I'm not talking computer games here (because I'll open that op to another thread), I'm specifically thinking non-digital only.
Settlers of Catan is always a favorite with my group.
We tried Seafarers of Catan but it didn't have the staying power for us.
BANG!, the awesome pseudo spaghetti-western card game, has infected like THREE local gaming groups. It's a hell of a lot of fun.
I'm really loving Memoir '44, it's the only strategy game (like Risk or those Avalon Hill bookcase games) that I've been able to get into, because it's fast, fun and easy. When I brought it to my weekly group, one guy was "meh" and the rest loved it. I recently picked up the Eastern Front expansion, but haven't had a chance to play it yet. Highly recommended, as it's a quick skirmish game that lasts anywhere from 20 to 30/40 minutes, no more.
I play GIPF every once in a while. I like abstract boardgames, but only if they end quickly.
I loves me some ZENDO (which makes use of the Icehouse Pyramid set), it's like a visual lateral thinking puzzle. mondo, Mondo, MONDO!
I'll play anything once. I played a ton of fun board games with Clinton when I visited him in New Orleans and I'd love to get another chance at some of those.
I am a massive fan of Ticket to Ride (original, not expanded), Puerto Rico, Modern Art, and Zertz (one of the GIPF series.) Basically because I can play them in under an hour, I'm rewarded for strategy but I'm not massively punished for a single blunder.
I'm fond of Cosmic Encounter as long as I'm playing it with the right group of people.
I love card games: Poker, Bridge, Hearts, Spades, Casino, Klondike, Russian, and Rummy.
I like Chess and Go and Mahjong in theory but I'm not good at them in practice.
I'm hoping to learn some modern and traditional Chinese games while I'm here this time. I already sorta-can-play Big Two, and I'd love to learn Chinese Chess.
We play the hell out of Apples to Apples around here, as you well know, Andy.
Second the Memoir '44 love. We need to do the Overlord Kursk some time.
My wife's a nut for Scrabble, and I adore The Very Clever Pipe Game. Settlers, of course. I just got Cosmic Encounter and want to play it some more. Oh! And Ticket to Ride (I, too, prefer the original, Ben).
Oh! Apples to Apples! That's like the best game ever!
Ticket to Ride & Ticket to Ride:Europe are firm favorites. I'm thinking of picking up Memoir '44 soon too.
Monopoly, the Card Game (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/684") has been dragged out on a few occasions.
I also play Formula Dé (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/173") and a homebrew air-racing variant of the same.
Other "family" games (Pictionary, Articulate, Trivial Pursuits, Jenga etc.) are brought out at most of my family gatherings as well.
Plus, I'm looking for a 1st Edition set of Space Hulk, after mine got destroyed whilst at University. That was a cracking game.
I try to get some DBA (Ancients), Crossfire (WW2 Infantry), Full Thrust (Space), Games Workshop's Lord of the Rings and a heavily-drifted version of Canvas Eagles (WW1 dogfighting) games in when I can too.
I also play quite a bit of low-stakes Texas Hold-'Em (face-to-face, I can't stand Internet play) if that counts. I used to play some Bridge, but I haven't done so in years.
I have a montly poker group. But besides that I play Yahtzee and Rook.
My all-time favorite games are probably Acquire and Bridge, but I don't get to play either one enough.
I used to be a big wargamer, stopped because they were too time-consuming, but started up again once I discovered Columbia Block Games, like Hammer of the Scots and Crusader Rex (my current favorite).
Trivial Pursuit and Scrabble are favourites. We played Balderdash recently while drunk. Oh, and I'm rather fond of a game called Spy Alley, and I was given Devil Bunny Hates The Earth at Christmas, so I'm keen to try that too.
I'm a Days of Wonder addict, and it's an expensive habit. It's kind of like a preference for only imported crystal meth. Ticket to Ride was the starter, of course, since which my Tuesday group has played and loved Pirates' Cove, Mystery of the Abbey and Shadows Over Camelot (probably that last one more than anything else).
