creation. The Gods emanate what is known as The Flow. The Flow is existence. Spellcasters are a precious few who can manipulate the Flow of the gods, in essence harnessing the God's power. Spellcasters have a derived attribute known as their Flow Pool. "Pool" is really not the right word to describe how it works, but it sounds better than "pipe". But it really functions like a pipe, in that the larger the pipe, the more Flow one can use through it. Casting a spell uses up a certain amount of Flow from the pool, which then slowly regenerates (at a rate of 2 points per round), just like if you suck some water out of a pipe, and then stop sucking, the pipes pressure slowly rebuilds. If a caster "maintains" a spell, that is, uses up that spell's portion of Flow from their pool for a length of time, only the remaining portion of their Flow Pool is available to them. For example, if I have a Flow pool of 20, and I cast an instantaneous spell that costs 10 Flow, then next round I will have 12 Flow points left (20 -10 for the spell, +2 for regeneration). If I want to then cast a spell that costs 20 Flow, I must recover from the effort of my first spell by waiting 4 rounds until my Flow Pool had completely regenerated.

If I instead wanted to maintain a spell that cost 10 Flow, then so long as I maintained it, I would only have 10 Flow points available for use in my Flow Pool, because the other 10 are being used to "feed" the maintained spell. I could drop the spell at any time, and my Flow Pool would continue to regenerate.

Now, using any amount of Flow requires effort. The casting of any spell threatens fatigue equal to 3 times the Flow cost. This fatigue is prevented with a constitution save, which subtracts directly from the threatened fatigue, and any remaining fatigue gets dealt to the caster. This constitution save is the only roll a spellcaster makes to cast a spell provided they are not facing an opponent spellcaster who intends to counter their spell. In other words, all spells automatically succeed unless purposely countered. Using the same examples as above, if I cast a spell with a Flow cost of 10, then it would threaten 30 points of fatigue (3 times 10). I would make my constitution save, and if I rolled, say 24, then I would take 6 points of fatigue (30-24). If I rolled 30 or more, I would not take any fatigue at all.

As for a maintained spell, fatigue is threatened whenever the spell ends, either because the caster drops it or because an opponent counters it or if the caster takes damage etc. They don't need to make a constitution save to cast the spell, only when it ends.

As for two casters duelling, then because all a spellcaster is doing when they cast is manipulating the Flow, other spellcasters can manipulate the same Flow. In essence, to cast a spell, a spellcaster manipulates Flow to create a desired effect (known as "weaving", and a spell is known as a "weave"). To counter a spell, a spellcaster manipulates the weave of the other spellcaster, essentially stuffing it up, ruining the spell.

Does this concept make sense? In practise, to cast a spell a player subtracts the Flow cost from their Flow pool, rolls their constitution save to avoid as much fatigue as they can, and the spell happens regardless of whether they knock themselves out from the effort or are completely unphased. In duelling with another spellcaster, both opponents must make tactical decisions as to whether to cast or counter, or attack in some other way. If both decide to counter, nothing happens; if both cast, both spells happen (you can imagine the consequences of that); and there are all sorts of other combinations with obvious effects.

I hope that has at least helped clarify something for someone.

My problem with this statement is that TROS resolves notably faster than D&D (based on the comments of numerous posters).

And since you keep using it as a benchmark against which you are measuring your game, I'm wondering how much experience you've had playing TROS, or if you're simply going by what you feel it would play like given your reading of it?

In terms of the number of rounds required to resolve conflict, and the fact that conflict is resolved simultaneously for both opponents, then yes, TROS resolves faster than D&D significantly (this may also be helped by the fact that to my knowledge, D&D usually involves more combatants in a single fight). But in terms of how-much-real-time-is-required-to-resolve-a-single-round, then D&D wins out, and Eclipse beats them both.

I admit though that my knowledge of this is based not on extensive hours of play, but from a simple demo run I conducted alone, reading the Quickstart guide (which, it should be noted, is more simplistic than the full rules), and reading some essay here on the forums about why TROS wasn't a heartbreaker, where the author (sorry I can't remember who) clearly described an action that took 15 minutes to resolve due to needing to look up many complex tables in the rulebook. Surely this was an exageration (I hope), or at least an exception to the norm, but the fact is no single action will ever take anywhere near that long to resolve in Eclipse. In terms of complexity, options, realism, and simulation, TROS beats Eclipse (and everything else too I bet) hands down. In terms of innovation, again the crown goes to TROS. But until I see an action take more than 1 minute to resolve in Eclipse, I'll maintain that Eclipse is faster. But I think I should make it clear that I am not nearly stupid enough to compete with TROS. I merely use it as a basis of comparison for aspects that are similar, just as I also use certain novels and movies and computer games.

But I'd really like for people to tear apart my reward mechanic :D

I think that it is pointing in the right direction for me and what I want players to be doing, but I'm sure that it needs work (most likely a total overhaul, but whatever it takes...).

Thanks though for all comments so far, at the very least they have made me think how to explain things better, and at best they have made me think how to make things better. I hope I can continue to get a similar quality of feedback to help me make Eclipse at least something that won't be dismissed on sight, even if it isn't to anyones tastes :D

Message 9910#108259

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...from around 3/19/2004

On 3/19/2004 at 10:16am, montag wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

Ravien wrote: In combat, opponents must try to hit each other without being hit. To do so, they roll opposed Attack Speed rolls. The faster of the combatants wins, because he is faster. If he wins by just a little bit, then his opponent was not fast enough to win outright, but still fast enough to block the incoming attack. Does this make sense so far? So the first resolution of the Attack roll determines the action, to the extent of who was faster in their attack and by how much, and whether or not this allowed the opponent to defend themselves.
The second resolution does not require a new roll, it simply uses the same roll and adds a different number: Attack Power (instead of Attack Speed). This new number (Attack Power) is compared directly to the AC of the opponent. The opponents AC is a combination of their armor and their own inherent bodily AC. But just like how there are two attack numbers (Attack Speed and Attack Power), there are also two AC's: Total AC and Block AC. Total AC is what I just mentioned, but Block AC is Total AC PLUS Attack Power. The logic behind the Block AC is that the opponent is adding their strength and the weight of their sword to their defence.
Damage is determined by how much an attacker's Attack Power beats the defenders AC (Total AC or Block AC depending on if they were at least fast enough to block or too slow to do that much).
I feel that this is intuitive because it is less abstract than "did I hit?" and more reflective of the nature of swinging a sword in a duel. i.e: the important things to consider when fighting are how fast you can swing and how much oomph you can put into that swing. You can really only "miss" if the opponent dodges, and that resolves in a similar fashion.
If this still is difficult to understand, then I apologise. But I still maintain that this mechanic is intuitive, because it is to me. I can't speak on behalf of everyone, but I'm sure that at least someone out there might find this concept as intuitive as I do.

It's very intuitive, at least the way you explained it now. IMHO the confusion stems from the fact that you changed your system from two rolls to one in the course of this thread and that you keep referencing tables and options ("if the opponent dodges") we don't have access to.

Message 9910#108275

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...from around 3/19/2004

On 3/22/2004 at 5:14am, Ravien wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

It's very intuitive, at least the way you explained it now. IMHO the confusion stems from the fact that you changed your system from two rolls to one in the course of this thread and that you keep referencing tables and options ("if the opponent dodges") we don't have access to.

Yeah, sorry about that. Actually, my system has taken some major evolutions in the course of this thread, mostly inspired by Mike's helpful questions and criticisms.

I'm glad the combat is intuitive to someone now! Would it help if I posted a link to the page with the combat tables on it (it'd probably be a word.doc)? If no-one would glance at it, then I won't bother, but if it might help someone see exactly what's happening then I can easily stick one up.

On another note, I was riding the bus the other day not particularly paying attention to my thoughts when I realised my mind was devising a way of totally revamping my class system in a way that appealed to me. Here's the basic rundown:

Classes become 'Social Class'. I'm thinking maybe three or four should be playable: Noble, Merchant, Peasant. Maybe I might include Royalty, but at the moment I reckon that could go under Noble. I really don't have an in-depth understanding of the layers of medieval/renaissance social classes so if anyone can suggest some I am missing or ways I should subdivide it would be greatly appreciated.

