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Function System: Designing Problems

Started by ghoest, March 02, 2003, 07:12:01 AM

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thanks alot, I'll look into it
body mind spirt remind me of an old board game I used to play called "heroquest" :)


I really appreciate your critism and I've been mauling about it all day... I'm not trying to go towards a combat orientated system, the combat system is just one thing I developed first, becuase the group I game with is vvery combat orientated... As this system progress in development I want to focus more on physical accomplishments and mental adn perhaps magical accomplishments in my modules (I'm not sure if anyone here watchs the animatrix movies but I say the newest on and just the prosspect of jumping from building top to building top by having enough concentration sounds awesome to me...  Also, if anyone wants to submit a module is always open for submissions...

As for combat system, the great thing about the function system, is that it's all modular and the combat module can be removed without hampering gameplay or messing with the core rules.... The more I think about it also, the more I want to broaden the base rules of the func system to encorporate more aspects of life and the world, not just the individual character, even though it's teh premise of all RPGs...

I have also thought about the strategy game option, but remember Dream Pod 9's sillouhete system, it sucked... (largely due to the large amount of charts and raw numbers that neeeded calculations).. I just don't like systems like that... I suppose modules could be developed to make it something like that... However, I'm not a huge wargamer and I don't think I'd do something liek that...

Mike Holmes

Quote from: ghoestAs for combat system, the great thing about the function system, is that it's all modular and the combat module can be removed without hampering gameplay or messing with the core rules....
Classic. I assume that if you had a magic system that it would be separate to start, and would be added in. Why is combat different? Why is it included to start and then can be removed? By privileging combat so, you indicate that it's somehow more important than anything not included.

QuoteThe more I think about it also, the more I want to broaden the base rules of the func system to encorporate more aspects of life and the world, not just the individual character, even though it's teh premise of all RPGs...
Sounds cool. I just think it would be coolest if it were all truely modular, and no part was more important than any other except the very basic rules for describing the world (including characters).

Here's a marketing idea for you. Give away the core for free, and sell the modules.

Just some thoughts,

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.


it wasn't that the combat system was "better" but I just had a nifty idea to work with at the beginning and I wanted to expand on it... As for marketing, everything is going for free if people want to try to sell their modules I say go ahead, but the function system is open for anyone in the game community to use and modify ( as long as they give credit and keep the base intact)
everything I make, I'll be releasing free... Also, after my Mtrix setting, I'll start making Settings that can be used with any module... which might prove difficult.. :)