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Archive => Indie Game Design => Topic started by: AnthonyRoberson on August 26, 2003, 02:44:49 PM

Title: New Game: Shadow Town
Post by: AnthonyRoberson on August 26, 2003, 02:44:49 PM
I have been lurking here for quite a while and I have finally come up with an idea for a game that I HOPE is interesting and unique (and not to mention fun to play).  The idea is still in its infancy, but here is what I have so far.

The game centers around a town that the PCs visit during their dreams (shadow town).  The form that the PCs take when they enter the town is dependent upon their level of 'karma'.  Also when the die, their 'karma' level determines in what form they resurrect.  Added to this is a 'darma' score which fluctuates based on their subjective morality.  Finally, I'm thinking about a 'diety' score based on their faithfulness to a diety or religious idea.

I'm sorry for the rambling nature of this post, but I have only been rolling it around in my head for a couple of days.  Does this sound interesting at all?  Is it worthwhile for me to spend time working on?  Has this been done before and I just missed it?
Title: Re: New Game: Shadow Town
Post by: simon_hibbs on August 26, 2003, 03:13:53 PM
The basic idea sounds worthwhile. It reminds me of "Welcome to Blood City" a bit - but that's an artificial relaity rather than an actual shared dream world. Also have you read the Dreamlands books by HP Lovecraft and others, or the Dreamlands supplement(s) for Call of Cthulhu?

Would the dream city be the setting for the whole game, or would people also play their characetrs while they were awake?

Simon Hibbs
Title: Re: New Game: Shadow Town
Post by: AnthonyRoberson on August 28, 2003, 06:06:34 PM
Quote from: simon_hibbs...Would the dream city be the setting for the whole game, or would people also play their characetrs while they were awake?...
I am thinking it would be for the whole game.  I playtested HKAT 2 and while the concept of having two characters sounds neat, it seemed kind of cumbersome in actual play.

Title: New Game: Shadow Town
Post by: Mike Holmes on August 28, 2003, 10:34:01 PM
Anthony, Welcome to the Forge. I am honestly glad that you have come here asking questions about your game.

But, also quite honestly, this sort of question get's asked a lot. In fact, you represent the straw that has broken the camel's back in my case. So, in my typical fashion I have created an essay to answer your question. Please do not take it too personally that I have introduced it here. That said, it does pertain as direct answer to your queries. Click on the following link to see the essay.

Mike's Standard Rant #6: Concepts are a Dime a Dozen (