But basically, there would be a tradeoff between the classes (you know, like incentive to choose Peasant over Noble). Noble's will have much higher initial Reputation and Ego, higher starting wealth, and 10 Ability points (I'll come back to these). Merchant's will have less Reputation and Ego, slightly less starting wealth, and 11 ability points. Peasants will start with almost no Reputation, dead average Ego, and meager wealth, but will start with 13 ability points and will have bonuses to their Reputation gain and Social Combat rolls. The idea behind this "balance" (for lack of a better term) is that news of a peasant achieving a great deed has more wonder attached to it than if a noble did the same deed. Also, I want to bias peasants as being the stuff heroes are made of more than other social classes (Nobles and Merchants can still be heroes of course, but peasants are more admired when they become heroes).

As per the ability points, well since I got rid of levels, I had to find another way to hand out abilities. My solution was that at the beginning of the game, players recieved nearly all the abilities they would recieve during the entire game, and it is up to them to spend them all on abilities they can access immediately or save them for when they meet the requirements for better abilities. For example, you start with 10 Ability points, and it's up to you to decide how you are going to spend them, either on the weaker/less impressive abilities early on, giving you an early-game advantage, or save them for the best abilities that have higher requirements, giving you a great late-game advantage.

Some abilities (the really good ones), cost 2 ability points instead of just one. What used to be class (spellcaster, thief, ranger, fighter, psionic, and cleric) are now abilities called Professions. This is way easy to do with the tiny amount of things that seperated one class from another (usually a single derived attribute and list of abilities which can now all simply require the "class" ability as a pre-requisite). This also makes multi-professioning incredibly simple, as well as costly (to take 2 professions allows many new abilities and benefits, but costs 4 ability points out of your total).

One thing I really wanted to implement into Eclipse was the gender-based proficiencies in magic ala The One Power in The Wheel of Time, but I couldn't figure out an elegant way to do it. But if I use this system that I'm just now describing, then I can! All I need to do is make Talented Realms (there are five realms of the Flow: Spirit, Air, Earth, Fire and Water) into abilities that must be chosen (and also cost 2 points). Then I just make the ability cost 3 for a male and 2 for a female or vice versa, depending on the ability (Spirit will cost 2 for both genders).

So my time on the bus allowed me to invent a new and powerful currency (Ability Points), make multi-classing a total breeze, make character customisation/creation even more flexible, allow a flexible gender-bias in the Talents of spellcasters, and deal with the initial social status of player characters and how they relate to the world in their efforts to become heroes. It's amazing what your brain can do when you aren't even paying attention, isn't it?

The only problem I now have, is how to allow characters to learn spells. It used to be easy with levels, but it's much harder without them.

Anyways, I haven't yet been able to read those 6 games, but I promise I will!!! I've just had a shitload of stuff to do lately, with finding a new house and organising to move, researching and writing uni assignments, and modelling a corvette c5 for a short B-grade movie. With luck, I'll find out if my proposed idea for classes and professions has any flaws and maybe I'll find a way to make learning spells elegant and easily integrated.

So in closing, I'd be interested in hearing anyones ideas on social classes, regarding how many levels and what they should be called; whether there are any blatantly glaring flaws in my proposed Class & Profession system, and the currency of ability points and the "balance" of the classes; and if posting a link to the page of combat tables would be of any interest to anyone at all (and whether a word.doc or a .pdf would be best).


Message 9910#108743

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...from around 3/22/2004

On 3/23/2004 at 4:19pm, greyorm wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG


Thanks for the explanations! I have to "ditto" what Markus said. It very much makes sense now, with this newest explanation, and that a large part of the problem was certainly the lack of the tables you've been referencing for results which we don't have.

That said, yes, I would be interested in seeing the tables. Go ahead and post them and let us know (either .doc or .pdf is fine with me, but .pdf is probably the better choice for a wide audience). I'll definitely download them. Why?

Well, because your combat system really interests me. I've been looking for a way to make my 3E game's fights run more quickly, because we play on-line and that stretches out the already ridiculous amount of time necessary for combat.

I am worried about the sheer lethality of it, however, as I would like to keep the heroic flavor D&D provides via hit points. Any suggestions? Does your game have any rules for making combat less lethal? Or is it not really as lethal as I'm seeing?

(I'm sorry I'm focusing on the combat mechanic to the exclusion of the other material you've put up for discussion; much of it is quite interesting, but I don't have the time right now to look at it all, and the combat system is what I find most interesting right now. I hope it is helping you at least somewhat with your game to discuss it).

Message 9910#108979

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...from around 3/23/2004

On 3/24/2004 at 2:00am, Ravien wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

Thanks for the explanations! I have to "ditto" what Markus said. It very much makes sense now, with this newest explanation, and that a large part of the problem was certainly the lack of the tables you've been referencing for results which we don't have.

That said, yes, I would be interested in seeing the tables. Go ahead and post them and let us know (either .doc or .pdf is fine with me, but .pdf is probably the better choice for a wide audience). I'll definitely download them.

I'm glad I could finally make some sense! Unfortunately I am at uni right now and don't have the tables with me, but I will stick a link up to the one-page .pdf tonight. I'll send you a private message letting you know when they are up if you don't mind. Once you have them, and my explanation given earlier, I'll gladly do my best to answer any further questions you have regarding any aspect of the combat resolution mechanic.

Well, because your combat system really interests me. I've been looking for a way to make my 3E game's fights run more quickly, because we play on-line and that stretches out the already ridiculous amount of time necessary for combat.

I am worried about the sheer lethality of it, however, as I would like to keep the heroic flavor D&D provides via hit points. Any suggestions? Does your game have any rules for making combat less lethal? Or is it not really as lethal as I'm seeing?

Actually, I have considered how my mechanic would work with hit points, and I discarded that idea only because it didn't fit with my goals for the game, but it can work. But in order to make it work for the scale of 3E, it will need a few tweaks. For starters though, I'll do my best to explain how it can be used to deal hit point damage (if something I say is not clear, or it looks like I've missed something important, feel free to let me know and I'll fix it):

As I hope I've explained properly by now, actions happen simultaneously. So let's use an example where I am attacking you for the sake of simplicity. I attack, and roll my d20 and get 15. I add my attack speed of +9, which is the modifier for my attribute plus the modifier for my weapon. At the same time, you roll your attack speed in exactly the same way. For arguments sake, let's say I roll 24 and you roll 13. According to my combat resolution table, this means that I am fast enough to hit you before you can block. So I add my attack power of +12 to my roll for a total of 27. I compare this to your Total AC (not your Block AC, because you were too slow), which is, say, 14. So my attack power is 13 higher than your Total AC. In my system, you then look at a table to see that 13 higher equals a fatal wound (if I were aiming for your head or torso) or a mortal wound (if I were aiming for one of your limbs), but for hit points you can ignore that last step and deal the 13 points as damage (you can also ignore the first step which I didn't mention which is to declare where you are attacking). I hope that made some sense.

However, to port this over to D&D, you would need to take into consideration the exponential scaling of damage able to be dealt and damage able to be sustained (hit points), and the overall much lower modifiers. Attack speed could be a combination of your Dex mod plus the Dex mod of your weapon (I could provide you with my weapon list, but you'd probably need to tweak it alot) plus maybe your base reflex save. Attack power could be based on your Str mod, your weapon's Str mod and your base attack bonuses. I predict that the most work you would need to do to adapt this to D&D would be to modify the weapons list to Dex and Str mods instead of damage rolls, and adjust the base attack bonuses to reflect the amount of damage you can do at higher levels. I hope that makes sense too, and is at least partially helpful :)

One issue that you may need to address that doesn't really crop up too much in Eclipse, is the issue of multiple opponents attacking you. There are two ways you can handle it, and both are deadly. One, you could divide your actions that round between the opponents (providing you have as many actions in a round as opponents), or Two, you could handle them all simultaneously, meaning that you can only defend against one attack unless you are fighting with two weapons, in which case you can defend against two. Eclipse uses the first method by default, under the reasoning that your opponents probably won't be trained in making their attacks at the same time for maximum efficiency, but their is an ability called Concert Fighting, which allows an attacker to attack a foe at the same time as that foe is being attacked by another, or IOW, method Two. In practise, dodging becomes a very handy thing in manouvering the battlefield against many foes, but I'll leave it up to you to decide how to incorporate such a thing into D&D.

