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Cafe Press for Printing

Started by Doc Blue, July 07, 2005, 01:48:08 PM

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Doc Blue

Has anyone tried CafePress for book publishing?

Any comments or experiences to share?


Cafe Press is too expensive. does the same basic thing, but costs less.  The buzz about Lulu around here is quite great, actually.  High-quality good, I hear.


Plus, there's the fact that at Cafepress you can only sell one of each type of item (one book, one cd, one t-shirt) unless you pay a subscription fee.


Jake Richmond

luLu looks great. can anyone who's used them give us a rundown?

Ron Edwards


Folks who are new to the Forge, please take some time to run searches and scroll around a little in the Publishing forum. This is a truly astounding archive of small-press experimentation and success, and you'll get a lot out of it.
