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Distribution Question

Started by Matt Gwinn, July 11, 2002, 03:46:39 PM

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Matt Gwinn

I just received an email from Esdevium Games Limited, an RPG distributor in the UK.  One of their customers asked about Kayfabe, so they asked for my terms and such.  I'm kind of at a loss.  I hadn't given much thought to distributing, but if their is interest I should at least look into it.

Has anyone ever heard of Esdevium Games Limited?  And if so, how has working with them gone?  

I guess I just need guidance on how to go about this.

Also, will I need to get an ISBN number in order to use a dstributor?

Kayfabe: The Inside Wrestling Game
On sale now at

Eugene Zee


You really should have an ISBN if you are going to start to deal with distributors.  However, as you have printed already it might be a little late.  One suggestion might be to affix the barcode to labels and slap them on the back of your printed materials.

Distributor terms vary but the industry standard is a 60% discount from retail.  Therefore if your product is selling for $10.00 you sell it to them for $4 they sell it to the retailer for $7 (or around there) and the retailer sells it for $10.  Those terms are not exhaustive.  You may be able to get better rates based on how bad they want your product, previous sales figure or even just negotiating.
Eugene Zee
Dark Nebulae

Matt Machell

As far as I remember Esdevium Games are one of the bigger distributors in the UK. Come to think of it, they are one of the distributors my local game shop use. I think they distribute Hogshead (WHFRP, Nobilis and SLA), amongst others.


Ron Edwards

Hi Matt,

Wow. Sounds like opportunity knocking - Esdevium is a legit distributor.

Your situation is a bit tricky, and I suggest that what you really need is some good advice from a pro. The folks to talk to are:

Gareth-Michael Skarka (see his contact info here at the Forge)
Woody Eblom at Tundra Sales Organization (
Liz Fulda at the SphinxGroup (


Clinton R. Nixon

I know this is obvious, but the ability to say, "Well, I'm big in the UK," is ultra-cool, and will make the ladies swoon.

- Clinton
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games

Jake Norwood

The Esdivium guys are good chaps. They distributed The Riddle of Steel before anyone else did. Make sure that you send an invoice (a bill) along with the shipment, and to include the order number that they give you, or you won't get paid.

"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing." -R.E. Howard The Tower of the Elephant