Topic: Ubercon III
Started by: M. J. Young
Started on: 2/21/2004
Board: Conventions
On 2/21/2004 at 7:05am, M. J. Young wrote:
Ubercon III
I'm surprised not to see a thread on this here.
I will be at Ubercon III next weekend in the NY Metro area; I will be running a Legends of Alyria demo Friday night, and two Multiverser demos on Saturday. (I'll also be part of the Christian Gamers Guild-sponsored worship service Sunday morning.) If anyone is going to be there, look for me.
I know that Luke will be there with the NYCNerd crew, and they will have a number of Forge-related games on their table, probably also some Forge buttons and stuff (Luke is good at that sort of thing), so catch them, too.
I hope to see some of you there. You can register for the games online in advance.
--M. J. Young
On 2/21/2004 at 2:22pm, inthisstyle wrote:
RE: Ubercon III
I shall be there as well, running demos of Bulldogs! on Friday night and Saturday afternoon. I look forward to seeing you again, M.J.
On 2/21/2004 at 5:44pm, abzu wrote:
RE: Ubercon III
Yup, I will be at Ubercon supporting Burning Wheel with Don and Pete plus hanging out with Aaron and the Nerdnyc.
I will have Pax Draconis, Universalis, Sorcerer, Multiverser and Kill Puppies for Satan for sale at our table. (I'm sold out of My Life with Master and FVLMINATA).
If you would like to support these games or indie games in general, please run a pick-up game of any of the above mentioned games. And then send them to our table in the dealer's room to peruse the goods.
On 2/22/2004 at 6:46pm, Dregg wrote:
RE: Ubercon III
Chapter 13 Press will be there as well, doing the Nerds thang and getting funky with Bad Muthas: Tales from the Funk (Rev .5).
Hope to see other Forgers and chat a-bit while i'm there.
On 2/26/2004 at 8:05pm, Thor Olavsrud wrote:
RE: Ubercon III
Hey all,
I'll be there as well. In fact, I've already signed up for Alyria, Burning Wheel, and Bad Muthas. ;)
Looking forward to meeting you.
On 3/2/2004 at 6:10am, urbwar wrote:
RE: Ubercon III
Now that Ubercon is over, I just wanted to pipe in real quick.
First off, it was good seeing Dregg again, and playing Bad Muthas, The Hunt and Lunch Money with him.
Luke, I've all ready ranted on about how much fun I had with Burning Wheel, so no more ego-stroking for you, lol.
It was an ok little con. Hopefully I can go to Icon at least for one day, and play some more games with you guys!