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ISBN co-op?

Started by taalyn, March 13, 2004, 03:53:01 AM

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Quote from: age_of_dissent

I certainly can't afford £135 for a block of 100 all by myself, especially when I'd only be using 4 or 5. (Can you get blocks of 10? Wittaker's only lists prices for 100 or 1000)

ISBNs are distributed by private agencies regionally.  In America you can buy in blocks of 10.  That very well may not be the case in the UK.

Matt Machell

Last time I checked you could by blocks of 10 in the UK. Check the Whittakers FAQ.



Ah, sorry. Just me not reading carefully enough. Hmm... 10 is still out of my budget.

Thanks. And sorry for the offtopicness.