As for the lethality, I think that would become a non-issue when converting it to hit points and the D&D scale, but overall I'm not too sure how much faster it would run. In terms of rolls, sure, one action is one roll for both combatants at once, so you're halving the time at worst, dividing by 4 at best (attack roll, damage roll; player 1, THEN attack roll, damage roll; player 2). But part of what makes Eclipse so fast is the lethality.

Does your game have any rules for making combat less lethal?

Yes. It's called advancement and picking your fights :)

But seriously, in the test runs I've made it isn't overly lethal for players, but I guess that depends on what you classify as lethal. If you mean "can be killed in 3 actions and still have a tense fight", then yeah, it's lethal. But if you mean "I'm probably going to die if I pick up that sword", then no, not really. I find that so far, it provides a nice balance between tension and potential, and is strong enough to dis-incentivise killing everything that moves, but leanient enough to make choosing to stay and fight a realistic choice rather than running from every threat. No doubt, if anyone else ever play-tests this thing they will beg to differ, and then I'll be more than happy to accomodate and adjust.

(I'm sorry I'm focusing on the combat mechanic to the exclusion of the other material you've put up for discussion; much of it is quite interesting, but I don't have the time right now to look at it all, and the combat system is what I find most interesting right now. I hope it is helping you at least somewhat with your game to discuss it).

I don't mind at all! Really I need to develop my communication skills for conveying complex mechanics in a clear and concise manner, so every bit of practise helps.

But yeah, I'll post the link to the .pdf page when I get home and I'll do my best to answer any questions that pop up.

Message 9910#109115

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...from around 3/24/2004

On 3/24/2004 at 10:22pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

Ravien wrote: Yeah i read that essay. I found it hard to determine whether Eclipse had a GNS focus, whether it needed one, or whether I wanted one.
Well, if you want to get into GNS the other essays on that are much more enlighening - System Does Matter is mostly about how important system is in general. Something that I think you find non controversial?

In any case, the theory would state that all RPGs support some mode of play whether designed to or not. The question of your game's GNS support can probably be tabled until later. The real question is whether or not you have a good vision overall of where you want to go with the game. Which I think you do from later comments.

No matter how hard I try, I can't concoct a mechanic that increases attributes through use and doesn't incentivise behvaiour that I don't want. So I've scrapped that idea. I'll get to my ideas for a reward mechanic later on...
Note that it's not impossible to make attribute increases do other things (to some extent the selection of attributes makes a difference). But we can talk about that if it comes back up.

Sure! I know it sounds cliche, but I am not concerned with balance because I believe that a mighty sorcerer who can command the elements can have just as much impact on the world as a simple thief or heroic fighter. My opinion on this matter stems from epic novels. I think balance should not be enforced on players, but instead should stem from their place in the world and their protagonistic potential. "Balance" would shatter the social status of a sorcerer if they were equally powerful as a fighter.
You're saying a lot of different things here, but let me paraphrase. Characters don't need to be equal in power because any character can be made as much of a protagonist as another. Is that correct? If so, then you're stating that the game isn't about power and using the character as a pawn to do well, but instead about addressing the issues of the character?

Perhaps in essence, players make their own balance, by choosing to take risks and doing their best to succeed. No risk = no gain. I'll get back to this with my reward mechanic ideas. I hope this helps some, if not, then either I've misunderstood your question or I'm not sure how to answer it.
Actually, this has been an excellent answer to the question.

Actually, I was envisioning social combat to usually require more than one roll. For instance, I roll to insult someone; I succeed and damage their Ego, but in doing so, I increase my own Ego. In retaliation, they can roll to insult me, and if they succeed, then they gain back Ego points equal to how much Ego damage they do to me. This repartee could go on for hours I guess, but you get the idea.
There's a thread in the TROS forum here that might interest you:

Lots of ideas about how to take a tactical system and apply it to social combat.

In regards to the heartbreaker factor, I must admit that your posts have given me incentive to avoid that monicker if I can.
I think you're well on your way already. Actually, the more we hear about the system's differences the less it seems like a heartbreaker to start with. Heading in the right direction, I think you'll have no problems.

I think I meant that in Eclipse, your character may have to fight for their life, respond with witticisms to protect your Ego and reputation, and perform tasks within your organizations to advance in power and reputation, and it's up to players to choose how to divide their efforts and advancement. In terms of my job, I think I meant that I need to do everything I can to make that choice a hard one, not by making it difficult to achieve what you want, but by making it difficult to choose what you want most, and making the rewards for any choice satisfactory.
Just to be clear, when you use "I" above, do you mean your job as designer or as GM? Or both?

Perhaps your character devotes all their efforts into developing a scathing wit, but really can't handle themself in a fight: not to worry! you can just use your wit to damage your opponents Ego, thus imposing penalties on their rolls, and perhaps even enlisting the help of others to defend you as you are clearly superior to the goat-loving nancy-boy thug you just outwitted.
Check out:

This is an example of a system (there are quite a few) which do not distinguish between different sorts of conflict, really. Would that be good for your game, or would you prefer to create a focus on the three areas you point out?

"AC" is used to directly resist physical attacks. AC is the number that is subtracted from an opponents AP (Attack Power) to determine the difference, which in turn determines damage. Beat armor by a large margin, and you deal more deadly damage; beat it by a small margin, and you barely manage to scratch them. Every creature has a base AC, because it isn't terribly easy to just push a blade through someone, and armor adds to this. Certain creatures are naturally "tougher", and so have higher base AC's, despite the fact that they don't wear armor. Pushing a sword through someone wearing full-plate is noticeably harder than pushing it through an unarmored person, regardless of if they are moving or not. The stylistic feel I want it to represent is exactly what I think it already does represent: making you harder to push a sword through, and thus harder to damage. I just need a name to match the style.
The problem is that you have two somewhat different things adding together here. That is, you have what's called toughness, and armor value in other games added together. The problem, then, is that neither term really applies, and you're kinda forced to resort to something more generic like Damage Resistance. As a synthetic number, this works just fine, but lacks a little flavor. OTOH, as a reistance for something as generially lableled as Attack Power, it probably works just fine.

Faster than TROS by a large margin. Faster than D&D by a smaller margin. Not as fast as freeform. Eclipse sits somewhere in there, and if I had more experience with more games, I could be more specific with regards to speed.
That gives us an idea, at least. At some point we'll apply some calculus to the system to determine just how fast it is in comparison to other mechanics.

Clearly my perceptions on this matter are biased, but I include the rules that I do because I feel they 'add' to the game, rather than subtract from it.
Don't worry about that, you're amongst folks here who pretty much feel the same - you really can't publish a freeform game.

To me, free-form may have more potential, but it feels like less of a game.
Watch out for that term - game. It's loaded. Consider that some RPGs probably don't fall under any commonly accepted definition of game. In any case, I think what you're saying is that you want an activity that has structure. Again, we're all about that here.

As for specific rules, they are intended to help conceptualise what is actually happening in the shared imaginative space, and then embelished on with specific details from the GM.
Have you been doing more reading? The above statement is called the Lumpley Principle herabouts.

They are also their to take control away from the players, to the effect that they now have something to work towards in the form of advancement, and also to create verisimilitude in that the characters are not gods (only the GM can be God ;)
Interesting perspective. The rules limit the characters in what they can do in-game? Do I have that right?

I personally would suggest the "steady state" start. That is, you present history up to a certain date where the game begins, and then just have the NPCs do what makes sense given their motives after that point.

Sorry for not making it clearer, but that is pretty much exactly how I have created it.
Cool. That prevents a whole lot of potential anguish.

But whilst I won't prevent this in any way, I won't encourage it, because I am a firm believer that things happen in the world which the players cannot be aware of but which may still affect them. Similarly, they may affect the world in ways that they are not aware of too (this happens alot). But this is reaching more into GMing styles and less concerned with my setting or system. I certainly won't be doing anything to encourage or discourage such plot machinations if I can help it, mainly because I know that there is no "One Right Way" to GM, and if I try to encourage a particalr way, I will inevitably discourage certain GMs from my system.
I sort of agree, and sort of disagree. There is no "one right way" true. But your game should probably deliver "one good way." You'll note that RPG players being the tinkerers that they are will alter the game if they don't like it anyhow. So presenting the game in such a way as to make clear where the plot comes from, and how, can be important. Most important is to avoid sending mixed messages, however. Note well that these messages can be encoded in your system more than you may be aware. In fact, text doesn't tend to matter much in play at all, and your system will determine more than any thing where the plot comes from, in actuality.

