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Riddle of Sengoku

Started by Balbinus, March 06, 2003, 11:50:03 AM

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Hi there,

RoS seems to me well suited to historical Japanese gaming.  Passions, loyalties, emphasis on skill and tactics in combat and so on.

Has anyone tried anything like this?  Coming up with background packages, weapon stats, new skills?

Magic would probably also need some adjusting, but it still strikes me as an obvious port.

AKA max


Yes.  In fact, this was my covert agenda in suggesting that Eastern materials should be eliminated from the current crop of supplements.  A second incarnation focussed on the East might be well worth doing.
Impeach the bomber boys:

"He who loves practice without theory is like the sailor who boards ship without a rudder and compass and never knows where he may cast."
- Leonardo da Vinci


We think too much alike, you and I.
AKA max


Completely agree!
I think ROS could do the Samurai game setting really well.
howlin' at midnight


Actually I started working on a Sengoku (the RPG) tRoS game.  :P  I have some style examples made out, but not much else.

Offensive Maneuvers
   Beat (0)
   Cut (0)
   Evasive Attack (1)
   Feint (v)
   Thrust (0)
Defensive Maneuvers
   Counter (2)
   Parry (0)
  snipped for shortness
Ni to Kenjutsu
Offensive Maneuvers
   Beat (1)
   Bind and Strike (1)
   Cut (0)
   Double Strike (1)
   Feint (1)
   Simultaneous Block/Strike (1)
   Thrust (0)
Defensive Maneuvers
   Counter (3)
   Expulsion (3)
   Parry (0)
  snipped for shortness

Offensive Maneuvers
   Beat (0)
   Cut (1)
   Feint (v)
   Stop Short (0)
   Thrust (0)
Defensive Maneuvers
   Counter (3)
   Parry (0)
  snipped for shortness

I think I just used some other Proficiencies and tweaked them a little bit or just copied them completely.  I have a few weapons statted out too.

Weapon   Grip, Length   ATN   DTN   Cut   Thrust
Katana   2H, long   5   7   7   ST+2   ST+1
   1H, long   6   8   8   ST+1   ST
               Does -2 damage versus metal armor.
Wakizashi   2H, short   8   5   8   ST+1   ST
   1H, short   7   6   8   ST   ST
               Does -2 damage versus metal armor.
Bokken   2H, long   5   7   7   ST+1   ST-1
   1H, long   6   8   8   ST   ST-2
Nodachi   2H, vry lng   6   8   8   ST+4   ST+1
Ninjato   2H, med   6   6   6   ST+2   ST
   1H, med   7   7   7   ST+1   ST
Tanto   1H, hand   7   7   8   ST-2   ST

I hope those format right.


Edit: They didn't.
omnia vincit amor
The Enclave


Wow! That's some good stuff there.

Any ideas about the funny wierd weapons like kusari-gama?

QuoteEdit: They didn't
Hahaha..! :-)

Sneaky Git

Quote from: EnochActually I started working on a Sengoku (the RPG) tRoS game.  :P  

Ah.  Nice of the best "historical" looks at Japan and samurai.  System sucks, though.

Sengoku TRoS would be cool.

Molon labe.
"Come and get them."

- Leonidas of Sparta, in response to Xerxes' demand that the Spartans lay down their arms.