We try a lot of other games too, but I just haven't found another brand that provides that kind of consistent, reliable fun. Settlers of Catan has stayed in the closet since we played it twice and got bored. We recently got Reiner Knizia's Colossal Arena, which is great but gets downright hateful with more than three players. WotC's Great Dalmuti and Guillotine are both light, quick fun, but there's not a lot of depth there (not that there should be). Twilight Creations' Zombies!!! really should be fun, but the sheer odds against any of you and the lack of cooperative mechanics kind of block that. (Hmm... maybe a homebrew could correct the problem.)
The last analog games (nerd) I've played were:
Jungle Speed
Blokus (2-player version)
Lost Empires
Colossal Arena
How fast can I get to work when it's snowing?
The last one was a bitch, but I won!
First, allow me to link to this thread, which is similar in nature: http://www.indie-rpgs.com/forum/index.php?topic=19335.00
Now, to contribute.
I love my analog games. In fact, Friday night gaming is frequently board gaming, played with Ralph Mazza and Keith Sears.
Pretty much anything by Reiner Knizia, but especially Ra, Tigris & Euphrates, Amun-Re, and Blue Moon. I particularly enjoy Blue Moon because I get my Magic fix without Magic prices.
I've recently discovered Wolfgang Kramer's Action Point trilogy (Tikal, Java, and Mexica) which are nifty. I've commented that a Knizia design feels like the game is occurring in some mental space which is represented by the board, whereas the Kramer AP games feel like the game is actually on the board.
El Grande is also much fun.
Kris Burm's GIPF series is absolutely genius. I figuratively camped out on the doorstep of the local gaming store to buy PUNCT when it came out, and now I'm eagerly awaiting the last potential pack. Six abstracts, all wonderful, and they link together?!?! I love it.
Indeed, I get a certain amount of my fix online, especially PBEM. For those who are interested, here are some sites:
Boardgamegeek (http://www.boardgamegeek.com): has PBEM Tigris and Euphrates and Kingdoms (well, it's the German name)
SpielByWeb (http://www.spielbyweb.com): has PBEM Tikal, Amun-Re, Hoity Toity, Wallenstein, Bus, Reef Encounter, and soon El Grande!
Richard's PBEM server (http://www.gamerz.net/pbmserv/gamerz.php): has lots of games, including PUNCT, DVONN, ZERTZ, and YINSH
I'm always looking for new opponents in lots of different games, so PM me if you're interested.
My wife, my daughter and I all love Pirate's Cove. We even got my mom--who isn't much of a game player--to play, and she liked it. My friend Gregg came over and played with us--we played two games in a row, and he's asked to play again. I'd like to get Ticket to Ride and some other Days of Wonder games. If only they weren't so expensive!
I played Bang! a couple of times and would like to get that one, too.
My wife and I play Scrabble from time to time. And we've been known to play a few hands of Gin Rummy.
Sometimes, my wife and daughter and I will play Monopoly Jr., which is more fun than regular Monopoly (it plays faster).
Quote from: GreatWolf on April 06, 2006, 03:54:36 PM
I've commented that a Knizia design feels like the game is occurring in some mental space which is represented by the board, whereas the Kramer AP games feel like the game is actually on the board.
That's a very cool way to look at it: I usally think of it as: with Kramer, figuring out the "topography" of the board is an important part of the game, whereas with Knizia (most of the time) the board is there more to track progress/keep score/etc. A lot of Knizia "boardgames" work work okay as card games, but this is not so with most of Kramer's games.
I could play board games every day if only my family would let me.
I adore the German game Die Macher (about German elections), and also Puerto Rico, One False Step for Mankind and my homemade version of Dune.
I also have (and play when ever possible) Flat Top, Advanced Civilization, Empires in Arms and Acquire, and my newest buy Pizza Box Football. I play Go (badly) and Chess (better). I wish I had Formula De. And Battlestations.
My friend Aaron taught med the Go-like game Cathedral, which I really liked.
I've never played English Canal Barge Trivia (as far as I know, Tom Wham owns the only copy in the world).
Other than that, I think I've played everything except for that game that came out yesterday. Maybe we can play it this weekend.
