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No Press RPG Anthology

Started by Luke, October 15, 2003, 06:03:29 AM

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Quote from: Rich ForestWill editors be working with the pdf submissions, or will rtf texts be requested at a later date?  I'm wondering about this because I'm really familiar with the commenting functions of microsoft word (which work with .rtf files), but I'm a bit unsure about the equivalent in Acrobat.  Is it possible to add comments easily in Acrobat?  If so, then I guess there's no problem, but if not, I imagine it will be easier for editors to add comments to .rtf files.


Ah, a professional editor! wonderful! (you hear that, guys? a professional!)

Rich, I'll make special arrangements to get you .rtf files so that you can edit them and get the comments back to the author intact.

my reason for not offering such a service: i didn't expect anyone to know how to use this function.

thanks for volunteering to help!
i'll let you know when we get any submissions.

publish or perish.


umm...I know how to do commenting in word too. As well as tables of contents, indexes, etc.  I edited in grad school - that means I'm semi-professional, right? ;)

Aidan Grey

Crux Live the Abnatural

Rich Forest

Thanks for clearing that up Luke--and thanks for the vote of confidence :)  I'd only consider myself a somewhat experienced editor, since it's not my main source of income, but I do like the ring of "professional," so I won't protest too much.  I'll be looking forward to seeing the submissions.  

Everybody, it's time to submit those manuscripts!  I know I'm looking forward to reading them.  Now that Luke's taken on the responsibility for this collection, it looks like it'll actually happen this time around.  


Daniel Solis

One last question before I submit my piece: Should we use some sort of notation to indicate heading levels?
¡El Luchacabra Vive!
Meatbot Massacre
Giant robot combat. No carbs.


Quote from: gobiOne last question before I submit my piece: Should we use some sort of notation to indicate heading levels?

ok, if you are going to submit an "unstyled" piece and need to indicate headings, bold face and italics in the manuscript please use the following:

note these after the appropriate item
Chapter/Section Head: <Head>
Sub Section Head: <Subhead>
and for more detail: <SubSub>

Burning Wheel follows the above style and it seems to work well enough.

put tags around any body copy that needs styling:
Bold: < b > word or phrase < b >
Italics: < i > word or phrase < i >

If you need tables created for your piece please make a note in your submission/manuscript and contact me privately about it.


Rich Forest

Luke and I have been talking a bit about editing in private messaging, and some things came up that he rightfully mentioned should be posted for the game authors to see.

Let's pick up where Luke said:
Quotebtw, ideally i'd like you to make the comments and have the author make the actual edits (not me). we'll see how this goes. it might add way too much time.
Here's my response, and what he thought would be useful for folks to know:
QuoteYeah, I definitely expect the authors to make their own edits. That's essential. I suspect you'll already have plenty of work on your hands, without that kind of thing as well. And actually, coming from a teaching background, I tend to edit more like a teacher than an editor sometimes--asking lots of pointed questions, offering ideas/suggestions/examples, etc., but letting the original author make the final decisions and changes.

Except for the final proofreading session. Then I just clean up errors. I'll plan on doing an "initial edit" to return to the authors for revision at least once, followed by a "final proofread." I'll have read all the submissions at least twice (and probably more times, actually) before they are ready for printing/layout. My name will be in there too, so errors reflect on me as much as anyone else--I'm a perfectionist when it comes to things like that. Plus, I want to make sure the Forge and these games are presented in the best possible light.
That's how I approach editing/proofreading, and I think it's useful for people to be aware of what their getting into.  The authors will be expected to do the heavy lifting on revising their own work.  Also, if we have multiple editors/proofreaders, everyone who is involved will need to do some norming, I suspect, and someone will have to be ultimately responsible for a "final proofread" for consistency purposes.  We can work these things out among the editors when the submissions start appearing.    


Jonathan Walton

This sounds like a great plan.  In fact, it'll probably work as a good general editing strategy.  This means that any half-baked idea will get weeded out by either the writer deciding not to put in enough effort to get it print-worthy or having them make revisions until it's not a half-baked idea anymore.  Much more pro-active then just telling people "no."  In fact, sounds like a nice way to get free editing... :)