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[DexCon 8] Discussion dinner, anyone?

Started by Andrew Morris, May 19, 2005, 02:26:12 PM

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Andrew Morris

I'll be attending DexCon 8, and I wanted to find out if anyone's interested in getting together for a discussion dinner on either Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.

Here's what I'm thinking: we take a break from the convention for an hour or two and go to a local restaurant for some grub and general, informal gaming conversation and discussion. Since I'm local, I'll be happy to coordinate this and provide transportation (for up to four others).

What I need to know is:

1. Who's interested?
2. What day and/or time works best for everyone?
3. Does anyone have a special diet that needs to be considered?
4. Who needs a ride?

Feel free to reply here or by PM, if you prefer. Assuming there's enough interest, I'll work out the details and let everyone know.
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That would be great...Friday works best for me.  We could go to someplace nice in New Brunswick like Rafferty's or Tumulty's, if either is still there.  

-- Bill

Andrew Morris

Glad to hear you're in, Bill. If you're referring to Old Man Rafferty's and Tumulty's Pub, then yes, they're still around. There's also a Houlihan's right near the hotel.
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