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Rock 'n' roll: Anything like this out there?

Started by Mike Welker, May 30, 2008, 07:25:20 PM

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Mike Welker

The video game craze, guitar hero stuff, makes me ask this...

Anyone know of a rock and roll, or generally pop music sort of thing, rpg of any type? I imagine a kind of case where players could be performers or entire bands as a group, the GM runs A&R people, the group tries to meander its way to pop stardom and stay on the charts for long time periods... they get experience from doing gigs, more music being pub'd, new contracts signed, and so on... the team work orientation has the players working off each other's weaknesses and strengths (music, composition, personality quirks, exploding drummers, you know the drill??)...

Not sure if it would work. Not sure about all the dynamics. Maybe a sort of tweak on Primetime Adventures?

Marshall Burns

Eero wrote up a sketchy but way cool game in this thread about a power-metal band.

Here's a link directly to the post in question.

By the way, welcome to the Forge.


Mike Welker

Cool link, thanks... that gets a "scenario" example into place for me... and thanks for the greeting, it is nice to be here. I used to do freelance (1980-81 for a little company called GameLords, Ltd.). I'm writing a little piece for Monsters ATC. Slow going right now... very busy with 7 kids and summer classes to teach...


There's Umläut, which started out as a Contenders variant and has since evolved.  Unfortunately I'm not sure if it can be had for love or money at the moment:


I did an adaption to the Shab al hiri Roach called New Box Set which used those fine rules to allow players to interact in a way that forced them to keep moving forward even when forward was away from what they loved. they were trying to get big without selling out and selling out is the easiest way to get big.
Yes, The Thor from Toledo


There's always Starchildren for a rock 'n roll game, although it's got more of an 'underground band' vibe than you might be looking for.