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Pandemonium - Toronto, Feb 06

Started by Allan, December 07, 2005, 05:54:27 AM

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TRPA banner is fine.

Or something like "TRPA Indie Games" table.

Just so that there is one place where good, unusual gaming is happening all convention long.  And not any little 3' by 3' foot table.

4x8' or nothin'!

Regardless of whether our group is the organizational nexus or not ( I would like to see a concentration of Indie RPG expertise and enthusiasm in one place.


Quote from: Blankshield on December 08, 2005, 03:20:02 AM
Cool.  Do you know if there is going to be/intending to be any indie sales presence?  I'm a bit green yet to try and pull off a one-man show, especially since I won't have anything new by February, but a weekend to Toronto is much simpler and cheaper all-around than trying to get to anything in the states.



If someone organizes a sales booth, we should co-ordinate with the Panda people to make sure that the gaming table is near the sales booth. 

Note, any retailers would want to colonize some demo game space.


Quote from: Allan on December 07, 2005, 05:54:27 AM
The Ontario Indie RPG Meetup Group is planning a series of linked events at Pandemonium in Toronto, February 15-17.  The plan is to have one table with indie games running all weekend, with (so far) 8 demonstrators running different demos and events.

I hope to run The Big Night (for their kids' room), Sweet Dreams, a/state, Under the Bed, Primetime Adventures, and some Fingerprints playtests.

Anyone else in Eastern Canada and interested in promoting an indie pressence at this con?

I think that the dates have changed.

Moreover, my group is coming at this from the position of fans/gamers and not designers or retailers.  My agenda is to create 3 days of indie-highlighting games in yer traditional 3-4 hour slots.

Demos are an option, but not really what we are about.  I suggest that you take the lead in getting designers/retailers into an organized force while I round up some experienced GMs and set up our games.


A Cautionary Note to all and any retailers.

Pandemonium has a VERY uneven history.  Two years ago, the Inn on the Park was jumping.  Last year, out in Scarborough, there was a reduced presence.  You might want to talk numbers with retailers like The Hairy Tarantula ( if you want a sense of the dollars available.

A fellow who makes a hand-designed chess-like game and another designer who sells a cool build-your-own-dungeon tile/card game both do a steady business during the con but not a booming one.


Here are the events I have got commitments for:

1. Erik: Donjon
2. Erik: Sorcerer
3. Mark: Dogs in the Vineyard
4. Aaron: Puppetland
5. Steve: [something]
6. Hans: Capes
7. Alan: PTA

All we need is one more and we are set!

The old Panda form asked for the following information. If interested parties could submit a filled-out description to this forum, I will coallate them and present them to Eugene.

Title of Event:
Number of Players:
Experience Required?:


Quote from: epweissengruber on December 12, 2005, 02:11:55 AMPandemonium has a VERY uneven history.  Two years ago, the Inn on the Park was jumping.  Last year, out in Scarborough, there was a reduced presence.  You might want to talk numbers with retailers like The Hairy Tarantula ( if you want a sense of the dollars available.
Yes, I often hear from the owner of my local game shop that Panda often isn't worth it from a sales perspective. Still, he goes every year. I think it's just tradition to him now.



Quote from: WalkingDead on December 12, 2005, 03:04:40 PM

Yes, I often hear from the owner of my local game shop that Panda often isn't worth it from a sales perspective. Still, he goes every year. I think it's just tradition to him now.


My plan is draw 10 to 15 of my little group to the con so anyone who wants anything demoed or playtested will have interested parties.  Moreove, I want to offer a solid block of gaming for whoever shows up.  But I don't think a lot of business will be done.  If you want to meet some of Toronto's retailers, that would be a reason for coming.  But this ain't GenCon.  Heck, its not even Con of the North, where the Fantasy Flight people had a chance to sell and demo their games. 

Why the Twin Cities can support a good con and local game publishing while Toronto can't is a mystery to me.


Can any of the posters to this thread rope in one more Indie-gamer to run a 4 hour slot at Panda?

Any other locals interested in running something?

Please post here or at the Indie RPG Group Toronto (


Sorry everyone, I probably won't be able to make Panda after all.  I'm moving away from Ontario again for sudden personal reasons.  I'll still try to make it if I can, but at this point it looks unlikely, and I don't feel I can take any kind of active organisational role.  Sorry again, I hope this thread can still prove fruitful for others organizing for this con, and promoting an indie presence in Toronto. 
Sweet Dreams - Romance, Espionage, and Horror in High School
The Big Night - children's game with puppets

In Progress:  Fingerprints
Playing:  PTA, Shock


The members of the IndieRPG group will be organizing a table dedicated to independent/experimental/left field games at this year's Panda.

Games that will be run:
Primetime Adventures
Dogs in the Vineyard
Burning Wheel

and ... if I can make the time ... Heroquest

I will be setting up a schedule with the Panda organizers soon so you can sign up.


Well that's a shame.  Hope to see you there anyway.

Quote from: Allan on December 23, 2005, 07:25:14 PM
Sorry everyone, I probably won't be able to make Panda after all.  I'm moving away from Ontario again for sudden personal reasons.  I'll still try to make it if I can, but at this point it looks unlikely, and I don't feel I can take any kind of active organisational role.  Sorry again, I hope this thread can still prove fruitful for others organizing for this con, and promoting an indie presence in Toronto. 


Hey Erik !

Might be a good idea to put the Indie Slots up here for the world to see!



A chastened schedule (it should be reflected in the official schedule soon)

DONJON Friday: 7pm to 11pm
DiTV Saturday: 9am to 1 pm
CAPES Saturday 2pm to 6pm
PUPPETLAND Saturday: 7pm to 11pm
SORCERER Saturday: 7pm to 11pm
PRIMETIME ADVENTURES Sunday: 10am to 2pm
BURNING WHEEL Sunday  3pm to 7pm