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Social profiling

Started by Ron Edwards, April 03, 2003, 06:16:36 PM

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1. I am adopted.
2. I am learning Reiki.
3. When I was a child I traveled all over the world with my mother, narrowly avoiding military coups, race riots, and natural disasters.
4. Sometimes I read the dictionary just for the hell of it.
5. I am married and remain childless by choice.


Ian Charvill

At university I dropped out of law and ended up getting my degree in archaelogy.

Also at university I practiced kung fu, tai chi and was a member of a medieval re-enactment society (War of the Roses).

I dance pretty well, both freestyle club stuff and also a little salsa.

I was recently made redundant from my teaching job (IT for adults) and am about to either start work as a phone monkey for an internet bank or in an admin-type job with the local council depending on how an interview goes on wednesday.  Inferences of a certain amount of random drift in my career choices are entirely your own.

Two years ago I made the world's worst short film.  I'm currently noodling around with a concert film I made for a friend's band and some animations.
Ian Charvill

James Holloway

1) I was born in Scotland in 1978; I moved to the US when I was four. I went back to Britain in 1996 to go to university, then back to the US in 1999 and, most recently, back to the UK in 2002.

2) I'm a graduate student in archaeology at the University of Durham. It's kind of a party, although my dissertation is looming. I'm a huge archaeology geek.

3) I'm married (since July). My wife Allison was brave enough to come to England with me. It can be a bit isolating, moving to somewhere completely new, but we have so far avoided going mad.

4) My father is a professor at Stanford University; in his time, he's been dean of humanities (and I am living proof that just cos your dad's the dean doesn't mean you'll get in) and head of the Institute for International Studies, and as a result I know a fair number of well-known people. Condi Rice, for example, is an old family friend.

5) I'm an outdoors-hating couch potato, but I'm getting better! I went on the Atkins diet, and have lost 21 kg since mid-January (say about 45 lbs.). I'm trying to make sure I get more exercise (since I moved to a country where I don't have a car, I'm at least getting a certain amount of walking in).


Hmm, let's see... (first post, wow! *blush*)

1) Just before I turned 20, I dropped out of university, where I studied Electical Engineering. Just before I turned 30, I majored from said university in English and CS, with my grades in English 20 points higher on the average than those in CS. Now I work as a programmer.

2) I think what Disney did to Notre Dame de Paris is truly unforgivable.

3) My cat is the most adorable feline creature to ever grace the face of this earth. Even my wife, who is a "dog person" through and through, grudgingly admits that.

4) I subscribe to The Skeptical Inquirer.

5) Once I decided not to eat meat for about a year, both to see if I could, and to know what it's like.
