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Dodging missile fire

Started by chade0, December 06, 2003, 08:52:33 PM

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If you are aware of an archer that is just about to shoot you, can you both move erratically (-3mp) and throw REF/tn4 to dodge the arrow.

And while engaged in hand-to-hand combat, could you use more than REF dice to make a full evasion to dodge incoming arrows (in case you happen to have a very big combat pool)?


Brian Leybourne

Outside combat, yes, Reflex pool is reasonable for dodging. Base the TN on how tricky it would be to dodge (full evade TN on an open field with walls or trees to jump behind, right up to Duck&Weave TN in a narrow corridor with nowhere to go).

During combat, IMO it has to come out of your CP. Always attack the archer first or you're screwed.

There's a section on this stuff written for TFOB.

Brian Leybourne

RPG Books: Of Beasts and Men, The Flower of Battle, The TROS Companion


Brian, I certainly hope that dodging missiles while on horseback will also be in TFOB... Since at times, I can be a horse-mounted archer... with animal kin as a minor gift... and would that also include the +3cp for a destrier quality horse? Or you could be a bastard to the horse, pass a riding skill check... and hang on the outside part of the horse and let the horse or saddle take the hit.... *shrug*


Brian Leybourne

The horseback bonus is a CP bonus, it wont help your MP at all.

As for dodging arrows on horseback, I say you can't unless you make a Full Evasion (which means you're leaping from the horse) or Duck and Weave Evasion (staying on the horse and ducking down or to the side as you mention).


Actually, I think in OBAM I said that Partial Evasion could be used while on horseback, but not Duck & Weave. To clarify, this is how I would handle horseback evasions as Seneschal:

Duck & Weave TN against missile fire (hug the neck)
Partial Evasion TN against melee attacks (make the horse dance back etc)
Full Evasion TN against either (jump from the horse).

I'll have to think that through and playtest. If it pans out, something like it will probably end up in TFOB.

Brian Leybourne

RPG Books: Of Beasts and Men, The Flower of Battle, The TROS Companion


Well that seems fine and dandy, yet it still does not account for my riding skill and my animal kin... where-abouts I can command my horse at will, without hands or voice. I can simply lean slightly for it to turn, depending on how far the lean is, the sharper the turn, etc. Or, something like putting more pressure on one stirrup than the other, to indicate to the horse that I want it to turn that way. Basically, on horseback.. my character is awesome... and I should hope that his skills and gift can fit someone in the equation of yours. (It is a very highly trained horse, btw)


Brian Leybourne

Well, your animal kin is already covered. That gift says that you get two extra dice on any roll involving a domesticated animal, so that would be two extra dice on your evasion rolls involving the horse, as you use your animal kin to instruct it to assist you etc.

As for your riding skill, that's covered in the fact that you can do all of this and not fall off :-) But yes, I'll have a think about that when I playtest.

Brian Leybourne

RPG Books: Of Beasts and Men, The Flower of Battle, The TROS Companion

Jake Norwood

Quote from: chade0If you are aware of an archer that is just about to shoot you, can you both move erratically (-3mp) and throw REF/tn4 to dodge the arrow.

That's what I'd do.


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