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Started by Christoffer Lernö, April 11, 2002, 11:08:43 AM

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Christoffer Lernö

I'm still trying to get the shock of losing my immense posting in a different thread out of my mind, so here is a little something meanwhile.

Note: For you who are following the Ygg discussion, this mailing doesn't mean I'm having my attention split between different projects. I just got reminded of this old old idea and wondered if there would be some merit of ever following up on it.

Setting: A near future, corruption, criminality rampant, drugs available everywhere, violence is everywhere except for the tightly guarded high class neighbourhoods. Big corps rule the day and they care nothing for the

Characters: Cops, disillusioned ex-cops, investigators, gangsters or youths growin up in a dangerous neighbourhood.

Tagline: The horrors and demons of stories like those of Lovecraft are very real, they haven't changed with time and they are still with us. Only now the word has leaked out in the street and people are using more and more in quest for riches and power. But the more people use the corrupting power of the demon world, the more the world gets tainted from its presence...

Premise: Characters try to survive in a dangerous future as they discover more and more about the true corruption of the world. Spells are extremely simple to use, just perform the proper ritual and it works, always. However there is a demonic taint to pay every time. (Players should be careful what they read on the handouts the GM gives them, a few weird syllables uttered aloud and they might have damned their character to hell for all time)

For looks and a little of the feel, think the Predator 2 movie sans the Predator stuff (just the violence, the heat, the feeling of weirdness).

Several years after I came up with the idea, Dark Conspiracy came out and I bought it in the hopes it was anything similar to my idea. Unfortunately it wasn't but superficially they share some things.

Any games with this kind of premise around? Think a cross between Call of Cthulhu and Cyberpunk with a sense of impending doom (tm) because the world is quite literally going to hell ;)

I'm not interested in the "oh you are a demon, or summon demons, fight angelse or whatever". The actual demons should be very subtle and not known to the characters at the onset of the campaigns. You grok?
formerly Pale Fire
[Yggdrasil (in progress) | The Evil (v1.2)]
Ranked #1005 in meaningful posts
Indie-Netgaming member

Jürgen Mayer

Steve Jackson was faster...
at least with the title...
Jürgen Mayer
Disaster Machine Productions

Jared A. Sorensen

Quote from: Pale FireAny games with this kind of premise around? Think a cross between Call of Cthulhu and Cyberpunk with a sense of impending doom (tm) because the world is quite literally going to hell ;)

Pale Fire:

I have to ask...and it's only because I care...

...why is this in Indie Game Design? Are you working on this game idea? Are you interested in working on this game idea? Do you have questions about designing a game based on this idea?

I'm all for people chewing on cool ideas in the forums, but there have been a lot of undercooked ones lately. I'm not sure this is the right place for out-and-out brain dumps.

Quote from: Pale FireI just got reminded of this old old idea and wondered if there would be some merit of ever following up on it.

And there's merit to every just have to work on it for awhile to see if it has merit to YOU. What *we* find worthwhile is ultimately not important. Just do it, man.

- Jared
jared a. sorensen /

Lance D. Allen

I'm going to chime in with Jared in this one.. Just do it.

But not at the expense of Ygg. When you get burned out by constantly thinking about Ygg, and this idea creeps in, pick up pen and paper (or keyboard and text file) and write. It will accomplish the dual purposes of getting this game worked on, and allowing you some recovery time so you can get back to your main focus on Ygg.

Now... either go write about this new idea, or get back on your main focus. ::smiles::
~Lance Allen
Wolves Den Publishing
Eternally Incipient Publisher of Mage Blade, ReCoil and Rats in the Walls

Christoffer Lernö

Any word on how the GURPS supplement is? I don't want to make a clone. The only reason I would work on it is if it hasn't been done before.
formerly Pale Fire
[Yggdrasil (in progress) | The Evil (v1.2)]
Ranked #1005 in meaningful posts
Indie-Netgaming member