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Done it again with Dogs!

Started by Luke, January 21, 2005, 12:10:40 AM

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Congrats to our very own Vincent on his well deserved OUTIE win.

QuoteBut when you start giving awards for moral seriousness in gaming, you have to sit up and take notice of Vincent Baker's Dogs in the Vineyard. Uncompromising, mechanically intriguing, and above all, a Western RPG done right, it earns the Best New RPG 2004 Outie by sheer grit.

Rock on.
I love that fact that games designed by folks who chew over this site consistently win awards. I'm very, very proud to have my name in those thank you's, Vincent!

Honestly, I hope this is a trend: Sorcerer, Octane (shut up, Jared), Burning Wheel, My Life with Master and now Dogs in the Vineyard. What's next? I dunno, but I can't wait.


Andy Kitkowski

The Story Games Community - It's like RPGNet for small press games and new play styles.

Michael S. Miller

Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!

Jared A. Sorensen

Quote from: abzuHonestly, I hope this is a trend: Sorcerer, Octane (shut up, Jared), Burning Wheel, My Life with Master and now Dogs in the Vineyard. What's next? I dunno, but I can't wait.

That's it...I'm sending this to

Late breaking news. Game designer "Power Man" Luke Crane has changed the name of his award-winning RPG to "The Wheel is On Fire!" This new version replaces the much-lauded "scripted combat" system with a Candyland board and a series of brightly-colored plastic spinners. Mr. Crane could not be reached for comment as he was out shopping for sock garters.
jared a. sorensen /

Jason L Blair

Duh, it's propaNe. Or kero53n3 as we call it around these parts.
Jason L Blair
Writer, Game Designer