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Uglub, Gelure, and Sorcery

Started by Jake Norwood, May 24, 2002, 10:22:04 PM

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Jake Norwood

There have been some very interesting ideas about Uglub and Gelure on this forum. I just wanted to heat things up a bit, asking what you all think of Uglub's take on sorcery. Does he use it, does he fear it, do other sorcerers fear him? What are his actual terms and uses with the Gifted that he brings into Gelure? What do the people think?

Is he really the Dark Betrayer? Is he Fey? Is he a crock?

Have at it!

"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing." -R.E. Howard The Tower of the Elephant


Actually I think Uglub is the Napoleon of Weyerth and a great unifier.

I know this is a 180 degree turn around from the way he is though of but here is my reasoning.

Unlike a lot of the others in Weyerth Ugglub  makes a real effort to be inclusive and tolerant within his realm.

Not only are Sorcerers tolerated but they are harnessed for the common good. One hundred or more of the most feared men and women on Weyerth are now usefull parts of the government of Gelure.

In exchange the Sorcerers and Sorceresses get a chance to practice there craft in peace and safety.

In addition the misfits (bladeslingers, troubabdors, religious malcontents etc) have a place in Gelure. Serve well and you shall rise.

Gelure is a meritocracy and while it is not always fair there is a chance for the clever and determined to rise in rank.

Also like another Earth counterpart Timur the Lame there is religious freedom and genral tolerance, any of the many faiths of Weyerth may be practiced as a person wishes.
All Uglub wants is your loyalty and the rest doesn't matter.

Oh there is grumbling among the lower classes but the strength of the Gelure Fist (literal and figurative) keeps them in line.

Justice in Gelure is harsh and somewhat arbitrary but it is no worse than might be faced in Ahr, Tez' Hamun, or Ixliaph.

Now there are countrys like Helena or Yone that will suffer if Uglub had his way but all in all the peasantry won't be any worse off under Gelure than at home.

So what stops him? Well two things, Numbers -Gelure simply doen't have thta many troops or at least enough to satisfy Uglubs ambition and second Faith.

Uglub knows his worst enemy is faith so he perfectly happy to accept the Dark Betrayer mantle.

His claim, He will  bring balance to Weyerth. Who knows if that is true?

A little more about Uglub, he is a man of passion and great appetittes. Wine, Women, Song and most of all Conquest fuel his drive and ambition

;)  SPOILER ;)

Uglub is a Sorcerer of considerable power, in fact he is one of the blood of the nine and a master of all nine vagaries as well.

While the weilding of such power takes a tremendous toll on the user Uglub knows a Dark Ritual called Stealing The Form that is the real seat of his power.

Uglub can displace the soul of someone and take thier body for himself. The ritual is complex and requires many hours but ionce it and other Ritual "The Familiar Shape" are perfomed Uglub get and brand new life

This power combined with a number of protective devices render Uglub free from the fear of asassination.

The only thing that could stop him are,  a strong Sorcerer or someone with a stronger destiny.....


Just for fun my Impression of Uglub

male Human  apparent age 25 years old 6'5" 245lbs

A bald man fair skinned with striking black eyes and a heavy jaw

A keen intellegence peers out of those eyes




most lanuages at 5
all skills from warrior, courtier and ritualist at 5

All vagaries at 3
Several weapons styles at 12-16

Several dozen mastered and formulaic

Spiritual attrributes
Luck 4
Drive (conquest) 5
Passion (life) 3
Destiny ? 5

SP around 31!!

Anything he wants in normal gear
He may also have the Scepter of Authority (Major talisman other powers unknown)
The Eye of Gelure (An amulet powers major talisman other powers unknown as well)
A signet ring (a major talisman)

Around him are likely to be his elite guard (The Hand)
Temporal 5(ST,AG,TO 6-7)
Mental 4-5 (Per/Wits +1)
Reflex 6-7
Move 9
Spiritual attributes: Faith or Passion (Uglub related) 3-5

These guards are very well equipped with carefully fitted and spell changed armor and weapons.

Also nearby may be memers of The Council of Nine.

These Sorcerers are Uglubs most trusted councilers . Each is quite powerful in his or her own right, having all vagaries at 3 each   and should be given invidual right ups at the discretion of each senechal.

All of the Council members have been magically tested for loyalty and  will have a Spiritual Attrributes <Faith or Passion> (uglub related) 3-5

A movie option for a somewhat older version of Uglub, Steven Grives (King Zad) from the Beastmaster TV show.