Our dining room table has a tablecloth. Under the tablecloth is a clear piece of plexiglas. Under that is a Cities & Knights of Catan board. No setup time needed! I played Settlers a few months ago, and it gets boring fast. Cities & Knights is far superior. Also beneath the plexiglas is a Backgammon board and a board for Mill (aka Nine Men's Morris).
Also, my group has biweekly ZPG (Zero Prep Game i.e., no traditional RPG) nights. A lot of the folks only bring new stuff, but some of us find our old favorites. The game I like to bring along in the hopes of getting a game together:
The newest one is a German card game called Die Sieben Segel (The Seventh Seal) that's a trick-taking game where you have to bid how many tricks you're going to take. Or sabotage the other players. Like Wizard but shorter.
Which reminds me, Wizard from US Game Systems is tremendous! Trick-taking with trump, 4 super-trump Wizards, and you only get points if you take exaclty as many tricks as you bid.
Many people are addicted to Reiner Knizia's sadly out-of-print Ivanhoe. It's about knights at a tourney and served as the inspiration for the With Great Power... conflict system.
Like Andy, we're fond of Zendo. Although my favorite Looney Labs game is Nanofictionary, the game of small stories.
In the same vein, few people will play Once Upon a Time with me, cause I'm quite good.
The boardgame Shark is a stock-trading game that's a great deal of fun and I suck at, yet will still play whenever able.
Good god, there's so very, very many on the shelves. My favorite from James Ernest is Witch Trial, because it allows for incredible parlor narration. But Diceland: DWS, Buttonmen, and the Dr. Luckys are quite worn out. And Bitin' Off Heads.
They love Are You A Werewolf? (aka Mafia, or Hitman) I suck at bluffing so I regularly moderate.
Plus tons more that we've only tried once.
I love Formula Dé Mini (I'm not sure how Maxi would be better), but I also love airplanes so:
Quote from: Warren on April 06, 2006, 03:08:21 PMI also play Formula Dé (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/173") and a homebrew air-racing variant of the same.
Do tell!
Other faves:
[li]Abalone (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/526)[/li]
[li]Apples to Apples (which I think is fun, but my fiancée thinks is fun to an unreasonable degree)[/li]
[li]Quoridor is good, but frustrating your opponent is only fun for so long.[/li]
[li]I love Go but don't get much chance to play and get better.[/li]
[li]I get to play Pente a lot more.[/li]
[li]Pirates of the Spanish Main (http://www.wizkidsgames.com/pirates/) (et al.) is a fun game, though the "collectibility" thing is pretty offensive. The minis are excellent, the rules are at their core good and fun, but underdesigned. I've got an inordinate number of ships, but have pretty much lost interest in getting more.[/li]
We play weekly and keep it mixed up.
Our at least once a month set includes:
Puerto Rico, Ticket to Ride (& Europe), Ingenious*, Alhambra, Web of Power, Santiago*, Apples to Apples, For Sale, Fluxx. Time's Up has a lot of potential.
* indicates new, so who knows if it'll have staying power?
Quote from: Joshua A.C. NewmanApples to Apples (which I think is fun, but my fiancée thinks is fun to an unreasonable degree)
We burned out on Apples to Apples for a while for just this reason. Because kids and adults can play together and it's such a party game, we gamed the heck out of it with a few friends. Then we didn't touch it for months.
My fiance [note the upgrade ;)] and I frequently play:
Carcassone: The Castle, the Settler's Card Game (expansions included), Russian Rails (or Empire Builder), and Ingenious.
Settlers of Catan/ Cities and Knights is her favorite game. I think it's a little long, since who's going to win is often determined an hour before the game ends, but I still enjoy it. My favorite was Through the Desert-- now, I'm uncertain.
Trias is fiddly and fun. Ursuppe [Primordal Soup] seems slow but is often fun. I'd love to play some more Euphrates and Tigris, but we're not quite that heavy a gaming group. The same is true of White Lotus, which just hasn't gotten the play it deserves.
It's a good time to be a board gamer.
This thread is a superawesome resource.
