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Banthas in the Vineyard, preparing for play

Started by Vaxalon, March 06, 2006, 02:16:42 PM

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Well, you get one set of dice for escalating to Guns, and also the dice that come with the possession "My trusty pistol 1D6+1D4".  If you pull out a second pistol, you get the dice for the second pistol, too. 
Here's a very nice thread on the subject:

I suppose lightsabers would work the same way, but why would anyone have two lightsabers, anyway?  Even Darth Maul only had a double-headed one. 
I believe in peace and science.


In the third movie, I believe there is dual wielding craziness.  In KOTOR you can even use an offhand short saber.

I just thought of something.
The short saber lacks the d4 addition.  It is only 2d6.  Thus, you can get some extra oomph from using the extra large saber, but it is risky.  I think that fits quite nicely.

As a note, I just thought of another addition to the setting.

You are young Jedi coming right out of the temple. You have received special training and instruction about the threat of the displaced Dark Jedi. However, there are lots of Jedi out there who do not know, have not been warned, or failed to heed the warnings.  You may have to deal with Jedi that have been influenced by the Dark side through no fault of their own.  Moral dilemma there.
It also helps reinforce part of the original Dogs idea, that the PCs are the ones who know best.  It kind of frames the Jedi that haven't received your special training to the same role as Stewards, with the same possible failings.
What do you think?


That works, especially since the lines of communication for the Jedi would have been disrupted by the war.
"In our game the other night, Joshua's character came in as an improvised thing, but he was crap so he only contributed a d4!"
                                     --Vincent Baker


I should be getting it started not this sunday, but the sunday after.
If you have any ideas between then (or you start yours first) please post!!!


Sorry about the double post, but something just popped into my head, about the Character Gen.

They have the four seperate types, how will we determine them for Banthas?

I figure the one with the complicated history would be a lateblooming street kid/scoundrel type. 


I made four brand new backgrounds for my game; Monastic, Adept, Latecomer and Sith Turncoat.

Monastic grew up in the Jedi temple.

Adept grew up in a similar but not precisely the same tradition (usually nonhuman)

Latecomer grew up doing something else and came to the Temple as a teenager.

Sith Turncoat was trained on Korriban but then switched sides.
"In our game the other night, Joshua's character came in as an improvised thing, but he was crap so he only contributed a d4!"
                                     --Vincent Baker


Sounds good.  Did you map them to the standard character options, or did you make up your own?


Why do you need anything other than the 5 options presented? I mean, they're basically just different schema for distributing your dice among attributes, traits, and relationships. "Strong Community" works just as well for Jedi as it does for Dogs.


I did it slightly differently.  I'm not sure if it's "balanced" or not, but I don't think I'll find out until I try it.

Monastics get only d4's for passions, a few d10s and d8's for traits, and lots of d6's for attributes.

Latecomers get bigger passion dice, smaller (but more) trait dice, and not quite as many d6's for attributes.

Adepts are in the middle.

Sith turncoats get BIG passion dice, and an assortment of large and small trait dice.
"In our game the other night, Joshua's character came in as an improvised thing, but he was crap so he only contributed a d4!"
                                     --Vincent Baker

Joshua A.C. Newman

This is what I was talking about, Fred: you see how changing one thing leaks into changing others? Once balanced, you'll be on your way to a new game.

This is enthusiasm, not criticism.
the glyphpress's games are Shock: Social Science Fiction and Under the Bed.

I design books like Dogs in the Vineyard and The Mountain Witch.


Quote from: Vaxalon on March 16, 2006, 04:07:06 AM
I did it slightly differently.  I'm not sure if it's "balanced" or not, but I don't think I'll find out until I try it.

Monastics get only d4's for passions, a few d10s and d8's for traits, and lots of d6's for attributes.

Latecomers get bigger passion dice, smaller (but more) trait dice, and not quite as many d6's for attributes.

Adepts are in the middle.

Sith turncoats get BIG passion dice, and an assortment of large and small trait dice.

Passions replacing relationships?  Or something else entirely?

Larry L.


Sith turncoat? Is there precedent for that? It's your version of SW and all, but I had the impression that the only way for a Dark Jedi to be redeemed was through self-sacrifice. And why are the Jedi clueless about the Sith if they've recruited turncoats?

By the way, this thread continues to be awesome, even in its fourth incarnation. I still want a "turn to the Dark Side" mechanic, which seems to run against the grain of the Dogs setup.



Yes, passions replace relationships.  Remember that in order for a passion to go from d4 to d6, it has to be attached to a person who is an obstacle for that passion. 


There sure is a precedent for it... Revan.  Now he was a Sith master, so they had to mind-wipe him to be able to trust him, but I figure that lower-level initiates wouldn't need to be as

Remember, my game is set shortly after the destruction of the Star Forge, in the KOTOR era.
"In our game the other night, Joshua's character came in as an improvised thing, but he was crap so he only contributed a d4!"
                                     --Vincent Baker


But the Revan case was a collossal failure, as not only did he end up turning against the Jedi and wiping them out, but he also managed to turn the Jedi who brainwashed him!

er, how did you play that game out?

Seriously though, I think the idea of a Sith turncoat should be very rare. I would counsel against allowing any NPC Sith turncoats. PCs are allowed to be exceptions to rules, though.

I still think that your backgrounds are barking up the wrong tree, though. I think the backgrounds from vanilla Dogs work just fine. I can imagine playing a Sith turncoat with any of the 5 DitV backgrounds. YM obviously does V though, so good luck and have fun!


Quote from: Vaxalon on March 17, 2006, 02:05:43 PM

Yes, passions replace relationships.  Remember that in order for a passion to go from d4 to d6, it has to be attached to a person who is an obstacle for that passion. 

Hmm. I think you never actually posted how that worked.  I have no idea what you are talking about. Can you give an example?

I think I may go a different route with mine.