Hmmmm. Personally, I think that such a thing simply promotes one kind of heroic play. I think I can still maintain a system where death is always a danger, but still have characters do heroic deeds. In fact, I feel that the risk of death plays a large role in determining whether or not an action is heroic.
I agree. The question is whether or not the system has to represent this or not. That is, is it still unheroic to go into a battle if the character doesn't know that he can't die? If only the player knows?

Basically, is it the player winning the fight, or the character?

The other part being whether it is done for the good of other people, and not for the good of oneself. Perhaps there are other aspects to heroism, but I feel these are the major ones. I mean, all you need to do is look at real life: we have heroes, and no-one is immortal or protected by divine writ that they will not die unless it is "dramatic enough" for them to do so, but we still have heroes (NOT sport-stars!).
The characters in question are fictional, and cannot actually die. Does the system have to allow for a chance of character death to emulate movies? How many times has Indiana Jones died? How many times "should" he have died? Drama often allows for plot immunity in different media - but this doesn't detract from our enjoyment or the feeling that the character is unheroic.

Still, I'm not saying that you need to get rid of death - that was more for shock factor. I'm saying that the system needs to do what it needs to do to promote the sort of action you're looking for.

Anyway, my idea is basically that characters are awarded attribute points and reputation points, not via level, experience, or rolling, but through being heroic.

Looks like a good start, conceptually. A lot depends on what the attributes are used for. There are two parts to every reward - what's rewarded, and what the reward is. You've covered the most important, you're now rewarding heroism. The addition to attributes is fine, if that incentivizes players to do heroic things. That is, it can't just make them more powerful, but make them think about doing more heroic things.

Attribute points are awarded according to the risks involved, as judged on-the-fly by the entire gaming group (players and GM). Concensus must be reached or no points are awarded at all.
That sounds pretty cool, but it may need some playtesting and additions in terms of structure. For example, can anyone nominate someone for a reward? Even the player who's character did the act? Who decides when things are deadlocked and no points are given? If it's the GM, then really, it's his way or the highway, no?

In the text I will of course provide examples of how these might be evaluated, according to the objective risks and the capabilities of the heroes involved.
Cool. These would be given out as often as people felt it was warranted? When it happens? Or does this happen after play?

Reputation points will be awarded according to how many people witness the event, and the risk involved. In the case of completing tasks set for you by your organisation, you receive an extra flat rate of reputation points for each task (after all, you are simply doing what they ask you to do), being equal to your Influence modifier.
Hmmm. You don't get bigger muscles by performing heroic tasks, but your system allows this. Which is, fine. It's just in this case, you require something in-game to substantiate the claim to the points. You're sending two different messages here, which can be confusing. One says the rewards are for the player for having the character do heroic stuff. The other says the reward is for the character doing in-game stuff. That can work, potentially, it's just that you have to make sure that the players understand how it works. For example, what would be an allowable in-game description for how an increase in, say, strength, occurs.

alternatively, if character wishes to be a bit less benevolent and a bit more malevolent, then the risk/reputation thing still applies, but reputation points are doubled, and "heroic deeds" become "evil deeds", such as killing the innocent, rape and pillage, etc.
So, does the player track these separately - Reputation, and Evil Deeds? Do they cancel each other? Is there any incentive to stick to the good side, or is it entirely the player's option?

And to pre-empt the question: "what does reputation do?", the answer is: "enables progression through the ranks of organisations, brings monetary bonuses such as cheaper purchases,
Cool - does this mean that you're considering an abstract wealth system? That is, does the player keep track of electrum pieces, or does he just have a rating that represents his purchasing power? There are some strong arguments for the abstraction, even in the name of realism.

makes it easier to win in social combat through bonuses to rolls and Ego, makes it easier to obtain information (not really a mechanic for this, but certainly something a GM can consider),
Why not a mechanic for this? I mean, what's the difference between social combat to make someone look bad, and a conflict intended for you to browbeat someone into giving out info or somesuch? I see all these, money, social conflict, and info as all part of the same pool of contests, potentially.

In Eclipse, class opens up two things: a derived attribute or path of progression, and class-based abilities, which are usually devoted to making the most of your derived attribute.

Changing class simply opens up a new derived attribute. everything important (like all the base attributes) can be improved however a player desires. But now that I've done away with levels, I can't think of any coherent and plausible way to implement "multi-classing", without either letting players be every class at once or imposing arbitrary penalties.
Loads of ways to do this. One off the top is just to charge to open up a derived attribute. For cheap the player gets it at one quarter of normal. For a little more, one half, etc. After full, maybe they can push it further than the figured value for a cost, too. In any case, if you want to limit this, then just charge more for advancing all of them as soon as a second one or more is opened up.

Lots of other ways to go.

Looking forward to seeing the charts and such that Raven asked for.


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Topic 5276

Message 9910#109315

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On 3/25/2004 at 3:08am, Bracken wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

Hello there all,

I've been following this thread for a few days, and I had a question as to how your mechanic handles outnumbered opponents (where one character is facing 2 or more opponents), and how do you determine when missile fire occurs during the round? Is there a separate phase for missile combat (blah), or is it weaved into the combat round in some way?

PS: My vote is for a pdf file, everyone has the free reader by now. If you don't have a pdf maker I'd suggest downloading openoffice, it's free, and it can export files as pdfs.

Message 9910#109360

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On 3/25/2004 at 3:35am, Ravien wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

I'd love to respond to your questions and points, but I don't have enough time at the moment, but I'll get on it as soon as I can.

Here is the link to the .pdf for the combat table page. I've only given the tables, so you'll need knowledge from this thread to understand all of it. But as I've said before, I'll answer any questions that anyone has as best as I can.

Multiple opponents are handled deadly-like. I've given a brief, though probably insufficient, explanation in my earlier reply to greyorm. When I have time for a more comprehensive reply, I'll address multiple opponents for you.

As for "missile fire", or Ranged Combat, it happens at the same time. I'll try to be brief (cos I have little time). Basically, if I want to fire my bow at somone, then there is no "phase" that I have to fire in, but instead, I fire when others do their own thing. For example, two combatants are duelling over there, and one of them is my friend. So I decide to shoot the other dude to help out my friend. In the first action, they make their attack/defense, and I draw and nock my arrow, in the second action, they again make their attack/defense, and I aim and fire. The arrow hits at the same time as their attacks are made, thus, not interferring with the attacks, but certainly preventing any more attacks assuming I get a good shot off. But in the end, you don't want to be trying to shoot someone while engaged in melee with them, unless you are a fantastic dodger. I know this is kinda a lacking explanation, but I'm typing as fast as I can.

I'll give more satisfactory answers when I can.

Bye for now!

Message 9910#109368

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On 3/25/2004 at 7:12am, Bracken wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

Ravien wrote:
Multiple opponents are handled deadly-like. I've given a brief, though probably insufficient, explanation in my earlier reply to greyorm. When I have time for a more comprehensive reply, I'll address multiple opponents for you.

As for "missile fire", or Ranged Combat, it happens at the same time. I'll try to be brief (cos I have little time). Basically, if I want to fire my bow at somone, then there is no "phase" that I have to fire in, but instead, I fire when others do their own thing. For example, two combatants are duelling over there, and one of them is my friend. So I decide to shoot the other dude to help out my friend. In the first action, they make their attack/defense, and I draw and nock my arrow, in the second action, they again make their attack/defense, and I aim and fire. The arrow hits at the same time as their attacks are made, thus, not interferring with the attacks, but certainly preventing any more attacks assuming I get a good shot off. But in the end, you don't want to be trying to shoot someone while engaged in melee with them, unless you are a fantastic dodger. I know this is kinda a lacking explanation, but I'm typing as fast as I can.

I'll give more satisfactory answers when I can.

Bye for now!

Sorry I missed the multiple attackers comment, it kind of got lost with the rest of the posts :-) After reading it I'm still unclear what you mean by "splitting attacks", there are sereral ways to interperete this. When you get more time I'd like to hear more about it.

More comments:

Just to clarify, there are 2 exchanges per combat round? The winner of the intitiative/attack roll determines who gets the second action?

When does movement occur?

How is manuevering done in combat?