Boardgamegeek (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/%5B/url) is acting wonky, but here's a review of Quoridor (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/624).
Card games. I like learning and playing new card games, like Schnapsen and 99.
I've become a recent convert to Ticket to Ride as well. We have a number of board games (like Plague and Ursuppe) and Cheap Ass games (Give me the Brain!) that are squirreled away. We really should drag them out more often.
Quote from: Joshua A.C. Newman on April 06, 2006, 05:38:49 PM
I love Formula Dé Mini (I'm not sure how Maxi would be better), but I also love airplanes so:
Quote from: Warren on April 06, 2006, 03:08:21 PMI also play Formula Dé (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/173") and a homebrew air-racing variant of the same.
Do tell!
Ah, Air-Racing; trying to recall the rules off the top of my head. They have been designed for participation games at conventions, and the like, so it's pretty "visual". It started off as Formula De with rulers & turn circles, but has now been reduced to this, pretty much:
Setup:You need:
* A large board (9'-12' square)
* Several 1/72nd scale WW2-era aircraft, with pontoons, painted up in racing colours. One per player.
* 3-4 Turn Pylons, at a similar scale. Lay those out to make the 'track'
* 2nd, 3rd, 4th gear turn circles (these are arcs of differing radii, with inch markings along the circumference)
* A set of Formula De dice + 1d20 per plane to show Stress Points.
The correct route and number of laps is decided & agreed. All the planes start off with 15 (IIRC) Stress Points - indicated by the d20 - and in 1st gear. Have to get to speed 7 (top of 2nd Gear) to take off, and you cannot drop back into 1st (you will stall). Height is irrelevant -- all planes are considered to be skimming the ground, more-or-less.
Play: Play proceeds from the current leader to the plane at the back. The player then has to estimate (by eye) the orders and declare them;
"12 inches forward, slide left 3 inch, with the rest on a left turn", etc. The appropriate gear die is then rolled and the route is determined using a ruler and the turn circles. You can slideslip up to 1/3rd of your forward movement, but that doesn't alter your heading. If you are going in a higher gear than the radius of your turn, you take one stress point per smaller radii you go for (thus doing a radius 4 turn in 6th costs 2 Stress Points). Dropping more than one gear at once also costs extra Stress Points. If you run out of Stress Points, your plane crashes (airframe breakage, pilot error, whatever).
If you misjudge a turn and cut a corner, you have to go back around that pylon before proceeding. Sometimes you will get shot at by ground AA guns (see below).
If you are touching (ish) another plane, roll d20s and check for matching numbers. The loser takes a Stress Point of damage. If you roll maximum in 5th or 6th gears, all planes will suffer a Stress Point of damage on a 1-2 on a d20. (This is all the same as Formula De, pretty much).
Guns: All planes have been given fixed-forward firing guns. These have infinite range and ammo and a 15 degree off-centerline arc. The attacker moves backwards 1" and rolls a d20. If the attacker fired on the same target last turn they hit on a 1-4, otherwise they hit on a 1-2. Hitting causes the target to lose a Stress Point. If the attacker rolls a 20, the guns jam and cannot be used for the rest of the race.
Landing: After crossing the finishing line, you have to land your plane safely to land and pick up your medal. Roll 1d20, add the number of Stress Points you have left and get 7 or more to land safely. Otherwise you crash and receive the medal posthumously.
There are a few other niceties, and as I said, it started off more complicated, but these seem to play well.
Yow! That's no mere hack!
I have some combat rules for Formula Dé, but they're only OK.
I play Go. I've been intrigued by it for over a decade, but only playing seriously for a little over a year. I'm currently 14 kyu.
