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Started by unheilig, May 29, 2002, 03:25:05 PM

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pardon ther pun, but what is the fate of wyrd?

what's going on?



Good to see ya' Tom.  How's life with Primeval?

WYRD is suffering some growing pains.  After a nice round of playtesting this winter, I discovered a lot of things that needed work.  Not in the sense that the game was unplayable, just to make it what I wanted it to be.  So I went back to the drawing board, and as of right now, I still haven't pefectly resolved a couple key issues to my liking (particularly, how to apply the effects of long-term Tragedy to a Hero without degenerating into a crunchfest, which the rules currently endorse).

A lot of people have e-mailed me to ask what John Wick's (semi?) retirement means to WYRD.  Basically, it means that the game isn't going to be in game stores any time soon, and maybe never.  However, I am committed to pursuing it as self-published venture -either electronically or in print - because it's a helluva of a lot of fun.  I won't have an ashcan at GenCon this year - I won't do that again until the rules are squeaky clean - but we have some nice Runestones (courtesty of my buddy Tom), and it be cool if we could play a few rounds at the indie games booth.

- Scott