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Started by dragongrace, May 23, 2004, 04:17:15 AM

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I am looking to see if anyone has created a Mystery Style 'Who-Dun-It' game.  Any method of play.  Either a single controlling element to determine the 'mystery' or a group effort where each person has a mystery that the rest of the group must solve.

The only thing that comes to mind would be some kind of modified SOAP engine but maybe I'm off.  Any ideas?


happily wearing the hat of the fool.


If I recollect correctly, Jared Sorensen says in the intro to InSpectres that the game is exactly an exercise in playing a whodunit without the follow-the-GM's-trail-of-clues.



I remember in the 80s there were a bunch of lame things like this designed for parties.  While they weren't exactly rpgs they are kinda on the same path you are thinking.

Unfortunately I never remembered their name since they were lame.  =-)

Hope this was of some use...

EDIT:  This isn't to say your idea is lame.  Sorry, its just they were.  Really.  Sorry if this sounded.... rude.  It wasn't intended to be.
John E. Davis">Apocrypha Gaming
Coming Soon: R.P.G., The Apocrypha Engine, and Hourglass Online (Mac/Win)

Simon W

Quote from: dragongraceI am looking to see if anyone has created a Mystery Style 'Who-Dun-It' game.  Any method of play.  Either a single controlling element to determine the 'mystery' or a group effort where each person has a mystery that the rest of the group must solve.

The only thing that comes to mind would be some kind of modified SOAP engine but maybe I'm off.  Any ideas?



As this is a forum for discussing game design and for asking specific questions about games that are in the process and that you intend to publish in one form or another, I wondered what you've got so far for your game and what, more specifically, you need help with?

Simon W


I had no design in mind currently, I was looking for pre-existing designs that would fit the mold of a whodunit style game before I went about trying to think of a design on my own.

I was discussing games with someone who has an interest in mystery novels and they wondered if a game already existed in which there was a mystery and each person solved it on their own, or as a concerted group effort were able to solve a mystery.

I remember those party games, Host-A-Murder, if I remember correctly, I never played them, I thought they looked interesting, but I did not want to emulate such a design.

If no design already exists however, I'll begin thinking about how to set up the social contract, because I think that will be the most important part of the design.  

happily wearing the hat of the fool.