I've also been acknowlegding the consimmer side of my nature of late (within reason). As others mentioned, Memoir '44 is awesome, especially with the Russian Front expansion (and Pacific comes later this year, woot!) but of late I've switched over to Command & Colors: Ancients, which is the same system, slightly elaborated, applied to ancients battles (Rome vs Carthage, with Greeks & Persians coming later this year). I've been getting into CDGs, specifically Wilderness War (French & Indian aka 7 Years War), Twilight Struggle (Cold War), and Hannibal: Rome v. Carthage ('nuff said). I recently got to play Friedrich, which is an amazingly awesome multi-player "eurowargame" covering the 7 Years War in Europe (everybody dogpile Prussia!). Zero!/Corsairs & Hellcats is to the air war in the Pacific what M '44 is to the land war in Europe (light, fast, but super thematic) and has been seeing some table time. And Attack Vector: Tactical has taken over the part of my brain that used to be dedicated to Star Fleet Battles.
On the non-consim front, I just picked up Havoc, by Sunriver Games, which is a really cool drafting & battling card game with light Hundred Years war theme. Highly recommend to anyone who likes card games. Dungeon Twister (Asmodee) is so cool, kind of a battling puzzle game with awesome dungeon combat theming, and almost no luck. Domaine is a fabulous "fighty" euro with a great tempo. And I just got turned on to (and won a copy of) Railroad Tycoon which is not only an amazing game to look at, but also to play.
my answers have to be mostly past tense, because as I've mentioned before, my deep dark secret is that I don't like most card, board or dice games. I used to play quite a few as a kid, but something about them turns me off. RPGs ruined me for other games.
Here's what I have played in the past. I'm mostly listing them to forestall anybody saying "oh, you just didn't play the right games! You should play X."
board games: Monopoly, Easy Money, Pay Day, Aggravation, Operation, Battleship, Clue, Stratego, Risk, Talisman, Dungeon, Life, Magic Realm (or was that Enchanted Realm?), Trivial Pursuit (I almost beat Kibo!), Scrabble, Stargate, chess, checkers, probably a couple others
card games: Munchkin, Hack!, Flux, Uno, Guillotine, Give Me The Brain, Pipes (I think that's what it was called,) hearts, go fish, poker, blackjack, war, spit, solitaire
plus miscellaneous games like tic tac toe, Connect Four, Twister, that bean bag Tic Tac Toe game, four-dimensional tic tac toe, I Spy, hangman, 20 questions and so on.
QuoteI'm mostly listing them to forestall anybody saying "oh, you just didn't play the right games..."
Well, um, you didn't, but that's okay, you dont' have to ;)
QuoteMagic Realm (or was that Enchanted Realm?)
Did it involve log sheets and a rulebook that would choke a horse? Then it was Magic Realm. Otherwise it was something else! :)
Quote from: rafial on April 06, 2006, 06:52:28 PM
QuoteI'm mostly listing them to forestall anybody saying "oh, you just didn't play the right games..."
Well, um, you didn't, but that's okay, you dont' have to ;)
There *is* no right game, for me.
QuoteMagic Realm (or was that Enchanted Realm?)
Did it involve log sheets and a rulebook that would choke a horse? Then it was Magic Realm. Otherwise it was something else! :)
I'm unclear about the size of the rulebook, and I'm not sure how many logsheets there were. It's the game with the hex tiles that you connect for your map, and that you turn over when a hex is enchanted.
Quote from: Joshua A.C. Newman on April 06, 2006, 06:25:18 PM
Yow! That's no mere hack!
Yeah, it's changed quite a bit, now. The freeform movement rules was the 1st big change, and then changing the tyre, bodywork, etc. tracks into one number simplified things and made shooting a more effective tactic. Somebody in front? They must have done some hard (stress-inducing) turns to get there, so a couple of lucky shots will take them out of the race!
Hmm. I play a lot of board games. I also play Shadowfist (the CCG about hong-kong action movies stories).
Off the top of my head (and brief perusal of the thread), Citadels, Money (Kniza), Ingenious (kniza), Tigris and Euphraties, Merchant of Venus (old, but fun), Power Grid, Puerto Rico, San Juan, Gua, New England, Acquire (one of the best games of all time!), Button Men (but admitedly mostly on the website), Pit, and Set (hard to stop playing...). Santiago's good too (and I want to play more Primordial Soup).
Recently, I've finally got around to learning Muterer and Caylus (ok, but of a diffential there) but I need to play them more.
