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DexCon flyer

Started by Andrew Morris, July 05, 2005, 05:21:16 PM

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Andrew Morris

I seem to remember someone discussing a flyer with the IGE games listed on it, but I can't seem to find anything. Is anyone putting something like this together?

I know I see people at conventions, and I'd love to just hand them a sheet with all the indie games' timeslots listed, and encourage them to attend some indie events.
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Yeah, I started working on it over the weekend.  I'll probably have something for people to look at and constructively critique by this afternoon.
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Andrew Morris

Excellent. I do love pimping the indie games, and something like that would be really useful.
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If somebody with superior search-Fu can point me to the "What are Indie Games" explanation I remember folks working on a while ago, that would help too.  I'm hoping to put together a second flyer about Indie Games generally, and I don't feel obliged to reinvent the wheel.  Plus, I'd probably get the wheel wrong.
Just published: Capes
New Project:  Misery Bubblegum


Okay, I have an Interior and Exterior for a tri-fold flyer for IGE.  What do people think?
Just published: Capes
New Project:  Misery Bubblegum

Rob Donoghue

Rob Donoghue
<B>Fate</B> -

Andrew Morris

This is just what I was looking for. Here's my quick first impressions:

1. In the second sentence of the "Learn what you've been missing" section, maybe change the first half to something like "The one thing the all have in common is that...." Otherwise, it might come off as a negative.

2. No need to capitalize the first use of "games" in the first paragraph of the "Learn what you've been missing" section. Likewise for "indie game" in the second para.

3. Some of the scheduled event boxes seem a bit cramped.

4. It seems odd that some boxes say "run by the creator" and others just say "by the creator."

5. In the MLwM box, change "O" to "Oh."

6. In the WGP... box, transpose the end quote and comma.

7. The border lines are distracting and don't match with the fold lines.

8. In the price list, it might be a good idea to note those games and supplements which are d20. Also, including the games that are not yet in print seems strange. Will the WGP... Interim Edition not be for sale? I haven't been following the development, but Michael had these for sale at Dreamation.

9. In the "Play the games you've heard about" section, "indie games" should be lowercase. In the same section, the ellipsis [...] should either have no space before it and after it, or spaces before and after -- it's a style choice.

10. The section sizing and placements seem to be off -- when you fold it up like a trifold, the folds go through the sections.

That's all that jumps out at me on first glance. About how many of these do you think should be there? I'd be happy to bring a stack of my own, and others probably would as well.

[Edited to add:]
Oh, yeah, and the days don't seem to separate themselves visually. Also, noting a.m. or p.m. on the times would help figure things out quickly.
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1-6, 8, 9:  Yep.  I'll take a look at those.  Thanks for the help!

7, 10:  I would assume that this is a question of your printer (or perhaps Acrobat), since when I print them on my home printer they trifold precisely along the border lines.

I went out and bought a pastel printer-paper sampler, which has 100-page batches in various colors.  I figured I'd pick the likeliest color and print 100 copies to bring around.  I think that'll be enough.  I also got some tri-fold display stands on the cheap from Staples.

I really think that Staples pushes people to think/realize that they can do these sort of projects at a reasonable price.  There are worse things.
Just published: Capes
New Project:  Misery Bubblegum

Andrew Morris

Quote from: TonyLB7, 10:  I would assume that this is a question of your printer (or perhaps Acrobat), since when I print them on my home printer they trifold precisely along the border lines.
Fair enough. I'm actually not using Acrobat at the moment, since I'm at work, and my Mac doesn't have it installed. I'll try it at home and see how it works using Acrobat and a different printer. I did try it on two different laser printers here in the office, though, and they both came out the same way.
Download: Unistat

Michael S. Miller

Tony, this looks great. Thanks for doing this. Couple comments:

Quote from: Andrew Morris
5. In the MLwM box, change "O" to "Oh."

Don't make this change. It's archaic usage. Just like the Master. "O, woe is me!" kind of thing.

Quote8. In the price list, it might be a good idea to note those games and supplements which are d20. Also, including the games that are not yet in print seems strange. Will the WGP... Interim Edition not be for sale? I haven't been following the development, but Michael had these for sale at Dreamation.

Nope. I'm not selling them any more. BTW, is it true that Polaris and TMW are going to miss GenCon by one month exactly (9/18/05 is Sept. 18) or is that just a typo? In the final analysis, please put WGP... down for 08/18/05. It'll be at GenCon by hook or by crook.
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Is the vocative construction considered archaic these days?  I know it gets confused with the interjection "Oh!" a lot, but it's still separate gramar.  i.e. "O for a muse of whatever" is proper vocative, a sentence on its own (without need of a verb), whereas "Oh, a muse of whatever" is an interjection plus a noun phrase, and therefore a sentence fragment.

This is what happens when you start kids on latin at too early an age people.  Be warned.

Anyway, I've got updates of the Interior and Exterior, and barring anyone spotting something critically wrong, I'm planning to print a hundred copies all nice and pretty, and bring them around.  In addition to spreading the word, that'll give folks at the booth instant access to a schedule and a price list (both things that we worked up in situ at Dreamation).

Five days!  Six for all the sane people who are skipping wednesday.  I'm so excited!
Just published: Capes
New Project:  Misery Bubblegum


It looks solid, Tony.

Can't wait to see you all.