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Shield Ability: What it's good for

Started by John Harper, September 24, 2007, 07:41:13 PM

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John Harper

You can use the Shield ability to defend other people. The book doesn't explain this, which is totally my fault. Every ability in Agon has its own "special thing" right? This is the special thing for Shield. Here's what you do:

- If you're in the same range band as someone you want to protect, you can give them your Shield ability die to add to their left hand.
- You can only do this if you're wielding a shield.
- Doing this does not impair your Shield ability.
- You can certainly charge an Oath (or two) for this.

And yes, two or more heroes can do this for each other, forming a shield wall.

If you're an archer type, call in some Oaths to make someone position with you and give their Shield die to cover you while you shoot.

Give it a try and let me know what you think.
Agon: An ancient Greek RPG. Prove the glory of your name!



Does this rule belong in the Semi-Official Rules Changes thread?  Or possibly on the FAQ?  It should be someplace sticky.

Mel White

I'm running Agon at Ubercon this weekend so I'm looking forward to seeing this rule in action!  I must remember to make little cheat sheets for the players!
Virtual Play: A podcast of roleplaying games

Nathan Frund

This is exactly how I handle the Shield ability.  While you did not state it explicitly, the rest of the system made inferring this straight forward for me.

Thanks for making it official, John.


when you give your shield ability die to an ally do you still use the die for yourself as well as giving it to the ally for the turn or do you forfeit the use of shield for yourself for a turn? if the latter i dont then know what is meant by 'shield wall' effect

John Harper

This use of the Shield ability in no way impacts which weapon die you use.
Agon: An ancient Greek RPG. Prove the glory of your name!


ok so for example:

I have a shiled and stand in same range band as Artos the archer - I can give him a 1d8 for his left hand as part of my shield ability AND I can still roll my 1d8 in my left hand for my shield.

Also if Artos had a shiled we could shield wall it and both roll 2d8 in our left hands

what if i could stand in between Artos and his brother bartos could I roll 3d8 one extar d8 from each of the two brothers


First remember that it is the shield ability dice that you are giving/getting to/from your ally, not the shield dice itself.  So in your example all those character would have to have a shield ability of d8.

Aside from that the first sounds ok but the the second has a couple of things to consider. 
In the case of a shield wall I imagine you get all your normal combat dice, weapon, chosen ability and name and pick your attack and defense dice as per normal.  Your ally would do the same.  Then you would both add each other's shield ability to your defense dice.  When three characters form a wall all of them would get the bonus not just one character for standing in the middle. 

I can't remember reading it anywhere, but I'm guessing you cant lend someone a die and use it yourself.  So chances are you are going to be using one of your other weapon abilities yourself and lending your ally your shield ability.



shiled ABILITY ah yes right but then how does this go:

I have shield ability d8 my mate fred has shield ability d10 and my other mate tom has d6 shield ability so how does this shield ability think work re shield wall.

John Harper

Troll: d8 Shield ability
Fred: d10
Tom: d6

You can give your shield ability die to one other character in the same range band as you. So, let's say you do this:

Troll: Gives d8 to Fred.
Fred: Gives d10 to Tom.
Tom: Gives d6 to Troll.

Now each person has these dice in their left hand:

Troll: d6 (from Tom) + d8 (from his shield)
Fred: d8 (from Troll) + d8 (from his shield)
Tom: d10 (from Fred) + d8 (from his shield)

Alternately, two people could give their shield ability dice to one person:

Troll and Fred give their dice (d8, d10) to Tom. Tom now has 2d8 1d10 in his left hand.

Does that help?
Agon: An ancient Greek RPG. Prove the glory of your name!

Mel White

Virtual Play: A podcast of roleplaying games


Helps me too.  Though it means that a character involved in a wall of 10 defenders gets no more benefit than if he was standing next to only 1.
In Johns example Tom with only the d6 is going to have to do some fast talking or oath giving to get involved in the wall! Why would Troll want to settle for Tom's d6 when he gave Fred his die and Fred has a d10!

Is it alright if a character armed with a sword and shield gave his shield die to his compatriot armed with two swords who is attacking twice in the round opting for no other defense?  I can definitely see the shield wall, a group of like minded warriors fighting in the same manner, or an archer hiding behind a shield guy, but one character on all out attack defended by someone else?  Ok, I can actually see it now.  Like a wingman.


John Harper

Yep, you got it.

QuoteTom with only the d6 is going to have to do some fast talking or oath giving to get involved in the wall! Why would Troll want to settle for Tom's d6 when he gave Fred his die and Fred has a d10!

Exactly. Competition for resources. Agon!
Agon: An ancient Greek RPG. Prove the glory of your name!


I've just realised that of course their is a benefit being in a larger wall.  If only one of the characters in a 10 man wall is attacked the other 9 can lend him their shield ability die! 
I just don't have enough dice!  I'm gonna have to get some more :). (though I can't imagine my game should see too many 10 man shield walls!).




thanks for your patience

I might be inclined to put a cap on that 10 man shield wall in Arons post tho...maybe only up to 2 could give a shield ability to the same character or is that being too literal minded?
