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HELP! First, Pulling a punch. Second an index to this forum.

Started by Dain, February 25, 2004, 09:36:38 PM

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Quote from: Jake Norwood
Quote from: Dain
Also, it takes skill not to injure someone, so I would either be for using less dice on the attack, reducing ST, or for making a pulled blow a "terrain roll" based on the weapon's DTN.  That last one's my favorite.

Man, it's a good day when you find one of your own players at your favorite site!

Jake -- for the "terrain roll"; would you be talking CP dice?  So, Master D'Umbra parries, counters, and strikes... then throws some CP dice to ensure that his skill keeps the wound within his acceptable levels?
"You want to do what to the Balrog?"
--Anxious DM quote #35

Lance D. Allen


I'm not Jake, but the answer is yes. When in melee combat, all terrain rolls come from the combat pool.
~Lance Allen
Wolves Den Publishing
Eternally Incipient Publisher of Mage Blade, ReCoil and Rats in the Walls

big kev

I think... its a good idea to be able to spend 2CP for evry dice you want to take away from a final damage roll. After braining someone with the pommel of my longsword, meaning only to knock them out, the direction of our campaign may be forever altered. With my mighty logic, a skilled fighter can elect to not have completely smashed ones melon to goopy puddle of brains by spending some of their skill.

Lance D. Allen

Big Kev,

I am assuming you mean spend instead of rolling and using the successes, as a means of ensuring success, rather than leaving it to the vagaries of chance?

If so, I suppose it would be an option, but I'd honestly rather roll for it.. Or just use the optional rule that extra CP spent means that you can reduce the damage by up to that amount.
~Lance Allen
Wolves Den Publishing
Eternally Incipient Publisher of Mage Blade, ReCoil and Rats in the Walls


Likewise.  People plenty often hit harder than they want to, and there's always the chance of a fumble.  The more important it is, the more CP someone will spend on that roll to ensure it'll work as well.

big kev

what i was trying to get at, which may or may not (usually not) have been clear was.... for ex:

CP 10 pommell blow to head ( hoping for KO) spend 6 on attack then assign the other 4 (at a rate of 2 per possible success) to reduce (and only reduce) the final damage code... so if i brain him for 6, i could drop it back to 4 for a 'mostly brained' with my expenditue of those other 4 dice. if this sounds like a bollocks idea and im full of shite please dont hesitate to inform me =)

and if i should have read more thoroughly the previous thoughts on this thread then i plead ignorant (reference thread topic  =)

big kev

...and after my closing statement on previous entry i am now realising that this isnt my thread at all where i declare solemnly that i am an ignorant bufoon (almost) so if we all just consider me the fool i would be very grateful =)

Lance D. Allen

Heh. If you want to call yourself names, that's your issue.

As for me, I just don't see why you're declaring it at a 2CP per -1 reduction. If that's the way you want to run it, that's fine.. But I'd run it at a 1-to-1 ratio, myself.
~Lance Allen
Wolves Den Publishing
Eternally Incipient Publisher of Mage Blade, ReCoil and Rats in the Walls