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[Contest] Write 7 lines in 10 days

Started by Sebastian K. Hickey, March 08, 2010, 03:27:18 PM

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Cool! If I happen to come up with any more, would you be interested in seeing them for possible future use or even for fun?

Sebastian K. Hickey

Yes, absolutely! I can always use a good imagination. Thanks very much for your support Curt.


Setting        : Distant Future, Remote Planet
Adversary      : Computer AI, Robotic Minions, Bestial Alien Stowaway
Gore Threshold : 3
Connection     : Robots that gained sentience/free will
Drop-Off       : Mining Outpost in an uninhabited star system
Objective      : Evade and Escape
Checkpoints    : Defeat or disable the Outpost AI, escape on board the processed ore shuttle after hacking into
                 the station/ship computer, and finally defeat the bestial alien stowaway.


Hrm, that didn't work out like I hoped.  It should be "[...] shuttle after hacking into the station/ship computer [...]

Sebastian K. Hickey

Hi Luminous,

Thanks for your input on this. There are two issues I'd need to fix before I could take this Frame into the wiki. First of all, the Objective needs to be a place, not a task. Secondly, the Checkpoints don't fit the prescribed themes. While your Frame would make for a fun game, it's not a good idea for me to endorse Checkpoints that deviate from the prescribed themes yet. Could you tweak those issues?


Setting: Tomorrow, Chicago
Adversary: Major Thomas Browning
Gore Threshold : 3
Connection: Attendees at a Medical Conference
Drop-Off: Belden Stratford Hotel
Objective: Destroy and Escape the Zombie Threat
Checkpoints: Get to Waukegan Naval Base while avoiding/killing Zombies, fight Zombified Major Tom and his zombie soldiers, steal coast guard boats to escape zombie-infected Chicago.


This crawled into my head the other day.

Setting        : Near Future
Adversary      : Anaheim Parietal Prison Staff
Gore Threshold : 5
Connection     : Framed anti-terrorist cell
Drop-Off       : John Smith, Right Parietal Lobe
Objective      : Uncover terrorist plot and escape to stop it.
Checkpoints    : Find the phrase to return to physical form, defeat the guards protecting the actual terrorists, save the president of the U.S. from terrorist assassination attempt.

Sebastian K. Hickey

Hey Excalibur,

Can you change those Objectives into locations (not tasks) for me so I can put them into the wiki?

Thanks again,



Quote from: Sebastian K. Hickey on April 08, 2010, 10:37:43 PMHey Excalibur,

Can you change those Objectives into locations (not tasks) for me so I can put them into the wiki?

Thanks again,


Not a problem, and you can call me Curt ;) I assume you're talking about both frames? So I'll re-present them below. It's not easy coming up with the checkpoints; I keep wanting to make them semi-vague so that people can put in their own locations ;)

Setting: Near Future
Adversary: Anaheim Parietal Prison Staff
Gore Threshold: 5
Connection: Framed anti-terrorist cell
Drop-Off: John Smith, Right Parietal Lobe
Objective: Uncover terrorist plot and escape to stop it.

  • Travel to the Medula Oblongata to find the release word to return to physical form,
  • Fight corrupt guards to gain access to the parking deck and its vehicles,
  • Drive to Cincinnati in order to save the president of the U.S. from a terrorist assassination attempt.

Setting: Tomorrow, Chicago
Adversary: Major Thomas Browning
Gore Threshold: 3
Connection: Attendees at a Medical Conference
Drop-Off: Belden Stratford Hotel
Objective: Destroy and Escape the Zombie Threat

  • Get to Waukegan Naval Base while avoiding/killing Zombies,
  • Fight Zombified Major Tom and his zombie soldiers in order to get to the Docks,
  • Steal coast guard boats and flee to Canada in order to escape zombie-infected Chicago.

Sebastian K. Hickey

Hi Curt!

Oops. We're talking at cross purposes. Your Checkpoints were fine the first time!

I was concerned about the "Objective" part of each of your Frames. That is "Objective: Uncover terrorist plot and escape to stop it" and "Destroy and Escape the Zombie Threat." Tha Objective has to be a location, not a task. For example, "Cincinnati" or "Chicago Port."


Those objectives are fine if you want to go ahead and use them. ;) Do I need to redo all the text in the frame? If so, just let me know and I'll spam it up with the first ones and the changes you suggested.

Sebastian K. Hickey

Here are the edited Frames. Thanks Curt.

Zombie Attack
Setting: Tomorrow, Chicago
Adversary: Major Thomas Browning
Gore Threshold: 3
Connection: Attendees at a Medical Conference
Drop-Off: Belden Stratford Hotel
Objective: Chicago Port
Checkpoints: Get to Waukegan Naval Base while avoiding/killing Zombies, fight Zombified Major Tom and his zombie soldiers, steal coast guard boats to escape zombie-infected Chicago.

Sleeper Agent
Setting: Near Future
Adversary: Anaheim Parietal Prison Staff
Gore Threshold: 5
Connection: Framed anti-terrorist cell
Drop-Off: John Smith, Right Parietal Lobe
Objective: Presidential Suite, Hilton, Cincinnati
Checkpoints: Find the phrase to return to physical form, defeat the guards protecting the actual terrorists, save the president of the U.S. from terrorist assassination attempt.