Jake Norwood

That's great! Now it makes me want to see what everyone else thinks he looks like, what his stats are, etc...I would LOVE to see that.

And yes, I have my own write up, too...but I'm really interested in all of yours. I was especially happy to see the "Hand" and several other items/possible NPCs. Makes me want to run a campaign in Gelure now.

Can't wait to see what else shows up in here...

"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing." -R.E. Howard The Tower of the Elephant


While I am having fun here is a member of the council of 9

Crinosh Velure 4th counciler of the Council of 9
Male Human age 40 5 foot 8 inches 150 lbs fair skin slender with green eyes and straw blond hair


Everything in Swordsman at 7, Ritualist at 5, and courtier at 6
several languages

All Vagaries at 3
Cut and thrust 15
several other weapons at 10

A couple of dozen mastered spells including "Conduit" which allows him to use another willing person to buffer aging rolls incured in spell casting and "Dance of the Blade" which allows him to animate a sword for a short period of time

Spirtual attributes
Drive (rise to Uglubs right hand) 4
Luck 2
Faith (in Uglub) 5
concience 1 (maybe his only weakness)

Spell pool: 18

He usually has a spell changed Cut and Thrust Sword
Spell changed silk armor (protection 4 )
and his Major talisman, an ornate leather arming glove sparkling with tiny jewels.

jake if you like I will also do Penz Zadramass aka "The Enforcer" or "Uglubs Hammer"

Jake Norwood

if you like I will also do Penz Zadramass aka "The Enforcer" or "Uglubs Hammer"

Bring 'em on...

"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing." -R.E. Howard The Tower of the Elephant


Here is a member of the council of 9 Penz Zadramass aka "The Enforcer" or "Uglubs Hammer
PenZ Zadramass  8th counciler of the Council of 9
Male Human age ? 6 foot 3 inches 250 lbs fair skin heavily muscled with blue eyes and straw blond hair in a short braid


Everything in Soldier at 5, Ritualist at 6, and courtier at 6, tactics and battle at 3
several languages including Stahlnish

All Vagaries at 3
Dopplehander 17
several other weapons at 12

A couple of dozen mastered spells including "Conduit" which allows him to use another willing person to buffer aging rolls incured in spell casting, "Hammerblow" which allows him to increase the impact of weapons, and Shattering

Spirtual attributes
Drive (conquer the world) 4
Luck 2
Faith (in Uglub) 3
Passion (destruction of uglubs enemies) 2
Concience  (protects Gelures women and children) 2

Spell pool: 19

He usually has a spell changed Dopplehander named "Feindunterbrecher" or Foe Breaker
Spell changed plate armor (AV10 or so)
and his Major talisman, an pagan amulet shaped like a hammer.

Penz is something of an Enigma a powerful Sorcerer and general who defected from Stahl to serve Uglub. Specualtion has it that Penz is a follower of the Forge god or some other pagan religion but no one has seen him do anything overtly religious.

Over the years he has proven his worth and loyalty to Uglub and when  something very  difficult needs to be done Uglub sends Penz to take care of hit.

His Brilliant and ruthless tactics have earned him the nickname "Uglubs Hammer" A nickname he relishes.

Interestingly Penz is very kind to loyal Gelurians especially the peasant class women and children. Over the years he has  contibuted a considerable sum to various aid projects and there are many villages where is is lauded as a folk hero.

He does suffer from his bloodlust and considerable appetitite for destruction but he sates these drak desires  on Gleures enemies, much to the relief of the people of Gelure

Penz is always accompanied by his familiar a wolfhound named Eisengriff "Iron Grip" and a large number of skilled soldiers often Elite grade (treat as Knights).
He usually also has one or more political prisoners handy to use with conduit spells.

You kn ow jake if I keep this up for much longer I will end up writing the whole Gelure splatbook for you :)


Quote from: Ace
You kn ow jake if I keep this up for much longer I will end up writing the whole Gelure splatbook for you :)

NOOOOOO!!!!  Make him stop, Jake!!  Make him stop!!!!  :P


Quote from: The_Fey
Quote from: Ace
You kn ow jake if I keep this up for much longer I will end up writing the whole Gelure splatbook for you :)

NOOOOOO!!!!  Make him stop, Jake!!  Make him stop!!!!  :P

I think You are safe enough for now.

Jake Norwood

au contrare. Keep 'em coming. What is, in your estimation, the council of 9. Plus, I noticed that your sorcerers have impressive combat pools. I like the push, but I would like to know what prompted it in you.

