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Looking for Ron Edwards' comments about Whispering Vault

Started by JavaApp, May 20, 2004, 07:18:16 PM

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This may be the incorrect forum to post in, but I am looking for an article by Ron Edwards which comments on Whispering Vault.

I saw it mentioned on a WV web site, but the link had gone bad. Does anyone here know of this article? If it is online, could I be directed to it?

JavaApp is not reasonable to assume that Aristotle knew the Number of the Elect...

- Albertus Magnus

Ron Edwards


Perfectly reasonable forum for this question. Let's see, here are the main ones I could find.

Narrativist missions
Premise in The Whispering Vault
Recoil: Concept (see my posts on p. 2)
Most recently, Prep-advice for Whispering Vault wanted (contains very useful internal links)

I refer to the game every so often as well, but spottily, in discussions of various stuff like categories of Narrativism, game texts, and similar stuff. So a search for "vault" with my username might work to find the more obscure points here and there.

Don't just go by my posts, though - people like Scott Knipe (hardcoremoose) have contributed a hell of a lot of worthwhile commentary about the game. And in my view, the entire discussion of ReCoil, from Lance's (wolfen's) original concept threads to actual play threads, is worth reviewing.



Thank you very much. I'll take your advice and see what others had to say as well.

I am about to run the game, and I was wondering what people thought were the most essential elements to keep in mind while running it.
JavaApp is not reasonable to assume that Aristotle knew the Number of the Elect...

- Albertus Magnus



If you are referring to the link at">Territoires Fantomes, I think you might be looking for this 14/12/2001 article by Ron at">TOP 5 RPGs: RON EDWARDS.

If you are prep'ing for a game, then the Forge topics that Ron references are a better source of information.



That's a cool article.  Why haven't I ever read it before?  Ron should brush it off, add another paragraph bringing it up to 2004 and post it on the Forge.


Wow! I have heard about the Forge before, but this is my first direct experience with it - and the discussions referenced were exactly what I was looking for.

Thanks to everyone who posted. A million ideas are floating in my head  right now.


PS: jrs, you're correct, that was the link I was originally looking for. And you are correct in that what I really wanted was the other stuff - thanks to all.
JavaApp is not reasonable to assume that Aristotle knew the Number of the Elect...

- Albertus Magnus