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Success to Dice ratios

Started by tj333, May 20, 2005, 04:37:54 AM

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HereticalFaction, this is encouraging to see your enthusiasm for my project. I'm working on the escalating effect on this and I am having the player need a separate resource (gained through getting hit) to pull off the super/secret moves that is gained during a fight.

Yeah, you can get the ratios for defence or attacks. Now that I have this ready to go I'm working on banging out the rest of the combat system.

You got me thinking of maybe some kind of risk factor that goes down during the fight so you can try your super move near the start but later in the fight its less likely to hurt you. Yeah that has a good feel to it there.

I'm just coming to the end of my 2 week London/Endinburgough vacation I'll be back to working on this and should have something to test for the rest of the combat near the end of the month.