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Recruiting for a PTA game on

Started by Danny_K, February 23, 2005, 03:01:19 AM

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Matt, I hope you don't mind me posting this on your board -- feel free to delete it if you think it's inappropriate.  

I've never had as much trouble getting an online Indie game started as with PTA.   I'm making one more try to get a critical mass of players together (i.e. two or three) on the Play by Post forum at  

I'd like to create a show dealing with criminals in some way -- a Mafia setting works for me, but I'm willing to go with anything from capers to a drug ring to supervillains in the bad part of Metropolis.  

If you're interested, come check out the recruitment threat at

(If you're not an member, free registration is required to access that forum.)
I believe in peace and science.


Hey, I got players!  And as usual, there's more great ideas for shows that can be reasonably managed.  For anyone interested, the thread is
I believe in peace and science.