How do you handle actions where a character is trying to do something another character is trying to prevent? For example, let's say I'm trying to close a door before the enemy closes and can attack me. Is this just a straight Speed roll?

Overall I think your mechanic is interesting and I would encourage you to continue to develop it. Try to get general rules pdf out asap as the mechanics are spread out all over the thread and I for one and having problems figuring out everything, but what I see I like.


Message 9910#109401

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On 3/25/2004 at 9:58am, Ravien wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

After reading it I'm still unclear what you mean by "splitting attacks", there are sereral ways to interperete this. When you get more time I'd like to hear more about it.

Ok, I'll try to explain as clearly as I can (so be nice ;). One of the statistics that every character has is a number of actions per round, or simply: Actions. Basically, it represents overall how fast you can swing your weapon by measuring how many times you can swing it within a given time frame. It is given by 1 action per round for every 10 attribute points you have in Speed, and every 10 attribute points you have in Power. So if my character has a Power score of 24, and a Speed score of 32, then he will have 5 actions per round. If my character is fighting an opponent with less actions per round, then my opponent will run out before I do, and I will have 'overwhelmed' them, and will be able to use my remaining actions to basically hack at my helpless opponent. Actions are a major measure of character power.

So if I then come up against say, 2 opponents, and both have 3 actions per round, then when I have ran out of my 5, then together they will have overwhelmed me, and one will gain a "free" attack against me ("free" in that I have no more actions left to defend myself). During a given round, I will "split" my actions between my two opponents, using them to attack or defend or whatever. So the more opponents you face, the more severely you will be overwhelmed. As a side note, it is possible to have the upper hand over one opponent (ie: I'm attacking, he's defending), and have the lower hand against the other (I'm defending against his attacks).

This is the default method of handling multiple opponents, but there is an ability called Concert Fighting, which allows you to attack during the same action as your ally against the same foe. It's kinda hard to explain, but if one (or both) of my opponents in the previous example had this ability, then every time I was attacked by one, I would be attacked by the other, and only able to defend against one. This is a bad position to be in.

I hope that made something that resembled sense, and I hope you can see how getting into a duel against multiple opponents is not particularly desirable.

Just to clarify, there are 2 exchanges per combat round? The winner of the intitiative/attack roll determines who gets the second action?

No, there can be as many exchanges per round as a character has actions per round, as I hope I have explained clearly earlier in this post. There is no initiative. The person who attacks first does so as a tactical decision. If both opponents choose to attack at the same time, then they are fighting "Heedless" (the bottome table on that pdf page). If both choose to defend, nothing happens (well, not nothing, but the action is not used for an attack).

When does movement occur?

Whenever a player wants to move, so long as it is during an action. If they choose to move whilst engaged in melee, then they must make a dodge check to get away from the opponents weapon.

How is manuevering done in combat?

You can move 5ft in any action and still do something else (attack, defend). But both opponents can do this, and somewhere in my mechanics I've got a technique where you can "lead" an opponent by moving backwards and forcing them to follow and extend their reach or quit the offensive (there are a bunch of defensive benefits from doing this).

How do you handle actions where a character is trying to do something another character is trying to prevent? For example, let's say I'm trying to close a door before the enemy closes and can attack me. Is this just a straight Speed roll?

If you try to close a door before an enemy attacks you, and the enemy had the potential to attack you in that action, then you make a dodge check. Just so you know, a dodge check is d20 +your agility mod + your skill in Acrobatics -any penalties your armor imposes to agility-based skill checks.

There's a thread in the TROS forum here that might interest you:

Lots of ideas about how to take a tactical system and apply it to social combat.

Thanks for the link, I've be reading alot of the essays and threads here, and I've noticed that many of the topics are way over my head. But I think overall I've gained some things here and there when I understood them.

Just to be clear, when you use "I" above, do you mean your job as designer or as GM? Or both?

As designer, but I guess it applies to GMing as well.

Would that be good for your game, or would you prefer to create a focus on the three areas you point out?

I prefer to focus on the different areas. I'm not a fan of homogeneity.

Have you been doing more reading? The above statement is called the Lumpley Principle herabouts.

Actually, I've not heard of the Lumprey Principle. But I'm glad to know that my idea for what rules are for has been given a name!

Interesting perspective. The rules limit the characters in what they can do in-game? Do I have that right?

To a degree, yes. They limit them so that they can't say "I kill everyone", or "I bust out of jail with a piece of string". But I'm trying to create rules that make as much possible as I can. I understand the same goal can be achieved without rules, like in free-form games, but I dunno. I guess it's kinda like life. Our universe operates under a given set of rules, and we are bound by them. But we can push them in inventive ways. I'm guess that's what I mean by limiting what characters can do.

Basically, is it the player winning the fight, or the character?

Ok, that's a good way of looking at it. Thanks for the new perspective, but I don't think I'll take away the ability for characters to die yet. However, I have been juggling an idea in my head for allowing players to sacrifice permanently 1 attribute point to lower the type of damage dealt to them by one degree. For example, say their character takes a fatal wound, killing them instantly. The player could choose to sacrifice one of their attribute points permanently and lower that damage to just a mortal wound, enough to kill, but not immediately. I dunno, just an idea for now.

That is, it can't just make them more powerful, but make them think about doing more heroic things.

Well, I guess I was thinking that reputation gain would incentivise more heroic play, as I reckon that may be a factor in why a real-life hero might do more heroic stuff.

For example, can anyone nominate someone for a reward? Even the player who's character did the act? Who decides when things are deadlocked and no points are given? If it's the GM, then really, it's his way or the highway, no?

Yeah, any person can nominate someone for advancement. I was thinking of making it clear that every person at the table had to agree, and that gives every person equal power. If one person disagrees, then no award is given until concensus is reached. Consensus must also be reached to conclude that no award is given. Kinda like a jury. I don't know how that would work yet.

Cool. These would be given out as often as people felt it was warranted? When it happens? Or does this happen after play?

I was leaning towards during play, but I'm not sure how much that might become annoying, having to re-calculate all your stuff because of a single change. Maybe after each session might work smoother.

It's just in this case, you require something in-game to substantiate the claim to the points. You're sending two different messages here, which can be confusing. One says the rewards are for the player for having the character do heroic stuff. The other says the reward is for the character doing in-game stuff. That can work, potentially, it's just that you have to make sure that the players understand how it works. For example, what would be an allowable in-game description for how an increase in, say, strength, occurs.

I'll have to think on that some more. At first I thought it might be easy: "my character became stronger because the heroic act required me to fight strong opponents", but then considering that you could advance without any fighting at all, I guess it might have to come down to "natural increase in strength", or something.

I have to go now, so I'll address the rest of your post later. Thanks so far though! I hope my answers are satisfactory.


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Topic 5276

Message 9910#109424

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On 3/25/2004 at 4:25pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

Ravien wrote: Thanks for the link, I've be reading alot of the essays and threads here, and I've noticed that many of the topics are way over my head. But I think overall I've gained some things here and there when I understood them.
There is a steep learning curve here. All I can say is that it's worth the effort it takes, IMO.

As designer, but I guess it applies to GMing as well.
So, to reiterate, your goal in design is to have the rules provide difficult challenges for the characters to overcome. That's a cool goal, and an unusual one. Usually, it's the GM job solely to prepare appropriate challenges, and, at best, the system only informs them of what level of challenge is appropriate. But what I'm hearing is that you want the system to produce appropriate challenges. That would be a very interesting addition to your game.

Would that be good for your game, or would you prefer to create a focus on the three areas you point out?

I prefer to focus on the different areas. I'm not a fan of homogeneity.
Cool. I think that you've made it very clear that there you want several "areas" of action going on at once, and I think that you're splits in the system are probably appropriate.

Interesting perspective. The rules limit the characters in what they can do in-game? Do I have that right?

To a degree, yes. They limit them so that they can't say "I kill everyone", or "I bust out of jail with a piece of string". But I'm trying to create rules that make as much possible as I can. I understand the same goal can be achieved without rules, like in free-form games, but I dunno. I guess it's kinda like life. Our universe operates under a given set of rules, and we are bound by them. But we can push them in inventive ways. I'm guess that's what I mean by limiting what characters can do.
OK, you're setting out some potentially conflicting goals here. Should the rules limit the characters as though they were akin to the laws of physics in the game world, or, alternately, will they promote drama appropriate to the genre expectations of your setting?

