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3x5 Index Cards for Components

Started by Alan, October 13, 2002, 06:35:04 PM

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Had my first game of Universalis yesterday ("The Ghost of Haunted Gulch").  It went really well and the new players had no problem picking up the rules.

We used 3x5 cards to record components and locations.  When you control a component, you keep the card in front of you.  At the end of the scene all cards go into the center of the table.  We had to start sorting them into stacks by location, major character, minor character.  

I also folded a card in half and wrote "Scene Framer" on it - this made a little standup sign for the framer so we don't forget who can close the scene.

- Alan
- Alan

A Writer's Blog:

Bob McNamee

One thing we did...

Pick up a pack or two of mixed color index cards.
We use the colors to sort types of components.

Pink for the Tenet Play card for the game
Green for the Location cards.
White for Characters
Yellow for Items/props
Blue for Scene information
another for all the Master components

whatever organization you need for your game.

Makes it easier to find stuff/ flip through the pre-built locations etc.
We also have the Controlling Player have the card(s) in front of them... good idea about the Framing Player card (although we have a 2 player game so its easy to remember)
Bob McNamee
Indie-netgaming- Out of the ordinary on-line gaming!

Ron Edwards


When I finally get around to playing Universalis, I plan to use the index-card method in a big, big way.