Also, we're getting ready to release some cool sorcery stuff on the web that will make the council of 9 even more powerful and cool...

"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing." -R.E. Howard The Tower of the Elephant


I've always viewed Uglub as "stock" conquerer material as well.  He's driven to conquer the world, lawful and just if you accept his rule, but will step on you if you get in his way.  He's also brutal enough to do some rather nasty things, like lay waste to a village simply to set an example.

His actually nature I would generally leave untouched.  If over time it appears a sorcerous Uglub was needed, I'd toss him in.  OTH, I may run Uglub as a charasmatic genius who survives through sheer force of personality and wit.

If you pin me down now, I view Uglub as something unique.  He's a halfling (gamewise, as in half-human, half-sidhe) with immense physical and mental abilities, a natural resistance to magic, and nothing else other than drive, drive, and more drive.



Y'know, I always hated it when video games made the General a tougher fighter than his elite death commando guards, or when the king knew more about naval war than his Head Admiral and whatnot.  Thus, I see Uglub not as an uber-strong warrior, but as a fiercely powerful leader.  I imagine that he has magical capabilities, and that's why he allows, even welcomes the Gifted into his fold.  But let's not fool ourselves, he's not a man of fighting with steel.

The way I see it, the man has a Social of at least 7, as well as Persuade, Intimidate, Rulership, Strategy, Tactics and the gift of True Leadership.  Probably a low Combat Pool, and a Sorcery Pool of perhaps 12 to 15.  He has one sorceror as either a "high advisor" or a "king's guard" type position, as well as more in his army than anybody else.  Maybe I'll get more stats out here later.
Lance Meibos
Insanity takes it's toll.  Please have exact change ready.

Get him quick!  He's still got 42 hit points left!



Don't get me wrong, your idea is cool and I certainly wouldn't argue that Uglub couldn't be the way you describe (and work well).

I would like to point out, though, that many historical leaders, especially in ancient and medieval times, were nothing short of bad-asses.  Alexander & Harald (rold?) Hadraada, to name a couple, were amazing characters.  (I think HH was part of the Varangian guard.  Gotta luv them Byzies.)  I remember Julius Caesar being an athelete as well, but I'm not sure if he was a formidable combatant.



I agree with Lyrax. There is no reason whatsoever that he should be an elite fighter. On the other hand, I think he should be a real kickass sorcerer. Afterall, he needs to be more powerful than any sorcerer to keep them in line.
So he is probably a master demagog, leader and sorcerer. And if he is so powerful, then I think he might look down on mere metal weapons.
Joakim (with a k!) Israelsson

Mike Holmes

Quote from: JaifI would like to point out, though, that many historical leaders, especially in ancient and medieval times, were nothing short of bad-asses.  Alexander & Harald (rold?) Hadraada, to name a couple, were amazing characters.  (I think HH was part of the Varangian guard.  Gotta luv them Byzies.)  I remember Julius Caesar being an athelete as well, but I'm not sure if he was a formidable combatant.

That's Harald Hardrada (meaning Hard-ruler). And his is a great story.

He was actually captian of the Varagian guard for a while fightiong on the Greek isles and all across Asia Minor. If ever there was a template for Conan, it was this guy. He got mixed up in all manner of intrigue at the byzantine court which eventually involved him looting it and leaving for safer territory to the North (afer blinding the current emperor, IIRC). He passes through Novgorod (thirteenth Warrior, anyone?) and ends up in Norway. Anyhow, he ends up working as a mercenary for the current King of Norway, and somehow ends up inheriting the throne due to all the loot he's got. He fights for a while with the more legitimate ruler of Denmark, and finally sets his eyes on the throne of England.

He links up with Tostig, the brother of Harold (with an O, hence the constant confusion) tbe King of England. Tostig is the Earl of Northmberland, and wants the throne as well. Oh, and he's gotten the Norman duke, William to come along for the ride as well (just so happens they all three have a claim on the throne). Anyway, the Vikings pack 9000 men on 300 boats and sail to England, only to be encountered by the entire English army at York. They are massacred at the battle of Stamford Bridge, and Harald Hardrada is killed (legendarily, he or some other berserker defends the bridge singlehandedly killing some seventy men or something like that before being brought down by bowfire).

Anyway, the English army is forced to march all the way across England to meet with the Norman invaders before they can get to London. Despite the hike, they arrive in remarkably good shape. The battle of Hastings is fought, and Harold is (possibly apocryphally, again) shot through the eye by some lucky Norman, and the they history.

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