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[Capes] New Cover, Second Draft

Started by TonyLB, June 12, 2005, 07:26:27 PM

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Way back when, I got critiques (useful as always) on the first rough draft of the new Capes cover.

So, working on those, I've expanded to the new second draft cover.  It still doesn't have the background strip of alien flying saucers attacking a helpless city, but I'm working on that.  Anyway, I'd love commentary.
Just published: Capes
New Project:  Misery Bubblegum


The blue guy looks like he's slow, and the femme seems like she wants to wring his neck. She definitely looks like she gives the orders.

The poses are good.

Next, you need to put them into a story-setting. As in, your art should definitely convey that they are in the middle of something (getting from here to there for instance) and something of the setting (purple grass and some rocks for a voyage, a curtain veil in a castle between attacks, a broken sword on a battle field.... What have you).

My question is do they use weapons? If they do, why don't they have any? Not a criticism, just a sincere question. In Star Wars, the use of weapons on characters REALLY personalizes the character - think of Bobba Fett, Storm Troopers, Jedi, etc. Each has a different sort of weapon that conveys something about the character's individuality and competency. If you elect not to use weapons, do consider something else that might convey competency and individuality, as well as highlight the uniqueness of your universe. I think what contributes to a certain staticness (sp) in your piece is a lack of character props. These would probably have to hang off of your characters, so that you don't have to change the poses. A good picture may cause enigma, but it shouldn't leave too many questions unanswered. Look forward to seeing more - Ria


Dear Tony, I showed your art to my husband, and he immediately said, "That's the Incredible Hulk - Why is he blue?"

This is a MAJOR problem. If you sell anything with this character on it or in it, and it comes to the attention of Marvel Comics, you could be facing a lawsuit for violating their intellectual property rights because the character is TOO SIMILAR to their property. You'll most likely receive a cease-and-desist order before a lawsuit, but why take that risk?

I had thought the blue guy looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on where I saw him before. As soon as my DH said it was the Hulk, I had to agree they are almost IDENTICAL. Having a chain belt and cut-off shorts is not enough to make the character substantially different enough to avoid litigation.

If you are going for strength, strength is better emphasized and represented by a character who is large, with exaggerated musculature (check some manga or anime sites to see some examples). This can still be seen even if he is wearing clothes, and by posing him to suggest strength. Perhaps a pose similar to what you would expect to see a body-builder perform. If you need ideas for strong characters, stray more towards the Japanese market of examples - the American market is absolutely cut-throat when it comes to anyone "borrowing" their work, no matter how unintentional.

Sorry, but I'd rather find out now, then when it can cause even more problems. I hope it helps! - Ria


It's the hair, isn't it?  I knew there was a reason that hairstyle looked so "right" to me with that body and head.  Hulk-hair.

Good catch!  I've made a new draft with restyled hair.  It seems to make a big difference to me.  You?

I'm not sure what I want to do with the skin-tone.  Surfer-chic tan pulls the visual even further away from everyone's favorite emerald behemoth, but I sort of miss the stark color-contrast effect of the blues against the red costume.
Just published: Capes
New Project:  Misery Bubblegum

GB Steve

I prefer the original cover which is much more action orientated. These guys look like they want to sit down and talk about things over a mug of latté.

Andrew Morris

From someone who loves the game, I don't like the new cover. As others have mentioned, it's too static. It doesn't engage me at all. Plus, the muscle-guy still looks Hulk-ish, but that might just be what any giant, well-muscled, mostly hairless figure will end up looking like -- I don't know. The chick's face seems flat, and her posture seems a bit stiff.
Download: Unistat


Sorry Tony, but I think it still looks like the Hulk - now he looks green with Hulk purple hair (or very close to it). I think what really contributes to it is the ratty shorts - the Hulk has ratty pants as well. I think if you put him in different (UN-Hulk-like pants, maybe a loin cloth), and make him BALD, completely removing any Hulkie after-effects, you could avoid this comparison. Also, I think the color makes him look like bile - I would definitely change him to a more appetizing color. Good luck! Ria


Okay then.  Everyone's opinions are in.  This thread is closed.  Thank you for your assistance.
Just published: Capes
New Project:  Misery Bubblegum