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About my book

Started by Nero's Boot, August 19, 2003, 04:52:08 PM

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Nero's Boot

Where the hell is my book?  I ordered it last Sunday, and Mr. Norwood assures me it's in the mail, yet 8 days later, it is still not here.  And why is it that Mr. Norwood has no idea how it's being shipped?  Doesn't he think that giving out tracking numbers would be a good idea?  Doesn't he think that knowing how the Goddamn books are being sent is a good idea?  

CURRENTLY PLAYING: Torg 1.0; Changeling: The Dreaming Time of Judgment; and Sorcerer.
CURRENTLY READING: Underground core rulebook; My Life with Master; and Stormbringer 5e corebook.


Be patient. When I ordered OBAM it took a little over 2 weeks to get to me.


Geeze Nero.  What makes you feel entitled to next day service?  Did you pay for next day service?  Highly unlikely.  Jake doesn't handle the fulfillment himself.  Fulfillment, if I'm not mistaken, is handled by Tundra.  

I mean its great to be eager and all, but a public flame after 8 days is a whole new category of ridiculous.  Seriously.

Jake Norwood

Quote from: Nero's BootWhere the hell is my book?  I ordered it last Sunday, and Mr. Norwood assures me it's in the mail, yet 8 days later, it is still not here.  And why is it that Mr. Norwood has no idea how it's being shipped?  Doesn't he think that giving out tracking numbers would be a good idea?  Doesn't he think that knowing how the Goddamn books are being sent is a good idea?  


Does Peter Adkinson have any idea where any D&D book was when he owned TSR? I understand you're upset, but free shipping means no UPS, allright. It's getting sent by media mail, which is cheapest for me. If you don't have it this week then contact and he'll take care of it. Until then relax. Tracking numbers cost money, and are useful only occasionally. This is a small press with very little capital. It's a hobby industry, and don't even think for a minute that this is profitiable for me. Dammit.

"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing." -R.E. Howard The Tower of the Elephant


Media Mail is quoted at 2-9 days which doesn't include Sundays.  

If you ordered last Tuesday (8 days ago), than figure 2 days to ship plus 9 days it could get to you next Monday and still be "on time" by post office standards.

Further, Media Mail is considered "non-expedited" mail by the post office.  Which means pretty much every other kind of mail gets bumped ahead of it if the post office is busy.  Given the recent power outages, huge volumes of mail were rerouted to other postal sorting centers, so even if you're in an area that wasn't effected directly, your postal center probably was.  

Whenever there's a backlog at the post office, you guessed it, the first thing to get delayed is the "non expedited" stuff.  You could EASILY be looking at an extra 5+ days added on to the regular shipping time as a result.

Jake Norwood

Ag, sorry,  l lost my temper (I have lots of excuses, not the least of which is that I'm sitting on an empty kitchen floor in an empty house after sleeping a not-so-refreshing 4 hours on the floor). So, NB, my apologies.

The package was sent by media mail. If you email me the email address you ordered it under to I can at least partially check on its progress. Again, understand that I'm only one guy and I can only do so much, and handling the shipping isn't part of what I do. You can also contact and ask him when exactly the package was sent and when it should (or should have) arrive(d).

Again, sorry for losing my temper. I hope you get your book in a timely fashion and that it's everything you're looking for.

"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing." -R.E. Howard The Tower of the Elephant


My FLGS (Phoenix Games, MPLS, MN) was able to get mine from their distributor overnight.  Perhaps your FLGS could do something similar in the future?

Looks to be one heck of a game so far too!

Nero's Boot

My book is still not in..... *sighs deeply*  I have never in my life run into such incompetence.  Thank you, Mr. Norwood.

--this is disgusting NB
CURRENTLY PLAYING: Torg 1.0; Changeling: The Dreaming Time of Judgment; and Sorcerer.
CURRENTLY READING: Underground core rulebook; My Life with Master; and Stormbringer 5e corebook.


Quote from: Nero's BootMy book is still not in..... *sighs deeply*  I have never in my life run into such incompetence.  Thank you, Mr. Norwood.

--this is disgusting NB

If you check the web site you will see a notice indicating a problem with the shipping and supply of the OBAM books.  The notice states that shipping will re-commence at the end of the month.  I'd just wait until then before I worried about it.  Besides, no one on this list can do anything about it...

Nero's Boot

In THAT case. Mr. Norwood lied to me; he assured me the books had been sent.  Yay!  False advertizing wins!  FATALITY!

--flawless victory NB
CURRENTLY PLAYING: Torg 1.0; Changeling: The Dreaming Time of Judgment; and Sorcerer.
CURRENTLY READING: Underground core rulebook; My Life with Master; and Stormbringer 5e corebook.


But it's not the OBAM book Nero ordered, I don't think.

It's the main book.

Right, Nero?
Alexander Cherry, Twisted Confessions Game Design
Maker of many fine story-games!
Moderator of Indie Netgaming

Nero's Boot

Yes, you are correct; the MRB that Mr. Norwood assured me was already in the mail, that has still not arrived.

--maybe mail gnomes ate it NB
CURRENTLY PLAYING: Torg 1.0; Changeling: The Dreaming Time of Judgment; and Sorcerer.
CURRENTLY READING: Underground core rulebook; My Life with Master; and Stormbringer 5e corebook.

Nero's Boot

We're closing in on week three.....I doubt it'll be here.  Mr. Norwood is incompetent, and that's that.

--that's all she wrote NB
CURRENTLY PLAYING: Torg 1.0; Changeling: The Dreaming Time of Judgment; and Sorcerer.
CURRENTLY READING: Underground core rulebook; My Life with Master; and Stormbringer 5e corebook.


Still, I'd hassel the shipper Jake refers to above.  He/They should actually have some idea of where it is...or if it should be re-sent.  Being nasty isn't going to get you anywhere.


Nero listen...have you read any of the posts on this thread.  Let me summarize.

1) the book was shipped for FREE.  Free shipping does not entitle you to overnight service.  Free shipping entitles you Free Shipping.  If you did not pay for rapid shipping you have no right to bitch about not getting it.

2) The book was shipped Media Mail.  As I painstakingly explained to you above and which you seem incapable of comprehending is your book is not late.  You should not even expect to begin looking for your book until Monday.  Monday.  MON.....DAY.  Not today today would be Friday.  Friday is not Monday.  Do the math.  It is even remotely considered to be behind schedule until Monday.

3) The recent power outage had significant impact on mail speeds.  Effected hardest were the non expedited mail which gets bumped into a dark corner of a back room until they've had time to get caught up on the first class and priority mail.  That could add easily another 5+ days to the shipping time.  Which means you really shouldn't be expecting to get it much before NEXT Friday.

4) This is not incompetance.  Incompetance is ordering a product without understanding how its going to be shipped and then bitching when it wasn't shipped to you as fast as you think it should have been.  Incompetance is bitching and moaning and flaming someone who has absolutely NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the fulfillment of your order.  Jake doesn't do fulfillment.  No one here does fulfillment.  If you want to bitch, bitch to the people you ordered it from.  Tundra.  That email was provided to you above.  There is only one incompetant party on this thread

Your recent loss has my sympathy.  It does not, however, entitle you to act like an ass hole.