For example, putatively the physics in Indiana Jones are those of our world, but he manages to take punishment that would kill anyone, and generally do impossible things. If you modeled the physics of the world, Indy would die. If you modeled the dramatic expectations, then he manages to survive because it's appropriate for him to do so, despite the risks taken.

This is an important and complex issue. Note that D20 provides "plot immunity" to characters in the form of Hit Points. In most editions there's little chance of a character with a lot of HP going down in the current conflict. In fact, in a well designed scenario, you'll find only the last fight as the one in which there's any significant chance of character death.

The point is that most RPGs seem to have at least a little support for genre expectations as opposed to just addressing the in-game physics.

Ok, that's a good way of looking at it. Thanks for the new perspective, but I don't think I'll take away the ability for characters to die yet.
Good, I haven't said you should. I'm not making suggestions here, just trying to get you thinking about the issues in a productive way. There are probably dozens of ways to implement genre expectations and plot immunity, etc. You just have to decide to what extent you want to empower these things and how.

However, I have been juggling an idea in my head for allowing players to sacrifice permanently 1 attribute point to lower the type of damage dealt to them by one degree. For example, say their character takes a fatal wound, killing them instantly. The player could choose to sacrifice one of their attribute points permanently and lower that damage to just a mortal wound, enough to kill, but not immediately. I dunno, just an idea for now.
Interesting. The problem is that this mechanic, like many others, makes the character less interesting for having "lost" the fight. So you're penalizing the player. This indicates to the player that they're goal is to win each fight, as a personal player goal - not just as a character goal. Again, this can be detrimental to heroism, depending on whether or not its tactically sound in the game to play it "safe".

That is, it can't just make them more powerful, but make them think about doing more heroic things.

Well, I guess I was thinking that reputation gain would incentivise more heroic play, as I reckon that may be a factor in why a real-life hero might do more heroic stuff.
I think there are no such things as "real-life heroes" that go out again and again and risk their lives. Real heroes do what they do because they are thrust into a situation to which they must react, and do so bravely at that time. Even the heroes of literature don't do it for the glory in most cases, but based on their moral convictions.

In any case, none of this addresses the fact that if the rewards make the characters, say, more able to kill things, that it will inform the players that they're supposed to be about killing things. If you want play to be about character values, then perhaps the rewards should add to those?

Yeah, any person can nominate someone for advancement. I was thinking of making it clear that every person at the table had to agree, and that gives every person equal power. If one person disagrees, then no award is given until concensus is reached. Consensus must also be reached to conclude that no award is given. Kinda like a jury. I don't know how that would work yet.
The problem with using the open Jury debate method is that it can take a long time to determine that a Jury is hung (can't decide). So what I'd think might work well is something where the proposing player states the level that they think is appropriate, and perhaps a short reason why. Then the player to their left either agrees or proposes another level. When it gets back to the starting player, they propose a level again, based on what they think the consensus is likely to be. Then each other player goes thumbs up or thumbs down. If there are any thumbs down, no reward is given. If all are thumbs up, then the player recieves the modified reward.

That, or something like it, could be done in short order. This kind of organization is good to keep it clear how to conduct these things, and prevents them from going forever.

I was leaning towards during play, but I'm not sure how much that might become annoying, having to re-calculate all your stuff because of a single change. Maybe after each session might work smoother.
During play gets the best results. It means that players are reminded again and again about this important part of play. The problem, as you mentioned is it bogging things down. What might work is to have the rewards come at the end of each scene or at some reqular interval like that. The GM just asks, "rewards?" and the players make their suggestions at that time.

Then I'd have the rewards only get spent between sessions or something. That way recalculation only happens dong that down time as opposed to during play.

I'll have to think on that some more. At first I thought it might be easy: "my character became stronger because the heroic act required me to fight strong opponents", but then considering that you could advance without any fighting at all, I guess it might have to come down to "natural increase in strength", or something.
Right. One can always retroactively declare a reason for why something has happened. If a character gets stronger, then it's because they've been working out. In fact, you really don't have to have an in-game reason. Maybe he was that strong all along, and it just wasn't showing. Whatever. The question is how "in-game" you want the results to be. And how this compares to the in-game nature of the other reward mechanism.


Message 9910#109486

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On 3/25/2004 at 7:37pm, Bracken wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

Hi again Ravien,

I think I have a better understanding now. Multiple opponents are quite, quite brutal. Not sure how much I like this, but I suppose with the right tactics (defend against two and attack the other and pray you hurt him real real bad) you might be able to overcome. Is their any penalty if you make more than one attack or defense in the same action?


Bob is fighting three Orcs. He decides to attack one and defend against the other two. Since he is performing all these actions atonce is he at any penalty? (other than expending say 3 of his 5 actions)

Also, (and again, sorry if I have missed this in a previous posting) how is it determined who is the attacker/defender. Does each combatant chooses secretly (as in TRoS with the red die/blue die concept) or do they just state what they are doing. If so, who declares first? Is there a way to choose to go defensive at the last moment after you realize you are both attacking?

Also, I don't agree with you that if both attackers go defensive the action is not used. That pause took time, and the action should be wasted.

PS: Ravien, a lot has been developed on the game since this thread was started, with many new things coming to light and some changes made over the course of this post. If it is going to take you much longer to get a rules pdf out, I'd suggest you repost the revised combat mechanic with the additions and changes that have occured so it's a bit easier to understand evrything as it stands now.

Message 9910#109528

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On 3/27/2004 at 6:44am, Ravien wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

Ok, after considering Bracken's suggestion and looking over this thread, I have concluded that it might be beneficial if I started two new threads -one on the combat mechanics in Eclipse (which seem to have garnered the most interest), and one on the social interaction mechanics (which I am most interested in)- and leave this one going for the rewards mechanic, which Mike is being very nice in helping me work through :) If this is a Bad Thing here at the Forge, then I'm sure Ron Edwards will strike me down appropriately ;)

But before I start the new threads, I'll deal with all the latest comments and those I missed last time, starting with the newest and working backwards.

Is their any penalty if you make more than one attack or defense in the same action?


Bob is fighting three Orcs. He decides to attack one and defend against the other two. Since he is performing all these actions atonce is he at any penalty? (other than expending say 3 of his 5 actions)

You cannot use one action to do more than one "thing" (with the sole exception of casting a spell and performing a physical action simultaneously, but that's a special case). An action in Eclipse is not like a "round", in that it is not a measure of time as such, but is simply the doing of a thing. At character creation, you will be able to do less things within a given period of time (a round) than later on when you are more advanced. You cannot swing a sword in two directions at once. So taking your example, here's the simplest form of what we might see:

Bob has 5 actions, why not. Each of the 3 orcs have 2 actions each. Bob would use his 1st action to deal with orc #1's 1st action, then use his 2nd action to deal with orc #2's 1st action, then use his 3rd action to deal with orc #3's 1st action, and then he would cycle back, using his 4th action to deal with orc #1's 2nd action, and finally using his 5th action to deal with orc #2's 2nd action. Now he has run out of actions, and orc #3 still has its 2nd action remaining, and thus Bob has been "overwhelmed" by the 3 orcs, and orc #3 can strike Bob without Bob being abe to defend. And that would conclude the first round.

This is the simplest possible example. In practice Bob would be sufficiently powerful to kill each of the orcs before they got their second actions (unless he rolled really, really poorly), and would have various abilities and he would be able to manouvre and dodge and all sorts of other stuff. And of course, the orcs would also have other options available. If the orcs all had the Concert Fighting ability, Bob would be screwed (probably). If Bob had the Battle Trained ability (negates Concert Fighting, grants 1 extra action per round for every opponent more than one), Bob would wipe the floor with them with actions to spare.

So in summary, under default conditions, when faced with multiple opponents you must "cycle" your actions between them. I picture this in my head like how such duels are portrayed in movies, with the hero alternating attacks and defenses between foes. I hope that made sense.

Also, (and again, sorry if I have missed this in a previous posting) how is it determined who is the attacker/defender. Does each combatant chooses secretly (as in TRoS with the red die/blue die concept) or do they just state what they are doing. If so, who declares first? Is there a way to choose to go defensive at the last moment after you realize you are both attacking?

