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WGP Last Minute Question Thread!!!ONE!

Started by Andy Kitkowski, September 08, 2004, 04:06:31 AM

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Eric J. Boyd

On the topic of playing out multiple panels with a single player before switching to another to improve pacing and handling time, I think WGP already has a couple possible ways to embrace cuts between players in a dramatic fashion. Rather than switching after a set number of panels, I'd recommend switching to the next player when the suit is changed by a player or the GM, describing what happens to change the conflict right before the cut.

Since a change of suit already denotes a shift in the conflict (whether drastic or simply the use of a new tactic), it seems like the perfect moment for a transition. It also allows a contrast between a quick series of consecutive panels with decisive action--a conflict page where the player and GM stay in one suit for a few panels until one yields--with panels showing a shifting battle that cuts away at key turning points to raise tension--a conflict page where a hero or the GM changes suits and cuts away. Changing suit becomes a tool that the player or GM can use to highlight a page of conflict in the overall story.

I'm hoping to playtest WGP in the next month or so, and I'll give this method a try.


Michael S. Miller

Hi, Eric.

That is also an excellent suggestion! Switching suits then becomes almost central to the conflict resolution system. And, one's ability to switch suits is most likely to be enhanced by drawing lots of cards, encouraging players to increase Suffering. I like it a lot and look forward to playtesting both versions.

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