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[Terrae Novae] Latin Lessons

Started by Kilor Di, March 29, 2005, 10:22:16 PM

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Kilor Di

I'm currently converting my notes on Terrae Novae into a manuscript so I can try to get it published.  I would like to know if anyone knows of a website that can translate proper names into their latin equivalent.  The reason is because I noticed I hadn't yet created the "Seven Sacred Spirits", and I felt that naming them after my old friends from high school (without actually using their real names, naturally) would be a nice touch.

For information on Terrae Novae, go to
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Andrew Morris

Greg, you might want to put the period after the "[/url]" so that link works. And, nope, I don't know of any website that does what you are looking for.
Download: Unistat

Selene Tan

This isn't direct, but you can search sites like both by name and by meaning. So search for your friends' names to find the meanings, then search for the meanings there or in a Latin-English dictionary.
RPG Theory Wiki
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Stefan / 1of3

I study Latin at university. Send me a PM, if you like me to help.