No initiative, no rolling of dice. Declarations of intent define the action. "I wait to see what my opponent does" is the same as saying "I defend this action". "I take a swipe at his head" is the same as saying "I attack this action, and if I deal damage, it will be to his head". Who declares first? The players, every time. Why? For the same reason as below:

Is there a way to choose to go defensive at the last moment after you realize you are both attacking?

No. I want to avoid 'intent stacking'. ie: "I wait to see what my opponent does" "He leaps forward to attack you" "In that case, I will attack him, hoping to force him into the defensive" "He notices your attack, and chooses to defend" "Ok then, I cease my attack and drink a Pepsi".

You get the point. One action = one declaration. The players choose what they are going to do, the GM chooses what the opponents will do, and describes the action to the players.

Also, I don't agree with you that if both attackers go defensive the action is not used. That pause took time, and the action should be wasted.

Sorry that I didn't make that clear, but that's exactly what I meant. If both choose to defend, then that action is "wasted", in that no offensive action occurs. There can still be circling, leading, and pressing, but no attacking until the next action.

So, to reiterate, your goal in design is to have the rules provide difficult challenges for the characters to overcome. That's a cool goal, and an unusual one. Usually, it's the GM job solely to prepare appropriate challenges, and, at best, the system only informs them of what level of challenge is appropriate. But what I'm hearing is that you want the system to produce appropriate challenges. That would be a very interesting addition to your game.

Well, that's the plan :) To see perhaps what I mean you might be interested in taking a look at the Eclipse Social Interaction Mechanics thread I will create after this post. The entire mechanic includes challenges and rewards and helps drive play, and practically requires no external components. I might give you a bit of heads-up though, it's rather complex (as you can imagine a social interaction mechanic might be), and as you are no doubt aware, my communication skills are still developing, but I welcome any questions and probes to clarify.

For example, putatively the physics in Indiana Jones are those of our world, but he manages to take punishment that would kill anyone, and generally do impossible things. If you modeled the physics of the world, Indy would die. If you modeled the dramatic expectations, then he manages to survive because it's appropriate for him to do so, despite the risks taken.

This is an important and complex issue. Note that D20 provides "plot immunity" to characters in the form of Hit Points. In most editions there's little chance of a character with a lot of HP going down in the current conflict. In fact, in a well designed scenario, you'll find only the last fight as the one in which there's any significant chance of character death.

This "plot immunity" was perhaps one of the things I wanted to get away from with Eclipse. I guess I believe that "plot immunity" should stem from smart player choices rather than an in-built air-bag, so-to-speak. I think I can accomplish this through giving players alot of power, and whilst this might seem counter-intuitive, I see it as simply the other side of the coin. In D&D, characters (ok, high-level ones) are basically invincible, especially with all the buffers built in (like an inability to kill yourself by teleporting into solid stone or die from leaping off a 400ft high cliff), but really aren't all that powerful in terms of what they can achieve. For instance, a high-level rogue can't sneak up behind a high-level wizard and plunge a dagger into the base of his skull. So D&D would be provides "plot immunity" by wrapping everyone in bubble-wrap and giving them plastic toys, where Eclipse provides "plot immunity" by stripping everyone down to their bare ass and giving them sharp metal sticks. The risk is higher, but so are the rewards.

Interesting. The problem is that this mechanic, like many others, makes the character less interesting for having "lost" the fight. So you're penalizing the player. This indicates to the player that they're goal is to win each fight, as a personal player goal - not just as a character goal. Again, this can be detrimental to heroism, depending on whether or not its tactically sound in the game to play it "safe".

When you say "many others", are you referring to many others in Eclipse? Or other games? If you are reffering to Eclipse, would you care to elaborate so I can "iron them out"? Also, I'm not 100% certain I understand what you are saying here. It seems to me that you are saying that by penalizing players for losing fights, I am encouraging them to want to win (encouraging both players and characters), and that this can be detrimental to heroism? That doesn't make much sense to me... because I don't know many people who like losing (unles there's a win to be had by losing, in which case they are still trying to win), and I doubt that I need to incentivise that sort of attitude. As far as I can see, allowing them to prevent themselves from dying -at a cost- seems like a perfectly mechanically sound way to implement a degree of plot protection, that can't be abused but is still a handy thing to fall back on when you really need it. If you could perhaps explain more what you meant I might be able to understand better?

I think there are no such things as "real-life heroes" that go out again and again and risk their lives. Real heroes do what they do because they are thrust into a situation to which they must react, and do so bravely at that time. Even the heroes of literature don't do it for the glory in most cases, but based on their moral convictions.

Good point.
In any case, none of this addresses the fact that if the rewards make the characters, say, more able to kill things, that it will inform the players that they're supposed to be about killing things. If you want play to be about character values, then perhaps the rewards should add to those?

Ok, I see your point. However, there are two main reasons why I won't mechanise character values. One, Eclipse is not about player/character values, in a similar way to how life isn't about values. Values exist, sure, and can play a large part in a person's life, but they are not what life is about. If I wanted to boil down exactly what Eclipse is about, I guess it would be about interacting with others in various ways, and improving one's self. Secondly, I've studied quite a bit of philosophical and psychological perspectives on morals/values, and I can safely say that if I made a mechanic for how morals work, and how important they are, then I would have ignored at least 6 hundred other perspectives. Very few people agree as to where they come from, what purpose they serve, and how much authority should be placed on them, and so a mechanic that tried to define these things would meet alot of disagreement and would no doubt be house-ruled to death. I know TROS does this to an extent with its Spiritual Attributes, but to prove my point, I personally do not agree that following my dreams will improve my effectiveness, and I certainly disagree that I should gain any bonus for doing things that I have a vested interest in, as such a concept is entirely contradictory to my own life experiences. But I'm only using this example to make my point.

Right now, the rewards simply make characters more able to do whatever they want to do. This might be killing things, it might be falling in love, it might be making other people feel bad, it might be becoming famous and revered/feared, or it might be making money. Player values are a means, as it were, not an end, and I don't wish to step in that muddied pool.

The problem with using the open Jury debate method is that it can take a long time to determine that a Jury is hung (can't decide). So what I'd think might work well is something where the proposing player states the level that they think is appropriate, and perhaps a short reason why. Then the player to their left either agrees or proposes another level. When it gets back to the starting player, they propose a level again, based on what they think the consensus is likely to be. Then each other player goes thumbs up or thumbs down. If there are any thumbs down, no reward is given. If all are thumbs up, then the player recieves the modified reward.

That, or something like it, could be done in short order. This kind of organization is good to keep it clear how to conduct these things, and prevents them from going forever.

During play gets the best results. It means that players are reminded again and again about this important part of play. The problem, as you mentioned is it bogging things down. What might work is to have the rewards come at the end of each scene or at some reqular interval like that. The GM just asks, "rewards?" and the players make their suggestions at that time.

Then I'd have the rewards only get spent between sessions or something. That way recalculation only happens dong that down time as opposed to during play.

Hmmm, I'm liking these ideas. I think I might go for this or something very close, but unfortunately, whilst it sounds good in theory, I'll have to see it in practise before I can be definitive. Thanks!

From an earlier post:
So, does the player track these separately - Reputation, and Evil Deeds? Do they cancel each other? Is there any incentive to stick to the good side, or is it entirely the player's option?

I'm leaning towards tracking both (good and evil) Reputations seperately. That way, you can get all sorts of complex interpretations for the reputation scores, like "he's a really good king, but has his occasional black moments", and "he is a terrible king, but he's always nice to the ladies". You get the idea. I'm thinking I'll just leave the reputations as the scores, and let players/GMs attach the relevant meanings to them based on what they've done, as this is flexible yet workable. As for incentive to stick to one side, I'm not sure I want to step into the depths of mechanising how an evil player might accrue people hunting them down, or a good player might accrue followers, and just leave this up to the GM. After all, different species and cultures will react differently, such as a pirate culture, where someone with an evil reputation will be a hero, and the good guys will be enemies. So again, I think I might leave this to GM interpretation, allowing them to use their player's reputations as guides when planning adventures, letting them use the most powerful mechanic ever devised: Creative Reasoning!

Cool - does this mean that you're considering an abstract wealth system? That is, does the player keep track of electrum pieces, or does he just have a rating that represents his purchasing power? There are some strong arguments for the abstraction, even in the name of realism.

