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Sneak Peep at Trollbabe Art

Started by James V. West, May 04, 2002, 04:04:42 AM

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James V. West

I just added a couple of drawings from Ron's Trollbabe to my website. Feel free to take a look when you get the itch...

Thanks and have a better one than you did yesterday!

James V. West

Jared A. Sorensen

Nice cans, not nearly enough skin.
jared a. sorensen /

Ben Morgan

Nice work, man. I'll be putting some of mine up as soon a I get around to it; it's all I can do to just get this stuff out to Ron and Matt!. :)
-----[Ben Morgan]-----[]-----
"I cast a spell! I wanna cast... Magic... Missile!"  -- Galstaff, Sorcerer of Light

James V. West

Thanks Ben and , uh, thanks Jared.

Joe Murphy (Broin)

I don't even know what cans are. They're headphones, right?

Gorgeous art, James. Have I seen your art somewhere else? It reminds me of something I might have seen, p'raps in Whispering Vault or somesuch.


James V. West

No, Joe, Trollbabe will be my first foray into rpg illustration (not counting my own games). Thanks for the comments! I'll also have stuff in Donjon.

Ron Edwards


For anyone who's interested, Trollbabe is on schedule, playtested 'til it squeaked, and sports a huge number of illustrations from five excellent artists.

I'm really excited about this one. It's way, way different from either Sorcerer or Elfs.


Joe Murphy (Broin)


Well of *course* I'm interested. When is the PDF due to come out? And will the hardcopy be available through stores, or just at GenCon?

Incidentally, will future threads on Trollbabe be in the Adept Press forum?



Ron Edwards

Hi Joe,

The game will be available when production is done. One nice thing about PDF publishing is that I don't have to care or worry about deadlines as much. The plan has always been, "before GenCon."

It's a PDF product. A limited run of of a nice hard-copy version will be available at GenCon, and if it doesn't sell out there, then it will move via the website "as long as supplies last." I anticipate 25-40 copies total of that version, which will be, at best, a stiff-cover stapled thing, very much the Kinko's Special production value.

I do not anticipate Trollbabe being a game-store product or "book" of any kind. It's just like Elfs in that regard.

And yes, all further discussion would best be at the Adept Press forum or (with luck) in Actual Play.
