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Getting anxious...

Started by Wulf, April 10, 2003, 04:32:15 PM

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OK, at best, I MIGHT get CAH hardcopy on Saturday. It might be the Saturday after that... I won't buy on-line, Tom (owner of my FLGS) would nag at me for weeks... and I owe him a pint, so I can't afford that!

Thing is, I'm currently creating campaigns for Mutants & Masterminds, Red Dwarf, Buffy (more like Angel in theme) and CAH - but, of course, I can't do full justice to CAH without the up to date rules! I'll be playing in a D&D3e game for a few weeks (dragged kicking & screaming, I might add), then it's "OK, take your pick" time...

So, here's my initial idea for CAH. A fantasy, D&D style, but with a twist... based off a LARP group I and another player at the table-top group are in. Not a stand-around-looking-Goth-and-angsty LARP, but a run-around-hitting-people-with-rubber-swords LARP. So I have 5 years of plot, a full political setup, loads of racial and group details, hundreds of potential NPCs... and no damn book to read!

Now, of course, the real thing is no kiddie's cartoon show, and will need much sanitising (not to mention removal of product placement and certain terms... honest, they're Dark Elves, not Drow at all...), but what do you think? Is a straight fantasy game (with much use of "Double Damage to Flesh" modifiers for weaponry) workable in CAH?



Don't see why not.  Just make sure you don't have any toddler barbarians with baby unicorn pets running around.  Cuz then your game would suck(tm).

Eddy Fate

Quote from: WulfThing is, I'm currently creating campaigns for Mutants & Masterminds, Red Dwarf, Buffy (more like Angel in theme) and CAH

Red Dwarf is awesome.  I've been kicking around a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy game using RDRPG.

Quote from: WulfSo, here's my initial idea for CAH. A fantasy, D&D style, but with a twist... based off a LARP group I and another player at the table-top group are in. Not a stand-around-looking-Goth-and-angsty LARP, but a run-around-hitting-people-with-rubber-swords LARP. So I have 5 years of plot, a full political setup, loads of racial and group details, hundreds of potential NPCs... and no damn book to read!

Now, of course, the real thing is no kiddie's cartoon show, and will need much sanitising (not to mention removal of product placement and certain terms... honest, they're Dark Elves, not Drow at all...), but what do you think? Is a straight fantasy game (with much use of "Double Damage to Flesh" modifiers for weaponry) workable in CAH?

Don't see why not.  Another option you could take, instead of making everything "Double Damage", is just to cut down the amount of Hurt Points you give out - Maybe putting 0 Body at 15-20 instead of 29.  My roommate has already said that he would love to see the magic system in CAH in use in D&D, so at least two people are thinking along the same lines... ;-)
Eddy Webb
Vice-President, Spectrum Game Studios
Co-Line Developer for">Cartoon Action Hour">Order CAH online!


Quote from: Eddy FateRed Dwarf is awesome.
Apart from the odd upside-down photo :-) I was going for a fairly predictable idea, the survivors of the Cruise Liner Majestic, reawakened after millions of years once the Skutters totally rebuilt the engines destroyed by an asteroid. My CAH SF idea was put on hold after buying Red Dwarf, I didn't want two (albeit radically different) SF ideas to work on at once.
QuoteDon't see why not.  Another option you could take, instead of making everything "Double Damage", is just to cut down the amount of Hurt Points you give out - Maybe putting 0 Body at 15-20 instead of 29.  
Well, I quite like doubling damage, so long as armour reduces damage FIRST. Makes armour more effective, and weapons cheaper.
QuoteMy roommate has already said that he would love to see the magic system in CAH in use in D&D, so at least two people are thinking along the same lines... ;-)
I'm not certain how to treat magic as yet, I may rely on Spell Clusters and detail a load of 'typical' spells. Others can be created, but everyone who knows one of the three types of magic (Shamanic, Corporeal or Mage) can use the known list. However, I would want to impose a use limit per day, or a fatiguing rule, or something of the like.


Eddy Fate

Quote from: WulfApart from the odd upside-down photo :-)

I'm telling you, it was upside down! I think Todd just ph33rs me.  :-P

Quote from: WulfMy CAH SF idea was put on hold after buying Red Dwarf, I didn't want two (albeit radically different) SF ideas to work on at once.

Makes sense.

Quote from: WulfWell, I quite like doubling damage, so long as armour reduces damage FIRST. Makes armour more effective, and weapons cheaper.

That makes a degree of sense - I was just thinking of ways to prevent spending 3 CPs on every weapon, but you can always award it for free, and avoid the cost.  Protection actually reduces damage after doubling, but then we've had this conversation before.  :-P

Quote from: WulfI'm not certain how to treat magic as yet, I may rely on Spell Clusters and detail a load of 'typical' spells. Others can be created, but everyone who knows one of the three types of magic (Shamanic, Corporeal or Mage) can use the known list. However, I would want to impose a use limit per day, or a fatiguing rule, or something of the like.

Self-Damaging?  Can only cast your Oomph in spells per day?  Each spell requires a Willpower action check to avoid going unconscious?  There's plenty of ways to do it.
Eddy Webb
Vice-President, Spectrum Game Studios
Co-Line Developer for">Cartoon Action Hour">Order CAH online!


Quote from: Eddy Fate
Quote from: WulfWell, I quite like doubling damage, so long as armour reduces damage FIRST. Makes armour more effective, and weapons cheaper.

That makes a degree of sense - I was just thinking of ways to prevent spending 3 CPs on every weapon, but you can always award it for free, and avoid the cost.
Well, 2 damage is the breakpoint. Above that, Doubling is cheaper than buying the extra damage. Sounds cheap to me! It wouldn't be EVERY weapon, not blunt ones, for example.
QuoteProtection actually reduces damage after doubling, but then we've had this conversation before.  :-P
Indeed :-)
Quote from: WulfI'm not certain how to treat magic as yet, I would want to impose a use limit per day, or a fatiguing rule, or something of the like.

Self-Damaging?  Can only cast your Oomph in spells per day?  Each spell requires a Willpower action check to avoid going unconscious?  There's plenty of ways to do it.
I was considering the Buffy idea, a cumulative reduction per spell cast. But Your ideas work too. Maybe a check to avoid loss of magic (rather than just going inconscious).


Eddy Fate

Quote from: WulfWell, 2 damage is the breakpoint. Above that, Doubling is cheaper than buying the extra damage. Sounds cheap to me! It wouldn't be EVERY weapon, not blunt ones, for example.

Oh!  I see where you're going.  Very slick.

Quote from: WulfI was considering the Buffy idea, a cumulative reduction per spell cast. But Your ideas work too. Maybe a check to avoid loss of magic (rather than just going inconscious).

Either one could work.  I'll admit that I'm not familiar with the Buffy system at all.
Eddy Webb
Vice-President, Spectrum Game Studios
Co-Line Developer for">Cartoon Action Hour">Order CAH online!


Quote from: Eddy FateEither one could work.  I'll admit that I'm not familiar with the Buffy system at all.

The magic is dead simple (a bit too simple, in fact, there's a suppliment on the way). Their method of limiting spellcasting is a simple -2 chance to cast cumulative per spell. Most witches start with a D10+12 to 15, and must both roll over 9, and sufficiently over 9 to achieve the minimum level of success for that spell.

The cumulative penalty would work, since CAH does not base damage or other effect on margin of success.



Not a bad idea.  I kind of like the idea of making magic harder and harder as the day goes on.  I must admit though, I am still waiting on my book to arrive before I can really make an opinion here.
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