Right now, I'm just using gold pieces, but I'm interested in this abstract "purchasing power" thing. How does it allow for players to save up money? How would it be modified by the success of a thief? How could a merchant gamble away all his gold? You don't need to explain the whole concept to me, a link would be great.

Why not a mechanic for this? I mean, what's the difference between social combat to make someone look bad, and a conflict intended for you to browbeat someone into giving out info or somesuch? I see all these, money, social conflict, and info as all part of the same pool of contests, potentially.

Ok, yeah the gaining of info might work pretty well. I actually have already accounted for this, but I was thinking on a more different level... actually, I don't know what I was thinking. But it's already in there.

Phew! Sorry for the length of this post, but at least I have now addressed all the issues raised. As I stated earlier, I will soon (probably tomorrow, maybe the next day at the latest) be creating a thread on Combat Mechanics, and one on Social Interaction Mechanics, and I will keep this one as a discussion on the Reward Mechanics.

So far, to summarise rewards, we have the handing out of attribute points and reputation according to the risks that players undertake. The risks are voted for by the GM first --regardless of who the rewards will apply to, whether one player or all of them-- who states what risk level is appropriate, and gives a short reason why. Then the player to the left can either agree or propose a new risk level, and if they are proposing a new risk level, they must also give a short reason why. This continues around the table until it gets back to the GM. The GM then calls for the vote on whatever was the most agreed upon risk level, and if everyone gives the thumbs up, then the reward is given to whoever it applies to. If there is no most agreed upon risk level by the time it gets back to the GM, then they must call for a vote on the lowest possible risk level. If anyone gives the thumbs down at the crucial vote, no reward is handed out.
If the majority of players also agree that the act to which the reward applies was a negative (evil) one, then the reputation points are doubled, and scored seperately as Negative Reputation.

The risk levels and their rewards are as follows:

Low = 1 attribute point, 1d4 reputation points
Mild = 2 attribute points, 1d6 reputation points
Moderate = 3 attribute points, 2d4 reputation points
High = 4 attribute points, 2d6 reputation points
Severe = 6 attribute points, 1d20 reputation points
Impossible = no attribute points, 4d6 x10 reputation points

Reputation points are modified according to the number of witnesses:

0-10 = 0
11-20 = +1d4
21-30 = +1d6
31-40 = +2d4
40+ = +2d6

The Risks
Risks are measured by qualitative assessment of the chance for some significant negative outcome. Note that a significant negative outcome does not include things such as losing a bit of money when gambling, but is more telling of losing all your money from gambling. The decision should be made completely ignorant of what actually happened due to poor decisions/unlucky die rolls, and should be an objective decision based on the potential if a character has average luck and makes smart choices.

Low: Low risks mean that were, say, 10 similarly effective characters to do the same thing, only around 1-2 would: be killed, suffer grevious bodily harm, have their Ego heavily damaged, have their Reputation heavily damaged, lose all their possessions, succumb to the will of another person, be taken prisoner, be caught.

Mild: As with Low, but if, say, 10 similarly effective people did the same thing, around 2-4 might suffer a significant negative outcome.

Moderate: As with Low, but if, say, 10 similarly effective people did the same thing, around 4-6 might suffer a significant negative outcome.

High: As with Low, but if, say, 10 similarly effective people did the same thing, around 6-8 might suffer a significant negative outcome.

Severe: As with Low, but if, say, 10 similarly effective people did the same thing, around 8-9 might suffer a significant negative outcome.

Impossible: Against all odds, in the face of certain death, you have chosen to sacrifice your life for the benefit of those you care about, or you have faced death with bravery in fighting for a cause. This does not mean that you have died, only that you had accepted death and would face it on your feet with honour. In addition, all other players including the GM must have been certain you would die and agree that your death would have been worthy, not stupid.

Every character starts with some reputation determined by their social class and a roll. For example, upper-class characters start with 100 +4d6 x10 reputation points, middle-class characters start with 4d6 x10 reputation points, and lower-class characters start with 4d6 reputation points (these are my 3 social classes, and each one means a different thing for different species). Reputation gain is the only way to gain Ability Points (AP), which are the strongest currency in terms of what they can buy. Reputation is also the only way to increase your social class in-game (and decrease it). Such increases are achieved at various reputation "benchmarks" (can anyone think of a better word?), as given below:

0 or less = society expects you to kill yourself, -20 penalty to all rolls
20 = fall from middle-class to lower-class
100 = 1 AP when you first reach 100, fall from upper-class to middle-class, rise from lower-class to middle-class
200 = 1 AP when you first reach 200, rise from middle-class to upper-class, +20 bonus to Core Ego, +2 bonus to all rolls
500 = 2 AP when you first reach 500, +50 bonus to core Ego, +5 to all rolls

There are also many other subdivisions and further benchmarks unique to various organisations and reputation plays a large role in advancing through the ranks of an organisation. For example, to become a king/queen one must have a reputation of at least 1000, be a member of whatever organisation kings and queens are chosen from (royal families, political nobility, spellcasters, whatever), and also manouvre through all the other contenders and possibly even assassinate the existing ruler. But all of this is simply in my head right now (goddamn it's alot of stuff to work out!).

This reward mechanic is currently the only way a character can increase their reputation and their attribute points and the only way to gain ability points (AP). Social interaction provides it's own rewards inherent to the mechanic, and thus doesn't need to be directly rewarded through this main one.

So this is what I have so far. Any comments/criticisms/suggestions/questions are welcome. I'd like to keep this thread to discussions on the reward mechanics from now on (and anything else that isn't combat mechanics or social interaction mechanics), but if anyone wishes to mention something about the other aspects of Eclipse before I've created the new threads, I'll be happy to recieve private messages.


Message 9910#109825

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On 3/27/2004 at 7:11am, Bracken wrote:
RE: Eclipse RPG

Ravien wrote:

You cannot use one action to do more than one "thing" (with the sole exception of casting a spell and performing a physical action simultaneously, but that's a special case). An action in Eclipse is not like a "round", in that it is not a measure of time as such, but is simply the doing of a thing. At character creation, you will be able to do less things within a given period of time (a round) than later on when you are more advanced. You cannot swing a sword in two directions at once. So taking your example, here's the simplest form of what we might see:

Bob has 5 actions, why not. Each of the 3 orcs have 2 actions each. Bob would use his 1st action to deal with orc #1's 1st action, then use his 2nd action to deal with orc #2's 1st action, then use his 3rd action to deal with orc #3's 1st action, and then he would cycle back, using his 4th action to deal with orc #1's 2nd action, and finally using his 5th action to deal with orc #2's 2nd action. Now he has run out of actions, and orc #3 still has its 2nd action remaining, and thus Bob has been "overwhelmed" by the 3 orcs, and orc #3 can strike Bob without Bob being abe to defend. And that would conclude the first round.

This is the simplest possible example. In practice Bob would be sufficiently powerful to kill each of the orcs before they got their second actions (unless he rolled really, really poorly), and would have various abilities and he would be able to manouvre and dodge and all sorts of other stuff. And of course, the orcs would also have other options available. If the orcs all had the Concert Fighting ability, Bob would be screwed (probably). If Bob had the Battle Trained ability (negates Concert Fighting, grants 1 extra action per round for every opponent more than one), Bob would wipe the floor with them with actions to spare.

So in summary, under default conditions, when faced with multiple opponents you must "cycle" your actions between them. I picture this in my head like how such duels are portrayed in movies, with the hero alternating attacks and defenses between foes. I hope that made sense.

Got it!

No initiative, no rolling of dice. Declarations of intent define the action. "I wait to see what my opponent does" is the same as saying "I defend this action". "I take a swipe at his head" is the same as saying "I attack this action, and if I deal damage, it will be to his head". Who declares first? The players, every time. Why? For the same reason as below:

Hmmm..... I suppose this works, although should two characters ever come face to face (as sometimes happens) I suspect arguments will occur.

No. I want to avoid 'intent stacking'. ie: "I wait to see what my opponent does" "He leaps forward to attack you" "In that case, I will attack him, hoping to force him into the defensive" "He notices your attack, and chooses to defend" "Ok then, I cease my attack and drink a Pepsi".

You get the point. One action = one declaration. The players choose what they are going to do, the GM chooses what the opponents will do, and describes the action to the players.

Both of these things make sense now that they are described.

Looking foward to seeing what else you have coming.


Message 9910#109828

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Bracken which Bracken participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 3/27/2004