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[DexCon 2005] Indie Gaming Explosion 2

Started by TonyLB, February 02, 2005, 02:31:28 AM

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DexCon is, as I understand it, Dreamations big brother.  Same hotel, same spectacular Double Exposure staff, same Sugarfest and Chocolate Heaven.  Wednesday, July 13 - Sunday, July 17.

There is absolutely no question in my mind that "we" should do it, where "we" is of course whoever is interested.  I hope to see a lot of the folks I met at Dreamation.  But every con is going to be a different experience.

I... how do I say this... I know what Rule 11 is.  I could step as lightly as possible about wanting this to happen, but I'm still the first person stepping up and saying I want it.  I've nominated myself to organize.  If anyone wants to un-nominate me, that's cool.  But until I hear that, I'm going to ruthlessly provide structure based on my wholly fictitious authority.

So.  First order of delegation:  Is there anyone out there who can host a discussion forum for IGE that is not the Forge?  Because if the prep for Dreamation was any indicator we will rapidly pass beyond the boundaries of what can sanely be included in the Conventions forum without swamping other useful discussion.  And that would be a Bad Thing.  I figure we're best off discussing in a separate area, and posting here regularly about opportunities for people to jump on board.
Just published: Capes
New Project:  Misery Bubblegum


Having worked with Double exposure in some way, shape, or form I can say that it is way worth it to go back in the summer for Dexcon. The traffic is amazing and the amout of gamers is incredible. I have no problem with you stepping up to bat, but since our dear Michael Miller is also a local I would say because of the shear size of Dexcon, it might be best shared.
I will be there with Pulp Era (finaly in print) and also with my second project that I am doing with Ben Morgan "Spooky Beans".

Let me know how I can help
J. Carpio "Dregg"
Gaming Coordinator I-CON (
Chapter 13 Press co founder(
Column Writer "Lights, Camera, Action!" (

Michael S. Miller

Cool. Glad to have someone else doing the "fun" stuff of organizing. I have a game to finish, after all.

I'll be there all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Won't need crash space. Will run a half-dozen or so games in that time. Will run MLwM at midnight on Friday. Will complain about running a second midnight game but, in the end, will cave in and do it. Can't help with the hosting, but will follow along helpfully.
Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!

Brennan Taylor

I'll say I'm in as well. I would again like to represent all of the members of Indie Press Revolution who can't make it, and I will be up for demoing lots of games (Bulldogs! and any others that are needed). I won't make Thursday, but I could do Friday-Saturday-Sunday again.

Keith Senkowski

I unfortunately won't be able to make this one.  Mrs. Senkowski will only allow so many long distance con trips a year.  However, I will be hitting some local cons here and will be more than happy to represent other DiY publishers (alongside IPR of course).

Conspiracy of Shadows: Revised Edition
Everything about the game, from the mechanics, to the artwork, to the layout just screams creepy, creepy, creepy at me. I love it.
~ Paul Tevis, Have Games, Will Travel


I might very well be able to make this one too and with more time to hang out.  My buddy lives 5 minutes from the con and I grew up not 40 minutes from there.  Shouldn't be any problem.


Sang and I will be there on behalf of Behemoth3. Dexcon was a great con for us last time; we didn't have books yet, but our fan base got a good start (that's where we met our alpha intern Josh, who many of you met at Dreamation) and I'm looking forward to doing it again!

One thing let's do well in advance is to schedule our events among ourselves before submitting them to the con - B3 submitted our own events proposal before we knew about the Explosion, and so my own games prevented me from playing in ones I wanted, plus there were other tough choices (TsoY vs. DitV frex). Trying to set it up so that events with similar audiences flow into one another is a good idea.
Masters and Minions: "Immediate, concrete, gameable" - Ken Hite.
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Quote from: TonyLBSo.  First order of delegation:  Is there anyone out there who can host a discussion forum for IGE that is not the Forge?
I should have waited a full week.  I honestly intended to wait a full week.  Asking for volunteers, then doing the task myself is a very bad habit to get into.

I'm weak.  So very weak.  Plus, I had time and energy over the weekend.  Here's a forum for discussion of Indie Gaming Explosion 2.  I've gone into more detail about the information I got from Rebecca.  There are challenges to be met and opportunities to be siezed.

And, of course, I'm thrilled to hear all the cool people that I'll get to hang out with again!  Judd, this "friend" five minutes away... that's Rob?  Are we likely to get Rob again too?  Good gaming opportunities there, folks.  Snap 'em up.
Just published: Capes
New Project:  Misery Bubblegum

Robert Bohl

Yup, I'll probably go.  If Judd goes, I guess I'm definitely going :).
Misspent Youth: Ocean's 11 + Avatar: The Last Airbender + Snow Crash
Oo! Let's Make a Game!: Joshua A.C. Newman and I make a transhumanist RPG


Quote from: TonyLB
Quote from: TonyLB

And, of course, I'm thrilled to hear all the cool people that I'll get to hang out with again!  Judd, this "friend" five minutes away... that's Rob?  Are we likely to get Rob again too?  Good gaming opportunities there, folks.  Snap 'em up.

*slaps own head*

Nice words confuse Judd!!!

I might run something too.  I am considering doing Dogs, Sorcerer or Mountain Witch...not sure.

Maybe even a game of John Wicke's Cat...

We'll see.

Robert Bohl

Misspent Youth: Ocean's 11 + Avatar: The Last Airbender + Snow Crash
Oo! Let's Make a Game!: Joshua A.C. Newman and I make a transhumanist RPG


If you were interested, I could host an extra forum over at -- if you need it. No big deal, really.

Just holler back or email me

Serving imagination since '99
Eldritch Ass Kicking:


Nathan, thanks... I am sorely tempted, purely on the basis that drawing people into doing things for us is good community building.  But I can't really justify it, now that folks are already settling in over at the Muse of Fire forums.

Is there something else we can draft you for?  Something you think should be at the convention, but that nobody's mentioned doing, perhaps?
Just published: Capes
New Project:  Misery Bubblegum