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[GenCon Socal] Indie RPGs

Started by ScottM, September 13, 2005, 11:54:14 PM

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I've been considering Southern California's version of GenCon (since it's within driving distance), but a quick look at the listings doesn't indicate many Indie RPGs at all.

Are any Forge companies (or individuals) planning on showing up? Is there an effort to do something like the Indie RPG explosion (or, if it's already set up and I'm blind, could you explain how I can sort for it)?

I'm trying to plan my vacation for that time of year, and I have to admit that the current lineup's pretty lackluster, if it's accurate. 

Hey, I'm Scott Martin. I sometimes scribble over on my blog, llamafodder. Some good threads are here: RPG styles.

Josh Roby

SoCal is the redheaded stepchild of GenCon, which is sad because it's right freakin here for me.  The lineup is perpetually less impressive than Indy, but then this is something like the fourth or fifth year they've even had it, so it's to be expected.

I'm going.  Perhaps you and I can meet in a hallway and do a little Indie RPG dance.  I won't have product till next year, though.
On Sale: Full Light, Full Steam and Sons of Liberty | Developing: Agora | My Blog


it just so happens, I have a thing for redheads.


Well, you might be able to get some game on. As far as I can tell, I will be there with Jared Sorensen and John Wick and Annie Rush.

nothing in the schedule, but there will most assuredly be afterhours gaming.

Josh Roby

If there's no Forge Booth, perhaps we can pick a lunch or dinner timeslot and have a Forge Feast.
On Sale: Full Light, Full Steam and Sons of Liberty | Developing: Agora | My Blog

Ron Edwards

Hi there,

It's definitely a good time to discuss GenCon SoCal, but please check out the sticky for this forum. If anyone can bring this thread into topics like actually organizing events, actually organizing a booth, and so on, that would work.

Please do not post with things like "Gee, I'd sure like to be there, maybe I will" or "I'll be there! See you!" and so on. Get concrete and constructive.

I also suggest looking up last year's threads about GenCon SoCal and contacting Clinton, who did organize a booth there. He can tell you more about the venue and how it went.



Here are the threads Ron mentioned above.  I'm appending the links to facilitate further conversation.

Earlier this year Clinton indicated that Wicked Dead is the likely Indie presence at the Con. Other threads are 2004 GenCon SoCal prep and The after action report for 2004

An incomplete summary: Clinton linked to a post by Peter Atkinson that indicates that attendance was up 20% over the previous year. In discussing sales figures, they summarized to them being lower than the booth sponsors had expected, though about as high as the very early Forge booths (2000/2001).  Peculiar weather was partially blamed for the terrible Sunday turnout.

Since I'm not intending to organize a booth, and the presence of an Indie Games Explosion hasn't been indicated, I consider my goals for this thread met. Hopefully useful daughter threads can take over from here.  (I'd be particularly interested in seeing a dinner/event coordination thread spring up.. especially from someone familiar with the area.)


Hey, I'm Scott Martin. I sometimes scribble over on my blog, llamafodder. Some good threads are here: RPG styles.

Josh Roby

Alright, there's a restaurant called Millie's that's like a half-block from the convention center.  It's affordable and, um, "americana" food.  It's your pretty basic family-style affair where you can get a burger or a salad or whatever.  I figure it should fit everybody's reasonable needs.

How's Saturday Dinnertime (5-7pm) at Millie's sound?
On Sale: Full Light, Full Steam and Sons of Liberty | Developing: Agora | My Blog

Jared A. Sorensen

Wicked Dead Brewing Company (me, John, Annie) will be there sharing a booth with Luke of Burning Wheel fame. We're doing another RPG workshop, this one a 3-hour seminar (with a break in between) and we'll talk about lots of stuff we covered in the GenCon workshop. Unlike GenCon Indy, this workshop is not going to be divided into separate sections. But we will cover the basics of design, setting, publishing, etc. Not as much Lumpley-esque theory because the man ain't gonna be there! But it should be a fun time.
jared a. sorensen /


Thanks for letting us know about your presence and workshop Jared.  My girlfriend was just asking about workshops; while yours doesn't sound perfect for her (it's more my speed), I suspect it'll be a good one.

Quote from: Joshua BishopRobyHow's Saturday Dinnertime (5-7pm) at Millie's sound?
Sounds good to me.  I was just finalizing things-- mark (2) people (Scott & Jennifer) down.  Are you willing to make the reservations, or is it a walk-in only kind of a place?

Hey, I'm Scott Martin. I sometimes scribble over on my blog, llamafodder. Some good threads are here: RPG styles.

Josh Roby

I've no idea if they do reservations, although if we snowball large enough, I've found that any restaurant likes to be warned that 10+ people are incoming.
On Sale: Full Light, Full Steam and Sons of Liberty | Developing: Agora | My Blog

Ron Edwards

Guys!! This is not a place for making dinner plans. I encourage you to get together, but set that up via email or PM.

This thread is for organizing play-events, promotion, and other con-specific activities, especially in a fashion which gets integrated with the con itself, if possible.