There are, of course, a bunch of other games I'm at least lukewarm about but will play -- Diamont, Jungle Speed, Castle of Magic, and Settlers among them.
My gaming group is part of a larger circle that meets smi-regularly to play Diplomacy, Starfarers of Catan, and poker. That's pretty much all we play these days in the way of analog, although various among us have been eying certain German board games, so our horizons might soon be expanding. (Some of the other guys play a couple of wargames, and use used to play Brikwars (http://www.brikwars.com/), but I'm not so much into that stuff these days.)
Quote from: talysman on April 06, 2006, 06:56:08 PM
Did it involve log sheets and a rulebook that would choke a horse? Then it was Magic Realm. Otherwise it was something else! :)
Realm rulez! Why does an inveterate RPG player play a fantasy boardgame that simulates being a RPG? I don't know! :-)
Quote from: Mike Holmes on April 06, 2006, 08:17:57 PM
Quote from: talysman on April 06, 2006, 06:56:08 PM
Did it involve log sheets and a rulebook that would choke a horse? Then it was Magic Realm. Otherwise it was something else! :)
Realm rulez! Why does an inveterate RPG player play a fantasy boardgame that simulates being a RPG? I don't know! :-)
Yeah, I do seem to prefer the game-games that are closer to RPGs. That's why I bought Hack! and Munchkin. But they didn't quite work as well as I expected.
Holy fucks! How could I forget Mechaton (http://www.lumpley.com/games/mecha.html)? Right now, that's my favoritest tabletop game. It's up there with Formula Dé.
Swipe (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/16807), Fill or Bust(http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/193) for dice games. Swipe has some really cool dice.
Himalaya(http://www.campingsurvival.com/hicaga.html) is that last card game I played. You have to climb to the top of Everest.
And every once in a great while, my own Quick and Dirty Plastic Soldier Warfare game.
For anybody looking for board game that has touchbacks to the RPG realm, and does work well, I highly recommend any of the Dungeoneer sets (Tomb of the Lich Lord, Vault of the Fiends, Haunted Woods of Malthorian, Dragons of the Forsaken Desert, etc).
(caution, do not confuse them with the recently released DugeonVILLE)
I describe Dungeoneer as "A card game that plays like a board game, with lots of well integrated RPG color". There are two components to your turn, one in which your hero tries to complete quests by moving around on a map built up out of cards, and then using monsters and traps from your hand to pose challenges to other heros to make it harder for them to complete their quests. There's also leveling up, and PvP if you want it. Each set comes with 4-8 unique heros, and the art is really good.
A single Dungeoneer set is a great game in its own right. You can combine it with different sets to have bigger adventures, in different environments. Third of all, the designer is hard at work on a rules expansion that will allow Dungeoneer to be played as a full blown RPG. You can get a beta version of these rules off Lulu.
I play poker.
The ubiquitous Settlers of Catan (plus Seafarers, plus Cities and Knights)
Louis XIV
Aquire (this is a clever game)
Castle Risk (like Risk, but fun)
Apples to Apples
Shadows Over Camelot (another clever game, and one I think has a lot to teach us about cooperative board games)
Kill Dr. Lucky
Diceland (man, I love Diceland)
Ticket to Ride (and Europe)
Rumis (this is breathtakingly good)
Modern Art
Princes of Florence
Poker (a bit)
Liar's Dice (a game every roleplayer should know)
Attack Vector: Tactical
The list could go on for a while, but I'd actually have to start thinking about things. These were all played recently enough to come to mind quickly.
QuoteDiceland (man, I love Diceland)
Yes! Diceland deserves so much more love than it gets.
I bought the Dragons set from James Ernest at Conquest NW. I walk up to his table and say "I can't find these in stores", and he says "I can't put them in stores!" :(
Also glad to see another AV:T wonk.
Quote from: rafial on April 07, 2006, 07:42:15 PMAlso glad to see another AV:T wonk.
Yep! Hey, I don't know where you live, but if you're not too far we should play, there aren't a lot of locals interested in a game that takes so long to play. Feel free to toss me a PM. I'm in Alabama, about two hours from Atlanta, GA.