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Pandemonium - Toronto, Feb 06

Started by Allan, December 07, 2005, 05:54:27 AM

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The Ontario Indie RPG Meetup Group is planning a series of linked events at Pandemonium in Toronto, February 15-17.  The plan is to have one table with indie games running all weekend, with (so far) 8 demonstrators running different demos and events.

I hope to run The Big Night (for their kids' room), Sweet Dreams, a/state, Under the Bed, Primetime Adventures, and some Fingerprints playtests.

Anyone else in Eastern Canada and interested in promoting an indie pressence at this con?
Sweet Dreams - Romance, Espionage, and Horror in High School
The Big Night - children's game with puppets

In Progress:  Fingerprints
Playing:  PTA, Shock

Malcolm Craig

Although I won't be able to be there (the Atlantic rather inconveniently being in the way), if there's any help or materials I can offer for a|state, then please just ask. I've got a couple of con adventures and the 20 minutes demo if you'd like them.

Malcolm Craig
Contested Ground Studios

Part of the Indie Press Revolution

M Jason Parent

Toronto in Feb, eh?

How big is the con? It is a 5.5 hour drive from my home in Eastern Ontario (about as East as you can get without being in Quebec)... but I might be able to convince my gaming family to make a pilgrimage out there since we can't ever go to the one in Ottawa (only an hour away, but on a weekend that both my daughters have two Irish Dance competitions every year).
M Jason Parent
(not really an Indie publisher, but I like to pretend)

Junk Dreams Design Journal (an archive of old Junk Dreams posts)


This indie games thing may yet drag me back into the wide world of gamer society...

I've been running a lot of Dogs and Heroquest (non-Gloranthan) lately.  If you need someone to run one of those I'd be up for it.  I imagine I could work something up for a number of other games too, given a bit of lead time.

Do you have in mind 10 minute lightning demos, or longer (4 hours-ish) 'scenarios', or something else; I haven't been to a convention in a long time.

Charles Wotton
Charles Wotton


February, huh?

I may be able to be there, but I can't yet commit to running anything. I'll see how that goes in the next couple weeks.

Does the con have a website or any such so that I can find details?
- Brand Robins


Not sure how big the con is.  The website is here, but it's still mostly non-functional. 

CCW, Dogs and Hoeroquest look like the best-known indies among the local Ontario scene, so you could always just show up to play.  If you did want to run something, let me know, and I can include you on the group application. 

Malcolm, I'd love and use any support material you can give me for a|state.  I'd especially love the demo materials you used at GenCon, those were really solid, and what sold me on he game.  (you win this time, Atlantic ... but I've got my eye on you.)
Sweet Dreams - Romance, Espionage, and Horror in High School
The Big Night - children's game with puppets

In Progress:  Fingerprints
Playing:  PTA, Shock


Sure.  The group is based in York, Ontario through  It has 17 members, who discuss and play indie rpgs, especially Sorceror, Heroquest, and DitV.  I just joined the group in September when I moved to London, and have yet to meet any of the other members in person.  Erik, the group organizer, is the one putting in the group application to Pandemonium.   
Sweet Dreams - Romance, Espionage, and Horror in High School
The Big Night - children's game with puppets

In Progress:  Fingerprints
Playing:  PTA, Shock


Cool.  Do you know if there is going to be/intending to be any indie sales presence?  I'm a bit green yet to try and pull off a one-man show, especially since I won't have anything new by February, but a weekend to Toronto is much simpler and cheaper all-around than trying to get to anything in the states.


I write games. My games don't have much in common with each other, except that I wrote them.


I'll be trying to sell Sweet Dreams and The Big Night (shiny new color tBN).  That's it for sales presence as far as I know, so it would be great to present more of a range of indies for sale at the table. 
Sweet Dreams - Romance, Espionage, and Horror in High School
The Big Night - children's game with puppets

In Progress:  Fingerprints
Playing:  PTA, Shock


I too am a member of the Ontario Indie-RPG group, mentioned by Allan above.  My intent is to try to supervise (you really can't say run) a table of Capes at least once during the Con as part of our effort. 
* Want to know what your fair share of paying to feed the hungry is?
* Want to know what games I like?


One other thing; I'm not sure how any conventions are organized, but are you generally allowed to sell products from the gaming tables, or do you have to have a booth in the "great hall" or equivalent.

I would encourage the designers on the Forge to consider a small "Forge Booth" at this convention.  I think there are some of us here that would be happy to help staff it with you, and I think there is a fair amount of pent up interest in the games you are making here in Ontario.  I'm not sure how these things are arranged, though, so I will simply make it a suggestion.
* Want to know what your fair share of paying to feed the hungry is?
* Want to know what games I like?


I haven't been to Panda in years, but unless it's changed, there's a dealer's room set aside for people who want to rent table space and sell their wares. A good portion of the major gaming shops in the GTA attend each year.

Game sessions were generally structured in four-hour time slots, although pick-up games often happened outside of the various games rooms. Erik's idea of getting an indie RPG table is a good one, although I have no idea what the logistics would be to acquire such a thing. I guess all questions like that are best directed to the con organizers.



Hi all,

I have sent a message off to Eugene Fong Dere. He's co-founder of the Toronto Role-Playing Association, and is organising the D&D tables for Panda. Either he can help get a table set up, or he can point to the people who can.

I'd be happy to be involved in this. I'm pretty new to Indie games and about the only game I know well enough to run is DitV, but if you can't round up enough people, then count me in!


And I have a response!

Eugene says:

"I can arrange for you to have a table at the con, that's no prob.  And would
you be interested in running this under the TRPA banner?"